biweekly update

  1. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Good evening. I hope that you are all well and have had a good week/month/year so far, cant you believe that time has gone so fast not only are we well and truly into June (Hello winter) but we have also made it though the madness that was May. and for that you should give yourself a pat on the...
  2. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Good evening, good evening. Welcome to the bi-weekly update. If you are like me and have been busy the last couple of weeks over the easter break, here is your one-stop catch-up. If you used the time off to catch up on HNZ, here is a summary of what happened. Week Six Can you believe it, it's...
  3. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Biweekly update

    Good evening, Good evening Good evening and welcome to another episode of BWU (bonus points if you read that in Steven Fry's voice). I know it hasn't been quite biweekly but the update took a break over the holidays. so now we have a whole month to catch up on. I will give you a second to sit...
  4. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Hello, and welcome to the Biweekly Update. Your fortnightly source of information on the goings on on the site. While it is rare to have a quiet fortnight this week, there seems to be a lot going on. So, without further ado, let's get to it. Week 5 I say this every time. But where has the...
  5. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    The Bi-Weekly Update

    Hello, Welcome to the fortnightly update. I hope you are all well and taking some time to chill out this weekend. End of semester Wow, didn't semester one fly past so quickly? Well done to all students who did classes and a huge thank you to all of the professors for all the time and effort put...
  6. Cyndi Kingsley

    Bi-weekly Update

    It's time for another BWU! Hope you enjoy the catch up of what has been going on around the site. ^_^ Break Week That's right! Tomorrow, we head into break week/revision week/go crazy with catch up week/insert your fancy title for what this week is. By now, all lessons should be posted so we...
  7. Cyndi Kingsley

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Are you ready for a jam packed BWU? Yes? Great! Y44 is underway! Y44 begins tomorrow, officially, though many items are already up and moving along. For example, the gradebook is already available for 3rd years and above to sign up for classes (1st & 2nd years get automagically signed up...
  8. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Bi-weekly Update

    Welcome to the Bi-weekly update. My name is Mia, and I will be taking you through what is happening around the site this fortnight. Quidditch Congratulations to Hufflepuff who beat Slytherin in the second match of the HNZ season. Despite the somewhat short game, both teams managed to get points...
  9. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Biweekly update

    *insert air hostess voiceover voice* Good day. Everyone and welcome to the next BWU, my name is Mia, and I will be your guide today. We will have a wander through IC and OOC updates before having a look at some highlights for your time here and what you can look forward to in the coming weeks...
  10. Stefan Archer

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Hello hello! Welcome to this BWU and the first of this brand new IC year! We've a number of things to get to so let's just get started Semester 1 Begins! As of today we are offically now in the new semester. This is week 1, so the opportunity to try and get on top of things and stay on top. For...
  11. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Hello Welcome to the first Bi-weekly update of may. Happy May Day and for those of you who have a long weekend enjoy and just pretend this was posted on time. Elections Debate 2 is well underway. this debate focuses on education so see what the candidates think of students accessing the...
  12. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Bi-Weekly update

    Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Welcome to the next biweekly update. there is a lot going on around the site. so buckle your seatbelts, get a cup of tea/coffee/beverage of your choice, and let's get to it. End of semester. Exams are over and as Y40 comes to a close there is a lot...
  13. Monty Pendleton

    Bi-Weekly Update!

    Hello wonderful people!!! You might have noticed it's been a little longer than usual since we posted an update (or maybe you didn't and I shouldn't have said anything :r ), but we're back now and excited to share four weeks' worth of news!!! :party: :party: Sooo let's get started! Exams Around...
  14. Cyndi Kingsley

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Hello everyone! We've got a BWU chock full of information. Please give it a read! Week 3 starts tomorrow! We are heading into week three tomorrow. Hope you've been keeping up with lessons! :r Valentine's Day events! 💕 Hearts and roses abound in the Great Hall as the Valentine's Dance is...
  15. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Bi-Weekly update

    Hello and welcome to the next BWU. we are rapidly approaching the end of the semester so hold onto your hats we have a lot to cover Hufflepuff beat Ilvermorny Quite literally. A big well done to all players it was a bit of a blood bath of a match with Hufflepuff taking out three Ilvermorny...
  16. Daisy Parker-Taylor

    The Bi-Weekly Update

    Hello lovelies and welcome to another Bi Weekly Update! I have no idea how we have managed to get to the end of September already but alas, here we are! Week 3! This week brings us into Week 3, so make sure you're keeping up to date with those classes to avoid the last minute rush at the end of...
  17. Nicolas King

    The Bi-Weekly Update

    It's September! :frantics: I hope that you're ready for the end of Summer/Winter, and for all the related changes that means for you in your locale/stage of life! As for us, the wizarding world keeps on turning! It's a new semester! Semester 2 has begun, and with it has come the closing of...
  18. Cyndi Kingsley

    The Bi-weekly Update

    Oh boy did we get a lot of rain this weekend with Tropical Storm Henri. Hope you all had a much more dry weekend. Here's some other more pertinent updates. :p Semester 1 is in the books! We've all made it through another semester! The holiday forums have been opened to enjoy some roleplays...
  19. Daisy Parker-Taylor

    Bi-Weekly Update!

    Hello and welcome to another BWU! There's a bit to cover in this one, so grab a cuppa ( and have a read! Sorting! Sorting is all done! The Sorting Hat has retired for another year of sleeps (what a dream). Along with two transfers and an exchange student, here are our...
  20. Cyndi Kingsley

    Bi-Weekly Update

    It's my turn for another BWU. I'm a little short on time, so I hope you don't mind if I just get right to it! :) Lesson Info Can you believe it? It's true though. We ask all professors to make sure they are grading ongoing and getting those lessons up on time. That and more is mentioned in...