Y41 Slytherin Practice

Liusaidh Styx

100% defeated styx
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Kalif II
Knotted 12" Flexible Chestnut Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
7/2040 (21)
Liusaidh walked on to the pitch, she could spot the rest of the team there. There had been no changes in the team from the previous year, so she felt that that put them in a good position to continue their win from the previous year. She glanced between the people on the team. "Right, in the air," she told them. "Let's just get straight do it, beaters dinnae hold back, seekers seek, chasers just keep chasing," before she looked to Eleanor before just motioning for everyone to get into the air.

ooc - no arrivals let's just get started.
Even though she had won the team the championship last year and still had her position Ivelisse felt like she had to prove herself in some ways. Or perhaps it was just that Celia had gotten into her head. Something she would never admit out loud. She quickly hopped onto her broom when Liusaidh kept the introductions short and clear and started her search.
Liusaidh kept the ball and began making her way to the hoops. What was the point in being co-captain if she didn't give herself the advantage.
Seamus flew up into the air and then tried to hit a bludger, missing entirely.
Ive continued looking.
Liusaidh got close to the hoops and tossed the ball in, she was very pleased when it sailed in with ease.
Indi followed behind Liusaidh and wasn't surprised when she managed to score on her first try. But she had been close behind and was able to catch the quaffle as it was tossed back into the game.
Celia still couldn't believe the captains had kept the exact same roster as last year. If they had been planning on doing that all along, why bother with tryouts at all? She thought it fairly obvious that at least two, if not all three, of their alternates deserved official spots. Yes, this was the same roster that had won the cup last year, but that didn't change the fact that Avery had won two out of three of their games or that Ares had been absolutely useless.

She didn't bother to hide her unhappiness as Liusaidh strode onto the pitch. After all, the captains had made it very clear that they didn't plan on getting rid of their starters anytime soon. With a look of contempt, Celia took off and chased after a bludger. She still hadn't completely dismissed the idea of trying to force some of the current starters off the team with a couple well-aimed bludgers.
Indi raced across the pitch to where Lucie was waiting. She threw the quaffle as hard as she could and grinned as it went through the hoop with ease.
Lucie hadn't practiced too much over the holidays and so was hoping to make the most of this practice before their first game for the year. The teen headed into the air, cursing both times the quaffle made its way past her. She just tried to shake it off however. It was only the start. She threw the quaffle back out.
First up on Celia's hit list was — who else? — Ivelisse Burleigh. She caught up with the bludger and slammed it towards the seeker, scowling when she missed. She wasted no time heading for the second bludger, determined to knock her roommate out by the end of practice.
Ares made his way to the Quidditch Pitch for the first practice of the year, just wanting to hit some bludgers so that he could improve. He headed straight into the air, glad that the captain never really bothered with talking much. He watched as Celia tried her best to aim for the seeker. She was already getting frustrated and Ares just chuckled a little at it as he tried looking for some bludgers.
Celia accelerated so that she was within striking distance of the bludger. But just as she was about to hit it, the ball swerved away, forcing her to quickly redirect her broom so that she could keep chasing after it.
Ive kept looking.
When Ares finally found a bludger, he attempted to hit it but missed.
Ive tried her best to look out for bludgers while also trying to notice a glimpse of gold. When she did, she shot after it. She quickly managed to wrap her fingers around the snitch and held it up for the team to see.
Finally catching up to the bludger, Celia tried to send it Ivelisse's way, but the girl suddenly shot off in a different direction and the iron ball hit @Liusaidh Fergusson instead. Celia was annoyed that she'd missed her real target — and that Ivelisse had caught the snitch — but she did think the captain deserved a bludger after refusing to make changes to the team roster. Plus, it was Liusaidh who had told the beaters not to hold back.

Liusaidh x1
Ive had let go of the snitch and waited for a few seconds to start her search again.
Lucie spotted the seeker as she caught the snitch, and nodded towards her to say 'good job' as she quickly reverted her eyes back to the chaser with the quaffle
Ivelisse continued looking for the snitch.
Ares kept on the lookout for some more bludgers.
Ive looked back when she heard a bludger barely sail past her before quickly focussing back on the task at hand.
Determined not to make the same mistake again, Celia aimed her next bludger a little ahead of @Ivelisse Burleigh. She had timed things perfectly, and the ball slammed into the seeker.

Ivelisse x1
Liusaidh x1

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