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  • Users: Padme Hume
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  1. Padme Hume

    Open Comparisons

    Padme had been thinking about Ilija as she’d been getting ready. Really her experiences with him and their relationship was so long ago now that it wasn’t really worth considering but as this was the last celebration before graduation it was just sitting on her mind. She was looking at herself...
  2. Padme Hume

    Open Warm Yules

    Padme had bought this dress for the last yuleball but obviously getting into Hogwarts Scotland had meant that she hadn't worn it. She had managed to fit it in well, but she was a little taller than she had been when she'd first bought it, but as Padme looked in the mirror she had thought it...
  3. Padme Hume

    Open Snacks and a Show

    Padme had stopped trying to get dates for this events, she didn’t need one, and she could deal with a little lonely. It would be fine. She could handle that. The teen was dressed for the event, she wasn’t too much of a dress girl but she still dressed up when the occasion and was getting herself...
  4. Padme Hume

    Open Harmony

    Padme was a little jealous of all the girls and boys in the clubs who had gotten paired up, she’d never been a part of the heta omega, had never really wanted to but now, now she was beginning to regret that decision just a little. She wanted to just have someone to go with but she never had...
  5. Padme Hume

    Open The Village People

    Padme had dressed in really simple beige clothing, she had decided to come as one of the village people. Which she knew a lot of people might not get. She just had some very plain clothing and decided to lean a little into it. It was just the easiest costume that she could throw together without...
  6. Padme Hume

    Open Solitary Evening Walks

    Padme was enjoying being back at school, it was a calm and quiet part of her life. She was always a little disappointed at her lack of friends, she hadn’t quite made the die hard friendship her brother had made and leia too seemed to have managed just fine, or it at least felt like she had...
  7. Padme Hume

    Closed Sitting on Some Steps

    Padme’s mood had really bounced back since the dada classes. She could admit she had generally been feeling a bit low, Jace was busy and she didn't have many others to spend the time with. She had never really been bothered by loneliness before, her time before Hogwarts hadn’t exactly been...
  8. Padme Hume

    Closed Quidditch Air

    Padme hadn’t been enjoying the semester much, it had been nice to go to the ball with Jace but there were just so many things she wasn’t enjoying, primarily that she just found herself without so many friends. She didn’t need to be popular but it would be nice to just have more. She didn’t have...
  9. Padme Hume

    Open No Roses

    Padme hadn't expected to get any roses, but still, it had been a little saddening to actually not get any. She knew that she lack the friend groups to be able to get one, but still. She had watched others, in the great hall, in between classes receive roses and she had held out for one but...
  10. Padme Hume

    Old School Week Old Yearbooks

    Padme had come to the library, the girl had been curious about the yearbooks, and knew from her brother that there were old versions, from as far back as the start of the school. But went to Year 31, when she knew her brother had been a first year, and began flicking through the old yearbook.
  11. Padme Hume

    Old School Week Spell Practice

    Padme was determined to get better at spell casting, so she went to the duelling chamber and got one of the dummies she could practice on. She held her wand and then after a little moment where she let herself relax, cast, "Stupefy," on it. She would practice her spells for as long as she could...
  12. Padme Hume

    Open Just Casually

    Asking Sierra to the dance on the back of one kiss had been a bit of an impulse decision, but not one she was upset about making. Sierra seemed fun, and she didn’t seem like the sort of person who was looking for much, so Padme felt safe in the knowledge this could be a one time thing. That they...
  13. Padme Hume

    Closed A Dance With Me?

    Padme had been giving a lot of thought, she wasn’t sure why it elt like a good idea, she didn’t really know the girl but she knew enough about herself that this felt like a good idea. There were a number of problems, and mostly they stemmed from the fact that other than knowing which house she...
  14. Padme Hume

    Open Fun House Mirrors

    Padme headed into the great hall, she hadn’t bothered with a costume, feeling a little nervous about wearing something and so was there purely to just be able to have a little bit of fun, and that was what she was determined to do. She knew that it would be good to be more involved, to do more...
  15. Padme Hume

    Open Ten Thousand Steps

    Padme hadn’t always been the one to go out to the brightstone when it opened, but she didn’t have an awful lot she wanted to do at school, and with all her homework done, it had just made sense to her to be able to spend time out at the area. But she didn’t have anything she wanted to do, or any...
  16. Padme Hume

    Closed Hanging Out

    Padme had been enjoying being back at school. Though it was always a little hard to get back into the swing of things she liked it. She did a lot of reading at the beginning and let herself just enjoy the familiarity of the place. However today she wouldn’t be studying alone, she’d asked Jace if...
  17. Padme Hume

    Open The Owls Are Gone

    Breaking up with Ilija at the valentines day celebrations hadn’t really been her intention. It wasn’t what she had wanted really, but it had unfortunately happened. She hadn’t wanted to do it, but when he’d turned up late, and the frustration about it had really deeply bothered her, she had...
  18. Padme Hume

    Closed Is it Happening Again?

    Padme had been nervous, though the rose she had recieved from Ilija had reassured her somewhat, a large part of her didn’t particularly trust him. She wanted him there, she wanted to spend the time with him. THey were dating, and she wanted just one dance they could actually attend together...
  19. Padme Hume

    Open I Can Wait

    Padme had been looking forward to the Yuleball, she knew the event wouldn’t be particularly easy for Ilija, but since the halloween celebration had gone well, that this would be too. She knew she could press to him that she didn’t mind if they lingered in the background if they didn’t do a whole...
  20. Padme Hume

    Open The Winds Change

    Padme had been a part of the wild patch since she’d joined the school, but admittedly she didn’t do a whole lot with it. It had been over the break, as Vader had spoken of Accio and her sister had spoken about everything she wanted to do, that Padme had realised aside from her classes she didn’t...