Open Y47 End of Year Feast

Apolline smiled easily at Anisha, she was very happy that she was friendly with the older girl and would credit the victory in the duelling to her helping her. "Yeah, do you think the NEWT year is going to be really difficult?" Apolline asked. She was a long way from it but she was curious as to if it would be exceedingly hard or not.
@Anisha Khatri
Magne smiled at his friend and nodded. "Yeah, I think we're gonna sail round the north Island," he didn't know the specifics of what they were doing, but just knew that they would be sailing from the moment he got off the train. "Do you have any plans?"
@Cyrus Thorne
Anisha had only vaguely noticed some ruckus at the Slytherin table and hadn't paid it much attention, so when Elio talked to her she turned away from Apolline with slight frown. "What?" She asked, looking around. "Was it bullying? I just thought they were making noise." She said, realizing in that moment they had been booing. Booing who, the headmaster? Did that count as bullying? "I'm sure the professors will handle it." She said hesitantly, glancing over at the staff table.

She returned her attention to Apolline, but made sure she could still see Elio and talk to him as well if he had more to say. She was now also keeping an eye on the Slytherin table, though she kind of wished she hadn't noticed it. If something unfair really was happening she might be compelled to jump in, and it didn't go that well last time. Hours before the break before her final year probably wasn't the right time to get in any sort of trouble. She looked at the younger girl a little distractedly, recalling her question after a moment. "I think so." She said honestly. "But we'll manage, right Elio?"

@Elio Boneheart @Apolline Fontaine
Cyrus smiled, glad he had managed to make Magne smile. This whole 'friends' thing really wasn't as hard as he had first assumed. "That sounds wonderful." He said, wondering if they were first sailing their boat all the way around New Zealand. He had no idea how long that would take, but he guessed a long time. "My plans mostly consist of reading." He admitted, though he knew it was a little boring. He also hoped there would be writing involved as well, but that always felt a little strange to bring up. But he might let Magne read some of his poetry next year if he wanted.

@Magne Kleos
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Callie blushed a little at the words. "Yeah, hopefully," she said, her gaze moving towards Dante at the slytherin table, before looking back at Marley as she replied. "That'll be fun," she said since she knew spending time with family was always nice. "It'll be nice to just have a break and not worry about classes and exams," she added with a little giggle. Callie loved school but she welcomed the break.
@Marley Owens-Lee
Esme took the plate from Tori and took some of the potatoes and put them onto her plate, then put the plate down wherever she could put it before looking around for what else might be on offer. “I don’t know, I’m still not really in touch with most of that side of my family, I went to the christmas party but I didn’t meet any one my age that I didn’t already know,” Esme wondered if Cades showing up at Hogwarts was a regular occurrence based on the way people talked about it. Whatever happened, she hoped that while it might be a surprise to her, it wasn’t to the rest of the Cade’s around the school. She didn’t want to get sucked into more family drama. “You gonna be okay without your brother? I know you really liked having him around,”

@Victoria de Lacey
Magne nodded with ease, still smiling as he thought fondly of the time he was going to be spending with his parents. He figured most other people would want to do that. "Oh cool, anything in particular?" he said. He glanced away briefly, looking towards the slytherin table and then back at his friend. "Would you want join and my family on boat?" he asked. Figuring it didn't hurt to ask.
@Cyrus Thorne
Cyrus nodded with a smile. "I got this poetry collection for my birthday but it was too heavy to take back to Hogwarts with me, so I'm looking forward to reading it." He said with a smile. He took a bite of his food and then nearly choked on it when Magne invited him to join him on his boat with his family. He looked at him with wide eyes, then coughed. "Really?" He asked, unsure what to do with this invitation. Was Magne being serious?

@Magne Kleos
Magne had never really been interested in poetry, but Cyrus had plenty of other cool hobbies, that it had to be somewhat fun. Magne then nodded at Cyrus' questioning. "Sure, do you get seasick?" he asked, since if he did he would likely have a terrible time.
@Cyrus Thorne
Camille sat down at the Hufflepuff table. It was a shame that they were last, but Slytherin and Ravenclaw seemed to be so much ahead. And she knew that her own grades wouldn't help much with getting the house cup. When the top point earners were named she applauded. Most loudly for her sister and Hufflepuff. It was also another fact that she was indeed nowhere near where June was. And it took her an bit back to the time they still lived together with their parents, and she was overlooked like usual an grey mouse sitting in the corner. Camille her face changed as she heard some noice from the Slyherin table, it sounded like boo-ing. And than Vex made it even worse. Camille felt bad for her sister, this was not nice. Why did people do that? The blonde didn't felt good, she lost her appetite now. She wanted to check on June later on, because she didn't deserved this. Camille pushed away her plate, and couldn't imagine how to feel if this would happen to her. She would run away crying perhaps. But she felt overwhelmed right now, by all the noices around.
Anisha obviously hadn’t heard or seen what he had because he had no doubt that she would have considered it bullying if she’d heard what they were saying, but then again, he’d only heard the booing, he just didn’t like the way head treated Eury and they could have been being nice to soemone and he probably would have also considered that bullying as well, mostly he didn’t believe that they could be nice people he supposed. He didn’t believe her about the Professors, but he had a pretty low opinion of the school at the moment altogether. He shrugged when she mentioned they’d manage. “Gonna have to, but yeah, I’m sure we’ll be fine… probably.” he’d done alright in his exams after all, though he wasn’t sure if he could handle all those classes again. @Anisha Khatri
Kyousuke was startled from his thoughts, looking over to Hazel. It took him a moment to realise what she was referring to, but nodded once he did. "Yeah, but what can you expect from Morrie," he said with a shrug. He didn't let on that he'd momentarily considered joining in, which he now felt ashamed of. "You'd think they'd just be glad we won the house cup. House pride, and all that. But I guess Slytherin isn't well known for its...cohesion," Kyousuke said delicately.
@Hazel Ashworth
Ethan kind of felt like none of this was real. It was finally here. The end of his time here at Hogwarts. It was strange to think he had ever been eager to get out of here when he was younger. He had an appreciation for it now even if he was still excited for his future once he was out of here. He kept his hands flat on the table as the headmaster gave the usual speech as a way to ground himself and to try and stay in the moment. He glanced over the the Hufflepuff table and wished he could sit with Marnie but he figured it was probably for the best to give her time with Penelope. As the food finally appeared he though about what the immediately holiday would entail for him, but it wasn't really a holiday anymore it was just real life. But he'd probably spend another back to school season at Eeylop's before trying to find some magizooligist work. Even if Professor Burleigh left last semester he could probably write him for a recommendation. Most importantly he wanted to spend some time with his sister she was growing up so fast and he missed her all the time. Ethan serves some food and enjoyed his last meal at school.
Leah sighed heavily when she sat down for the end of year feast. She wasn't hungry and the thought of going home brought down her mood. And seeing the Slytherin banners hung up yet again didn't help either. Gryffindor hadn't really even been in the running but it some how felt like yet another thing to complain about. She buried her face in her palms as the headmaster began his speech and she just wanted time to stop. She didn't want to go home. She didn't want to be going into her seventh year. She wanted more time to be with her friends and feel like she actually belonged somewhere. She knew she was being dramatic but she just felt everything so strongly. She could hear Anisha chatting to some other people but she wasn't in the mood to join. She just reluctantly served herself some food when it appeared and picked at it till it went cold.
Santiago had been eager to leave school plenty of times but this year his need to get out of here was inescapable. He would be spending the holiday with his mom which was a relief after being stuck in New Zealand for well over a whole year at this point. Hopefully he'd get to see his dad too but at least getting to experience a real summer would do him good. Not to mention being around the animals at the ranch again. This year had been complicated and boring all at the same time and he wanted to clear his head. He kept to himself as the headmaster spoke, of course June won top points again and he tried not to laugh when he heard someone boo her. When the food appeared he served himself and ate quickly, wanting the day to be over quickly.
Honestly Tori wasn't sure she knew how to answer that question, because Esme was right, she was really going to miss her brother, she had liked having him around so often. It was kind of cool he was going on to become a bad@ss Quidditch player, but that didn't mean anything, was she going to have to just read every news paper to know how he was doing or was he going to write to her? She very much doubted he would write to her, because he hadn't written to her a lot when he was here without her, so it was unlikely to suddenly change now. She would have liked if he wrote her more, but it might have been wishful thinking honestly. "Hard to say. I will miss him, but I have you here now and the twins are here, Kiera is here, Mr. Professor Cade is alright sometimes," that was a lie, she really liked him and she was still a little upset he'd taken points off of her, even if she knew and understood why. "I'm just going to have to write him a letter every day and then it'll be kind of like he's here. He mostly let me talk anyway, even when he was here." She reminded Esme, shrugging. Being a step-Styx was so hard.@Esme Styx-Cade
Marley continued to tease her friend about her boyfriend with wiggling eyebrows as Callie seemed like she was looking for her boyfriend. Marley nodded. "Yes for sure! I think it would be good to have a break before heading into OWLs which I'm sorta nervous about. But we don't have to think about that right now" Marley says with a giggle. OWLs seemed like a lot of pressure but she didn't want to think about that right now.

@Callie Cardoso
Oskar was looking forward to going home. But he had to admit seeing the great hall decked out with Slytherin banners was kind of cool. Not that his grades helped to earn the title. Even with all that he wanted to go home and be with his mom. He wanted to get away for a while to let down his guard and feel like himself again. He was getting more comfortable here but that didn't mean he liked it. Elodie was nice, his roommates were tolerable, but he still didn't really feel like he found his place here. There was a lot of talking before the feast actually began which he didn't really care about. When the food appeared he served himself and started to count down the hours.
Esme nodded as Tori confirmed what she already thought, that she would miss her brother once he graduated. Everywhere she looked Esme seemed to be gaining family and she counted Tori among that, even if she was one of the few people she had met that year that wasn’t related to her by blood. She was glad to hear thar Tori felt like she’d be okay because of all the people she had met, she liked that her friend felt like she belonged. Esme was getting there too, slowly. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, you two seem to have a really good relationship, he’s gonna play Quidditch right? That’ll be so cool,”

@Victoria de Lacey
Callie smiled at Marley and nodded in agreement. "We'll be fine, I'm sure," she said with as confident a tone as she could. But Marley was right that they wouldn't need to worry about it for a little bit more. Since they had the break and the exams would then be at the end of the year. "Yeah!" she agreed. "We can focus on having a fun time in the break,"
@Marley Owens-Lee
Cyrus smiled hesitantly at Magne, still not entirely sure how realistic this plan was. He wasn't sure if his parents would approve, and he definitely wasn't sure if Magne's parents would approve. But he supposed it was fun to play along at least. "I don't know, I've never been on a boat before." He admitted a little shyly.

@Magne Kleos
Hazel slighed slightly when Kyousuke mentioned Morrie. She felt a little guilty for agreeing with him, but she did. "I felt kinda bad for her because apparently kids have been mean to her, but she's also so mean a lot of the time." She said in a quiet voice, glad she wasn't sitting near Morrie. "And that older girl she's hanging around with isn't any better, I think." She said with a slight frown. She shrugged slightly at his words. "I don't think they care much- I honestly don't care that much myself." She admitted. "It's... nice, but I don't try that hard to get points." She shrugged. "I bet you contributed quite a bit though, you do well in lessons right?" She asked, as she had noticed he always seemed serious in class and seemed to know most of the answers.

@Kyousuke Kurosawa
"Mostly family stuff," Aroha said thoughtfully in answer to Fiona's question. "Probably going to get some quidditch practice in so I'm ready for try outs next year, aye." Aroha had already tried three times and failed, but she wasn't about to let that get to her. Well, she tried to not let it get to her at least. It did bother her somewhat. "What about you? You got anything happening?" Aroha asked curiously before starting to eat some roast beef.
@Fiona Burke
Elise wasn't exactly eager for the year to end for a lot of reasons. She always missed her friends when she was at home, even if she got to see her brother a bit more. But as she thought of Ezra she admitted to herself that some of her apprehension had to do with him graduating next year. And if this year never ended they he wouldn't leave. She glanced over at Briony and wondered how she felt about her brother graduating. She seemed to be fine and Elise hoped she would be fine too, but if this pit in her stomach was any indication she wasn't very hopeful.
Naveen was ready to go home. This year had been just ok and he was looking forward to sleeping in his own bed and walking up in his own room. He also missed his dads and was looking forward to seeing them. He was also feeling a little bit nervous about next year when Anisha and Raafe would be seventh years. It was going to be strange when they left and it would just be him and his sister as the lone Khatris around. He didn't think any of his other cousins were about to join them any time soon. He looked up with disinterest at the Slytherin banners and didn't really pay much attention to the talking. But what he was looking forward to was the food. It was pretty good on a normal day but he was sure they did something special during the feasts. He served himself and dug in as everyone chatted around him.

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