Y43 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

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Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
OOCOut of Character:
Here is the area for invited guests, staff, professors and prefects to post while at the graduation. Please be reminded that you are also invited to start separate RPs that take place after the graduation ceremony has concluded.
Angel was getting to the point now where he was used to seeing his students off at graduation though he did have a slightly bigger soft spot for this bunch. He was proud to see Indi up there giving her speech and he had stifle his grin somewhat at her message, privately agreeing with her. His own schooling had ended up having very little impact on his life now and he was surprised but pleased to hear Jordie echoing the sentiment. It wasn't long ago that he'd found the kid asleep on the lawn due to overworking himself so he hoped the kid took his own message to heart as well.

With the speeches done, Angel made a point to clap extra loudly for his Slytherins as they collected their diplomas, throwing in a whistle or two for his prefects and their head girl especially.
Sarah had gotten her witch's robes out the day before Graduation for cleaning. It was a happy day seeing students she had taught since they were in their first-year head off into the world. Now she was working for retirement and only teaching the higher levels she knew the coming years would be very important, the last of the students graduating that she'd first met when they were just learning what magic was. She was of course very proud of Indira and Jordan for making their way through Astronomy. They had been excellent students, showcased by the appointment of Head Girl and Boy that they had received. She saw Branson Archer take to the stage, another excellent student in Astronomy throughout the years. Eoin as well gathered his diploma and it made Sarah think back to when her own daughters had graduated years ago. Soon these students would be out in the world and she hoped they made the best of the knowledge they had learned here. She clapped and cheered with the other Professors and guests for each student, even the ones who hadn't kept up with Astronomy throughout their time at Hogwarts. She wished them all the best.
Kiara was excited she would be able to attend a graduation ceremony and yet she couldn't help but to be a little sad to see her brother go. Even if he was an idiot most of the time he had always been there when she had needed him and him graduating meant not having an older family member at the school to fall back on anymore. Still, she was proud of him and she was keen on seeing him actually receiving his diploma. Kiara took a seat next to her cousin and watched as the head boy and girl took the stage, listening to their speeches before politely clapping when they were done. She continued clapping for all of the graduates, nudging Chloë and putting in a little more effort when her brother took the stage. If anything, she was curious to know what he was going to do now that he was done with school.
Renata felt very out of place sitting amongst all the other prefects at the graduation ceremony, still feeling like maybe she shouldn't have been a prefect and someone else should have, but she was glad she had the opportunity to see it. Indira's speech was not what she expected, but she kind of liked it. She didn't know the older Slytherin girl well aside from having gone up against her in Quidditch, but she seemed very cool and self assured in her speech, and Renata was very impressed. Her heart swelled with pride for Jordie as Head Boy, she knew he'd been worried about his speech and had been pretty caught up with trying to manage everything. Maybe, with his speech, he'd realized that he could take things a bit more easily and it wasn't something to panic about. (Renata could have used that energy herself considering her OWLs).

Next year some more of her friends would be crossing the stage, and the year after would be her turn, which was shocking to think about. But she politely clapped for every student as they crossed the stage, giving slightly bigger cheers for students she actually knew like Jordie and Elara, even Eoin as grumpy as he'd been on their patrols, and silently wished the best for all of them.
It was odd to think that after so much time, he was at his eldest son's graduation. He was proud of him, so incredibly proud of all he had achieved. Of all he had managed to do with his time at the school. The grades were something to be proud of sure, but just making it through each day was something too. Stefan remembered his own graduation fondly, knowing that there was little in the world he could not do, and here he now was. One son graduating. One son a wizard, fully educated, bright and just someone he could be so proud of. He applauded the speakers and cheered loudly for his son, a warmth crossing his chest as he watched him walk the stage. How far his life had come, how amazing this moment was.
Aurora had never been to a graduation before, but she figured that it wouldn't be too bad. She was proud of her brother for graduating, and was obviously happy to be there. She knew that they could've sat amongst other students but without needing to say anything a silent exchange with her sister had them sitting with their parents. The gryffindor applauded loudly for the head people, proud of Jordie and of Indira for their work. She knew the head boy more than than the head girl but it was still an achievement to reach the end of the schooling. Aurora cheered for her brother and the others from that year group that she knew before the ceremony was wrapped up.
Rosie was very excited to watch Branson graduate. She had expected that they might not be invited, just if there weren't enough tickets to go around, but it hadn't been an issue. Rosie went with her sister to sit with their parents, needing no exchange on it, just knowing that was where they should sit. Rosie sat eagerly, leaning a little forward as things got started. She listened intently at every word spoken by the head people, trying to take on board what they were saying, trying to make sure that she took on board anything that she should take on board. She applauded for them and then applauded as the graduating class...graduated. Cheering and making sure to capture with Aurora's camera her brother walking across the stage.
Leonardo had assumed that Jordie wouldn't want him at his graduation. Afterall, this was a family matter and though James had taken him in, and all of them liked to say he was family, he still didn't think he needed to be included in all of the family things, like this. But of course upon being invited he had gone to it. He wouldn't not. It would be rude to ignore the invitation. He was quite honoured too. He sat down in the hall, glancing about the room, almost nervously, waiting for things to begin. Leo was keen to see what Jordie might say, having to imagine it was nerve wracking to speak in front of so many people at an event that was quite important, but he thought that Jordie did well. Leonardo applauded for him and others as they walked the stage before trying to see where James was.
Anisha was determined not to show any sadness, but she did feel it. For as long as she could remember, Indi had been at Hogwarts. Only last year, she had been allowed to join her there. Now, her older sister was moving on again, leaving her once again. It wasn't like they were that close, but that didn't make it any better. Anisha wanted to be close to her. She wished her sister wanted the same thing. She sighed softly as she settled in her seat, still trying not to show her emotions on her face. She didn't want Raafe to see. She stared at the stage as her sister started her speech, a slight smile creeping onto her face at Indi's message. She barely listened to the other guy, focused on her sister. She wondered what Indi's life would be like after graduating, and she wondered if there would be room for her in it.
Being back at Hogwarts was a surreal experience. Tyler barely felt like any time had passed since he graduated, but his little cousin was graduating and half of the kids in her year were now towering over him. Tyler felt a little strange sitting here, like he didn't belong. He also couldn't stop himself from looking around every few minutes, expecting to see Blake. But he didn't. Of course, he knew his relationship with his sister had been complicated, but who knew what had happened int he past few years. Maybe they had made up? He kept expecting to spot him, but he didn't. He finally snapped his attention to the stage when the headmaster started to speak. Even that had changed. Since when was their disorganized History professor in charge? He listened to the head boy and head girl speeches, not really all that interested in them. When Salem took the stage to get her diploma, Tyler clapped. He was proud of her, though he had no idea if she would put her diploma to good use. Then again, had he?
It was weird, to see Indi up on the stage like this. Objectively, Raafe knew she was the head girl, knew she was graduating and had to give a speech and all that, but it was different know that and actually seeing her in action. Looking like she might actually know what she was doing. Raafe felt like Anisha and her had never seemed quite so related until he was watching Indi up there.

Things were going to be different now, Raafe mused, watching the rest of the older students he didn't really know walk up onto the stage to varying levels of applause. They were always going to have more time with Indi out of school than with them, but Raafe still cast a curious glance at Anisha, wondering how different next year would actually feel without knowing Indi was lurking in the dungeons. Still, Raafe made a point to clap loudly as Indi took her turn, reminding himself they'd have plenty of time to bother Indi over the holidays anyway, just like old times.
Yvonne always loved graduation and gladly made her way to the great hall. She took her seat with the rest of the professors and staff, and indulged in a moment of reflection. It had taken her a while to feel like she was a part of this school but as the years passed and more of her students graduated and made it out into the big wide world, the more more she felt like she was making a difference. It was a nice feeling. She cheered for the head people as they gave their speeches, especially for Jordan since he had spent a considerable amount of time in her classroom the past couple of years. She made sure to clap for all the students as the walked across the stage but couldn't help but let out an extra cheer for students in her class. She hoped they could hear her and knew how proud she was of them.
Felix felt odd going to graduation again after last year. But this time he was going as a prefect and not because his brother was graduation. He would be the next of his siblings to graduate and the thought made him feel weird. He wished Thistle could be with him like last time but just to keep him company. At least he wasn't as sad as last time. He listened to the head people give their speeches and cheered extra loud for Jordie. He was going to miss the older boy. He was a great chaser and an overall good friend. Once all the talking was over Felix was bored again and was starting to nod off. He was exhausted after his exams and he really wanted to go home.
Veronique adjusted her dress as Sai and Ari kept trying to pelt each other with rocks or something they had found in the courtyard. "Stop embarassing me," she scolded her brothers in French, hoping none of her classmates were being drawn to the chaos. Their family was so big, and Veronique wasn't sure why her parents felt the need to bring the twins along to Elara's graduation. There were plenty of people here to support her. The boys would start at Beauxbatons the year after next, and she hoped that it would make her brothers grow up quickly. As her mother forced her to sit between the boys, Veronique looked for Elara's seat. She was jealous of how her cousin was living this great life while she was just existing. No one at Hogwarts noticed her. She had some friends, but she was no where near as popular or beautiful as her cousin. Even as she shushed her family her cheering, Elara looked like a movie star, and Veronique just hoped that one day, she could be like her. That's all she ever wanted. As the group settled down, Veronique sat back down, nearly falling as Sai sat on her dress skirt. She kept clapping for a few other seventh years she recognized and sulked until the ceremony was over.
Lena was always excited to watch graduation. The excitement in the air, the bustle of families and friends finding their seats, the comradery that stood out amongst the generic banners - it just brought a smile to Lena's face. As she sat among the other professors, she found student faces she recognized from the past years, always surprised by how much they grew in 3 years. She usually saw them around, of course, but it was still wild to see. Once the seventh years started walking across the stage, Lena applauded for all of them, giving a little extra noise as students she'd had in class received their diploma. Her hands were tired by the end, but Lena was glad to see another set of young adults entering the world, hoping they would all be successful.
This was the second year that Celia was attending graduation, and she still couldn't figure out why Hogwarts invited prefects to this. Did they need to fill out seats? Did they think this was some kind of reward? Being forced to listen to two 18-year-olds share their "life wisdom" was much more of a punishment than a reward. And that didn't even include the unending and tedious process that was the diploma giving. Celia had considered skipping, but she had worked too damn hard for that head girl badge, and she wasn't about to screw up her chances by giving off the (entirely true) impression that she didn't give a sh*t about the school and its stupid traditions. As everyone settled into their seats, Celia tried not to sigh too audibly. She really should have brought a book.

Indi was up first, and Celia listened boredly as the head girl began with the usual clichés. Things only began to get interesting when Indi claimed that the past seven years didn't matter. It was an overly simplistic sentiment, the kind of thing you might expect from someone who had lost her dueling title and been passed over as prefect and quidditch captain. It made Celia wonder if Indi was a little more bitter about her Hogwarts experience than she let on. Still, she did agree with the overall message that the professors had done very little to prepare them for the future, and she clapped when Indi was done. Jordie's speech was a complete disaster. He'd claimed that he "could never find the words," and it became obvious how true this confession was when his speech turned out to be nothing more than a string of motivational poster slogans.

And then it was time for the diploma giving. Celia did her best not to scowl at some of the names called out. There were quite a few people she was looking forward to never seeing again. She did clap for Indi and Natalia, knowing that their departure would be a loss for the Slytherin team. Trying to find chasers to replace them next year would be a nightmare. (The same couldn't be said about a certain graduating keeper). But more than anything, this part of the ceremony was utterly boring, and Celia had to resist the urge to ask the person next to her to put her out of her misery with a quick stunning spell. No one was booing, and the graduates this year were entirely too tame to pull any antics on stage. When the ceremony was finally over, Celia leapt up, ready to get the hell out.
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