Another one? Yes it is.

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hi guys,

Here I am again. xD I wanted to make another one since I hate tables ( And I'm a perfectionist) and it wasn't accurate anymore (most of the stuff). And I decided to bring another back at HNZ. And I wanted to offer everyone I have and and and... many reasons to make another!

I'm up for anything, so if you don't find what's here just bring it on the table!

Sixth year Ravenclaw 🦅

Pretending | Magic Creatures Lover | Bullied

My baby Crystal. I decided to bring her back to HNZ, since I enjoyed her much (but than I left hnz long and she was suddenly was old and was like bye we need an new start) So she has spend two years on HS, which needed to be fantastic. But it was nothing like that. She was bullied a lot and felt really alone and more scary and shy as she already was. Crystal opened up to her parents and together decided to transfer back and do her last two years at HNZ again. Since she left an terrible time, she doesn't want that again and decided to pretend to be different, more confident than she actually is. When people ask about it she would say she was very popular and it was all nice and lies about the reason why she transfered back. She has trouble trusting people, since she experianced people being nice in her face and behind her back sneaky. I can't wait to continue with her!
She could use:
Everything! Old friends who she knew from the first years to connect with, boys to start developing crushes or dates to have, fake friends, enemies, bullies who see through her, magical creatures to connect with or people who like to explore with her. Name it!
First Year Slytherin 🐍

Manipulative | Ambitious | Liar
[Adminapproval= ID#87341]
Well June. I already enjoy her so much. She is the younger sister of Gabriella and Lauren. Currently she lives with Professor Misha Haden and is under his wings. Because of the drama around her family. Her father being send to Azkaban, mother losing the parental authority. And in the fostering place she met Misha. June is planning her revenge on the people who helped her sister and she also wants to make her parents proud by becoming the very best student there is. So she will work hard to become well known around Hogwarts and get the best grades. She is an very big liar, so she will pretend to be nicer than she actually is. And she is very good at it. She has an lot of anger and hate inside of her, but she is intelligent so will choose when it is wiser to shut her mouth. June wants to make lots of friends and wrap people around her finger to use them when needed.
She could use:
Everything! Lots of friends, lots of people she can influence and wrap around her finger, competition in class, professors to be close with and wrap around her finger, hufflepuffs to secretly hate but use, when older people to date with or to admire her. People who doesn't like her.

In therapy | Trust Issues | Playfull
[Adminapproval= ID#87341]
Lauren (22 years old) and currently unemployed. She is adopted by Professor Landon Carter and his wife together with her youngest sister Camille. After the trauma she experianced as an victim of abuse by her parents she is now in therapy to work on getting better and facing her fears by EMDR. She is working on herself to get better and to find her passion in life. Also she tries to build connections with people. She finds it hard to trust people, especially males but is trying to open up some more. Also I didn't decide if she likes boys or females. So open to both if romantic stuff comes up.
She could use:
New friends! Old classmates from HNZ to reunite with, lovers (female or boys) to experiment, Enemies, all!

Director of 'EVELYN' Denmark

Introverted | Sporty | Frustrated
Espen (28 years) is the twin brother of Evelyn who I completlyn have neglected since I took him over from someone else. He is very different than his sister but works together with her at her company. Recently taking over the role as Director at an new office in Denmark their homecountry where he also lives. He is just as Evelyn vain and likes to look good but with him it's more into the body and he likes to sport a lot. He is not very confident though about his qualities and can sometimes be an bit jealous of his sister what she all managed to do. But still they are very close and see's his sister as his best friend.
He could use:
Anything! Friends he needs! Flirts, relationship, enemies, people to work with, have a drink with, name it!

School drop out and currently alcoholic

Depressed | Angry | Determined
adminapprovalID #113581
Giselle (18 years) is a school drop out. She decided to not come back to HNZ in her last year. She is having an hard time, dealing with depression and coping with that by drinking a lot of alcohol to sedate the pain. She is usually at home in bed, or to be found in a bar or club. She never dealt with her mother death in the right way, and is finding herself in a bad place because of that now. She is known for the girl who hates quidditch and protests. She still stands behind that, but felt like nobody took her seriously at HNZ and felt alone. Giselle is very angry and now more open about her mother, because of the alcohol. But if you say something wrong she is not afraid to fight and get in trouble.
She could use:
Buddys for drinking at bars, bartenders to talk to, old classmates to run into, enemies, people to fight with, romantic interests, flings, relationship. Name it!

Model at 'EVELYN'

Social | Vain | Musically
Athena (24 years) is an fashion model at her cousins company. She is travelling the world because of that and her main house is at London, England. She is having an relationship with Derek Tahana and feels good about that. Athena can sing and play different instruments. She perhaps wants to do something with it later on but now wants to focus on her model carreer which is going well. Sometimes she has to work an little bit harder to not only be the cousin of Evelyn and needs to prove for herself that is not the only reason she is an model. Athena is social and likes meeting new people.
She could use:
Models to meet up with, old classmates from HNZ, enemies, friends.

Owner of 'EVELYN' Fashionbrand and Model Agency

Confident | Fashionista | Friendly
Evelyn (28 years!) is living her dream life as an succesfull owner in the fashion industry. Her clothes are to be bought at both VIBEZ and Gladrags and she is only growing in her company. She has an relationship with Lucas Woodlock and both live together in New Zealand. But also has different appartments in Paris and Copenhagen. She travels a lot and is a busy bee. But she tries to make time for her friends and people around her. Although she is confident she isn't arrogant and very down to earth to people who want to work together or learn from her. She likes to give young people an voice and is very helpfull.
She could use:
Friends to hang out with again, people to talk about the future with, colleagues at her company, models, shop owners, partners, enemies, fans or haters of her brand. Really everything is possible!

Co-Owner Rosenberg's Interiour Shop

Caring | Flirt | Thantophobia
Sofia (27 years) lives in Sweden with her father and two younger sisters. She works together with her father at the shop they own. But she feels very responsible for her younger sisters and has taken an mother role from very young age. She is getting therapy for her phobia of losing people she loves. So she can enjoy her life some more and finally take care of herself. She also tries to take care of Giselle, but has an hard time connecting to her sister and talk sense in her. Sofia likes attention from boys, but never dared to get in an relationship. But is opening up for that now.
She could use:
Love! Someone good for her and to get in relationship with, old classmates, friends, flirts, enemies.

Ministry of Magic - Magical Equipment Control

Perfectionist | Guilty | Controlfreak
[Adminapproval= ID#87341]
Gabriella (26 years) is the oldest sister. She helped Lauren to stop the horrible events at home, and took the first step to help her out. She feels guilty for not doing it sooner and have the courage, but also feels guilty to hurt her younger sisters by this change. She worked at the Norwegian MOM before, but now works at the Ministry in NZ. And now she tries to enjoy her life together with her boyfriend Marcos Morales. She is very happy to have him at her side. Gabriella is an perfectionist and wants to do it very well and when something doesn't go well she can be frustrated.
She could use:
Friends, colleagues at the MOM, old classmates, enemies.

Thundelarra's Beater

Biggest flirt | Blabbermouth| Confident
Liam (25 years) is currently living in NZ in an appartment. Next to his training and job on the quidditch pitch he enjoys going out and have some drinks. He likes girls a lot and will never miss an chance to get their attention and flirt some. He can be an real gentleman, but also say the wrong thing before thinking. He wants to become very famous in Quidditch.
He could use:
Fans of the quidditch team, girls to date with have an nice evening, friends, bro's, quidditch players, perhaps later on the right girl to have an relationship with. Also girls who reject him would be fun.


Sporty | Curious | Black-sheep
Christina a.k.a. Chrissy (19 years) is currently living with her parents still in England. She can't leave the house until she finds an job. But Christina is clueless about what she wants to do. She gets offered an job with her cousin's company, but Christina is different than the rest of her family. She is still finding her identity and is kind of confused about liking girls. She had an crush on Leia Hume at HNZ but needs an second crush to really know it's not the person but the fact she likes girls over boys. She needs to come out of the closet still, but is scared of doing so by her parents. But that will happen.
She could use:
Flirts (girls or boys) to know she will like the female gender, an relationship with girl, friends, enemies, old classmates.

Personal Assistent Minister of Magic

Loyal | Hardworking | Injustice Warrior
Noel (21 years) has recently started working as PA from the Minister of Magic. He wanted to work on the Ministry and found this opportunity and see's it as an learning experiance before choosing what he wants to do at the Ministry. He likes being close to the Minister and help her out. (Jon Snow vibes, a.k.a. night watch commander assistent) Noel is an very sweet boy and is loyal for the people he loves. He can't stand injustice and wants to help people or protect the weak against the strong. He is currently in an relationship with Adorah Zumwalt. And he see's an future with her since they gonna live together.
He can use:
Old classmates too meet up with, ministry workers, enemies,

Ministry of Magic - International Confederation

Ambitious | Selfish | Direct
Charlotte (25 years) is working hard on the Ministry. She has always liked competition and wants to be the best in everything. She feels very confident about herself. She can be direct and tells you what she thinks, she would not turn around it or put effort in to say something an bit nicer. She is having an relationship with Simon Vanity, who she see's as being an power couple together. Charlotte puts a lot of energy in her work. But tries to have some more free time to spend it with people.
She can use:
Colleagues at Ministry, old classmates, new friends, enemies or rivals.

Woolongong Warriors Keeper

Sweetheart | Positive | Dreamer
Therese (26 years) is playing quidditch and enjoys having it as her job. She is loving her life and very happy with Rory Fergusson which who she is gonna marry soon. She dreams about the future and wants to have kids with Rory later on. Therese is very positive and see's in everyone something beautiful and positive. She likes meeting new people.
She could use:
Friends, old classmates, people who play quidditch, teammates.

Thundelarra's Chaser

Sporty | Hotheaded | Joker
Gabriel (26 years) is playing as an chaser in the same team as his cousin Liam. Gabriel likes to have fun and sometimes go for an drink or do something nice with his girlfriend Sophie Wilson with who he also lives. He and Sophie are an nice combo, since they are both very different but learn from eachother. He learns to be an bit more serious from her.
He could use:
Friends, bro's, quidditch players, teammembers, enemies, old classmates.

Makutu's Dinette Owner

Funny | Adventurous | Social
Elizabeth (28 years) is the owner of Makutu's Dinette. After traveling the world with her boyfriend Leo Benivieni she decided to run the dinette. She likes her job a lot and to work together with younger people. Elizabeth wants to start an family later on. She is very outgoing and friendly and likes to have an good laugh.

She could use:

Friends, old classmates, customers, people who work with her,
Wizarding Examinations Authority - Ministry of Magic

Caring | Charming | Sweet
Claire is (42 years) and lives in New Zealand atm. She was born in France and attended Beauxbatons. She is an windower since her husband death after being sick. She doesn't have children, but likes children and loves spoiling her cousins. She worked as an nurse for some time at HNZ but now is working at the Ministry for Wizarding Examinations Authority. She likes education and wanted an new challenge. Claire is an charming lady who mostly is dressed in pink.
She could use:
Love, and relationship, friends, professors to befriend with, people at ministry to get to know, old beauxbatons classmates.

Azkaban prisoner

Manipulative | Agressive | Furious
[Adminapproval= ID#87341]
Bryon is (45 years) and father to four girls. Married to Agnes. He worked as an important person at the Norwegian MOM. He worked very hard and lived an rich life. He is currently an prisoner in Azkaban after her punished for abusing his daughter Lauren. He is furious and wants to take revenge when he is out. Since his name is now ruined he only cares to take control again. He has an good relationship with June, and see's her as the only daughter who can still make him proud.
He could use:
Other prisoners? People to connect with over power, people leading him an darker path.
I have skype and discord if you want to discuss stuff further! But I'm open to a lot so if you have idea's other than what I put down feel free to leave an reaction with that also.
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Hey Jamie!

I have a few ideas, we don't have to do them all at once though.

Louis and Crystal were friendly back in the day, we could do that again? He will flirt with her though.

I also think my character Gwen could take an interest in Crystal, new girl coming back to school. She's fifth year and kind of a mean girl but doesn't show that on the outside. She's honestly a bit like Amber if Amber was secretly mean.

We should do something with Gabriel and Sophie again in the future, I've been imagining them happily dating. Not like a priority, just wanted to mention it.

And finally... I think Noel and Eric meeting again would be very funny. I coincidentally opened an open topic with him earlier that could be used for that, but we can also do something new.
Hey Jamie!

I have a few ideas, we don't have to do them all at once though.

Louis and Crystal were friendly back in the day, we could do that again? He will flirt with her though.

I also think my character Gwen could take an interest in Crystal, new girl coming back to school. She's fifth year and kind of a mean girl but doesn't show that on the outside. She's honestly a bit like Amber if Amber was secretly mean.

We should do something with Gabriel and Sophie again in the future, I've been imagining them happily dating. Not like a priority, just wanted to mention it.

And finally... I think Noel and Eric meeting again would be very funny. I coincidentally opened an open topic with him earlier that could be used for that, but we can also do something new.

He Daph!

Louis x Crystal: I love this! She would love to see him again. I guess she will be an bit laid back at first but goes with the flow if he starts flirting. And would just pretend to like it and who knows she will like it .

Gwen x Crystal: This would be awesome. She would do anything to make her like her I guess and try to impress people. Def up for this.

Gabriel x Sophie: Yes! I already thought about that. Would love to. Guess they could be living together soonish, leaving Liam behind.

Noel x Eric: I love this obviously. I saw your topic and already hesitated of reacting. I can def react to that I guess.
He Daph!

Louis x Crystal: I love this! She would love to see him again. I guess she will be an bit laid back at first but goes with the flow if he starts flirting. And would just pretend to like it and who knows she will like it .

Gwen x Crystal: This would be awesome. She would do anything to make her like her I guess and try to impress people. Def up for this.

Gabriel x Sophie: Yes! I already thought about that. Would love to. Guess they could be living together soonish, leaving Liam behind.

Noel x Eric: I love this obviously. I saw your topic and already hesitated of reacting. I can def react to that I guess.

We no longer need to start Eric and Noel, so that's something.

For Sophie and Gabriel I'd also be fine in saying they are living together and have been for a bit, it's been a few years IC since we rped them.

We could focus on the students for now and Eric and Noel, and do Sophie and Gabriel later? Then we could both start one?

So couple of things, I can offer two things for Crystal, one, Eugene. He's pretty busy these days but he'd love to spend some time with her.

I also have Valeria Iglesias, who transferred in in 3rd year. I think they could be new friends. Val is loud and flirty, she is obsessed with fashion and looking good. She will probably think that Crystal is a new transfer so it could be fun to have them meet.

For June, i can offer Fraser as a friend. Someone who wouldn't notice her lying and who could probably be manipulated by her to do things.

I can also offer Gregory Friend, who is a hufflepuff in second year. He has been bullied by nearly every slytherin he comes into contact with. She could bully him too tbh, or try to wrap him around her finger - both would be easy enough.

We no longer need to start Eric and Noel, so that's something.

For Sophie and Gabriel I'd also be fine in saying they are living together and have been for a bit, it's been a few years IC since we rped them.

We could focus on the students for now and Eric and Noel, and do Sophie and Gabriel later? Then we could both start one?

Yeah! haha

I'm fine with that. We can discuss details on discord.

I'm cool with that. I don't have an preference to start one so I just do the other one for me it's the same person so easy :)
Yeah! haha

I'm fine with that. We can discuss details on discord.

I'm cool with that. I don't have an preference to start one so I just do the other one for me it's the same person so easy :)
I can start Crystal and Gwen?

So couple of things, I can offer two things for Crystal, one, Eugene. He's pretty busy these days but he'd love to spend some time with her.

I also have Valeria Iglesias, who transferred in in 3rd year. I think they could be new friends. Val is loud and flirty, she is obsessed with fashion and looking good. She will probably think that Crystal is a new transfer so it could be fun to have them meet.

For June, i can offer Fraser as a friend. Someone who wouldn't notice her lying and who could probably be manipulated by her to do things.

I can also offer Gregory Friend, who is a hufflepuff in second year. He has been bullied by nearly every slytherin he comes into contact with. She could bully him too tbh, or try to wrap him around her finger - both would be easy enough.


Crystal x Eugene: She would love that I think. Would be interesting to see how she behaves now around him.

Valeria x Crystal: Oh great. I think Crystal would love to be around her than and try to impress. Nice dormmates! I can start something for them perhaps in the dorm or something if we like the two together in an closed topic somewhere else?

June x Fraser: Fun haha. We can let them meet for sure. Would be nice to get to know boys too. And see what she will do.

Gregory x June: Ahh poor him. June would not bully openly if the person will not do something to her. So she probably be nice to him in his face or use him. So for sure we can do this.

Which ones do you like to start with atm?
We could start with Eugene and Crystal and then maybe Fraser and June? Then do the other two a little later?
I can start the eugene and crystal one if you do the other?

@Stefan Archer Here the one for Fraser and June!
And the one for Crystal x Louis

@Amber Chou Wilson
Hi! I have been wanting to RP with you but unfortunately I don't have too much to offer you since I don't think there's much overlap with our students or adults sadly. But I do have Lilisette Earnshaw who is the PA for the deputy minister who could maybe interact with Noel? She's a couple of years older than him and is that kind of ditz who is hypercompetent when it counts? But willingly turns a blind eye to shadier dealings/is completely unbothered by them which might cause some friction.

I could potentially offer my firstie, Oz Brambleheart to June, I'm not doing much with him yet because I need to app something once they re-open but he's a Hufflepuff who would absolutely blow up at fake kindness and maybe coax a bit of her own anger out in turn? Idk they could be very strange friends or enemies or maybe not vibe at all, not sure.

Anyway that's just a couple of ideas, if neither of them sound good that's okay!
Hi! I have been wanting to RP with you but unfortunately I don't have too much to offer you since I don't think there's much overlap with our students or adults sadly. But I do have Lilisette Earnshaw who is the PA for the deputy minister who could maybe interact with Noel? She's a couple of years older than him and is that kind of ditz who is hypercompetent when it counts? But willingly turns a blind eye to shadier dealings/is completely unbothered by them which might cause some friction.

I could potentially offer my firstie, Oz Brambleheart to June, I'm not doing much with him yet because I need to app something once they re-open but he's a Hufflepuff who would absolutely blow up at fake kindness and maybe coax a bit of her own anger out in turn? Idk they could be very strange friends or enemies or maybe not vibe at all, not sure.

Anyway that's just a couple of ideas, if neither of them sound good that's okay!

Hi Camilla! Had the same :)

Noel x Lilisette: Oh amazing! I was already wondering if someone had that position. So that would be fun Perhaps we can do an topic in the cafataria or something?

Oz x June: Oh sounds interesting, curiousss. I am open to just see where things go. June is an very good actress and liar, so it would be fun to see if someone would tell and how she behaves.

Should we both start one?
hey it's me.

so just three to start

June could hang out with quiet and serious Wyatt or Airen, they've met already.

And I've got Onyx, who may or may not work with Lauren? He's super sweet and I think it could be interesting.

But also pm me, I have some thoughts that might need more discussion.
hey it's me.

so just three to start

June could hang out with quiet and serious Wyatt or Airen, they've met already.

And I've got Onyx, who may or may not work with Lauren? He's super sweet and I think it could be interesting.

But also pm me, I have some thoughts that might need more discussion.


I'm all open for people with June so either Wyatt or Airen is good. Perhaps we can do one and later on the other?

Onyx x Lauren: Also up for her to meet people so perhaps you can start one and I do?

And I'll send you an PM, but you can also send your ideas whatever works :)
Alright, so we're looking at four threads currently, we could start with two (You pick which one)? You start one with June and I'll start one with Onyx? Tho I'm open to doing all four if you'd like
Alright, so we're looking at four threads currently, we could start with two (You pick which one)? You start one with June and I'll start one with Onyx? Tho I'm open to doing all four if you'd like

If you want to start Onyx and Lauren. I can start June and Airen. And if you like you can do June and Wyatt later on?

And the fourth is an mystery for me or I can't count. But I've send you an PM. :teehee:

Gwen and Crystal!
Hey Jamie!

We can do a Riley x June ;) They will be competition in classes, but maybe we could explore the two together as friends and see if it works or not.
Hey Jamie!

We can do a Riley x June ;) They will be competition in classes, but maybe we could explore the two together as friends and see if it works or not.


Okay nice, competition is good. I would love to try them out and see what it brings. Would you mind starting something for the two when possible?
Sorry I've been slack, been caught up with a project. Yes I'm happy for us each to start one, I can start the kids if you want to start the adults?

Therese x Juniper: They're on the same team so maybe they hang out?

Noel x Adorah: Dates/talking about moving in together?

Lauren x Edelie: Edelie graduated from Beauxbatons and is around the same age as Lauren. She travels a lot as an influencer and is very nice and easy going. Friends?

June x Tempest: I am loving their interaction so far. Tempest would be down to help in revenge plans, too :r but I'd love to do another thread with them!

Therese x Juniper: They're on the same team so maybe they hang out?

Noel x Adorah: Dates/talking about moving in together?

Lauren x Edelie: Edelie graduated from Beauxbatons and is around the same age as Lauren. She travels a lot as an influencer and is very nice and easy going. Friends?

June x Tempest: I am loving their interaction so far. Tempest would be down to help in revenge plans, too :r but I'd love to do another thread with them!


Therese x Juniper: Sounds good would be nice to let her hang out with teammates.
And to have some girl ''friends''.

Noel x Adorah: Sure down for that!

Lauren x Edelie: Would be nice the same as Therese to get her some friends who are girls.

June x Tempest: Love them already. Would be nice to do another thread with them together. I think they can really do stuff together.

Shall we devide them already and than choose which one to do now and ones later? I would love to do June x Tempest and another one which you can choose?

Therese x Juniper: Sounds good would be nice to let her hang out with teammates.
And to have some girl ''friends''.

Noel x Adorah: Sure down for that!

Lauren x Edelie: Would be nice the same as Therese to get her some friends who are girls.

June x Tempest: Love them already. Would be nice to do another thread with them together. I think they can really do stuff together.

Shall we devide them already and than choose which one to do now and ones later? I would love to do June x Tempest and another one which you can choose?


If you want to start one for June and Tempest, I would love to do Adorah and Noel (I miss RPing her). Maybe they're hanging out at Adorah's apartment, or do you want to do like a formal date date?

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