New Year New Plots

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Going to focus on my students for this PD, but if you wanna plot with me with other chars let me know!

Emma van Houten
Gryffindor 7th Year
loud - energetic - loyal to a fault​
Iris van Houten
Ravenclaw 7th Year
quiet - caring - thoughtful​
Emma is the oldest twin and also the louder one. She is a beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and has probably gained a reputation for being a bit of a troublemaker. She enjoys parties and being the center of attention and has a temper. She doesn't really know what she wants to do after Hogwarts yet, and tries not to think about it.

Emma has her own friend group but I'd love for her to have a few more friends. Or enemies, it's easy for her to butt heads with anyone.

Iris is the younger twin and also the youngest van Houten sibling. She's very caring and sweet. She has been dedicated to Divination from a very young age, but has realized she doesn't really have the talent for it. She's still hoping to do something in that field after graduating. Iris has a few friends but is a bit of a loner as well.

Iris could use a few more friends or maybe someone who has an interest in Divination too. Or really anything else!
Lucas Fletcher
Hufflepuff 6th Year
friendly - energetic - stubborn​
Augustus Westwick
Ravenclaw 6th Year
that weird kid who still stares at people too much​
Lucas is a friendly and cheerful boy though he can also get very stubborn, especially when it comes to holding grudges or having arguments with his friends. He's a Quidditch player who caught the snitch in two of Hufflepuffs important matches last year. He feels a bit of pressure to do it again this year and isn't at all sure he can. This year, Lucas is also co-president of the Brotherhoof with Lumio Skey. With his prefects badge as well, these are quite a few responsibilities for him.

For Lucas I'd love some Quidditch related plots. He made himself fa bit of a reputation last year. For romance I'm pretty settled at the moment, but I'd love for him to have more interactions with kids in his year.
Augustus is still tall and pretty awkward. I'm pretty sure that in his year he's that tall weird kid no one really talks to, but he's pretty happy at the moment. He has a small group of friends, and, since recently, a girlfriend. Augustus has an interest in magical creatures and the undiscovered. He has been very curious about the creature living in the lake and hopes to be the one to discover what it is.

For Augustus I'm always looking for some conflicts. I think a bullying plot could be interesting, or just someone who doesn't like him for staring and having a bit of a creepy vibe. Friendships are welcome too, but for romance I'm set at the moment.
Ivy Ashworth
Gryffindor 5th Year
conflicted - headstrong - smart - part veela​
Natalia Novak
Slytherin 4th Year
prejudiced - cold - lonely - pureblood​
Ivy is a hard-working overachiever who is a little bit lost right now. She always had a lot of pride in how hard she worked and her grades, but last year she started to let it go a bit more. She realized that she didn't always want to study and do nothing else. She started paying more attention to her appearance, leaning into her mother's influence a bit more to her father's disapproval. Last year, Ivy was pretty hurt by Sawyer when he lied about kissing her. It hurt her trust a bit as well as her confidence. She is now worried that the only reason anyone will like her is because of her (veela) appearance, and doesn't trust anyone can genuinely be interested in her.

Ivy is going to be a bit different this year. She's really trying to find herself and is leaning into the whole part-veela thing a bit more. She's also trying to figure out what she enjoys doing, as she hasn't really had time for hobbies before. I'm happy for any interactions for her. For romance I have some things in the works, but one-sided crushes and drama are always welcome :r.
Natalia hasn't really made any friends at Hogwarts, which largely has to do with her attitude. She had been taught only to associate with fellow purebloods, but had no idea there would be so few of them. Now, she just pretends she doesn't mind being alone, but it does bug her. She spends a lot of her time in the greenhouses taking care of plants and flowers.

Now she has her younger sister at Hogwarts too, which will likely cause some conflicts for Natalia as the two don't get along. Isadora is a lot more rebellious and free-spirited than Natalia is, and Natalia doesn't want her to know how lonely and boring her life at Hogwarts is. She has a few girls she's on friendly terms with, but no one to really confide in.

For her I'm looking for friends. I think Natalia is at the point where anyone who isn't muggleborn could be a potential friend for her. With the added pressure of keeping the family name in good standing with her sister running around, Natalia will probably be more open to talking to someone.
Louis Alcott
Gryffindor 3rd Year
french - flirty - arrogant - insensitive​
Gwen Goodwin
Slytherin 2nd Year
seems sweet - calculating - loves pink​
Louis is a friendly guy who enjoys sports and being outside. He's French, but fluent in English as well. Louis can be a bit cocky and arrogant, often thinking very highly of himself even when it's not necessarily deserved. He can be a bit insensitive to others, sometimes without meaning to. He has a half-sister who has been sorted this year and often teases her for being a bit of a nerd. Louis grew up with only his dad, who isn't the most responsible father. Because of this, Louis is pretty independent but also pretty spoiled. He's used to getting what he wants, even if it's not very smart or responsible. Louis wants to make plenty of friends and be popular and admired.

This year Louis is also discovering his flirty side. He's pretty interested in relationships and dating. He'll likely try out his flirting skills a bit this year. But he's not likely to settle down anytime soon. I think Louis will break a lot of hearts before he graduates. But I'm also interested in just friendship or rivalry with others.
Gwen is a very enthusiastic and happy girl on the outside, but her cheery personality hides a more calculating and manipulative side. Gwen has always tried to be the perfect daughter for her adoptive parents, so she's used to hiding parts of herself. She wants to make a ton of friends and be popular at Hogwarts. Gwen has little time for people she considers uncool, but would definitely try to befriend older students and people she does consider worth her time. Gwen could also be a bully, but only in a subtle way. She's very careful not to show her mean side unless she actually has to.

I could also see her using some younger students to do stuff for her, if anyone has a gullible first year she could talk into things.

For Gwen I'm mostly looking for friends and kids in her year to talk to. I want her to have more interactions with her classmates. I have a few romance plots brewing for the future, but I'm happy to talk any future plans.
Isadora Novak
Gryffindor 1st Year
rebellious - cheerful - troublemaker​
And my newest student is my first year Isadora Novak. She's a very different girl from her sister, a lot more energetic and cheerful. She's a troublemaker who barely thinks before doing anything. But she's also very loyal to her friends and has a huge sense of honor. She would do almost anything for her friends. Isadora can be a bit bossy and headstrong too, which means she can easily get into conflicts with others if they have different opinions than her.

For Isadora I'm looking for anything; friends, rivals, enemies... anything! I'm planning to start a thread in the Gryffindor dorms soon to get to know her roommates.

And that was it! I'll probably pick one or two plots with people to start with, as I don't want to be flooded at the start of the semester.
Hello don't mind me *whistles*

Flynn & Ivy - We need more pain. Because things went so well for them in their last thread nothing bad could happen in a new one. They actually need to talk about things because Flynn is still brooding about things and that is not likely to change. Who knew? He doesn't do well with rejection.

Flynn & Lucas - They've had some threads in the past so maybe another? They could always have some friendly practice (even if Flynn is still a little bitter about the fact Gryff lost to Puff in the finals last year hehe)

Rhys & Gwen - Simply because they chatted a little during the ending feast so maybe they could actually like... get along? They're both adopted and pretty similar in personality. Pretending to be nice and innocent but secretly manipulative. And he's older so she might be interested in befriending him just because of that. Up to you though.

Zagreus & Isadora - Both first years so they could be potential friends maybe? Zagreus is pretty much the opposite of her though - quiet and nervous. So it would probably be pretty easy to boss him around because he wouldn't likely complain about it. So hey, free minion to do your bidding just because he's desperate for friends and would pretty much do anything to try and make some.
Hello don't mind me *whistles*

Flynn & Ivy - We need more pain. Because things went so well for them in their last thread nothing bad could happen in a new one. They actually need to talk about things because Flynn is still brooding about things and that is not likely to change. Who knew? He doesn't do well with rejection.

Flynn & Lucas - They've had some threads in the past so maybe another? They could always have some friendly practice (even if Flynn is still a little bitter about the fact Gryff lost to Puff in the finals last year hehe)

Rhys & Gwen - Simply because they chatted a little during the ending feast so maybe they could actually like... get along? They're both adopted and pretty similar in personality. Pretending to be nice and innocent but secretly manipulative. And he's older so she might be interested in befriending him just because of that. Up to you though.

Zagreus & Isadora - Both first years so they could be potential friends maybe? Zagreus is pretty much the opposite of her though - quiet and nervous. So it would probably be pretty easy to boss him around because he wouldn't likely complain about it. So hey, free minion to do your bidding just because he's desperate for friends and would pretty much do anything to try and make some.
yay Charlie, I never mind :r

I agree on Flynn and Ivy. She's been trying to convince herself she read the situation wrong though I don't think its working. So talking about it would be terrible for her... and I want that :r

Flynn & Lucas are a fun combination. I like their Quidditch rivalry and the contrast in personalities :p

Am completely down for Rhys and Gwen! Yeah him being older would be enough for her to hang out with him. I hadn't even considered they were similar but that makes it even more interesting. I imagine it could be fun if they could see through each other.

Not to repeat myself but I also like the idea of Zagreus and Isadora. I don't think she'd boss him around on purpose, but she doesn't really realize how bossy she can be xD she would be a good and loyal friend though, so there is that.

In summary: yes pls
I agree on Flynn and Ivy. She's been trying to convince herself she read the situation wrong though I don't think its working. So talking about it would be terrible for her... and I want that :r

Flynn & Lucas are a fun combination. I like their Quidditch rivalry and the contrast in personalities :p

Am completely down for Rhys and Gwen! Yeah him being older would be enough for her to hang out with him. I hadn't even considered they were similar but that makes it even more interesting. I imagine it could be fun if they could see through each other.

Not to repeat myself but I also like the idea of Zagreus and Isadora. I don't think she'd boss him around on purpose, but she doesn't really realize how bossy she can be xD she would be a good and loyal friend though, so there is that.

In summary: yes pls
Flynn & Ivy - Yeah Ivy you totally read things wrong. Probably. Though actually getting them to talk might be hard as Flynn is kinda hardcore avoiding her because he doesn't want to talk. And I have feeling Ivy is doing the same XD

Flynn & Lucas - I enjoy the rivalry, especially now Lucas has gotten the upper hand. I see Flynn being extra determined to beat him next time they meet.

Rhys & Gwen - Yeah Rhys doesn't talk all too much because he prefers listening to see if there is anything he could learn to use against you later, haha. But yeah! I don't really know how they would actually get along in the long run or what they would actually do to 'hang out' or whatever, but hey it's a thing in progress.

Zag & Isadora - She'll continue to not know because Zag certainly won't bring it up and would probably just do everything he asked because he wants friends. The dude's just desperate to get along with people and not get laughed at and bullied. But he would be a good friend, maybe just a little clingy at times
ew daph i hate rpign with u :p (JK)

ok i have a few half thoughts im just gonna throw at ya lemme know what you think

Iris & Connor - I'd love to progress the plot w them rebuilding their friendship, and doubly so Connor needs someone outside his immediate friend group to talk to about his feelings for Kas & his worries about his romantic past. Could be a cute bonding moment for them if he opens up to her? also potential for drama if at some point emma or nicole stumbled upon this conversation....

Lucas & Finn - Killing two birds with one stone, Lucas could get in some Quidditch-time & also hanging out with someone in his year if he ran across Finn on the pitch doing... his best. I feel like at this point Finn has a Quidditch reputation in the opposite sense to Lucas, and he'd probably really appreciate someone being.... not mean to him about it. (Or Lucas could be mean...... Evil Lucas >:3c)

Louis & Manaia - I know we already talked abt a fling between these two at some point down the line, I'm mostly putting it here to try and make sure we don't forget lmao

Gwen & Giulia -
Daphneeeeeee! :D

Okay, I know we briefly spoke about a plot idea not too long ago, so I'm still keen for that! Funnily enough, I was gonna flick you a message about plot ideas, but that slipped my mind, but I will stick flick you one anyways a bit later hehe!

Anywayssssss, this is what I can think at the top of my head:

Emma x Issac - defs would love some more threads between Emma and Issac, considering as its their last year, so I wanna do as much as I can between with them hehe! - I don't currently have any ideas between them right now, but i think mischievous things are on the table, as that's like one of their things =)) (One of the main reasons why I was gonna message you hehe!)

Gwen x Molly - I just noticed that you have replied to the train thread, so that's all good, but I just wanted to put something here because I would love to rp more of them together! I really like their dynamic together, so I'm happy to try and develop them a bit more as well hehe!

Isadora x Abby - I'll defs reply to the Gryffindor dorm room thread sometime soon! But I'm happy to offer Abby to Isadora! Abby is quite shy and quiet, but she'll open up to you slowly as the conversation progresses! She's also a bit bossy once you get to know her, so even if they may become possible friends, they're ideas may clash a little (As both of them can be bossy hehehe)

That's all I have for now! But as I mentioned earlier, I'll flick you a message to see if there's anything you wanna further discuss hehe! (Also, I am loving that both Emma and Iris have similar avatars, TOO CUTE)
^Going to echo Maria and say I also really love the matching twin avatars

I know we already have one plot going, but here are some other ideas you're free to take or leave! :D

Natalia and Celia - I'd like to have these two become closer! Celia also wants to get closer to her for networking/social climbing reasons. I think Celia's unwillingness to share anything personal (for fear that she'll reveal her nonmagical upbringing) might make it hard for them to become truly close friends, but she's down to hang out for girl talk or Quidditch practice or whatever.

Natalia and Harper - I know we've talked about doing some prejudice-related plots in the past, and I'm still up for that if you are. Maybe one of them reacts to a Daily Prophet headline? Or they come across some anti-muggle/anti-muggleborn flyers or graffiti?

Ivy and Harper - I admittedly don't have a ton of great ideas here since Harper's pretty non-confrontational and just tries to avoid Ivy at this point. But I think she finds Ivy's increasing focus on "girly" things a bit hypocritical since that's exactly what Ivy used to judge Blake for. Maybe they have a class project that forces them to interact?

I'd also be down to do something with Gwen and Celia, mostly because I found her annoyance with Celia's Monthly article about Halloween costumes funny. Or if you want Quidditch plots, Celia is more than happy to coordinate her practice times to match Lucas' and then "accidentally" send a bludger or two his way to injure him before a game :r
Hey Daphne :wub: I have some options for you.

Lucas & Estella
If Lucas needs some friends, I'd be more than happy to offer Estella. Estella isn't really into Quidditch, so she's not very familiar with him in that regard xD I'm not sure how Lucas would feel about that, but I would be excited to put them together and see how they go!

Ivy & Estella
Estella really doesn't like Ivy, so I'm happy to plan some potential drama with you between them :r I do see some similarities between them though, like how they both care about their appearances and whatnot. I think the only main reason Estella doesn't like her though is because she made Sawyer sad. Maybe we could plan some drama that then turns them into frenemies? Or at least they can learn to tolerate each other a little more? I'm open for anything with this :D

Natalia & Lucie
If Natalia needs friends, I think Lucie could be one of them. Lucie doesn't mind Natalia. She also has an interest in Herbology and plants, so maybe they could bond over that? Lucie would be more than happy to let Natalia confide in her, however she does become a little talkative when she gets comfortable and is definitely quite blunt, so if she doesn't agree with her, she will let her know xD
First of all i love how in sync the pictures are for iris and Emma.

Iris and Selene. Iris works in the eye. and Selene still works there one or two days a week. so they could have a shift together and just catch up/hang out while only half working. or they can keep going with their letters.

Lucas and Linden. forget talking about canine communication and they need to hold hands/hug/make out already. even rusty can smell the tension in the air between them.

Gwen and Niamh. Gwen could try and make 'friends' with sky and try and manipulate her. maybe because she is friends with Giulia or maybe because she is just seen as odd. but be aware while sky is not bold or brave, she is also so comfortably herself it may not work.
Ahem. Just message me for ones you want, I'm throwing pairings out.

Hey Daphne!!! I remember us plotting something but with me going MIA it didn't really work out! So maybe we could give another shot? Also, I'm joining people who love how twin gifs are so in sync and matching!

Kiara/Iris - it's the last year of them being dormmates, so they could hang out more or at least just have some conversation? Also, it could be fun with them both dating people who are cousins?
Ivy/Anna - one-sided crush was my stop there haha. Anna could have a crush on Ivy? Also, they could try something like being friends?
Isadora/Sadie - I will post in the thread in the common room soon! Thank you for starting it! And if they get along pretty well, maybe they could try being friends or something of that sort?
holy crap that's a lot
Flynn & Ivy - Yeah Ivy you totally read things wrong. Probably. Though actually getting them to talk might be hard as Flynn is kinda hardcore avoiding her because he doesn't want to talk. And I have feeling Ivy is doing the same XD

Flynn & Lucas - I enjoy the rivalry, especially now Lucas has gotten the upper hand. I see Flynn being extra determined to beat him next time they meet.

Rhys & Gwen - Yeah Rhys doesn't talk all too much because he prefers listening to see if there is anything he could learn to use against you later, haha. But yeah! I don't really know how they would actually get along in the long run or what they would actually do to 'hang out' or whatever, but hey it's a thing in progress.

Zag & Isadora - She'll continue to not know because Zag certainly won't bring it up and would probably just do everything he asked because he wants friends. The dude's just desperate to get along with people and not get laughed at and bullied. But he would be a good friend, maybe just a little clingy at times
Haha we should see if we can force Ivy and Flynn together, that could be fun :r

Flynn and Lucas sounds fun, I think they could maybe meet while trying to get some extra practice in?

Gwen and Rhys sounds so interesting, I'm definitely down!

Same for Zag & Isadora.

Should we pick two for now? I vote Flynn and Ivy for drama :r you can pick another if you want?
ew daph i hate rpign with u :p (JK)

ok i have a few half thoughts im just gonna throw at ya lemme know what you think

Iris & Connor - I'd love to progress the plot w them rebuilding their friendship, and doubly so Connor needs someone outside his immediate friend group to talk to about his feelings for Kas & his worries about his romantic past. Could be a cute bonding moment for them if he opens up to her? also potential for drama if at some point emma or nicole stumbled upon this conversation....

Lucas & Finn - Killing two birds with one stone, Lucas could get in some Quidditch-time & also hanging out with someone in his year if he ran across Finn on the pitch doing... his best. I feel like at this point Finn has a Quidditch reputation in the opposite sense to Lucas, and he'd probably really appreciate someone being.... not mean to him about it. (Or Lucas could be mean...... Evil Lucas >:3c)

Louis & Manaia - I know we already talked abt a fling between these two at some point down the line, I'm mostly putting it here to try and make sure we don't forget lmao

Gwen & Giulia -
Can we say Iris and Connor have been hanging out a bit off screen? I imagine she has been spending some time with him. Emma is quietly resigned to it, but idk about Nicole :r

Lucas and Finn could be interesting, but Lucas is only mean to Connor :r

Louis & Manaia could be nice, maybe just some flirting for now?

Gwen will definitely passive-aggressively bully Giulia :p
Daphneeeeeee! :D

Okay, I know we briefly spoke about a plot idea not too long ago, so I'm still keen for that! Funnily enough, I was gonna flick you a message about plot ideas, but that slipped my mind, but I will stick flick you one anyways a bit later hehe!

Anywayssssss, this is what I can think at the top of my head:

Emma x Issac - defs would love some more threads between Emma and Issac, considering as its their last year, so I wanna do as much as I can between with them hehe! - I don't currently have any ideas between them right now, but i think mischievous things are on the table, as that's like one of their things =)) (One of the main reasons why I was gonna message you hehe!)

Gwen x Molly - I just noticed that you have replied to the train thread, so that's all good, but I just wanted to put something here because I would love to rp more of them together! I really like their dynamic together, so I'm happy to try and develop them a bit more as well hehe!

Isadora x Abby - I'll defs reply to the Gryffindor dorm room thread sometime soon! But I'm happy to offer Abby to Isadora! Abby is quite shy and quiet, but she'll open up to you slowly as the conversation progresses! She's also a bit bossy once you get to know her, so even if they may become possible friends, they're ideas may clash a little (As both of them can be bossy hehehe)

That's all I have for now! But as I mentioned earlier, I'll flick you a message to see if there's anything you wanna further discuss hehe! (Also, I am loving that both Emma and Iris have similar avatars, TOO CUTE)
We do need some Emma and Issac! Maybe they try to plan some big prank together?

I enjoy Gwen and Molly a lot too! Should we stick to the train thread for now?

Isadora & Abby sounds interesting too, we can rp them a bit in the dorm thread for now?

^Going to echo Maria and say I also really love the matching twin avatars

I know we already have one plot going, but here are some other ideas you're free to take or leave! :D

Natalia and Celia - I'd like to have these two become closer! Celia also wants to get closer to her for networking/social climbing reasons. I think Celia's unwillingness to share anything personal (for fear that she'll reveal her nonmagical upbringing) might make it hard for them to become truly close friends, but she's down to hang out for girl talk or Quidditch practice or whatever.

Natalia and Harper - I know we've talked about doing some prejudice-related plots in the past, and I'm still up for that if you are. Maybe one of them reacts to a Daily Prophet headline? Or they come across some anti-muggle/anti-muggleborn flyers or graffiti?

Ivy and Harper - I admittedly don't have a ton of great ideas here since Harper's pretty non-confrontational and just tries to avoid Ivy at this point. But I think she finds Ivy's increasing focus on "girly" things a bit hypocritical since that's exactly what Ivy used to judge Blake for. Maybe they have a class project that forces them to interact?

I'd also be down to do something with Gwen and Celia, mostly because I found her annoyance with Celia's Monthly article about Halloween costumes funny. Or if you want Quidditch plots, Celia is more than happy to coordinate her practice times to match Lucas' and then "accidentally" send a bludger or two his way to injure him before a game :r
Natalia desperately needs some friends so I'm down for her and Celia, even if they won't be that close :p Quidditch practice is fun too.

Natalia and Harper would be interesting, the Daily Prophet headline could be fun! Good idea.

Ivy and Harper sound interesting too, a class project is a good idea.

I'd love to do Gwen and Celia, I think they would clash wonderfully :r I've been considering PMing you about them because I think they are kind of similar in a way but different too. It'd be fun to see how they interact.

Pls let Lucas live :(

Hey Daphne :wub: I have some options for you.

Lucas & Estella
If Lucas needs some friends, I'd be more than happy to offer Estella. Estella isn't really into Quidditch, so she's not very familiar with him in that regard xD I'm not sure how Lucas would feel about that, but I would be excited to put them together and see how they go!

Ivy & Estella
Estella really doesn't like Ivy, so I'm happy to plan some potential drama with you between them :r I do see some similarities between them though, like how they both care about their appearances and whatnot. I think the only main reason Estella doesn't like her though is because she made Sawyer sad. Maybe we could plan some drama that then turns them into frenemies? Or at least they can learn to tolerate each other a little more? I'm open for anything with this :D

Natalia & Lucie
If Natalia needs friends, I think Lucie could be one of them. Lucie doesn't mind Natalia. She also has an interest in Herbology and plants, so maybe they could bond over that? Lucie would be more than happy to let Natalia confide in her, however she does become a little talkative when she gets comfortable and is definitely quite blunt, so if she doesn't agree with her, she will let her know xD
Lucas and Estella talked at the feast a bit, so they'd know each other vaguely. We could do something with that.

But the drama between Estella and Ivy is definitely fun too. I say keep them fighting :r but we can see how things go. I think Ivy isn't ready to forgive anyone who defends Sawyer at the moment.

Natalia and Lucie sound good, they know each other reasonably well since they're roommates so it could happen very naturally I think.

First of all i love how in sync the pictures are for iris and Emma.

Iris and Selene. Iris works in the eye. and Selene still works there one or two days a week. so they could have a shift together and just catch up/hang out while only half working. or they can keep going with their letters.

Lucas and Linden. forget talking about canine communication and they need to hold hands/hug/make out already. even rusty can smell the tension in the air between them.

Gwen and Niamh. Gwen could try and make 'friends' with sky and try and manipulate her. maybe because she is friends with Giulia or maybe because she is just seen as odd. but be aware while sky is not bold or brave, she is also so comfortably herself it may not work.
I love the idea of Iris and Selene over break, I haven't done enough with Iris' new job yet.

Lucas and Linden definitely :r but lets see where their current thread goes first.

Niamh is definitely on Gwen's 'weird kid' list, we can see how we can get them to interact.

Ahem. Just message me for ones you want, I'm throwing pairings out.

These are fun combinations, do you mind elaborating a bit what ideas you have for them?

Hey Daphne!!! I remember us plotting something but with me going MIA it didn't really work out! So maybe we could give another shot? Also, I'm joining people who love how twin gifs are so in sync and matching!

Kiara/Iris - it's the last year of them being dormmates, so they could hang out more or at least just have some conversation? Also, it could be fun with them both dating people who are cousins?
Ivy/Anna - one-sided crush was my stop there haha. Anna could have a crush on Ivy? Also, they could try something like being friends?
Isadora/Sadie - I will post in the thread in the common room soon! Thank you for starting it! And if they get along pretty well, maybe they could try being friends or something of that sort?
Hi Sophia, no worries!
Kiara and Iris should be fun, I think we can do a dorm thread with them?

Ivy and Anna sounds interesting, I don't think they have interacted much yet. We can see how it goes?

Isadora and Sadie can definitely be friends, we can see how they interact in the dorm thread?

Also thanks everyone for the compliments on the twin gifs, I saved them for seventh year because they were so cute
We do need some Emma and Issac! Maybe they try to plan some big prank together?

I enjoy Gwen and Molly a lot too! Should we stick to the train thread for now?

Isadora & Abby sounds interesting too, we can rp them a bit in the dorm thread for now?
For sure! Oh! I love a prank idea! Something big before their last year ends ahaha! Love that idea!

The other two sound good to me as well! Just wait out and see what happens hehe! :D
Yay! I'm happy to keep Estella and Ivy fighting. Did you want to plan some drama between them?

Also I'm happy to start Lucie and Natalia if you wouldn't mind starting the other one?
Can we say Iris and Connor have been hanging out a bit off screen? I imagine she has been spending some time with him. Emma is quietly resigned to it, but idk about Nicole :r

Lucas and Finn could be interesting, but Lucas is only mean to Connor :r

Louis & Manaia could be nice, maybe just some flirting for now?

Gwen will definitely passive-aggressively bully Giulia
Iris & Connor: Aaah yeah I was picturing them hanging out off screen, but was thinking would be nice to do a thread so they can hang and connor can dump all his issues like a sadboi

Lucas & Finn: [finn pulls his mask off and reveals it was connor all along] no jk but do u like the quidge buddies idea?

Louis & Manaia: Yeeeee, sounds perf! Manaia is. as the kids say Bummed Out right now but maybe we can get this going a bit later in the ic year?

Gwen & Giulia: nice nice excellent 💪
I love the idea of Iris and Selene over break, I haven't done enough with Iris' new job yet.

Lucas and Linden definitely :r but lets see where their current thread goes first.

Niamh is definitely on Gwen's 'weird kid' list, we can see how we can get them to interact.

I/S let me know if you want me to start something. or you can
L/L who said i wasn't talking about the current thread.
G/N maybe wait up on this one. a halloween run in perhaps? or see when some other opportunity resents its self.
DAPH, for you...

Iris x Poppy: I would love them to actually hang out properly, maybe have some chats about the future being terrifying?

Iris x Yvonne: I think if Iris has questions about Divination as a career she could always talk to Yvonne. Since she’s not a seer she can feel a bit unqualified so I think she’d be very sympathetic to what Iris is going through.

Ivy x Delilah: I really enjoy the tension that is building in their friend group and think we can probably pull on some strings. They had their argument last semester, she still kind of hangs out with Sawyer, and now she works with Flynn? I’m sure we can find something.

Natalia x Delilah: I think the last time they talked she assumed Delilah was pureblood because she mentioned some of her family that still were. Maybe we can do something with that?

Louis x Caleb: More dumb friend/rivals please. Caleb is likely to still be bitter about losing to him at the dueling tournament, maybe some sabotage is in his future. But I also just enjoy them being lads.

I’m sure more will come to me over time lol
Natalia desperately needs some friends so I'm down for her and Celia, even if they won't be that close :p Quidditch practice is fun too.

Natalia and Harper would be interesting, the Daily Prophet headline could be fun! Good idea.

Ivy and Harper sound interesting too, a class project is a good idea.

I'd love to do Gwen and Celia, I think they would clash wonderfully :r I've been considering PMing you about them because I think they are kind of similar in a way but different too. It'd be fun to see how they interact.

Pls let Lucas live :(
I feel like Gwen is the person Celia could have become if Celia knew the meaning of the word subtlety and didn't insist on drowning herself in her own teenage angst. All that to say, yes, I agree they'd clash wonderfully.

Since we already have a Louis/Celia thread, maybe we choose one or two out of Natalia/Celia, Natalia/Harper, Ivy/Harper, or Gwen/Celia to start with? Any preference?
Iris & Connor: Aaah yeah I was picturing them hanging out off screen, but was thinking would be nice to do a thread so they can hang and connor can dump all his issues like a sadboi

Lucas & Finn: [finn pulls his mask off and reveals it was connor all along] no jk but do u like the quidge buddies idea?

Louis & Manaia: Yeeeee, sounds perf! Manaia is. as the kids say Bummed Out right now but maybe we can get this going a bit later in the ic year?

Gwen & Giulia: nice nice excellent 💪
I like the quidge buddies idea! Maybe a bit later when Quidditch has started again?

Should we start maybe with Iris & Connor and Gwen & Giulia?

I/S let me know if you want me to start something. or you can
L/L who said i wasn't talking about the current thread.
G/N maybe wait up on this one. a halloween run in perhaps? or see when some other opportunity resents its self.
I believe you started our Linden/Lucas thread so I'll start one for Iris and Selene, will try to get it up soon!
DAPH, for you...

Iris x Poppy: I would love them to actually hang out properly, maybe have some chats about the future being terrifying?

Iris x Yvonne: I think if Iris has questions about Divination as a career she could always talk to Yvonne. Since she’s not a seer she can feel a bit unqualified so I think she’d be very sympathetic to what Iris is going through.

Ivy x Delilah: I really enjoy the tension that is building in their friend group and think we can probably pull on some strings. They had their argument last semester, she still kind of hangs out with Sawyer, and now she works with Flynn? I’m sure we can find something.

Natalia x Delilah: I think the last time they talked she assumed Delilah was pureblood because she mentioned some of her family that still were. Maybe we can do something with that?

Louis x Caleb: More dumb friend/rivals please. Caleb is likely to still be bitter about losing to him at the dueling tournament, maybe some sabotage is in his future. But I also just enjoy them being lads.

I’m sure more will come to me over time lol
Ohh I love all your ideas Kadi!

I think Iris and Poppy are overdue, we could do them soonish? And if Delilah is still friendly with Sawyer and Ivy sees it she's definitely confronting her about it, she's a very black and white kind of person so I think she'd see any interaction with Sawyer at this point as treason :r

Should we start with those ideas?

I feel like Gwen is the person Celia could have become if Celia knew the meaning of the word subtlety and didn't insist on drowning herself in her own teenage angst. All that to say, yes, I agree they'd clash wonderfully.

Since we already have a Louis/Celia thread, maybe we choose one or two out of Natalia/Celia, Natalia/Harper, Ivy/Harper, or Gwen/Celia to start with? Any preference?
I like that idea, we could pick two for now and each pick one? I think I'd really like to see Gwen and Celia interact :r
Haha we should see if we can force Ivy and Flynn together, that could be fun :r

Flynn and Lucas sounds fun, I think they could maybe meet while trying to get some extra practice in?

Gwen and Rhys sounds so interesting, I'm definitely down!

Same for Zag & Isadora.
Should we pick two for now? I vote Flynn and Ivy for drama :r you can pick another if you want?
I'm down for all of this and just picking two for now and then doing the other two at a later date. I agree with the Flynn & Ivy, I need my pain and I need it now. As for the other thread... what about Zag & Isadora?
I'm down for all of this and just picking two for now and then doing the other two at a later date. I agree with the Flynn & Ivy, I need my pain and I need it now. As for the other thread... what about Zag & Isadora?
Sounds good, should we each start one? I could do Zag and Isadora?
I like the quidge buddies idea! Maybe a bit later when Quidditch has started again?

Should we start maybe with Iris & Connor and Gwen & Giulia?

Sounds perf!! I can start for Iris & Connor if you can start for Gwen & Giulia? (Or vice versa)
Ohh I love all your ideas Kadi!

I think Iris and Poppy are overdue, we could do them soonish? And if Delilah is still friendly with Sawyer and Ivy sees it she's definitely confronting her about it, she's a very black and white kind of person so I think she'd see any interaction with Sawyer at this point as treason :r

Should we start with those ideas?


Soonish for claw gals sounds good. And I think Delilah is very reluctant to spend time with him but hasn't told him off yet and if Ivy saw them and got mad that would definitely set off some stuff, but I might wait a bit for that confrontation. But Very Into It.
I like that idea, we could pick two for now and each pick one? I think I'd really like to see Gwen and Celia interact :r

That sounds good to me! Do you want to start it? And I can start Natalia/Harper, if you'd like

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