Here's EVERYONE I have

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
ALRIGHT I'm back from my trip and ready for PLOTS.

I'm stealing Rowan's idea of just throwing all my characters on here, but I'm going to add a little indicator for how much they're a priority. I mostly tend to focus on my students, so they'll be a bit higher priority for me. But if you have fun ideas for any characters I'd be happy to RP them! I'll be doing it with stars (and a heart) :

⭐⭐⭐⭐ =super high priority pls give me something for this person
⭐⭐⭐ = high priority, someone I really want to develop and use more
⭐⭐ = medium priority, they have a bunch of stuff but I'm happy to do more
⭐= low priority, I don't RP them a lot at the moment (but I'd be down for any fun ideas!!)
❤️ = open for (future) romance plots

I also stole borrowed Rowan's format so TY ROWAN credit to u


Vanity Mettlestone
10 Years Old
world's cutest thief 👛 dramatic middle child
Vanity is currently my only unsorted student, she's going to be sorted next year. She's the younger sister of Emery Mettlestone and very different from her brother. Vanity is girly and a bit dramatic, she loves pink and shiny things. She has the unfortunate habit of stealing small trinkets from stores, her parents, or anywhere else. She hides the best ones in a jewelry box in her room. She's part of the Phoenix Scouts, a little bit against her will.

I'd love her to make some friends before Hogwarts, or enemies!

Ivy Ashworth
Gryffindor 7th Year
Know-it-all 💄 part-veela and embracing it
Ivy is my seventh year Gryffindor, who has done a lot of growing and changing over the years. She's still a know-it-all but she's at least slightly less obnoxious about it. She had a lot of complicated feelings about being part-veela, but she has started to embrace this part of her. Ivy is a Gryffindor prefect and takes her position fairly seriously. She's in a committed relationship with Flynn North, so I'm not looking for romance. One-sided things could be fun, especially because of her part-veela thing, but I'd also just like friends or enemies. Or maybe people she has pissed off before she can now befriend now that she's a bit more chill.


Natalia Novak
Slytherin 6th Year

ice queen 🧊slowly defrosting
Natalia is the dutiful oldest daughter of a pureblood family, trying her best to make her parents proud. But because of the outdated ideals she has been raised with, it has been very difficult for her to make friends. She's made a few acquaintances over the years, but still hasn't really managed to stop feeling lonely. She keeps people at a distance and can be quite cold, so she's not very easy to befriend. Natalia loves plants and is often seen outside, she's also part of the WPC. Natalia is a Slytherin perfect and has been an alternate chaser on the Slytherin team for the past few years. She's realized recently she's a lesbian, so any romantic plots would have to be girls. I'd love any plots that will have her challenging her parents views, as she's already started to question them a bit. Anything with friends would be good too, poor girl is lonely.


Louis Alcott
Gryffindor 5th Year

extremely arrogant ⚽ extremely flirty
Louis is a piece of work, and honestly he's one of my favorites to RP because of it. He's not a bad person persé, but he's very inconsiderate of others and kind of forgets they have feelings sometimes, if that makes sense. He's very confident and lives in the moment, rarely thinking of consequences. He loves flirting with others, and is discovering more and more that he loves making out with them too. Louis is interested in all genders and mostly interested in how quickly he can get them to like him. He's a pretty sore loser and hates being ignored or dismissed. He was made a prefect this year (for inexplicable reasons) and this has only made him more sure of himself. Louis also plays chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and ran a spin the bottle game last year. I'd love a lot of flings for him, I feel like I haven't used him to his full heartbreaker potential yet. I'd love plots where Louis thinks something is just a non-serious fling but the other person thinks it might be more and he breaks their heart or just pisses them off by flirting with someone else. I can also just use friends or enemies for him.

Gwen Goodwin
Slytherin 4th Year
seems sweet 🌸is kind of awful, but stylish!
Gwen is extremely calculating and thinks about everything she does. She portrays herself as a very sweet, energetic and friendly girl, but in reality is a lot colder and manipulative. She likes surrounding herself with friends she can boss around a bit and is very aware of social status at school. Gwen loves fashion and likes being seen as someone stylish. She's part of Heta Omega and intends to run it one day. But she's also part of Jenna and Celia's 'superior' club, mostly out of curiosity. But if she gets the chance, she'd love to run that someday as well. Gwen is a bit spoiled and always has nice clothes and things. Her true self comes out a bit more around kids she considers beneath her notice, she can be really mean to people she deems weird or nerdy like Sky or Giulia.

Isadora Novak
Gryffindor 3rd Year
rebellious 🍀happy free spirit
Isadora is Natalia's less proper and less dutiful sister. She has been raised with the same old fashioned pureblood beliefs, but stopped believing in them pretty fast. Though the occasional slipup can still happen, as you don't unlearn something immediately. Isadora is a funny and cheerful girl, she loves hanging out with her two best friends but also just loves making new friends. She's very social and a lot better at making friends than her sister is. She has a lot of conflicts with her parents and tries to pretend that isn't happening while she's at school. She is very loyal and protective of her friends, but can also be incredibly stubborn. She likes to sing but doesn't do so in front of others very often. She can also often be found outside, exploring.


Emery Mettlestone
Ravenclaw 2nd Year

gobstones enthusiast 🪀 snarky collector

Penelope Marshall
Hufflepuff 2nd Year

sweet and shy 💜 responsible
Emery has been severely neglected last year by me, so he really needs some interactions. He's not the easiest to get along with, as he's very snarky and opinionated. He's very passionate about gobstones and doesn't appreciate anyone who makes fun of it. At the same time, he really doesn't like Quidditch and makes fun of it regularly. He doesn't see the irony in this. Emery is a collector and a bit of an oddball, he doesn't get along with most people but could use a few friends. It's more likely that he'll make a few enemies, though. He's not interested in romance yet, but will realize he's gay soon.
Penelope is the older sister of Holden and has recently found out she's also the younger half-sister of Eric and Connor Holland. She's a sweet, gentle girl who has been overly burdened by her dad after her mother's death. Penelope feels very responsible for her brother and tries her best to keep him out of trouble. She hates conflict and can't stand people fighting. She's creative and loves to read and doodle. Penelope likes all the basic girly things. She's a bit young for romance, but could maybe develop a crush this year.

Anisha Khatri
Gryffindor 1st Year
snarky bookworm 📚 extremely loyal

Ezra Ito
Hufflepuff 1st Year
social ✌️ really wants to fit in
Anisha is my newest Gryffindor, a house that definitely fits her. She's an opinionated girl who is also a bit of a know-it-all. She loves being right and is very competitive. She's the younger half-sister of Indira Khatri played by Kadi, but the two aren't particularly close. She is very close to her cousin Raafe (played by Kris), sometimes acting more like he's her sibling. Anisha has a very strong sense of justice and will defend anyone she feels needs defending. If someone makes fun of her or someone she likes, she won't back down until they're the ones humiliated. Ezra is a sweet, funny and social guy. He grew up around music and has learned to play guitar at an early age. He loves to play around other people because he enjoys the attention he gets from them. He's a bit opportunistic and a bit of a follower. He's currently best friends with Dorian Fitzwilliam (Kris) and helps him smooth over social interactions. Ezra really wants to make a lot of friends at school, so that's mostly what I'm looking for with him.

Amber Wilson
27/Gladrags owner/🦡
Sweet👗 Stylish
Amber has gotten used to running gladrags over the past years, and really enjoys it. She's happily settled into a domestic life with her fianceé Ainsley, and currently very busy planning a wedding. Any old friends of Amber's would be invited of course! She's sweet, social and happy to help others. She was my first baby so I'm always happy to RP her again.


Odette Madison
26/Macaws Beater/🐍
Still healing 🦢 Slowly getting there

Rose Holland
26/Honeydukes assistant/ 🦁
sweetheart 🌹 sweet tooth

Tristan Collins
26/ Head International Magical Office of Law/ 🦡

a dad now🖋️(former?) scumbag
Odette has gone through a lot as a kid/teenager and is slowly getting over it all. It helps that her adopted mother is a counsellor. She's a fairly well-known Quidditch player, playing beater for the Macaws. She still has some anger issues but it's not nearly as bad as they used to be. I'd be down for any Quidditch related friendships, or old connections from school. Odette is bisexual but may have some romance coming up.
Rose has been working at Honeydukes ever since she graduated and has been a little scared to try anything new. She has been working with her dad on Herbology things, but still clings to her familiar job. She does love it, especially because she is surrounded by candy at all times. Rose is a sweet and happy young woman who would easily make friends, but she's also fairly gullible. She's currently (unknowingly) dating a scit.
Tristan has mellowed out a lot over the years, but he still definitely has a thirst for power. He recently got promoted to head of his department, but he's secretly still a little sad he couldn't run for minister. He's a dad now, through a one-night stand with Dominique Malone. He's getting used to this new aspect of his life, but it has given him a new perspective. He also isn't quite over Vivian, but would still be open for flings (any gender)


Phoebe Holland
chaotically curious ⚗️ a little explosion never killed anyone

Sophie Wilson
25/Daily Prophet reporter/🦅
fluent in sarcasm 📰 unapologetic

April Ward
big ball of energy 🌟 loud
Phoebe is chaos incarnate. She loves experimenting with magic, which is why her job as an unspeakable is perfect for her. It's just too bad she can't brag about anything she does at work, which she usually loves to do. She's been in a committed relationship with Charlie Madison for years, so I'm not looking for romance for her. Anything else is fair game, though!
Sophie is a reporter for the Daily Prophet, and I'd be happy to use her for any journalist plots you might need. She's the younger sister of Amber and very different, a lot snarkier and more sarcastic than her sister. She could use friends or enemies, really anything besides romance.
April is the very energetic and happy daughter of Matt, the current headmaster at Hogwarts. She was a Hufflepuff and seeker while at Hogwarts but went into professional dancing after Hogwarts. She's still just as energetic and hyper as she was as a kid, and could easily make friends. She's in a committed long-term relationship, but I'd be open for anything else!


Fleur van Houten
24/Dragonologist/ 🦁
dragon enthusiast 🐉protective

Theodore Westwick
24/Magi-entomologist/ 🦅
dark & edgy🕸️ dad of twins
Fleur is the oldest van Houten sibling and a character I haven't use much since she graduated. She's a funny, spontaneous girl who had always loved magical creatures (especially dragons) a lot. She's now living her dream as a dragonologist at the Aotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary. Fleur hasn't really dated anyone seriously, so it would be fun to explore that. She's bisexual so any gender is welcome. Besides that, I'd be happy for any Sanctuary plots.
Theodore is one of the westwick twins. He's still extremely close to his brother Edmund, but he has been mostly busy the last few years with his young children. Almost immediately after school, he and Zoe Tsuji had twins. It has been a struggle for them, but they're making it work. Theodore is anti-social and rude to strangers. He works as a entomologist, which means he studies (magical) bugs.


Diana Holland
23/Works at a gossip magazine/ 🐍
knows everything about everyone 💋 and judges them

Emilia Manning
23/Portkey Regulations Employee/ 🦡
still faking it 'til she makes it 🦋piano player
Diana is the third Holland sister and has always been the more dramatic middle child. She loves attention and doesn't really care how she gets it. She's very nosy and has always been on top of all the gossip, which is why she ended up working for a gossip magazine. She's stylish and girly and very judgmental. Diana has been dating Delaney Hollis, a member of the wizarding band Ashes. With that and her mother being the former minister, I imagine she's semi-well known in the wizarding community.
Emilia is a total sweetheart. She used to be extremely shy and soft-spoken in school, until she decided in her fifth year to change things up and pretend to be confident until she truly felt it. While things have changed over the years, Emilia still feels like she spends most of her time pretending. She's currently working at the Ministry at the Apparation and Portkey Regulation Committee. She plays piano in her free time.

Alice Holland
22/Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office/ 🦡
cheerful 🌼 extremely normal

Abian Hunter
22/Healer/ 🦡
skateboarder 🛹 still a little dumb sometimes
Alice was the youngest Holland sister for many years and had been a bit spoiled as the baby with three older sisters. Thankfully, she still turned out to be a total sweetheart. Alice was a good student at school and became head girl in her final year. She started working at the Ministry not long after, going into the department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts. She takes her job very seriously and really loves it. She's been dating Elliot Briar for years and the two of them live together. I'd be happy for any plots with her!
Abian struggled a lot in school but managed to scrape by and get the grades he needed to be a healer. That resulted in him basically being in school for four more years as a healer in training, but now he finally made it. Abian's a very sweet guy, he can be a bit dumb and oblivious about certain things. He's very honest and social, he loves skateboarding even now as a serious adult. He's single, but there's a bit of a romance brewing between him and an old school friend.


Jasper Night
21/Auror-in-training/ 🐍
still a prankster 💣 has a hard time taking anything seriously

Lars van Houten
21/Painter/ 🦅
painter 🌻 sort of a trophy husband?

Tyler Lee
21/Gringotts worker/ 🐍
still kind of a bully ♠ didn't follow his dreams
Jasper is now a very serious and grown-up auror. Except he's still a kid at heart. He loves his job, though training is pretty rough sometimes, but he never lost the funny, childish spirit he had in school. Jasper is in a serious relationship with Nell Wright. They're very in love, it's gross. Besides that, I could do anything with him. I'd be down for any auror plots too.
Lars is my sweet, shy, painter. He's currently happily married to Blake and living together on Blake's pro-quidditch salary. Lars stays home all day and paints, which he really enjoys. He also sometimes remembers to do groceries and cook. I'd be happy for any plots with him.
Tyler has been kind of neglected by me, but I also don't know if I have a lot of inspiration for him at the moment. He's Blake's former best friend and was kind of a jerk at school. Right now he's working at Gringotts, following his dad's footsteps, instead of doing into duelling which is what he really wanted to do. He figured he wasn't good enough and picked the safe option. I'm not super inspired for him but if you have a really good idea I'd be interested.


Eric Holland

20/Bouncer at the Medley/ 🦁
anger issues 💥fighter

Aisa Hunter
20/Waitress/ 🦁

stoic 🎸hiding a little
Eric has mellowed out a lot since school, but he's still a hothead. He is working as a bouncer at the Medley and recently moved out of his mom's house to live with his girlfriend. Recent issues with his re-appearing dad have messed him up a bit, though he's trying to cope. He's trying to be there for his younger half-siblings, though he still wishes his dad never came back. This has also brought conflict with his younger brother.
Aisa is an interestnig case. She was pretty much a loner while at Hogwarts, studied hard and got god enough grades to get into the Ministry. Only to realize after graduation that she wasn't sure if she wanted to do that. She realized she had missed out on a whole life in the muggle world and wasn't sure if she wanted to give that up. So for the past few years after graduating she has been living mostly as a muggle, living in a small apartment and working as a waitress. She's still not sure how and when she wants to return to the wizarding world. She's single and bisexual.

Emma van Houten

19/Party Planner/ 🦁
was a statue once 🎆 loud and annoying

Iris van Houten
19/Inner Eye Assistant/🦅
gentle 🔮 the mom friend
Emma is the oldest van Houten twin but definitely acts like the younger sibling. She's very energetic and loud and she loves to party. She's recently started trying to channel that energy into a job as a party planner, mostly for kids parties so far. She had a fairly traumatic experience in her final year at school but we're not talking about that or thinking about that and it's fine. Emma is dating someone but I'd be open for any other plots.
Iris is the younger van Houten twin and also the youngest of her four siblings, but she's always acted a bit like the oldest one. She has a very large sense of responsibility and spent most of her childhood trying to keep Emma out of trouble. Iris is fascinated by divination and anything that has to do with that, but has discovered at school that she has no real talent for it which was a big disappointment. She's still working at the Inner Eye, but sometimes feels like a fraud.

Lucas Fletcher
18/Woolongong Warriors Seeker/🦡
stubborn✨ still brooding a bit

Augustus Westwick
18/Flourish & Blotts assistant/🦅
shy 👁️ still staring
Lucas was a bit burned out in his final school year. Too many responsibilities combined with a breakup and his friends graduating (or being expelled) the year before had him in a bad mood. He's slowly getting over that, and his new position on a professional Quidditch team definitely helps with that. Lucas is gay and single, a bit hung up on one of his friends (though he's not entirely aware of these feelings) but he would be open for potential flings/romance. I'm also happy for anything else for him.
Augustus also recently graduated from Hogwarts. He was a shy, kind of weird kid who didn't have a lot of friends in school. Now that he has graduated he's trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life. For now, he's working at Flourish & Blotts as an asisstant, though he's pretty bad at it because it requires talking to other people. Augustus has a lot of knowledge about random (often creepy) things that he likes to tell people about. He's in a relationship but I'd be happy to do any other plot.

Grace Holland

30/Flying instructor
(Beauxbatons grad)

Elvira Royas

27/Flanders seeker
(Beauxbatons grad)

Nadine De Rosier

23/Quafflepunchers Chaser
(Beauxbatons grad)

Hugo De Rosier

18/Looking for a job
(Beauxbatons grad)
I almost forgot I have to put Grace in this table, because she's been a professor for so long. But long ago she started out as the first captain of the Beauxbatons team. She's a cousin of the Holland family and a nice, caring person. She recently got married to her long-time boyfriend. Elvira was one of those characters I mostly made for Quidditch, I haven't used her much since those days. She was seeker and captain of the Beauxbatons team for a while, now she lives in Belgium and plays as seeker for their team. She's a lesbian and open for romance, but I haven't RPed her much since she graduated. Nadine was also a character I made for Quidditch. She joined the Quidditch team with a group of close friends and has been passionate about the sport ever since. She now plays chase for the Quibberon Quafflepunchers. Nadine is straight and single. She's a very bubbly, energetic person but can also be a bit competitive. Hugo just recently graduated from Beauxbatons. He is yet another Quidditch character and played on the team as a seeker. He's hotheaded and competitive and really loves Quidditch. His dream is to play professionally like his cousin Nadine, but I don't know yet if I'll give him that :p Currently not open for romance because he's in love with his best friend. Shh.

Jeong Mun


28/ Bartender
(Ilvermorny grad, Pukwudgie)

Eli Carter

21/Store Assistant

(Ilvermorny grad, Horned Serpent)

Ella Arora


(Hogwarts Scotland grad 🐍 )
Abigail Martin

16/6th year student
(Ilvermorny, thunderbird)
Jeong is a former Ilvermorny student and currently works as bartender in the Three Broomsticks. He has a boyfriend Cedar, but they are in an open relationship so Jeong would be open for flings. Guys only. Jeong is a bit goofy and odd, he loves music.Yet another student I made for Quidditch, this time on the Ilvermorny side. Eli was a beater and one of the captains on the Ilvermorny team for a few years. Now, after graduating, he works in a store that sells high-end broomsticks in the US. He's not someone I really used since graduating either. Eli is bisexual and single, but he's also a big grump so I'm not sure how feasible romance is. But we can try!Ella had a complicated past, growing up being raised by her pureblood grandfather after her parents died, she had a very conflicted upbringing. In more recent years, after her grandfather's death, Ella has been living with her sister Josephine. That helped her a lot. She's a serious, quiet woman who loves potions and plants. She's a potioneer, working from her own bedroom. She's currently interested in someone, so no romance. Abigail is a current Ilvermorny student and chaser on the Quidditch team. She's been made co-captain this year, which she is thrilled about. Abigail is extremely competitive and driven and can't stand people who take the game less serieously than her. She intends to play professionally after graduation. She currently has romance plans, but I'd be open for anything else.
Violette Holland

17/7th year student
Violette was originally sorted at Hogwarts NZ into Ravenclaw, but I realized I had just a bit too much going on so I transferred her to Beauxbatons. Her family is French and Violette is the younger sister of Grace. She's very sweet and quiet, but I would love to RP her a bit at Beauxbatons. I'd love some established friendships or something in the years she's been there.

Matt Alcott-Ward

Miles Cresswell
Claudia Holland
49/Retired minister
Melanie Holland
Matt was the History of Magic professor for upper years for 14 years, but starting this year he'll be the Headmaster at Hogwarts. He's a slightly chaotic professor, often a bit late with a messy office. But he really cares for his job and his students and will be working hard to make things good for them at Hogwarts. He's married to Kyle Alcott and they have two adult daughters. I'd love headmaster plots!
Miles is a shy, nervous man who tends to spend his time indoors. He's a bit fussy and very sweet generally. Miles works as an Arithmancer and has a very extensive teapot collection. He's currently dating Oscar Brooks, a muggle with a magical son.
Claudia is taking a well-deserved break after a decade as Minister of Magic. She's spending time at home with her husband and youngest daughter, and tries to spend more time with her older daughters too to make up for the busy years. The Ministry still interests her, though, and she might be back sometime.
Melanie is Eric and Connor's mother and younger sister to James Holland, Claudia's husband. She had been estranged from that part of the family for years, but has reconnected a few years ago. Her ex-husband who left her with two small children is now back in her life, to her frustration. She's dating Eva Marsh.

Josephine Arora
38/School nurse
Amy Ward
33/Gambol & Jape's shopkeeper
Frederick Vincent
30/Scitorari, Borgin and Burke's assistant
Matthew Harper
Josephine has been working as a school nurse at Hogwarts for a few years now, and she rather enjoys it even if she doesn't have the most patience with teenagers sometimes. I'd be down for any nurse-related plots! She's seeing Angel Castillo and they have two daughters together.
Amy Ward runs Gambol & Jape's, she's the younger sister of Matt Ward and a lot more fun and carefree than him. She's been in a committed relationship, but I'd be happy to talk about any plots, maybe involving pranks?
Frederick Vincent is a necromancy scitorari, a path he mostly chose because he didn't know what else to do with his life. He's not much of a leader, more a follower in the group. Besides working as a Scit, he is a shop assistant at Borgin and Burke's. He's bisexual and single.
Matthew should probably technically be with the graduates, but because he was a transfer it didn't feel quite right. He spent the last 3 years of his schooling at Hogwarts NZ though, sorted into Hufflepuff. Matthew is a sweet, quiet guy. He's a photographer and he recently got married to Jason Tsuji.

Catherine Barrington
17 at death/ghost
Finally I have Catherine here, who I haven't used nearly enough. She's a ghost who haunts brightstone, but is also occasionally seen at Hogwarts (ground floor only). She died in a shipwreck at sea on her way to New Zealand and spent most of her life looking for her fiancée or his descendants. She's a huge romantic and has Opinions about the dating life of people at school. She would love to give some of the students dating advice, but do remember its coming from the early 1800s.

OK that's everyone and I mean everyone. It was kind of fun and nostalgic to write all this down, but feel free to just look at the students if you're looking for Hogwarts plots ✌️
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Hello hello I said in my reply to your reply in my PD that I would also come here, so here I am.

Not got a whole lot more to offer, just for Penelope, I have Seamus, we had that one thread of them, and I just think we could have them meet again. Seamus is not easy necessarily to get along with but he can manage to be nice.

Also Gregory and Ezra, just they're in a dorm together, and while we don't need to do anything specific, i think they could just be good friends. Gregory's equally a follow, though not opportunistic, so I think they'd have a similar vibe of sheep flocking together.

I can also offer Ezra Eugene as a mentor. He's musical obviously so I dunno if Ezra would seek out to be friends with people who are musical, but Eugene is also a prefect and club leader so that might play into it? I dunno. Just a thought.

Let me know if any of these take your fancy!
I've arrived.

I feel like these two could be friends. Emrys is quiet and a bit weird. Idk, I just think it could be interesting.

Kyon is rather sporty, I've neglected him a bit but again I do think they could be interesting, I'm curious to play wit it.

Zerrin has elected himself into the dorm mom, he's going to be everyones best friend, lol.

I'm thinking we could throw them together and see what happens? I need to do something with him, so its a bit of a 'see how it goes' idea.

I do love my Lars. Ava would love to do some painting/catch up with him, and Lily is always open to spend time with her bestest buddy ever.

They should catch up, they had a little bit of a friendship at school.

Aisa and CJ would again be a 'see how it goes' idea, I haven't used him much but I think it might be interesting.

Okay okay, hear me out. Einar has been gone since graduation. Lucas is older, taller, more confident. I don't know how it would go but I think it could be interesting.

I feel like they would be besties, just chilling and talking. We could play around with it?
Hello hello I said in my reply to your reply in my PD that I would also come here, so here I am.

Not got a whole lot more to offer, just for Penelope, I have Seamus, we had that one thread of them, and I just think we could have them meet again. Seamus is not easy necessarily to get along with but he can manage to be nice.

Also Gregory and Ezra, just they're in a dorm together, and while we don't need to do anything specific, i think they could just be good friends. Gregory's equally a follow, though not opportunistic, so I think they'd have a similar vibe of sheep flocking together.

I can also offer Ezra Eugene as a mentor. He's musical obviously so I dunno if Ezra would seek out to be friends with people who are musical, but Eugene is also a prefect and club leader so that might play into it? I dunno. Just a thought.

Let me know if any of these take your fancy!
Hey hey Emzies welcome :p

I liked Penelope and Seamus, I think we can say they're on friendly terms after that thread? Penelope was definitely grateful at least.

I agree on Gregory and Ezra, they'd be good friends I think! Should we RP them in different firstie threads for now and maybe do a proper thread together later?

I like the idea of Eugene being like a mentor figure to Ezra, he'd be honored.

I've arrived.

I feel like these two could be friends. Emrys is quiet and a bit weird. Idk, I just think it could be interesting.

Kyon is rather sporty, I've neglected him a bit but again I do think they could be interesting, I'm curious to play wit it.

Zerrin has elected himself into the dorm mom, he's going to be everyones best friend, lol.

I'm thinking we could throw them together and see what happens? I need to do something with him, so its a bit of a 'see how it goes' idea.

I do love my Lars. Ava would love to do some painting/catch up with him, and Lily is always open to spend time with her bestest buddy ever.

They should catch up, they had a little bit of a friendship at school.

Aisa and CJ would again be a 'see how it goes' idea, I haven't used him much but I think it might be interesting.

Okay okay, hear me out. Einar has been gone since graduation. Lucas is older, taller, more confident. I don't know how it would go but I think it could be interesting.

I feel like they would be besties, just chilling and talking. We could play around with it?
Hey Jess!

Emery and Emrys - I'd almost want them to be bffs just because of the names haha. What sort of things does Emrys like?

Emery and Kyon - Emery would probably just be rude to him, not sure how he'd react to that?

Zerrin and Ezra - I think that's very cute and I like how many boys there are in Hufflepuff to all be pals.

Fleur and Elijah - Sorry to be annoying, but again, what's he like? What does he like? I'd be happy to see where things go. Do you mean for a romance thing potentially?

Lars and Ava or Lily - I love them a lot too! I'd like some concrete ideas of what to do though. Maybe Ava and Lars painting could be fun to start with?

Aisa and CJ - Going to be annoying again, what's CJ like? I'm happy to try them though! And to clarify, do you mean potential romance here too?

Eli and Lucas - Would be very interested to see how that goes!

Violette and Amelie - I'd like that! Could we say they're already friends? That would make it easier to RP.
Hey hey Emzies welcome :p

I liked Penelope and Seamus, I think we can say they're on friendly terms after that thread? Penelope was definitely grateful at least.

I agree on Gregory and Ezra, they'd be good friends I think! Should we RP them in different firstie threads for now and maybe do a proper thread together later?

I like the idea of Eugene being like a mentor figure to Ezra, he'd be honored.
Absolutely sounds good for all them. Good for Gregory and Ezra.

We could maybe hold off on Eugene and Ezra until after the club fair? Or at least set it after the club fair?

I can start the eugene and Ezra one (regardless of when we start it) if you wanna do the penelope and Seamus one?
Hello! I know you responded to mine with some that I intend to get on once I get a good chunk of my property law assignment done today but I just wanted to pop in and possibly offer Dahlia to either of your firsties? There's minor interaction in the tour thread and dorm threads but up for anything more even later in the year if you want. Idk I feel like the gryff firsties are a fun bunch of strong personalities who will probably get along surprisingly well.

I am also going to apply for a larger Slytherin plot that will certainly affect Gwen if you're interested! If it gets off the ground, I hope it will anyway. I doubt Matt will have to get involved but it's possible :r

And between Michael and Emery being at odds I can also offer him to Penelope as a friend? I will actually work on him a bit once I'm through this three hell weekends but he is also kind of friends with Marnie after the Yule Ball (and I totally didn't just abandon him after that oops) and I feel like they might get along. He and his mum take turns being the parent at times so he's had to grow up pretty quickly, he'd probably relate a little.
Hey Daph.
I enjoy RPing with you. and we really should RP more. so here are my suggestions.

Ezra/Niamh: niamh is running the CAC this year. and I am happy to have her be a bit of a big sister/older friend for him.
Penelope/niamh: the same king of thing. she is happy to be an older friend ot a big sister kind of person to her.

Gwen/Niamh: here is where the fun starts. I think I mentioned on Camillas PD but I am defiantly up for Gwen to be mean to sky. try and turn Molly and renata against her. for her to point out to Renata that she has a crush on her. or just be plain mean

Louis/niamh: if he wants to flirt with her we can see how it goes.

Lucas/Linden: they could run into each other. or have a catch up at some stage. - Lin is trying hard to be friends with him again.

Iris/Selene: maybe they should hang out somewhere that isn't work. I think Selene sees iris as a good friend of hers even though there is a slight age difference.

Lars/Selene: they were friends. they should hang out again.

Jasper/Willow: willow could be a bit of a mentor to him at work. or maybe he set up a prank at her desk to annoy her.

Abian/Rhiannon: they would be colleagues. and would he be interested in a bit of obstetrics training? or maybe they have a kid who has had an accident they have as a mutual patient.

Fleur/Linden: Lin has always wanted to be a magizoologist. and while he wants to mainly focus on birds and flying creatures (which i guess does cover dragons though he meant things like thestrals and hippergrifffs) I will be applying for him to work at the sanctuary once applications are open and i get round to it. maybe she can take him under her wing and show him the ropes.

Fleur / Willow. as with a lot of previous threads. they were always good friends. and i guess with willows work she probably let friendships outside of the office slip a little. but now she isn't training and the elections are over she has more time and should make more of an effort with her friends.

april/Alyce: I believe Alyce is dating Aprils mum. I can sort of picture maybe april calling over one morning for something and alyce is theone to open the door.

Josephine/Rhiannon: how old are her daughters? maybe they go to the same play centre as Rhiannon's three-year-old. and maybe they organise a play date where the kids play and they talk also rhi is pregnant again.

Matt/Elvera: they have been colleagues for a long time. and while not particularly close I can see a sort of professional friendship between them. despite applying for the position herself she is pleased that matt got the headmaster role. and is planning small a party for the start at the start of semester to celebrate. (she would have organised a party anyway. but it is good to have a theme.
Hey Jess!

Emery and Emrys - I'd almost want them to be bffs just because of the names haha. What sort of things does Emrys like?

Emery and Kyon - Emery would probably just be rude to him, not sure how he'd react to that?

Zerrin and Ezra - I think that's very cute and I like how many boys there are in Hufflepuff to all be pals.

Fleur and Elijah - Sorry to be annoying, but again, what's he like? What does he like? I'd be happy to see where things go. Do you mean for a romance thing potentially?

Lars and Ava or Lily - I love them a lot too! I'd like some concrete ideas of what to do though. Maybe Ava and Lars painting could be fun to start with?

Aisa and CJ - Going to be annoying again, what's CJ like? I'm happy to try them though! And to clarify, do you mean potential romance here too?

Eli and Lucas - Would be very interested to see how that goes!

Violette and Amelie - I'd like that! Could we say they're already friends? That would make it easier to RP.
Fluer and Elijah/Aisa and CJ- I'm not saying no but I'm not saying yes either. It couuuuuld happen but I wanna see how they get on. I haven't had the chance to really use either of the boys much and I'd like a go at developing them and seeing what happens.

I 100% agree with everything else though. That's nine ideas... we could start with three or four? then do the rest next semester?
Daphneeee Hiiii! I know you responded on my PD but I would like to offer you a few! Totally okay if you want to decline any offers! I'll try and give you a few!

I could offer my either second years, Joshua or Elizabeth, to either of your second years! Josh is a bit loud and sporty, but he's still trying to get used to the magical world as well as learning new things about it every day. Elizabeth is still shy and quiet but would love for her to make some friends. I've severely neglected her last year :r

For your firsties I can offer Conan to either of them. He's the younger brother of Nolan and Molly - He's very into collecting shells and has so many that he's lost count of them all. He's a bit talkative and social. He loves the outdoors too hehe

Also happy to offer Abby to Isadora - They're roommates but I don't believe we've really had them in a thread together, but that's just an idea hehe

That's all I can think of for now, lmk what you think, and again, totally cool if any of the ideas don't sound appealing to you.
You ask for plots, I give you everything I can think of. But honestly, feel free to ignore all of this if you want lol.

Indi x Natalia: I’m tired of the girls fighting. I think they should be friends now. Now that they both have sisters at school I think they have a lot more in common. Also Indi hates herbology and would love if Natalia did her a solid and helped with that while Indi can help deconstruct her pureblood nonsense lol

Caleb x Louis: I just want to mention them again.

Felix x Louis: Wild card. Their age gap feels much wider but it’s only a year. I imagine Louis flirting with Felix to get into his head before a game or something and he’s just confused by the whole thing.

Ethan x Emery: Ethan already does not like him but I think we can probably do more with this. His current instinct is to avoid him at all cost but that is hard when the live in the same room. But I would like to make them WORSE.

Ethan x Penelope: I don’t know if she’d like him at all and I don’t think he’d be very good at cheering her up when she’s sad. But I think she's neat, and Ethan does have his own mom issues and could read her bigfoot facts if she’d like.

Leah x Ezra: I think we talked about them being quidditch nerds together and I liked that so I’m saying it again.

Avery x Rose: I think we should cause problems on purpose. I know we had intentions to do plots during the campaign but I died. So maybe now is a good time to shake them up. Now that she's not the ministers daughter there's technically no reason for him to stick around.

Simone x Fleur: Simone has been working on developing a new magical photography technique, maybe she could go to the Sanctuary to try it out? And they kiss about it.

Simon x Eric: Fight? Or complain about adult life being painful and complicated?

Simon x Aisa: Same as above but minus fight. Would say plus kiss but I don’t think that’s in the cards for them, unless….. 👀

Poppy x Iris: Poppy would love to hang out, although I imagine they do hang out a fair bit. Maybe with Poppy going off to university soon she can talk about her feelings a bit?

Nikko x Lucas: Quidditch rivals once more! Could be fun for them to catch up and compare notes about how playing pro is going.

Vera/Elise/Ezra: General family plots! Would love to explore them a bit. Maybe over the holidays their aunt can take them Christmas shopping or something??

Again feel free to pick and choose the stuff that seems fun!
Hello! I know you responded to mine with some that I intend to get on once I get a good chunk of my property law assignment done today but I just wanted to pop in and possibly offer Dahlia to either of your firsties? There's minor interaction in the tour thread and dorm threads but up for anything more even later in the year if you want. Idk I feel like the gryff firsties are a fun bunch of strong personalities who will probably get along surprisingly well.

I am also going to apply for a larger Slytherin plot that will certainly affect Gwen if you're interested! If it gets off the ground, I hope it will anyway. I doubt Matt will have to get involved but it's possible :r

And between Michael and Emery being at odds I can also offer him to Penelope as a friend? I will actually work on him a bit once I'm through this three hell weekends but he is also kind of friends with Marnie after the Yule Ball (and I totally didn't just abandon him after that oops) and I feel like they might get along. He and his mum take turns being the parent at times so he's had to grow up pretty quickly, he'd probably relate a little.
Hi Camilla!
I'm happy for Dahlia to be friends with either (or both!) of my firsties, maybe that's something we can do a bit in firstie threads for now and pick up later in a proper thread for them?

I'm VERY curious about your slytherin plot!!! 👀

I also think Penelope and Michael could be friends! I'd be happy to throw them together, and we can say they already sort of know each other through Marnie? Saves us an awkward introduction thread.

Hey Daph.
I enjoy RPing with you. and we really should RP more. so here are my suggestions.

Ezra/Niamh: niamh is running the CAC this year. and I am happy to have her be a bit of a big sister/older friend for him.
Penelope/niamh: the same king of thing. she is happy to be an older friend ot a big sister kind of person to her.

Gwen/Niamh: here is where the fun starts. I think I mentioned on Camillas PD but I am defiantly up for Gwen to be mean to sky. try and turn Molly and renata against her. for her to point out to Renata that she has a crush on her. or just be plain mean

Louis/niamh: if he wants to flirt with her we can see how it goes.

Lucas/Linden: they could run into each other. or have a catch up at some stage. - Lin is trying hard to be friends with him again.

Iris/Selene: maybe they should hang out somewhere that isn't work. I think Selene sees iris as a good friend of hers even though there is a slight age difference.

Lars/Selene: they were friends. they should hang out again.

Jasper/Willow: willow could be a bit of a mentor to him at work. or maybe he set up a prank at her desk to annoy her.

Abian/Rhiannon: they would be colleagues. and would he be interested in a bit of obstetrics training? or maybe they have a kid who has had an accident they have as a mutual patient.

Fleur/Linden: Lin has always wanted to be a magizoologist. and while he wants to mainly focus on birds and flying creatures (which i guess does cover dragons though he meant things like thestrals and hippergrifffs) I will be applying for him to work at the sanctuary once applications are open and i get round to it. maybe she can take him under her wing and show him the ropes.

Fleur / Willow. as with a lot of previous threads. they were always good friends. and i guess with willows work she probably let friendships outside of the office slip a little. but now she isn't training and the elections are over she has more time and should make more of an effort with her friends.

april/Alyce: I believe Alyce is dating Aprils mum. I can sort of picture maybe april calling over one morning for something and alyce is theone to open the door.

Josephine/Rhiannon: how old are her daughters? maybe they go to the same play centre as Rhiannon's three-year-old. and maybe they organise a play date where the kids play and they talk also rhi is pregnant again.

Matt/Elvera: they have been colleagues for a long time. and while not particularly close I can see a sort of professional friendship between them. despite applying for the position herself she is pleased that matt got the headmaster role. and is planning small a party for the start at the start of semester to celebrate. (she would have organised a party anyway. but it is good to have a theme.

Hi Mia! Thanks for burying me in plots! Haha

Ezra and Niamh - I could see, but I also don't remember if she plays music? Sorry! She's an artsy girl in my head haha.

Gwen and Niamh - I think Gwen is definitely going to be mean but mostly behind her back for now :r

Louis and Niamh - I could see this happen, do you think she'll react well?

Lucas and Linden - I'm down for this but maybe a bit later?

Iris and Selene - Could be fun! Iris is having a lot of complicated feelings about divination rn

Lars and Selene - Yes! Could have her visit his house while Blake is at work?

Jasper and Willow - I could see that being a fun dynamic, I don't know if Jasper would listen to any of her advice at first but hey :r

Abian and Rhiannon - We could have them interact and see how it goes? Maybe also a bit later?

Fleur and Linden - Ohh let me know how it goes, if they both work there we can do a work thread?

April and Alyce - Interesting, maybe a thread Rowan should be in too?

Josephine and Rhiannon - uhhhh they're 3 and 1 if i did my maths right, so that would work?

Matt and Elvera - You mentioned this already and Matt would be touched! In my mind they sort of hang out off sceren sometimes so I imagine they're friends :r

These ideas are great but also many, do you want to maybe both pick two or something for now?

Fluer and Elijah/Aisa and CJ- I'm not saying no but I'm not saying yes either. It couuuuuld happen but I wanna see how they get on. I haven't had the chance to really use either of the boys much and I'd like a go at developing them and seeing what happens.

I 100% agree with everything else though. That's nine ideas... we could start with three or four? then do the rest next semester?
Sounds good, but we can also see if we can squeeze in any later into s1? Maybe I'm being optimistic but semester 1 always feels long to me :r

Do you want to maybe both pick two for now to start?

You ask for plots, I give you everything I can think of. But honestly, feel free to ignore all of this if you want lol.

Indi x Natalia: I’m tired of the girls fighting. I think they should be friends now. Now that they both have sisters at school I think they have a lot more in common. Also Indi hates herbology and would love if Natalia did her a solid and helped with that while Indi can help deconstruct her pureblood nonsense lol

Caleb x Louis: I just want to mention them again.

Felix x Louis: Wild card. Their age gap feels much wider but it’s only a year. I imagine Louis flirting with Felix to get into his head before a game or something and he’s just confused by the whole thing.

Ethan x Emery: Ethan already does not like him but I think we can probably do more with this. His current instinct is to avoid him at all cost but that is hard when the live in the same room. But I would like to make them WORSE.

Ethan x Penelope: I don’t know if she’d like him at all and I don’t think he’d be very good at cheering her up when she’s sad. But I think she's neat, and Ethan does have his own mom issues and could read her bigfoot facts if she’d like.

Leah x Ezra: I think we talked about them being quidditch nerds together and I liked that so I’m saying it again.

Avery x Rose: I think we should cause problems on purpose. I know we had intentions to do plots during the campaign but I died. So maybe now is a good time to shake them up. Now that she's not the ministers daughter there's technically no reason for him to stick around.

Simone x Fleur: Simone has been working on developing a new magical photography technique, maybe she could go to the Sanctuary to try it out? And they kiss about it.

Simon x Eric: Fight? Or complain about adult life being painful and complicated?

Simon x Aisa: Same as above but minus fight. Would say plus kiss but I don’t think that’s in the cards for them, unless….. 👀

Poppy x Iris: Poppy would love to hang out, although I imagine they do hang out a fair bit. Maybe with Poppy going off to university soon she can talk about her feelings a bit?

Nikko x Lucas: Quidditch rivals once more! Could be fun for them to catch up and compare notes about how playing pro is going.

Vera/Elise/Ezra: General family plots! Would love to explore them a bit. Maybe over the holidays their aunt can take them Christmas shopping or something??

Again feel free to pick and choose the stuff that seems fun!
*digs myself out of the pile of Mia plots only to be covered in plots again by you*

Jk I love it.

Indi and Natalia - Interesting, I never thought about them having more in common now. Would Indo come to her? Or maybe we can have her strugglign with her Herbology homework and Natalia gives her an answer?

Caleb & Louis - I'm excited for this one

Felix & Louis - I could see this happen haha but not just to get into his head

Ethan & Emery - Maybe we do a dorm thread where Emery pisses Ethan off somehow? Or the other way around this time

Ethan & Penelope - would be curious to see how that goes, I'm not sure if she'd get him haha

Leah & Ezra - I'd like that! But maybe we set up Leah and Anisha first?

Avery & Rose - Oh damn you're right, do you think he'd dump her? I can imagine maybe some scit are realizing he's still seeing her even though there's no reason to anymore? I could offer Frederick as someone to tease or question him about it?

Simone & Fleur - Ohh that's so fun!!! Yes!

Simon & Eric - Fight AND complain about adult life? :r

Simon & Aisa - I'd be down for confusing kisses tbh

Poppy & Iris - Sounds good, Iris would be very curious about university

Nikko & Lucas - hahaha, that would be fun, maybe a bit later?

Vera Elise & Ezra - Love that idea!

Just like I said to Mia and Jess, maybe we both pick two for now?
Daphneeee Hiiii! I know you responded on my PD but I would like to offer you a few! Totally okay if you want to decline any offers! I'll try and give you a few!

I could offer my either second years, Joshua or Elizabeth, to either of your second years! Josh is a bit loud and sporty, but he's still trying to get used to the magical world as well as learning new things about it every day. Elizabeth is still shy and quiet but would love for her to make some friends. I've severely neglected her last year :r

For your firsties I can offer Conan to either of them. He's the younger brother of Nolan and Molly - He's very into collecting shells and has so many that he's lost count of them all. He's a bit talkative and social. He loves the outdoors too hehe

Also happy to offer Abby to Isadora - They're roommates but I don't believe we've really had them in a thread together, but that's just an idea hehe

That's all I can think of for now, lmk what you think, and again, totally cool if any of the ideas don't sound appealing to you.
Oops sorry Maria I thought I quoted this too!

Hmm your second years sound fun. Elizabeth is roommates with Penelope, could be friends?They seem pretty similar.

Conan could be friends with Ezra?

Abby and Isadora sounds fun, what sort of things does Abby like to do?
Oops sorry Maria I thought I quoted this too!

Hmm your second years sound fun. Elizabeth is roommates with Penelope, could be friends?They seem pretty similar.

Conan could be friends with Ezra?

Abby and Isadora sounds fun, what sort of things does Abby like to do?
You're all good! hehe

Penelope + Lizzie - I was lowkey thinking the same thing tbh hehe! That sounds good!

Ezra + Conan - Sounds perfect!

Abby + Isadora - Abby is quiet and shy, but she is always open for any sort of adventure and discovering new things - I'd love to try and open up this year make at least a friend or two (partly my fault bc i've neglected her terribly)
Hi Mia! Thanks for burying me in plots! Haha

Ezra and Niamh - I could see, but I also don't remember if she plays music? Sorry! She's an artsy girl in my head haha. doesnt necesserily have to be musical. Sky is taking over the arts club. and despite only being fourth year is trying to get to know everyone who uses it make it a space where anyone feels welcome

Gwen and Niamh - I think Gwen is definitely going to be mean but mostly behind her back for now :r
doing it all behind her back is fine by me. and you have my permission ot be as mean as you want.

Louis and Niamh - I could see this happen, do you think she'll react well? it depends on the plot. i dont think she would react badly, she would probably not quite know what is going on and think he is just being nice.

Lucas and Linden - I'm down for this but maybe a bit later? later is good by me.

Iris and Selene - Could be fun! Iris is having a lot of complicated feelings about divination rn it doesnth ave to be divination related. i have always seen them as friends. they could be doing somehting not divination related. like having unch, going for a walk, or whatever else friends do.

Lars and Selene - Yes! Could have her visit his house while Blake is at work? potentially. i think this is one of the ploits that is least likely to really move anywhere.

Jasper and Willow - I could see that being a fun dynamic, I don't know if Jasper would listen to any of her advice at first but hey :r possibly. maybe they have been given a small assignment together. or maybe he has pranked her somwehre and she is trying to get him back.

Abian and Rhiannon - We could have them interact and see how it goes? Maybe also a bit later? yeah, maybe not the highest priority.

Fleur and Linden - Ohh let me know how it goes, if they both work there we can do a work thread? that sounds like a plan.

April and Alyce - Interesting, maybe a thread Rowan should be in too? yes maybe one rowan should be in too. though i think the awkwardness at the start where it is just the two of them would be fun.

Josephine and Rhiannon - uhhhh they're 3 and 1 if i did my maths right, so that would work? not really much to add to that

Matt and Elvera - You mentioned this already and Matt would be touched! In my mind they sort of hang out off sceren sometimes so I imagine they're friends :r yes i imagaine that they are friends off screen.

These ideas are great but also many, do you want to maybe both pick two or something for now?
I didn't necessarily mean that we did them all and not all right away. but i thought it would throw everything and see what sticks.
I think my favourites for threads are
Jasper and Willow
Fleur and Linden, (potentially at a later date once he gets his job)
April and Alyce (and @Adelia Kolter)
Iris and Selene

and for not threads but off-screen cannon
Gwen and Niamh though that technically isn't going to be a thread as it is all behind her back
Matt and Elvera - which is mostly off-screen and I do need to start that party. Edit: here's the link to the party
Last edited by a moderator:
Sounds good, but we can also see if we can squeeze in any later into s1? Maybe I'm being optimistic but semester 1 always feels long to me :r

Do you want to maybe both pick two for now to start?
lol sounds good to me. Zerrin/Ezra and Lucas/Eli?
I'm loving the amount of effort you've put into this :woot: I have a couple of ideas for you if you'd like?

Gwen and Genevieve - I feel like they have similar friends, maybe some similar interests, and I also feel like Genevieve could really get on Gwen's nerves xD
Emery and Louis - Louis is in sixth year, but I feel he would love to bond with someone who also has a gobstones obsession. They can play gobstones together!
Lars and Sophie - These two used to used to get along rather well and it would be nice to see them reunite. Sophie is back on her feet now so this could go well.
Rose and Eleanor - Ellie is also unknowingly dating a skit :r These two could be good friends, despite the age gap. Ellie goes into Honeydukes a lot so maybe that's where they could meet? They may also recognise each other vaguely from school.
Penelope + Lizzie - I was lowkey thinking the same thing tbh hehe! That sounds good!

Ezra + Conan - Sounds perfect!

Abby + Isadora - Abby is quiet and shy, but she is always open for any sort of adventure and discovering new things - I'd love to try and open up this year make at least a friend or two (partly my fault bc i've neglected her terribly)
Since I have a lot of ideas that I want to do maybe we start with 2 of these and both start one? I could start Ezra & Conan and you can pick one other to start, the leftover one we do later?

I didn't necessarily mean that we did them all and not all right away. but i thought it would throw everything and see what sticks.
I think my favourites for threads are
Jasper and Willow
Fleur and Linden, (potentially at a later date once he gets his job)
April and Alyce (and @Adelia Kolter)
Iris and Selene

and for not threads but off-screen cannon
Gwen and Niamh though that technically isn't going to be a thread as it is all behind her back
Matt and Elvera - which is mostly off-screen and I do need to start that party. Edit: here's the link to the party
Sorry Mia I am very bad at choosing things :r

Fleur and Linden will have to wait and I can imagine maybe April and Alyce too, at least until we talked to Rowan So maybe we start with Jasper and Willow, Iris and Selene for now? Both start one?

lol sounds good to me. Zerrin/Ezra and Lucas/Eli?
Alright you choose those and I'll go with... Lars and Ava and Violette and Amelie seem fun.

Maybe I can start the ones I picked and you the one you picked?

I'm loving the amount of effort you've put into this :woot: I have a couple of ideas for you if you'd like?

Gwen and Genevieve - I feel like they have similar friends, maybe some similar interests, and I also feel like Genevieve could really get on Gwen's nerves xD
Emery and Louis - Louis is in sixth year, but I feel he would love to bond with someone who also has a gobstones obsession. They can play gobstones together!
Lars and Sophie - These two used to used to get along rather well and it would be nice to see them reunite. Sophie is back on her feet now so this could go well.
Rose and Eleanor - Ellie is also unknowingly dating a skit :r These two could be good friends, despite the age gap. Ellie goes into Honeydukes a lot so maybe that's where they could meet? They may also recognise each other vaguely from school.
Ty! it did take a while haha

Genevieve is definitely getting on Gwen's nerves, do you think she would want to be friends?

Emery would love that! He'd be delighted to know someone else with the right kind of taste.

Ohh Lars and Sophie is interesting, what is she up to?

Ellie and Rosebarely have an age gap, there's only two years difference! So yeah I definitely think they would know each other, at least from WPC which they both ran.
Alright you choose those and I'll go with... Lars and Ava and Violette and Amelie seem fun.

Maybe I can start the ones I picked and you the one you picked?
sounds good!
Since I have a lot of ideas that I want to do maybe we start with 2 of these and both start one? I could start Ezra & Conan and you can pick one other to start, the leftover one we do later?
Sounds good! Will send ya a link! :D
Indi and Natalia - Interesting, I never thought about them having more in common now. Would Indo come to her? Or maybe we can have her strugglign with her Herbology homework and Natalia gives her an answer?

Caleb & Louis - I'm excited for this one

Felix & Louis - I could see this happen haha but not just to get into his head

Ethan & Emery - Maybe we do a dorm thread where Emery pisses Ethan off somehow? Or the other way around this time

Ethan & Penelope - would be curious to see how that goes, I'm not sure if she'd get him haha

Leah & Ezra - I'd like that! But maybe we set up Leah and Anisha first?

Avery & Rose - Oh damn you're right, do you think he'd dump her? I can imagine maybe some scit are realizing he's still seeing her even though there's no reason to anymore? I could offer Frederick as someone to tease or question him about it?

Simone & Fleur - Ohh that's so fun!!! Yes!

Simon & Eric - Fight AND complain about adult life? :r

Simon & Aisa - I'd be down for confusing kisses tbh

Poppy & Iris - Sounds good, Iris would be very curious about university

Nikko & Lucas - hahaha, that would be fun, maybe a bit later?

Vera Elise & Ezra - Love that idea!

Just like I said to Mia and Jess, maybe we both pick two for now?

Haha yes two each sounds good. I picked a student one and and adult one ease the pressure a little. But I'd like to maybe start with Indi x Natalia and Simon x Eric?
Sorry Mia I am very bad at choosing things :r

Fleur and Linden will have to wait and I can imagine maybe April and Alyce too, at least until we talked to Rowan So maybe we start with Jasper and Willow, Iris and Selene for now? Both start one?
sounds great. Which one do you want to start?
Haha yes two each sounds good. I picked a student one and and adult one ease the pressure a little. But I'd like to maybe start with Indi x Natalia and Simon x Eric?
Since we're also doing Caleb & Louis already I'll just pick one for now so we have 4 topics and go with Avery & Rose? Though we might have to discuss what to do with them first.

I'll start that one after we discussed it maybe and I could start Indi and Natalia too? Then you do Simon & Eric and since you already started Caleb & Louis that's fair right?

sounds great. Which one do you want to start?

I'll start Iris and Selene, you Willow and Jasper?
Ty! it did take a while haha

Genevieve is definitely getting on Gwen's nerves, do you think she would want to be friends?

Emery would love that! He'd be delighted to know someone else with the right kind of taste.

Ohh Lars and Sophie is interesting, what is she up to?

Ellie and Rosebarely have an age gap, there's only two years difference! So yeah I definitely think they would know each other, at least from WPC which they both ran.

I think Genevieve would love to be friends with Gwen, but only because Gwen is friends with Molly and Evie is obsessed with Molly :teehee: We can definitely try these two. I could see this being a love/hate relationship maybe?

I can start a topic for Emery and Louis! ^_^

Sophie is married and has two kids at the moment (one is 3 years and the other is 1 month). Currently training to be a healer at St. Mungo's but also painting on the side where she can. What about Lars? Do you think they would ever cross paths somehow?

Oh yes I completely forgot about that with Rose and Ellie! More than happy to start something for this one too.

I think Genevieve would love to be friends with Gwen, but only because Gwen is friends with Molly and Evie is obsessed with Molly :teehee: We can definitely try these two. I could see this being a love/hate relationship maybe?

I can start a topic for Emery and Louis! ^_^

Sophie is married and has two kids at the moment (one is 3 years and the other is 1 month). Currently training to be a healer at St. Mungo's but also painting on the side where she can. What about Lars? Do you think they would ever cross paths somehow?

Oh yes I completely forgot about that with Rose and Ellie! More than happy to start something for this one too.

Haha yes, or Gwen making pointed comments that go over Genevieve's head (or not and she calls her out)

Hmm Lars also paints, maybe there's an event where they're both sowing their paintings or something?

If you want to start those two that'd be great, then I can start Gwen and Genevieve and maybe Lars and Sophie?

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