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  1. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Closed something to tell you

    Kelsey looked at the dinner she'd made up, she liked the look of it. Now with Elio in school and she home from Spain (after having to deal with her parents) she was able to settle in properly. She hadn't liked having to send Elio to school after spending the last five years homeschooling him...
  2. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Duty Calls

    Kelsey was back in New Zealand after a long absence and she was now planning to stay. She'd gone on a pub tour for a while with her sister and she hadn't heard anything from her brother in ages. She worried about him for a long time, but she figured he was just on his own journey, a journey she...
  3. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart


    Hey guys! It's been over a month since I posted my absence. I fully intended to be back within a week of posting it, but wow, things just piled up on top of each other and I didn't get the chance to return. I was online once or twice but not for long and I barely got anything done. I want to...
  4. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Y22 Hufflepuff Quidditch Tryouts

    Kelsey was in her last year of Hogwarts. The last thing she was expected to be given, was the title of Quidditch Captain. She knew that Ai was her friend and that she was the eldest on the team, but still, it was definitely unexpected. She was pretty happy though. She liked being Quidditch...
  5. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    A Time For Action

    Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart was thrilled that her boyfriend was coming to stay for the holidays. She liked being able to spend time with Ferdinand after all. He was tonnes of fun and his family were so nice. She liked his parents a lot and she had enjoyed her time with them before. It had taken a...
  6. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Heartfelt Apologies

    Kelsey trudged to the Hospital Wing, still wiping tears from her eyes. She was still upset about the thing with the rats and she was shocked that Abel would do something like that to her. She thought that they were friends, she thought that friends didn't do this kind of thing to each other, so...
  7. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    One Way or Another

    Kelsey was terribly excited. After many hours of debate with her parents, they had finally, if not reluctantly agreed to let her stay at her boyfriends house in New Zealand for a couple of days. The condition was that she was not to be left alone with him for more then a couple of minutes...
  8. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    The Ragged Sky

    Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart streaked from one end of the Quidditch pitch to the other repeatedly. She was angry. So angry. She hadn't really ever been angry before, sad? Sure, happy? Always, confused? often. but never angry. This was new, definitely new. She sighed and stopped dead in the middle of...
  9. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Flower Child

    Kelsey Boneheart was finally finished with all of her exams and she could happily relax. Exams were something she just did not like at all. Hogwarts was a school, but did that really mean that they had to have an exam for everything? Pip certainly didn't think so. Sometimes she had to wonder...
  10. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Splendrillia eburnea

    The sky was overcast for the first time since Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart had gotten to the country. She was alittle disappointed to be perfectly honest. Though it didn't mean she would not be outside. There was a lesser chance that she could get sunburnt now. Of course she had heard that when the...
  11. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Do you think they have Mermaids down there?

    It was another lovely day as Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart walked around the grounds of Hogwarts New Zealand. Her mother had written to her asking what school was like, but seeing as classes hadn't even started yet, she hadn't really had anything to write back, so she was just going to wait until she...
  12. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    A bed of roses;

    Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart was extremely excited to finally be at Hogwarts! She could honestly not be any more excited than she was right now. Kieran was here at school with her and she was very excited about his house. Classes would be starting soon she was sure and she couldn't wait for those...
  13. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    ( kelsey a. boneheart ) ELEVENHUFFLEPUFFHOGWARTSENERGETICBLONDE OTHER HALF they've got you movin' to the city, oh my, you think you're loo DRUG BUDDY kin' pretty. but they've got their pistols, too, tucked down be SECRET FRIEND neath their shoe. it's a new sensation. world annihilation. FAKE...
  14. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    K E L S E Y ✻ A R I YA H ✻ B O N E H E A R T KELSEY; ‘VICTORY SHIP’ ✻ ARIYAH; ‘LIONESS OF GOD’ "a k i s s f r o m t h e s u n t h a t n e v e r s l e e p s" House: [Hufflepuff] | Wand: [Coconut and Star Dust] | Age: [Forty Three] LINKS & AUTHOR NOTE Theme // Biography // Aesthetic //...
  15. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Character Shipping

    So in shouty Tenile, myself and Mel managed to make some pretty cool names, we want to see what you guys can come up with. Rules Has to be current members, so for example, no Andromeda Fiorelli.</LI> [li]Any group can be used, auror, De, Professor any. [li]They don't have to be in a...
  16. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart


    The weather was definately on the side of the Canon's as the team made their way onto the pitch. The wind was only blowing slightly to the south, which put the Chudley Canon's in a good position. From the Box seats, at the top most shire, little Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart sat hands pulled into her...
  17. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Full Name: Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart Name Meanings: Kesley: Island of the Ships. Ariyah: Melody Boneheart: Boney Hearted Nicknames: Pip, Kels Name Origins: Kelsey: Old Norse; Irish Ariyah: Italian Boneheart: English Pip: Shortening of Pipsqueak Kels: Shortening of Kelsey Date of Birth: July...
  18. Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

    Resized Avii/Gif Please [C] I would be greatful to anyone who can resize that Avii/Gif, thanks.