The Usual Suspects

Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Surprise, surprise, it's Celia, Harper, and Weston! Maybe someday I'll have more than three characters :tut:

Celia Vuong
Seventh Year Slytherin

Biography | Aesthetic

Celia is out. of. f*cks. She's a seventh year, which means she doesn't have any leadership positions left to work toward, and after seeing her reputation crumble, she's got nothing to lose. Her only goals are to graduate, enjoy herself, and make everyone who has ever wronged her absolutely miserable. It should be a fun year!

I'm looking for...
  • Conflict - Celia spent a lot of last semester laying low, and she's now raring for a fight. Anyone who wants to torment her about her dad/the howler is welcome to do so. Also just looking for enemies in general because she's not a nice person and has decided she's done pretending to be polite. She definitely wants to burn some bridges before she leaves.
  • Quidditch + SDA Plots- I had so much fun doing Quidditch plots last year and would love some more. She's the Slytherin captain and is always available to mentor younger teammates, bludger underperforming ones, and feud with other captains/seekers/beaters. She's also the new Student Defense Association president, so plots about that and dueling are also welcome!
    • Celia's also head girl (and on a power trip) and a member of the Hogwarts Monthly and Heta Omega if anyone wants plots related to that!
  • Divination + Dark Advanced Magic Plots- After repeatedly getting blindsided by fate, Celia's grown obsessed with divination (and arithmancy and ancient runes) and trying to see into her future. She's also very interested in complex and destructive charms (fiendfyre, anyone?) and will likely be doing a lot of research into these subjects. Would love to have some professors who can encourage/guide her or students who want to join her!
    • On that note, I'd also love to have her talk to some Scitorari/Scit-leaning/anti-Ministry characters. She's unlikely to ever join the Scits, but she's previously expressed opinions that align with Scit ideals and has definitely been open about her dissatisfaction with the Ministry. I'm hoping to explore her beliefs and see how far they go.
  • Friends + Romance (any gender) + Positive Interactions - Perhaps a longshot considering her general vibe, but it'd be good if she had some threads where she isn't being absolutely awful. Just know that any potential friendships/romantic relationships will likely have a one-year expiration date because she is getting the hell out of NZ/the magical world once she graduates.

Harper Alston
19-year-old Auror

Biography | Aesthetic

After a whirlwind of a gap year, Harper is now a trainee auror! She's very excited and will probably be very busy, but she's still always down for an adventure with friends. I have some ideas for the next IC year below, but if you have an auror/Ministry employee/Scit/criminal and want to do some long-term plotting, let me know.

I'm looking for...
  • Auror + Ministry Plots - Give me all the threads!!! From petty workplace drama to intense auror training exercises, I want it all. I'd especially love for her to have some Ministry work friends who are close-ish in age.
  • Muggle(born) Plots - Harper maintains close ties to the muggle world and plans to continue spending a lot of time there. She has lots of feelings about her blood status and place in the world, and I'd like her to get involved with a muggleborn charity or talk to some muggle rights activists. Also down for just threads set in the muggle world.
  • Flatmate(s) - Harper's hoping to live in a muggle community in Auckland or Wellington but would like flatmates who are magical or are aware of the magical world. Let me know if you have a character who fits the bill! (They can be complete strangers if you want. Harper is broke and cannot afford to be picky.)
  • Friends + Romance (boys only) + Enemies - Harper's pretty chill and gets along with most people. I'd love for her to make more friends (either completely new ones or maybe old acquaintances from HNZ). Her main interests include transfiguration, muggle sports (especially football/soccer), and dueling. Also open to any kind of romance plot though I think some bad dates could be fun. Enemies/antagonistic plots are also welcome!

Weston Stirling
18-year-old HNZ Alumnus

Biography | Aesthetic
Do I know what Weston is doing? No. Does Weston know what he's doing? Also no. He's going to spend the next year struggling to find his footing in the adult world. He'll be working in a muggle record store and occasionally giving guitar lessons while he tries to figure out his next steps.

I'll be honest, I'm putting him here for completion's sake since my main priorities this year are Celia and Harper. But if you have plot ideas for Weston, I'm open to them! Also down for any threads with his friends. You don't even have to ask. You could just start a thread and tag him, and he'll be there. (The same goes for any friends of Celia and Harper).
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[slinks in] If Celia wants to talk to someone with Scit/Anti-ministry ideas she could always talk to Sydney... She's shared questionable advice with her before and would probs be happy to do so again :r
[slinks in] If Celia wants to talk to someone with Scit/Anti-ministry ideas she could always talk to Sydney... She's shared questionable advice with her before and would probs be happy to do so again :r
Yessss please have Sydney poison her mind. Maybe Celia will even follow her advice this time around.

Where can Sydney be found these days? Would running into each other in a darker bookstore (or the dark arts section of a normal bookstore/library) work? Could also have one of them reading a news article about the Ministry when they bump into each other. (Just trying to think of ways to steer the conversation towards Scit stuff when they meet)
Okay but like if you want to cause a storm at HM Aine's not even going to fight Celia on it and honestly probably just agree with her :r (I feel like she's not going to enjoy Heta this year but we'll see).

But as slow and bad as I am with replies I actually came here to offer Yuelia to be possibly mentored by Celia in SDA? She doesn't really know how to ask for help since she's always been taught it's a sign of weakness but she might actually ask for help improving her duelling. Keeping her title is very important to her, after all. She looks up to Celia I have just always been in two minds about her direction but I think I know where I'm going now. Maybe. Hopefully.

Also have ministry workers for Harper down the line but none are really that close in age/work in different departments so that probably doesn't help lol
Friends + Romance (any gender) + Positive Interactions - Perhaps a longshot considering her general vibe, but it'd be good if she had some threads where she isn't being absolutely awful. Just know that any potential friendships/romantic relationships will likely have a one-year expiration date because she is getting the hell out of NZ/the magical world once she graduates.
Hi hello

for the above, I can offer something which would have the one-year expiration/maybe not be too serious. It would be Seamus, it could be super short term, maybe just like nothing serious, going to the dances together. If that doesn't work for what you have in mind, totally chill, we can just keep them being friends and maybe they can have another 'positive' (relative for them) interaction.
Surprise, surprise, it's Celia, Harper, and Weston! Maybe someday I'll have more than three characters :tut:
Your restraint is truly admirable tbh

Conflict - Celia spent a lot of last semester laying low, and she's now raring for a fight. Anyone who wants to torment her about her dad/the howler is welcome to do so. Also just looking for enemies in general because she's not a nice person and has decided she's done pretending to be polite. She definitely wants to burn some bridges before she leaves.
My brain immediately went: Gwen. I think she feels like its her time to shine and take Jenna's place at the top, so kicking Celia down a few more notches is definitely something I could see her doing.

Also I wish I had someone for her to date but the closest to that is Louis and I don't wish that on her, also I'm way too happy with where they are now to let him screw that up.

Auror + Ministry Plots - Give me all the threads!!! From petty workplace drama to intense auror training exercises, I want it all. I'd especially love for her to have some Ministry work friends who are close-ish in age.
I have an auror who is a few years older than her, Jasper Night. Maybe he could offer to show her the ropes or just talk about... auror things? If my math is right he's about 4 years older than her.
Hello 👀

For Celia, obviously I have Caleb, how am I supposed resist some good bickering. But I am also open to them maybe burring the hatchet so to speak, although unlikely haha. Maybe we could do something with the tournament and SDA even though he's not a member haha. Open to ideas!

There's also Yvonne if she wants to talk Divination. She is an expert on the subject even though she's not a seer. Not sure exactly what Celia would want from her but I'd be interested to do something with that.

For Harper, I always have Nikko for chats and catching up if she has anything she needs to work though. There is also Felix who might reach out to her about animagus training as he's getting started and kind of lost.

And I'd love to suggest Delilah as a possible flatmate? She is currently living at home but is probably eager to get some space of her own. She has a humble job at Ollivander's and might start doing some piano and violin lessons on the side. Let me know what you think!

And for completion's sake Weston and Indi hangouts eventually?? haha
Okay but like if you want to cause a storm at HM Aine's not even going to fight Celia on it and honestly probably just agree with her :r (I feel like she's not going to enjoy Heta this year but we'll see).

But as slow and bad as I am with replies I actually came here to offer Yuelia to be possibly mentored by Celia in SDA? She doesn't really know how to ask for help since she's always been taught it's a sign of weakness but she might actually ask for help improving her duelling. Keeping her title is very important to her, after all. She looks up to Celia I have just always been in two minds about her direction but I think I know where I'm going now. Maybe. Hopefully.

Also have ministry workers for Harper down the line but none are really that close in age/work in different departments so that probably doesn't help lol
Aine (and Renata?) and Celia - That's a shame because I enjoyed all their miscommunications :p Haven't decided yet if Celia's going to do the bare minimum at HM meetings or be extra antagonistic (she is extremely bitter about not being editor-in-chief) but she'd be probably be pleasantly surprised (and a little suspicious) if Aine backed her up lol. Also can't wait to see what Heta has planned this year 👀

Yuelia and Celia - Awww Celia would be happy to impart some (likely violent) advice to a younger Slytherin dueling champion. There's a chance Celia will also give advice to Mischa, so she might end up watching that duel with popcorn haha. (Also as a side note, I love reading Yuelia's duels, she's honestly my favorite)

Violet/Serenoa and Harper - Is Violet still corrupting muggleborns because if so, I'd love for them to meet. Also I feel like Serenoa's and Harper's departments would occasionally work together? She'd be pretty interested in just learning more about how the Ministry interacts with the muggle world. (But also no pressure if that doesn't sound interesting to you/you'd rather focus on your students)

Hi hello

for the above, I can offer something which would have the one-year expiration/maybe not be too serious. It would be Seamus, it could be super short term, maybe just like nothing serious, going to the dances together. If that doesn't work for what you have in mind, totally chill, we can just keep them being friends and maybe they can have another 'positive' (relative for them) interaction.
Love the "(relative for them)" qualifier haha

I'm definitely down for something romantic with Seamus and Celia, and starting off casual would be good since she's probably got trust issues after everything I've put her through. I also don't mind it turning into something more serious; the one-year expiration disclaimer is just there as a note that if it doesn't end by graduation, she will make it end lol. But also fine if it stays not-serious or is even shorter than a year.

Your restraint is truly admirable tbh

My brain immediately went: Gwen. I think she feels like its her time to shine and take Jenna's place at the top, so kicking Celia down a few more notches is definitely something I could see her doing.

Also I wish I had someone for her to date but the closest to that is Louis and I don't wish that on her, also I'm way too happy with where they are now to let him screw that up.

I have an auror who is a few years older than her, Jasper Night. Maybe he could offer to show her the ropes or just talk about... auror things? If my math is right he's about 4 years older than her.
It helps to have characters like Celia who take up an excessive amount of brain space and refuse to let you make any more

Gwen and Celia - I'd love it if Gwen made her life miserable. I feel like there's always been a level of distrust and insincerity simmering below the surface with these two, and it'd be great for them to finally have some open, no holds barred conflict.

Also, idk if it's of any interest, but Gwen could probably take over the Elite Sisterhood if she wanted (would have to double-check with Rowan). But also fine if she decides she doesn't need this failed, unofficial sorority now that she has a leadership position in Heta

Louis and Celia - It's okay, I'm still not completely convinced they won't find a way to screw things up on their own anyways (I have very little faith in Celia lol). Obviously they have their thread now but would love to do more with them in the new year!

Jasper and Harper - Definitely down for them to meet and talk auror things! She'll take all the advice she can get. I also think they'd just get along in general as long as she doesn't remember that he was the one who fed her a canary creme all those years back

Hello 👀

For Celia, obviously I have Caleb, how am I supposed resist some good bickering. But I am also open to them maybe burring the hatchet so to speak, although unlikely haha. Maybe we could do something with the tournament and SDA even though he's not a member haha. Open to ideas!

There's also Yvonne if she wants to talk Divination. She is an expert on the subject even though she's not a seer. Not sure exactly what Celia would want from her but I'd be interested to do something with that.

For Harper, I always have Nikko for chats and catching up if she has anything she needs to work though. There is also Felix who might reach out to her about animagus training as he's getting started and kind of lost.

And I'd love to suggest Delilah as a possible flatmate? She is currently living at home but is probably eager to get some space of her own. She has a humble job at Ollivander's and might start doing some piano and violin lessons on the side. Let me know what you think!

And for completion's sake Weston and Indi hangouts eventually?? haha
Kadi! :D

Caleb and Celia - I really wish Celia was mature enough to bury the hatchet with him, but she holds grudges like no other and is currently Angry and wants to hurt people x_x I feel like he might have something snarky to say if he finds out she's SDA leader/running the tournament? And in turn, she'd probably try to rub her new position in his face a bit (even though he's not even a member lol)

Yvonne and Celia - It'd probably be good for Celia to talk to Yvonne since she's trying to improve her accuracy while scrying despite not having the Sight. Is it common knowledge that Yvonne isn't a seer? Either way, Celia could stop by her office for some advice.

Nikko and Harper - I think Harper's currently doing the very healthy thing of avoiding her problems and throwing herself headfirst into her new job. So she doesn't have too many issues to talk through now but stay tuned lol. They should definitely catch up though since she's back in the country!

Felix and Harper - He is welcome to reach out anytime! Harper would love to help him. (Tbh I kind of want her to eventually adopt him as an unofficial little brother haha)

Delilah and Harper - Ohhh I would love for them to be flatmates! I've always liked their friendship and would like to see it grow. I feel like there could also be some funny culture clashes at first considering their very different backgrounds.

Indi and Weston - I actually had the stupidest idea, but what if... we sent them to an aquarium so that they could finally get a good look at an eel. The darker (and even more ridiculous) alternative is sending them to a sushi restaurant so they can try eel (maybe unwittingly, on Weston's part).
Yessss please have Sydney poison her mind. Maybe Celia will even follow her advice this time around.

Where can Sydney be found these days? Would running into each other in a darker bookstore (or the dark arts section of a normal bookstore/library) work? Could also have one of them reading a news article about the Ministry when they bump into each other. (Just trying to think of ways to steer the conversation towards Scit stuff when they meet)

Syd could definitely be found in the more unsavory bookshops or shops, or even in Flourish & Blotts I could see her commenting if she spotted Celia with something that wasn't necessarily being taught at Hogwarts. Sydney doesn't need much encouragement to rag on the school system or comment on what someone else is reading, it's a hobby of hers :r

(That being said though I left this a hot minute and I think we only have a week of holidays left so unless we think we can OSW this one it might pay to do it in the Alt. RP section since I know I'm slow and I fear running out of time before Celia gets anything meaningful)
Syd could definitely be found in the more unsavory bookshops or shops, or even in Flourish & Blotts I could see her commenting if she spotted Celia with something that wasn't necessarily being taught at Hogwarts. Sydney doesn't need much encouragement to rag on the school system or comment on what someone else is reading, it's a hobby of hers :r

(That being said though I left this a hot minute and I think we only have a week of holidays left so unless we think we can OSW this one it might pay to do it in the Alt. RP section since I know I'm slow and I fear running out of time before Celia gets anything meaningful)
I am incapable of OSW with Celia, so the Alt. RP section would probably be best. I can start this?
Ahaha yes! I am just terrible with writing confrontation though I'm slowly improving I hope. Low key hoping Aine gets prefect and they somehow end up on patrols together just because it would be funny (though if Celia gets Head Girl I assume she has veto powers and can either patrol alone or pick someone she doesn't hate). Aine is dropping courses and maybe trying out self care for OWLs so she's marginally less high strung...marginally. That and in the phase of "past me embarrasses me" which you apparently don't grow out of if I'm anything to go by.

Heta is being run by a Nice Hufflepuff Girl so none of my plans are set in stone but probably all flower crowns and holding hands and baking cookies (although if Gwen vetoes Renata it could be more enjoyable, but not sure how Celia and Gwen are after the whole thing with Jenna).

Very much down for Celia advising both Yuelia and Mischa and then watching them duel :r (I'm glad you like her duels I'm like you know what, let's be really extra about it and I was never sure if it actually was working. Could be funny to have Yuelia try to justify why she gets all into roleplay mode and her just being like "...I have no idea."). I could start something maybe once the semester gets up and running/after SDA starts up if you were down?

And yes to the adults - I haven't done very much with them but I have wanted to! It gets hard sometimes with student time limits as priority but I don't want to give them nothing. I think Noah probably vox pops muggleborns or people who seem more amenable to muggles to try and make sure his excuses are reasonable/get ideas, especially because even though I haven't got around to rping it yet I like to imagine he probably sneaks his way into talking to the new students who aren't from wizarding families just to help them work out what they can say to family and friends that isn't difficult for them to do without giving things away. Plus he's just my token nice dude (aside from this one). I could see them cleaning up a very minor incident where Harper handles the magic side and Noah shows up to do the paperwork/chat with a muggle witness since he would prefer not to get Obliviators involved. Not sure how Harper feels about memory alteration but could be an idea for a thread?
Violet would probably just be like "oh my God, you are a child you shouldn't be thrown out to fight crimes" but she would also absolutely adore Harper and vent a little about the magical world's isolationism and issues. Could do something in the cafeteria at the Ministry or something and go from there if you wanted?

Sorry that was a wall of text, work is being stressful so I am avoiding it. :r
It helps to have characters like Celia who take up an excessive amount of brain space and refuse to let you make any more

Gwen and Celia - I'd love it if Gwen made her life miserable. I feel like there's always been a level of distrust and insincerity simmering below the surface with these two, and it'd be great for them to finally have some open, no holds barred conflict.

Also, idk if it's of any interest, but Gwen could probably take over the Elite Sisterhood if she wanted (would have to double-check with Rowan). But also fine if she decides she doesn't need this failed, unofficial sorority now that she has a leadership position in Heta

Louis and Celia - It's okay, I'm still not completely convinced they won't find a way to screw things up on their own anyways (I have very little faith in Celia lol). Obviously they have their thread now but would love to do more with them in the new year!

Jasper and Harper - Definitely down for them to meet and talk auror things! She'll take all the advice she can get. I also think they'd just get along in general as long as she doesn't remember that he was the one who fed her a canary creme all those years back
For Gwen and Celia I really love that idea, I feel like Gwen's been wearing a mask for 5 years at Hogwarts and she's ready to show her true nature at least to Celia xD

I also think she'd now see the elite sisterhood as beneath her, yes :r

I think Louis and Celia are okay for now, but we should keep up with them. Louis had a big freakout realizing he's maybe sort of kinda in love with Caleb and I have been wondering how Celia would take that if he ever confided in her (Badly)

I'd be down for Jasper and Harper too! I had completely forgotten about that interaction but I imagine Jasper might remind her omg xD
I'm definitely down for something romantic with Seamus and Celia, and starting off casual would be good since she's probably got trust issues after everything I've put her through. I also don't mind it turning into something more serious; the one-year expiration disclaimer is just there as a note that if it doesn't end by graduation, she will make it end lol. But also fine if it stays not-serious or is even shorter than a year.

Sorry I thought I'd replied to this xD anyway. Yes, I think we tease it out and see how it develops out, with the idea that the end of the IC year would be the end of it. We could have him come congratulate her. Could have her seek him out?
@Elliot Briar - For Sydney and Celia! Let me know if I should change anything~

Ahaha yes! I am just terrible with writing confrontation though I'm slowly improving I hope. Low key hoping Aine gets prefect and they somehow end up on patrols together just because it would be funny (though if Celia gets Head Girl I assume she has veto powers and can either patrol alone or pick someone she doesn't hate). Aine is dropping courses and maybe trying out self care for OWLs so she's marginally less high strung...marginally. That and in the phase of "past me embarrasses me" which you apparently don't grow out of if I'm anything to go by.

Heta is being run by a Nice Hufflepuff Girl so none of my plans are set in stone but probably all flower crowns and holding hands and baking cookies (although if Gwen vetoes Renata it could be more enjoyable, but not sure how Celia and Gwen are after the whole thing with Jenna).

Very much down for Celia advising both Yuelia and Mischa and then watching them duel :r (I'm glad you like her duels I'm like you know what, let's be really extra about it and I was never sure if it actually was working. Could be funny to have Yuelia try to justify why she gets all into roleplay mode and her just being like "...I have no idea."). I could start something maybe once the semester gets up and running/after SDA starts up if you were down?

And yes to the adults - I haven't done very much with them but I have wanted to! It gets hard sometimes with student time limits as priority but I don't want to give them nothing. I think Noah probably vox pops muggleborns or people who seem more amenable to muggles to try and make sure his excuses are reasonable/get ideas, especially because even though I haven't got around to rping it yet I like to imagine he probably sneaks his way into talking to the new students who aren't from wizarding families just to help them work out what they can say to family and friends that isn't difficult for them to do without giving things away. Plus he's just my token nice dude (aside from this one). I could see them cleaning up a very minor incident where Harper handles the magic side and Noah shows up to do the paperwork/chat with a muggle witness since he would prefer not to get Obliviators involved. Not sure how Harper feels about memory alteration but could be an idea for a thread?
Violet would probably just be like "oh my God, you are a child you shouldn't be thrown out to fight crimes" but she would also absolutely adore Harper and vent a little about the magical world's isolationism and issues. Could do something in the cafeteria at the Ministry or something and go from there if you wanted?

Sorry that was a wall of text, work is being stressful so I am avoiding it. :r
Don't apologize for the wall of text, I love all the ideas and write exclusively in walls of text :r

Aine and Celia - Omg let's send them on patrol anyways. Maybe Aine's partner is unavailable for whatever reason and some professor told Celia she has to step in instead? Idk how long this thread will last since Celia will undoubtedly try to tell Aine that they should split up "to cover more ground" but it could be fun

Heta - I fear that Celia is just a Hater and will dislike anything they do, especially if Gwen is on the leadership team

Yuelia and Celia - Celia probably would ask Yuelia about the taunts haha and maybe advise her to make the attacks more personal or to play mindgames with her opponents instead. If you could start something in the new year, that would be great!

Serenoa and Harper - Ooh I love that idea! Harper hasn't given the whole obliviating muggles thing too much thought though it does make her uneasy (and I imagine those feelings will only grow). If there's a way to keep from obliviating muggles (without breaking the law/Statute of Secrecy), she would definitely prefer that.

Violet and Harper - Aww I love this. Harper could always use more muggleborns to vent to. Something in the cafeteria sounds good!

We should probably wait on Aine/Celia until after the prefect's meeting. In the meantime, if you wanted to start Serenoa/Harper, I could do Violet/Harper? (Or we can wait on those if you'd rather space apart threads!)

For Gwen and Celia I really love that idea, I feel like Gwen's been wearing a mask for 5 years at Hogwarts and she's ready to show her true nature at least to Celia xD

I also think she'd now see the elite sisterhood as beneath her, yes :r

I think Louis and Celia are okay for now, but we should keep up with them. Louis had a big freakout realizing he's maybe sort of kinda in love with Caleb and I have been wondering how Celia would take that if he ever confided in her (Badly)

I'd be down for Jasper and Harper too! I had completely forgotten about that interaction but I imagine Jasper might remind her omg xD

Gwen and Celia - Wooooo. I can't wait to see Gwen when the gloves come off. Celia wouldn't approach Gwen, so maybe I should start something for them?

Louis and Celia - She would be aghast. (Ngl, I was eyeing his most recent open thread but I figured you might be sick of Celia and I'm not sure their fragile friendship can handle the things she'd say about his writing skills and Caleb haha)

Jasper and Harper - He totally should remind her haha. She doesn't hold grudges, but if they become friends, she'd probably try to get back at him eventually :r If he's helping show her the ropes, maybe it makes most sense for you to start?

Sorry I thought I'd replied to this xD anyway. Yes, I think we tease it out and see how it develops out, with the idea that the end of the IC year would be the end of it. We could have him come congratulate her. Could have her seek him out?

Sounds good! Probably best if he seeks her out and congratulates her. I think she's still wary of everyone after last year and isn't completely sure who she can trust and how people will react to her now that the stuff about her dad is out there.
Gwen and Celia - Wooooo. I can't wait to see Gwen when the gloves come off. Celia wouldn't approach Gwen, so maybe I should start something for them?

Louis and Celia - She would be aghast. (Ngl, I was eyeing his most recent open thread but I figured you might be sick of Celia and I'm not sure their fragile friendship can handle the things she'd say about his writing skills and Caleb haha)

Jasper and Harper - He totally should remind her haha. She doesn't hold grudges, but if they become friends, she'd probably try to get back at him eventually :r If he's helping show her the ropes, maybe it makes most sense for you to start?
Sounds good to both threads!

I do agree that I think Louis would be hurt if she made fun of him or Caleb, maybe this is better suited for a later thread :r
Sounds good to me! I shall get things started soon-ish. (Actually going to fix up my thread list and almost a bit more freed up for time...almost).
You know Jordie and Weston are going to be sitting at a bar somewhere not knowing what they hell they're doing XD
You know Jordie and Weston are going to be sitting at a bar somewhere not knowing what they hell they're doing XD
Omg pls. Yes. Let's have our two directionless boys be directionless together. Do you want to start something or should I?

Also, if you're not sick of Celia yet, I'd love one more thread with Mallory before the end of the year. I just really enjoy those two, and that relationship might be the healthiest and most positive one Celia's ever had in her life (not that the bar was ever very high but still).
I can start Jordie and Weston at the Hogs Head if you want to have Celia stop by again?
Kadi! :D

Caleb and Celia - I really wish Celia was mature enough to bury the hatchet with him, but she holds grudges like no other and is currently Angry and wants to hurt people x_x I feel like he might have something snarky to say if he finds out she's SDA leader/running the tournament? And in turn, she'd probably try to rub her new position in his face a bit (even though he's not even a member lol)

Yvonne and Celia - It'd probably be good for Celia to talk to Yvonne since she's trying to improve her accuracy while scrying despite not having the Sight. Is it common knowledge that Yvonne isn't a seer? Either way, Celia could stop by her office for some advice.

Nikko and Harper - I think Harper's currently doing the very healthy thing of avoiding her problems and throwing herself headfirst into her new job. So she doesn't have too many issues to talk through now but stay tuned lol. They should definitely catch up though since she's back in the country!

Felix and Harper - He is welcome to reach out anytime! Harper would love to help him. (Tbh I kind of want her to eventually adopt him as an unofficial little brother haha)

Delilah and Harper - Ohhh I would love for them to be flatmates! I've always liked their friendship and would like to see it grow. I feel like there could also be some funny culture clashes at first considering their very different backgrounds.

Indi and Weston - I actually had the stupidest idea, but what if... we sent them to an aquarium so that they could finally get a good look at an eel. The darker (and even more ridiculous) alternative is sending them to a sushi restaurant so they can try eel (maybe unwittingly, on Weston's part).
Caleb and Celia - Enemies till they die. I love it. I've sprinkled it in here and there that he entered some dueling tournaments over the holiday now that he's old enough. Maybe he can be practicing and she comes in to gloat and we can go from there??

Yvonne and Celia - I think it's pretty common knowledge that Yvonne isn't a seer. She doesn't announce it or anything but is very open about it. As part of own divination practice she kind of embraces the doubt that a lot of people have about it which I feel Celia would fine annoying. Like "how can you teach a subject you don't believe in" and she does believe it she just knows she has limitations to her "sight".

Nikko and Harper - I'm cool waiting on this one a bit but I do love them hanging out. He'd love to hear about her new job and how she's settling into things with her family and stuff.

Felix and Harper - Just what this boy needs, more siblings haha. But yes I do enjoy him looking up to her. Maybe he can write to her for advice for now and maybe they can meet up over the holiday/break to chat?

Delilah and Harper - Yeah I think it could be really interesting. They do definitely get along but are super different people. Also the comedy of Harper coming home tired from work to a child learning to play violin. Hope you like screeching.

Indi and Weston - Aquarium time is so good haha. I'm down for either. Maybe he's come to visit her in Australia before she moves back to New Zealand for healer training??

Not sure what you might want to start with, they all sound fun haha.
Sounds good to me! I shall get things started soon-ish. (Actually going to fix up my thread list and almost a bit more freed up for time...almost).

For Violet and Harper! Let me know if I should change anything~

I can start Jordie and Weston at the Hogs Head if you want to have Celia stop by again?

Yup, I'll let you know when I get Mallory/Celia up!

Caleb and Celia - Enemies till they die. I love it. I've sprinkled it in here and there that he entered some dueling tournaments over the holiday now that he's old enough. Maybe he can be practicing and she comes in to gloat and we can go from there??

Yvonne and Celia - I think it's pretty common knowledge that Yvonne isn't a seer. She doesn't announce it or anything but is very open about it. As part of own divination practice she kind of embraces the doubt that a lot of people have about it which I feel Celia would fine annoying. Like "how can you teach a subject you don't believe in" and she does believe it she just knows she has limitations to her "sight".

Nikko and Harper - I'm cool waiting on this one a bit but I do love them hanging out. He'd love to hear about her new job and how she's settling into things with her family and stuff.

Felix and Harper - Just what this boy needs, more siblings haha. But yes I do enjoy him looking up to her. Maybe he can write to her for advice for now and maybe they can meet up over the holiday/break to chat?

Delilah and Harper - Yeah I think it could be really interesting. They do definitely get along but are super different people. Also the comedy of Harper coming home tired from work to a child learning to play violin. Hope you like screeching.

Indi and Weston - Aquarium time is so good haha. I'm down for either. Maybe he's come to visit her in Australia before she moves back to New Zealand for healer training??

Not sure what you might want to start with, they all sound fun haha.

Maybe let's start with Caleb/Celia in the dueling chamber, a Felix/Harper letter thread, and Indi/Weston at the aquarium since it makes sense for those to take place during the break/early in the IC year. And then I'm down to do however many of the others you want! I wouldn't mind doing them all now, but I don't want to overwhelm you haha
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