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  1. Horror Zhefarovich

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice S1/Y48

    Slytherin,Practice Horror Zhefarovich looked around the pitch when he got there, a little bit early. It was expected considering that he was now captain until his final year. Then he might take someone under his wing, or just throw someone under the knight bus. Who knew. The weather was cloudy...
  2. Horror Zhefarovich

    Y48 Slytherin Quidditch Try Outs

    Horror Zhefarovich was leading the team on his own this time, which he felt was a little odd. Whatever, he was not going to complain about it. He did not mind the extra responsibility. He did not have anything else right now going on anyway. He put up flyers to let the students of Slytherin knew...
  3. Horror Zhefarovich

    Closed Once upon a midnight dreary

    The night air was chilly, but Spring was upon the school. Horror Zhefarovich hated this sort of weather, which was why he invited Astraea Vale out to the very same spot where he had once made her smile. He sent her a rose before, and knew that there would be a conversation about it sometime...
  4. Horror Zhefarovich

    Closed Never met

    Horror Zhefarovich had a lot on his mind, and for a good reason. He took up all the electives, so his personal time was running a little on the low side. He also played Quidditch on the house team, and though his position meant that he could probably read and still do a good job, it was not...
  5. Horror Zhefarovich

    Closed Catching up

    Horror Zhefarovich waited until it was dusk to invite Astraea Vale out to the cliffs to talk. It was forbidden, for one, and soon, curfew would be around and then they would be out after dark. It was an ideal area to chat, and to see what all happened over the break. It was possible that she...
  6. Horror Zhefarovich

    Closed To the bottom of this

    Astraea Vale made him wonder if he, Horror Zhefarovich, should care about the entire pink rose with no note thing. It never bothered him - in fact, he forgot all about it until he entered the school once more. Now, it was just annoying to think about. Horror made his way out to the courtyard and...
  7. Horror Zhefarovich

    Closed Is it worth it?

    Horror Zhefarovich decided to head to the Quidditch pitch since he was unsure if he wanted to try out for Quidditch this year or not. He knew that his twin would be, but would it be worth it for him to try out as well? Horror walked to the middle of the Quidditch pitch with his broom over his...
  8. Horror Zhefarovich

    Closed Wrong...Again

    It was such a good day to be outside. The clouds covered the sun entirely, and it was feeling a little warm. Horror Zhefarovich had on his school uniform, but lacked the robes. Now that he was pushing over five and a half feet tall, he knew that before too long, he would be taller than his own...
  9. Horror Zhefarovich

    🌹 Rose Giving Artificial Red

    Horror knew this one as his last. The one that organized this mess. He approached Salem and had a red rose for her. "Saved the best for last, I guess." @Salem Lee
  10. Horror Zhefarovich

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Lights

    Horror knew this one only by name. Nolan Burke, prefect. He made his way down the Hufflepuff table, asking a first year to point him out. He saw the lad, and approached, "Nolan Burke, I assume?" @Nolan Burke
  11. Horror Zhefarovich

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Ledbetter

    Horror finally knew this one. Little guy. Another Hufflepuff. Horror sought him out and took a hot minute before he found the Hufflepuff. "Brambleheart, got something for you." @Oswald Brambleheart
  12. Horror Zhefarovich

    🌹 Rose Giving Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

    Horror wondered if he would ever get a name that he would actually know. Or pronounce. He had to ask a few Hufflepuffs who this might be because the name just screamed Hufflepuff. One was kind enough to point her out so he managed to catch her before she went to a class. "Hey, Niamh Eriksen."...
  13. Horror Zhefarovich

    🌹 Rose Giving Four Pink Wails

    Horror was not sure why this guy would be in the dungeons, but eh, as soon as he knew from description. Ravenclaw. Looked like a know it all but not someone to shove another's face in it. Sooner or later, he found the third year, but he still asked with some uncertainty, "Emmanual Okoye?"...
  14. Horror Zhefarovich

    🌹 Rose Giving Mellow Yellow

    Horror only knew this one by his twin. So, he approached the Gryffindor in question, and held his hand up to stop her. "Hey, Snowdrop. I got something for you." @Snowdrop Chase
  15. Horror Zhefarovich

    🌹 Rose Giving Pink Triangle

    Horror hated his life when he lost a bet to Astraea so he had to deliver roses. The first one he had was pink. He managed to grab a Gryffindor to let him know who this one was, before approaching. "Soren Gates, Gryffindor?" @Soren Gates
  16. Horror Zhefarovich

    Old School Week I open the door to Heaven and Hell

    Horror Zhefarovich decided to make somewhat of a statement with the Yule Ball. Dressed in rather casual wear, he had his friend @Astraea Vale with him, which was not unusual. As soon as he entered, he groaned. "This is absolutely hideous."
  17. Horror Zhefarovich

    Closed Far from the dungeons

    Horror Zhefarovich made his way out of the towers and decided to take a break. This was close to Gryffindor, from what he was told. Not a bad house but he would not be in it. It did not run in his immediate family, even though his eyes almost matched the color. With the exception of that purple...
  18. Horror Zhefarovich

    Closed Listening in

    Horror Zhefarovich decided to test some boundaries today. So, it was almost evening, when students could be found eating or finishing up in the Great Hall. Instead, Horror decided to see if there was anyone patrolling the Forbidden Forest. He even sat down on the edge, staring inside of it to...
  19. Horror Zhefarovich

    Closed Perfect, cloudy day

    Horror Zhefarovich thought about buying himself a broom, which he almost did not until the very last minute when his dad gave him enough galleons to get one. Since Terror got one, Chaos felt that it was unfair for one to have a broom and not the other. So, Horror got himself an Amethyst streak...
  20. Horror Zhefarovich

    Horror Wrath Zhefarovich

    HORROR WRATH ZHEFAROVICH BASICS FULL NAME Horror Wrath Zhefarovich Name Number 6 Personality Number 9 Heart's Desire Number 6 Expression Number 4 PRONUNCIATION HORR-uh rath ZEH-faro-vic ETYMOLOGY Horror means "an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust" Wrath means "extreme...