Y44 Speed Dating Sign-ups 💞

Saul Bollywood

Puddifoot's Shopkeeper | Baking Extraordinare
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Gay (Joel))
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Joel)
66 (2/1996)
Hi everyone! Speed Dating is back once again at Madam Puddifoot's!

Who can sign-up?
Any current HNZ student of any age can sign-up below by posting the character's name and year.

When/where will this take place?
IC it will take place during Brighstone Weekend. All speed dating threads will take place at Madam Puddifoot's.

OOC: Sign-ups will open today and last until Saturday, August 26 at 11:59 a.m. EST. Assignments will be sent out via PM and posted here shortly after.

So, what is Speed Dating?
We're using an overarching name of "Speed Dating", but it doesn't necessarily mean it has to be a romantic date (especially for younger students). This speed "dating" activity is open for interpretation per character; the goal is that unlikely characters will be able to connect and help lead to potential threads/plots/relationships/friendships down the road.

Each student will be placed in their age group (1st-3rd years, 4th-5th years, and 6th-7th years). Each group will be split up additionally so there will be a Stationary Group and a Roaming Group, similar to the last time speed dating happened. The stationary group will label their individual thread titles as "Speed Dating YEAR RANGE - Character Name." Example: Speed Dating 6-7 - Elara's Table. 1st-3rd years will have their name be called "Speedy Friends."

Roamers will visit a table, have 48 hours to do post with the Stationary person. Roamers can interact with people from either club (meaning people from Heta can hop in a thread with someone else from Heta or vice versa). OSW posts will be recommended. A PM will be sent to let them know when it's time to switch. Each group will have an assigned proctor, similar to dueling, to keep an eye on things and help if there are any issues or confusion.

If you have any questions or concerns, please PM me - hope you'll join!

First YearsSecond YearsThird YearsFourth YearsFifth YearsSixth YearsSeventh Years
Teddy PirripTempest VeroMercury HelaVeronique ChatelainSilas BroomheadRobina BlackCrystal Holmgaard
Audrey BeauchampJune DavenportLeah ThorneLorenzo VeroMargo FoxLeonardo OrrValeria Iglesias
Bellamy DelaneyGemma DelaneyChase CampbellMichael WatsonKiara ThompsonAxel Zhefarovich II
Friday WeeksFraser FergussonYuelia RossingolMonday WeeksFelix Carnahan
Benicio MatosHugo stark-westLennox AddisonAaliyah ChunEllie Tsai
Kit TolentinoRuby Maeve Louw Emmanuel OkoyeSlate Gates
Avery Lockwood
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- June Davenport - Second Year
- Crystal Holmgaard - Seventh Year
Robina Black - Sixth Years
Teddy Pirrip - first year
Audrey Beauchamp - first year
Michael Watson - fourth year
Yuelia Rossingol - fourth year
Lennox Addison- Fourth Year
Gemma Delaney- Second Year
Bellamy Delaney- First Year
Valeria Iglesias - Seventh year
Leonardo Orr - Sixth year
Emmanuel Okoye - Fourth year
Fraser Fergusson - second year
Friday Weeks - first year
Hugo stark-west 2nd year.
Aaliyah Chun - Fifth Year
Slate Gates - Fifth Year
Avery Lockwood - Fourth Year
Just over 36 hours left to sign-up!
Ruby Maeve Louw - Second Year
Ellie Tsai - 6th Year
Kit Tolentino - 1st Year
Sign-ups are now closed! PMs will be sent shortly!
Y44 Speed Dating Assignments

1st - 3rd Years
RoamerStationaryStationary Character's Thread
June DavenportTeddy Pirripx
Gemma DelaneyAudrey Beauchampx
Fraser FergussonFriday Weeksx
Leah ThorneBenicio Matosx
Chase CampbellMercury Helax
Hugo Stark-WestTempest Verox
Kit TolentinoBellamy Delaneyx
Ruby Maeve Louwx

4th - 5th Years
RoamerStationaryStationary Character's Thread
Yuelia RossingolMichael Watsonx
Emmanuel OkoyeLennox Addisonx
Margo FoxKiara Thompsonx
Slate GatesVeronique Chatelainx
Silas BroomheadAvery Lockwoodx
Lorenzo VeroMonday Weeksx
Aaliyah Chunx

6th - 7th Years
RoamerStationaryStationary Character's Thread
Crystal HolmgaardValeria Iglesiasx
Leonardo OrrFelix Carnahanx
Axel Zhefarovich IIRobina Blackx
Ellie Tsai x
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