
  1. Diana Hollis

    Closed Chasing the Truth

    Diana's holidays hadn't been bad. It had been quite nice to meet her baby sister, at least... until she had started to cry a lot during the night. Diana wasn't a big fan of that, but she had gotten her dad to put a silencing charm on her bedroom door in the evenings and that had helped. She had...
  2. Alice Briar

    Open Fresh Pink Blush

    ((Yellow rose, open after Emzies, @Shane Ackley )) Alice didn't really know the next person on her list very well, but she knew who he was. The boy was an older Hufflepuff, and she was sure Diana had mentioned him once or twice before getting together with her current boyfriend. She had heard...
  3. Rose Holland

    Open Cryptic Content

    ((Yellow rose, open after Emzies)) The next person on Rose's list of roses was a boy in one of the lower years. He was a Hufflepuff, and she had to ask quite a few people if they had seen him before she had any idea where he was. In the process, she learned how to pronounce his name. Rose made...
  4. Diana Hollis

    Open Stars Keep Blazing

    ((open after Emzies posts with Simon)) Diana had looked forward to this dance for what felt like ages. Finally, she would be at the Valentine's dance with a proper date. Her boyfriend, Simon Vanity. She had been careful not to let the boy see it, but she was still a little bit awed that he was...
  5. Professor Adorah Zumwalt

    Closed Breakfast with the Big

    Adorah finished combing her hair and began to braid it as she sat on her bed. She was meeting her Heta Omega Big for breakfast this Sunday morning. It was the first time they would really have a conversation outside of their first meeting of the year. She looked in the mirror and thought she...
  6. Leda Layton

    Closed Getting Lucky

    (Set Week 4 of S1 Y33) Leda could feel it. Feel it in her bones that luck was most definitely on her side since her Potions class. After taking Felix Felicis in Professor Mowry's lesson, she was definitely going to make good use of her fortune. The young Slytherin still needed to make her mark...
  7. Diana Hollis

    Open Showing You Off

    Diana had really looked forward to this night. She still couldn't quite believe Simon Vanity had asked her to the yule ball. Of course, she wasn't going to show that she couldn't quite believe it. She would stand by his side in full confidence, as if she didn't think she had gotten quite lucky...
  8. Sydney Townsend

    Closed All That Glitters

    Sydney had been planning this for months, when it was just a seed of an idea when she'd seen Eric at school at the start of the year, to now. She'd never forgiven him for his insults during their first meeting, and now it was her turn to finally make sure everyone else was aware of just how...
  9. Violet Fields

    Are you my best friend?

    On an ordinary spring day like this, Vi decided to adventure out of the dungeons and get some needed fresh air. She could use it and maybe some time under the sun. She was looking rather pale lately and was wishing she wasn't sorted into Slytherin in her first year. But then she takes that...
  10. Emilia Manning

    Open The Attraction of Opposites

    Emilia felt good about her costume tonight. It was great to match with Derek, and she had taken a lot of care with her hair and makeup today too. The girl reminded herself to keep her back straight and her chin up as she entered the great hall with her boyfriend. At an event like this, it was...
  11. Fleur van Houten

    Closed Early Spring Sunshine

    Fleur always loved exploring the Hogwarts grounds, and she didn't think she was going to get tired of that. She met cool people and saw awesome things outside, and just enjoyed being in nature. She most loved going into the forest, but while she cast a longing glance to the trees a few times...
  12. Stella Wright

    Stars Fallen

    Stella had never been so unhappy in her life. Her anger had abated over the holidays, and now what was left was mostly sorrow. Zoe, her Zoe - the moon in her sky, who like the moon had changed and circled but always returned to her - her Zoe was lost to her. And it was her fault. Stella...
  13. Mordred Cavanaugh

    Closed We Meet Again, Friend!

    Mordred zoomed into the air on his brand new Scarlet Streak. The boy was happy that he had bought it. He had talked to Aonghas earlier telling the Hufflepuff to meet him at the Quidditch Pitch, since they had both tried out for their respective Quidditch teams. He honestly just wanted to spend...
  14. Jatin Tiwari

    Closed It's Time..

    Jatin Tiwari was having a great time at Hogwarts New Zealand. He loved everything about magic so far. He did not understand why Kishen was so negative though. Kishen had already begun to scold him about doing good in his classes and not being something worth throwing away. Jatin personally found...
  15. Diana Hollis

    Open Darkened Corridors

    Diana Holland had a walk that implied she owned the school, and that was how she felt. She was a fourth year now, which meant she officially was no longer one of the younger students at the school. No longer would anyone even think she was, perhaps, a first year. In fact, first years would...
  16. Nova Valtoria

    Open That's Wizard's Chess!

    (Open after Emzies) Nova's mother barely had enough money to purchase anything else after all the things they had to get for this school, but along with her mon's new job, and not having to pay for Nova's food for nearly a year, her mother got Nova one of the best birthday presents she had ever...
  17. Charlotte Harper

    Closed Studying with a Twist

    Charlotte spend most of her time in the library, where she could study. Charlotte wanted to be prepared for anything and she was doing good this second semester of this year. The blonde hoped to defeat her rival Simon. They mostly did a competition who was the best, and Charlotte wanted nothing...
  18. Jasper Night

    Closed The Heart of a Snake

    Jasper was giddy with excitement as he made his way along the corridor with Blake by his side. Tyler was somewhere behind them, and Jasper didn't really know why he came along. This plan was his and Blake's, and it was going to be exciting. Tyler seemed like the type of person who hated...
  19. April Ward

    Closed Different but the Same

    April had gone to Brightstone village countless of times, and she was sure she had wandered the streets of the town with Norton before. But now that they were... together, it felt different. It was a date, which was new to April. But after a few first awkward moments, the two had settled into...
  20. April Ward

    Open A Bright Spark

    April was nervous. But excited! But nervous. She and Norton had had their first sort-of-date at the yule ball, but it had been awkward because they hadn't really talked about their feelings. Now they had, and they had even kissed. So April thought things might be a little less weird. She was...