Open I Can Wait

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Padme Hume

class of 2055 ; Mākutu Dinette Waitress
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
not certain
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
5/2037 (20)
Padme had been looking forward to the Yuleball, she knew the event wouldn’t be particularly easy for Ilija, but since the halloween celebration had gone well, that this would be too. She knew she could press to him that she didn’t mind if they lingered in the background if they didn’t do a whole lot, if they didn’t dance. She just wanted to spend the time with him, be at the yuleball with her boyfriend. Padme had arrived exactly to time at the great hall, she had sort of hoped she’d run into Ilija in the common room and they could walk down together, but when it close to when she need to leave or she’d be late, Ilija still hadn’t appeared, so she figured he just was either there already or needed more time, but she could at least wait there. The hufflepuff was stood outside the hall, leaning against a wall, waiting for Ilija to show up. It had been ten minutes already and there had been no sign of him. She felt a little concerned, but there was still time for him to show, there was still time for him to come. She just had to wait, and eventually he’d show up. He would. If he was feeling overwhelmed by it, he’d find a way to tell her. Surely. She would just need to wait, he’d be there soon.
Majora had already been to one event this year, he didn't need to go to another one. That being said they were living in an old castle with nothing but old crumpled textbooks for company, which meant that a large over dramatic celebration of the same thing that seemed to happen every year was apparently in order. Majora still didn't like the thought of magic, but at least with the break in the year he had a chance to just ignore it for the time being. Leia would probably have gone, although if she got into another argument with another first year, well, she was going to have to deal with that on her own. No doubt he'd hear all about what happened inside the Great Hall if he asked her later, but Majora had refused to go, preferring instead to people watch from outside. He was used to Christmas being forced upon them growing up, every year the carers would try a new way of trying to shine light into their lives, but they weren't kidding him. They were only there for one reason, and if they actually had their own homes maybe it would have been worth celebrating. Hogwarts wasn't a home, it was just another way of life. The first year was watching a girl who hadn't moved now for well over ten minutes, although he didn't know what she was waiting for. "Are you too scared to go in?" he asked, not trying to be intentionally rude, just observational. By the sounds of things it was like feeding time at the zoo in there, crowded and claustrophobic and full of children that could only see things at face value.
Padme wasn’t sure what she should do. She just wanted him to get here so that they could get to the dance. She glanced at the boy that approached her and started speaking. She looked at him, she knew him a little. Padme had see him around Leia, she was sure they were friends, ’I’m just waiting on my date,” she told him. Though she didn’t really need to it, felt necessary. ”You’re Leia’s friend right?” she said to him, if she could distract herself, then she wouldn’t be glancing at the time so often and surely Ilija wasn’t too far away from her now. He’d be getting close surely and then they’d be able to dance and it would be almost fine. ”I’m Padme, I’m her sister,” she told him, this could work, it would work. For sure it would. She brushed down her skirt and glanced back towards the stairs where she was sure that Ilija would be soon. [/B]
When she said she was waiting for her date, Majora thought that she still looked a little scared. At first maybe she was scared of her date although the more logical thing was that she was scared her date wouldn't turn up at all if she'd been waiting there for so long. The first year nodded, "Yes." It wouldn't have expected it, but he assumed the reason he and Leia had ended up becoming friends was mostly because neither of them wanted to do explore every single thing by themselves, and even though they'd only met once before Hogwarts, it still beat trying to start completely from scratch in a new world that was entirely foreign too. "I know. You helped her with Vader's party." It was a statement, rather than a realisation, and while he also remembered a few months ago seeing her with a boy at the party, he had never come to learn his name. "I'm.. Maj." he hated the nickname but it had stuck after being caught out with it in Vader's card. At least it wasn't his full name. Padme was getting agitated, that much was obvious by her demeanour. "Why don't you just go in without him?" he asked. If someone let him down, he would be angry for sure, but he'd do what he could to turn the situation around.
Padme smiled and nodded, ”We did,” she wasn’t quite sure what to make of Leia’s friend, he seemed a little almost nervous, but she couldn’t exactly blame him, he’d become friends with Leia, whom she knew had a certain level of intensity to her and then to immediately be thrown into their family drama in organising a birthday, even as an outsider, she couldn’t blame him for it. She nodded as he told her his name, and she frowned ever so slightly, it was the same sort of reaction that she’d known Vader to give when people asked for his name when he was younger. ”Nice to meet you, is Maj what you like to go by?” Padme couldn’t help but ask, she wasn’t sure how much Leia had talked of their family, and the name resentments, but if there was a name he would rather go by, Padme was the sort of person who would take the time to know it. To take the time to ask. She shook her head at the statement, ”We said we’d meet at the entrance, and then if I’m not here, he’ll had to look for me in the hall, and it would just be rude, you know,” She wasn’t sure she could explain it any more without telling Maj about ilija, and something about the boy that he probably didn’t want just randomly spread around. ”Why haven’t you gone in?” She asked him.
Majora had never been asked what he liked to go by, people just usually assumed wrongly or went with what he told them. "Mmm, yeah," It was better than his full name wasn't it? "You can call me Maddox too if you want," honestly it was preferable as it gave him another level of boundaries that would make him a bit more comfortable, although he still hadn't opened up yet to tell anyone why. The first year listened to his friends sister talk about how she was meant to meet with her date, although he had a frown on his face. "Yeah, but isn't it just as rude if he stands you up?" he asked, blunt in his assessment, but maybe that was what was happening since he wasn't actually here with her. "If he get's his ass down here, let him come find you," Maddox said it with a smile on his face, wondering why she wouldn't just go and have fun, especially if they'd already agreed to meet inside if she wasn't waiting outside. Maddox shrugged, "I'm not exactly dressed for the scene." It was true, he had on just a pair of jeans, a shirt and a hoodie. "It's.. not really my thing. I like parties but this seems just way.. way too formal." He wasn't one for getting dressed up if he could possibly help it.
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