Y41 Electives Fair

Professor Kahurangi Josephs

contented | comfortable ancient runes 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Siobhan ) ( Lesbian
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2007 (55)
The beginning of autumn was turning out delightfully warm so far, and Kahurangi was looking forward to sharing the sunshine with her colleagues and a new batch of second years as they underwent the annual tradition of welcoming young minds into their subjects. She put up a few magical shields against the slight breeze to prevent papers flying everywhere, and set about arranging the courtyard. Tables were arranged in a neat circle, each bearing a sign with the name of the elective subject, with plenty of space for the professors to set up their displays.

With the larger setup work done Kahurangi turned her attention to the Ancient Runes table, laying out pamphlets and books about the subject, a few bags holding different kinds of runes, and a small metal tree hung with amulets made of bind runes from her older students. She had her own rune bag in her hand as she took a seat at the table, pounamu runes clinking together ready to do readings for any curious second years.
Lena knew that Arithmancy wasn't super popular among the students, but she hoped that maybe more would be interested in taking it next year than this. As she made her way to the table, she laid down a few papers with info and a chart so she could help students who approached learn about the subject. Laying down a bowl of candies, Lena managed into her seat and waited for the students to begin to arrive, as well as Quinn. They sometimes split the duty, and she wasn't sure what the plan was this year. They may have talked about it, but her pregnancy brain was making her forget a lot lately.
Yvonne had come to really enjoy the electives fair. It was always fun to talk to students who were interested in Divination and answer their questions. She might be a bit biased but she thought her subject was one of the more interesting electives to choose from. When she made her way into the courtyard she had to shield her eyes momentarily as her eyes adjusted enough to find the table she needed to set up at. She waved to Kahurangi and Lena, and realized she had beaten Elvera down from the tower. Luckily she was prepared and started to pull things out of her enchanted bag, including a crystal ball, a deck of tarot cards, and a few birth charts and palmistry diagrams. When things looked nice and tidy she took her seat and waited for the students to arrive.
It was his first electives fair, so he was just a little anxious about it. But he wanted to make a good impression on the second years and show them all how fun Muggle Studies could be. He had brought a couple of the devices from his class along with him as well, finding a good place to set up the table as he put everything down. A couple of generations of mobile phones, an old landline, one of his old mp3 players, and even a big pot of pencils for students to take if they wanted to. Then all that was left was to wait for Warren and the students to arrive as well.
Joseph had grown to really enjoy the electives fair. It was fun to see how the younger students reacted to their subject, to see who might be interested. Even if he wouldn't be seeing them in his class untill a few years later. He greeted his colleagues as he made his way through the hall with three small cages levitating in front of him, carefully setting them down once he reached the table graced with a care of magical creatures banner. Deciding to leave the creatures a few extra moments of rest Joseph left the veils he had hung over the cages right where they were as he started up setting up the table. He hung up some pictures of the larger creatures students would encounter during the later years and placed some flyers down on the table. He also added some smaller items he had brought with him including a Hippogryff feather and a few different dragon scales he had gotten from one of his friends. When everything was ready and students started slowly making their way into the hall Joseph removed the veils from the cages he had with him. One revealed a colourful, obviously silenced, Fwooper bird, another an already grumpy Knarl. The third cage temporarily housed a Niffler, the lock being magically enhanced to keep the little troublemaker from getting out. Content everything was set up Joseph took a seat, watching his creatures to make sure they were doing alright as he waited for Eleonora and any students interested in their subject to arrive.
Aine was pretty sure she wanted to do a bit of everything. She liked maths, so Arithmancy was sure to be interesting. Ancient Runes would likely go hand in hand with History to an extent, so she was keen for that. Maybe less so Care of Magical Creatures, though she was sure it would be interesting even if she didn't think she'd be good at it. Same with Divination, though she did have a mild curiosity about tarot cards. She personally knew she was probably a bit too grounded and logical for it but it was something she knew she would have to do for a couple of career paths she was considering.

The one she needed for pretty much everything she was vaguely considering was the one she personally questioned. Muggle Studies. Aine didn't have a problem with the school teaching Muggle Studies, she thought it was good since wizards often were so out of touch. But Aine was muggleborn, and very attached to her lifestyle back at home. So she approached the table with a look of mild consternation. Not with the professor - he was young and just quietly rather handsome - but with the situation.

"So, is it true I need Muggle Studies if I want to work in something like law or muggle support within the magical community?" She blurted, forgetting her manners completely as she tried to ask the questions she'd been crafting in her head. "Even though I'm muggleborn and still live at home outside of the school semesters?" Aine blinked a couple of times, realizing she was being rude. "Oh, and hello, Professor," she hastily added. "Um, I'm, ah, glad that the staff are putting this on it's really helpful, thank you."

@Professor Hiro Aoki
Aurora knew exactly which electives she needed to take, because she knew exactly what she wanted to be when she left school. A Healer, just like uncle Ty and Aunt Rhi. She had always looked up to her uncle and it just, she just wanted to be like him. Healing was a noble profession too, hard working but some good could really be done with it. Aurora therefore knew what she would need to do to get it and already had the next five years of classes and grades planned out. But she'd come along with Rosie and was standing next to her in the courtyard. "I'll stay here, if you want to go and ask questions and stuff," Aurora didn't need to follow Rosie around, Rosie wouldn't need that either. But she'd be here for when she was done and if Rosie needed a break.
Rosie had no clue what she wanted to take as electives. She knew there were a number of options to her and she could pick as many as she wanted. but she didn't know which ones. She liked practical lessons over theory but still passed most of her classes with As even when she found the matieral boring. Rosie glanced around the courtyard remaining next to her sister, nodding lightly at what the girl said. She lingered beside her for a moment before spotting some creatures. She headed over and quickly noticed that this was care of magical creatures. "Is there a lot of practical work in Care of Magical Creatures?" she asked the professor at the stand.
@Professor Joseph Burleigh
Professor Kingsley was a little late as she entered. The early birds were already milling around. She smiled, happy to see quite so many taking an interest in their futures. The professor headed towards the runes table and began to place some items on the table after she'd greeted her colleagues. She placed a wooden set of runes, created and donated by one of her former students and a bone set, which was always a conversation starter. The woman also added a small cup with rune lollipops that she'd purchased at the sweets shop the other day.

Completed with this task, Professor Kingsley took a seat, crossing one leg over the other as she waited to see who would show interest in the subject.
Elvera packed her box and was making her way down from the tower when she realised that she had forgotten her teapot she headed back and made her way to the courtyard and was pleased to see that Yvonne had already started to set up. "Hello Yvonne" she said unpacking tarot cards, and tea, and cupcakes with stars and crystal balls in them, and cookies that are decorated like tarot cards and ones shaped like hands with lines drawn on. as students started to fill the courtyard. she offered a plate to the professors next on the table next to her and wished she ad made things for each of the stands.
He wasn't standing around for very long until he was approached by one of the students, smiling politely at the girl as she asked her questions. "Well, Muggles Studies would certainly help with both those things. And even as a Muggleborn, you could find these lessons beneficial as well as we cover everything from communication and transportation, to fashion and cinema in the later years with Professor Spencer." though he could understand why Muggleborns might find the class completely obsolete, he suspected they might still end up learning something. "Of course, I wouldn't say it is completely necessary, some people will think that the fact you are a Muggleborn is good enough, but having the OWL or NEWT to fall back on will come in handy. And it will even help broaden your understanding of how little some magical folk do know of the magical world. Some older witches and wizards are so set in their ways they have absolutely no clue about the Muggle world."

@Aine Thompson
Aine listened to the Professor's explanation, a little contrite. She still felt it was a bit ridiculous that she had to do it because of course she knew everything she needed to know, but he did have fair points and was probably right. Well, certainly right, but she didn't want to quite admit she could be entirely wrong. "Yeah, that's fair," she agreed, nodding thoughtfully. "Could help with bridging the gap." It was probably better to understand why wizards wereso backwards in comparison. "Uh, thanks, Professor," she added hasitly. Aine gave an awkward smile and scurried off to the other tables, not really needing to examine the old school muggle items.
Joseph had been glancing around to see what his colleagues had brought when students slowly started to trickle into the courtyard. He wondered if Eleonora was going to be joining him since she had more knowledge of the lower years but he was sure he would be fine if she didn't. "Very little." Joseph answered with a smile when one of the young students had made her way up to his table. "You'll have to take care of a Flobberworm at some point and will have a practical exam in your fourth year during which you'll encounter several creatures but I reckon that's about it." He finished. @Rosie Archer
Rosie was a little disappointed with the answer that the man gave, she would've really wanted the answer to be lots and lots, but she could understand that it was also a lot of theory work, and learning about how to care for and maybe some of them just couldn't be in the school, so they couldn't all look after them. It did make sense but that didn't mean that she wasn't disappointed by it. She was allowed to be disappointed by that. "Thank you!" she said to the man before moving away, glancing at what else was on offer. She went to the stall with the arithmancy sign and approached it. "What do you learn in arithmancy?"
@Professor Lena Williams
Lena was happy when one of the students appeared at her table, a rare occurence. She gave her a big smile, placing her hand on the top of her stomach and pointed at the materials on the table. "Hello! Arithmancy is the study of numbers and numerology. So, we use important numbers in our lives, like our birthday, for example, and see if it could possibly have a meaning. Maybe it shows us something about our personality or what we really. It's another form of divination." @Rosie Archer
Cameron shuffled about the fair awkwardly, trying to do his best to peer over the other students shoulders at the various tables without actually getting close enough to engage in a conversation with any of the professors yet, a task made decidedly harder by how short he still was, a fact that frustrated him to no end. Hopefully he could find Margo and Isadora and just copy what ever subject they were taking.

Honestly, Cameron had no idea what subjects he wanted to check out, he knew he was rubbish at practical magic, something that rankled him despite his best efforts, but as far as he could tell, few of the electives required a lot of actual spell casting. At least he knew there was no way he was taking Muggle Studies. He’d have enough of muggles at home to last him a life time, especially when he saw Aine talking to one of the Muggle Studies professors.

Standing on his tiptoes, Cameron eventually edged closer to one of the tables, wrinkling his nose as he got closer to see it was Arithmancy. “It’s not just all maths is it?” He said with obvious distaste. He might be rubbish at magic but it didn’t mean he wanted to get into the really boring subjects instead. @Professor Quinn Mercury
It scared Isadora a bit, having to pick electives. She didn't particularly enjoy her classes, so having to pick more to do didn't exactly appeal to her too much. Her talk with Harper had helped her a bit, though. She had mentioned Care of Magical Creatures which did seem like an interesting subject. Isadora looked around until she found the booth, finding the professor already talking to her roommate Rosie. She waited until they were done before stepping forward. "What sort of things do we do then, if it's not very practical?" She asked, frowning a bit.

@Professor Joseph Burleigh
Lena smiled at the next boy who came up to the table and tried to think of the best response to his answer. "The basis of what we do is math, yes, but if you can do basic addition, you should be all set. It's more so using some math to then get a number you interpret." @Cameron Roswell

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