Y38 Hufflepuff Quidditch Tryouts

Amy Jewel

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Amy had gotten down to the Quidditch Pitch a little early, hoping to shake some of the nerves out. She still couldn't quite believe that she had gotten co-captain, and didn't want to let the team down. She was excited though, and couldn't wait to get started. Making sure everything was ready, she felt a little calmer as people started to arrive. When it seemed like everyone was there, she took a deep breath to calm herself."Hi everyone," she called out over the group."I'm Amy Jewel, and this is Elliot Briar, and we're your team captains for this year." She gave a small smile, hoping that she wouldn't forget to say anything."If you're here to tryout, when you're ready, please step forward and say your name and position. Returning players, warm up and help out where you guys can, please." Amy quickly ran through the speech in her head to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. She was lucky to have heard a few different captains speeches over the years, so she was sure she'd gotten it all.

SeekerElliot Briar (Co-Captain)
KeeperLinden Cullen
BeaterTilly Drage
BeaterConnor Holland
ChaserAmy Jewel (Co-Captain)
ChaserHunter Robinson

OOCOut of Character:

Returning players are guaranteed their spots as long as they post attendance before try-outs close. Returning alternates, please try out again.

First years, please PM me or Kris (Elliot Briar) before posting. First years will only be approved to try-out if there are not enough older students to join the team.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or Kris. Good luck!
While their last season hadn't ended even close to well for them, Elliot had been looking forward to a fresh start this year. It would be weird without Abian now, but Elliot was thrilled to have Amy on as captain with him this year. The two of them had been on the team together since Elliot had first started and he knew if anyone could have his back running the team, it would be her.

He stood back some, fidgeting as Amy greeted the team, happy to let her take lead to get things started. Elliot knew he needed to work on his own mentality about the game this year and not let the pressure get to him, but first, they'd need to get their new team together. Once Amy had finished, he gave her a small smile of encouragement before blowing his whistle, signaling the beginning of try-outs.
Connor felt a little strange not having to try out for the team this year, after so long as an alternate. His nerves were still thrumming as he made his way to the pitch, even though nobody would be judging his play this time around. He was just here to help assess the new players, and put them through their paces. He listened as the practice began, pleased to find out Amy would be their new co-captain. He knew he would miss Abian, but this was a new year, and things were looking up for the team. Once the tryouts began he took to the sky, bat in hand to help the new players in their tryouts and see what they could do.
The winter break flew by faster than Blake Irons catching a snitch. Tilly couldn’t believe it was time for tryouts again. After being caught fighting by Elliot last year, she was lucky to be in her spot. She was on her best behavior. Smiling encouragingly at Amy, who’d taken over as co-captain, she broke away and took off into the air. She watched to see who would try out for the alternate beater spot. Tilly was careful with the bludgers this time, trying not to put the new recruits in the hospital wing.
Lillith jumped up and down in anticipation. She would get that chaser spot this year, she was sure of it. With her broom that she had gotten painted yellow, Lillith arrived at the quidditch pitch, armed and ready to fly. She gave her old teammates and the team captains a smile and when her turn came up. “Lillith Montgomery! Trying out for Chaser!” She shouted enthusiastically.

Lillith took a deep breath and got in the air, ready for anything. Everything depended on this moment right now and this moment only. She grabbed the quaffle from the air and flew towards the hoops with no time to waste. She threw it into the hoops and a smile of satisfaction formed on her face.
Jordie was ready for this. He was. After lots of thought, he had decided to try out for Chaser this year. He was quick to make it down to the pitch, smiling brightly at everyone there. He felt confident, he ran every morning, he ate well, he trained. He was strong, he was fast. He wasn't the best, but he liked to think he had a chance. He stood straighter when it came to his turn. "My name is Jordan Harris! I'm here to try out for chaser," he announced proudly.

He took to the skies with the others. He caught the Quaffle several times, alternating between passing it to other players and throwing it himself. He made almost every goal he threw for, laughing delight at each little success. He smiled brightly, greatly enjoying being in the air and cheering for the other players with each of their successes. Whatever happened, he had an absolute blast.
Hunter arrived to the pitch determined that this year he would help his team beat Slytherin. Last year was a bit unfortunate but this time they were would win. He was a bit surprised when Amy started her speech and he looked around for Abian, who was nowhere to be seen. The other boy had probably graduated, he looked older than all of the team members but Hunter did not exactly knew in which year everyone was besides Tilly who was in the same year as him. When the try outs strarted the chaser flew up and got ready to be of help if any of the candidates for the team needed it.
Lucas arrived at the pitch, ready for tryouts. He felt like his space on the team was somewhat secure, as he'd been an alternate last year, but it didn't necessarily mean he'd be on it again. He just hoped Elliot saw potential in him as his replacement next year, though the mere thought made him nervous. He waited until his turn, then spoke clearly. "I'm Lucas Fletcher, trying out for seeker." He said, nodding to himself. Then he took to the air and flew off in search of the snitch. Lucas made a point in showing off his speed, a trait he knew was important in seekers. He zoomed around, dodging and weaving past other players and flying bludgers, until he finally spotted the snitch hovering near the ground. Lucas flattened himself on his broom and flew down, reaching out to grab the snitch. He grinned when he managed it, without crashing even. He held the snitch up proudly to show off he had done it.
Linden made his way to the quidditch try outs. After talking to Lucas last year he felt a little bit of a fraud for his position on the team. he didn't love quidditch like so many on the team did. he was there more for the team interaction than the quidditch its self and would have been happy as an alternative but as a fluke had it last year he had ended up on the team proper. he listened as Amy, the new co-captain introduced themselves the team and try outs before taking his broom and heading up to the hoops. he spent the next while watching the hoops trying to block goals. as best as he could even after a year on the team he wasn't great at it. and he wanted to let a few through for the chasers who were trying out.
OOCOut of Character:
Last call to try-out! Try-outs will close in approx. 24 hours so get your last minute posts in!
René was sure this was a terrible idea. He'd never really flown before outside of hovering awkwardly around the park with Sully over the holidays. Sully had kept saying it was just like riding a bike, which René vehemently disputed. It was only like riding a bike if the bike didn't have any handlebars or pedals or flew 20 metres in the air. But after a goading pep-talk from his brother and the captain's permission, here he was, feeling far too tall for the tiny school broom he'd borrowed. "I'm René Tofilau and um, I'm trying out for chaser." Chaser was the only position he had any real clue about, having heard enough recaps of Sully's games that he at least knew what to do.

Straddling his broom, René kicked off, trying not to shut his eyes and he watched the ground drift away below him. He'd definitely never flown this high with Sully and René tried to push away any terrible visions of him falling out of his mind. His next goal was to try and get the quaffle, which he eventually managed after a few wobbly laps. While it was way way scarier to grab it this high, René was relieved that actually catching or throwing the quaffle didn't seem any harder whether he was flying one or twenty metres up. He just had to make sure he didn't look down. René passed the quaffle a few times to other chasers, getting spooked away from the goals when he saw a bludger zip past. Finally though, he knew he had to at least try to make a goal, flying over awkwardly and tossing the quaffle one-handedly, his other still wrapped tight to his broom. The shot was blocked easily and René hung his head. At least he could land now, relieved to have his shaking legs back on solid ground now that try-outs were over.
OOCOut of Character:
Try-outs are now closed!
Thank you to everyone who tried out, lineup will be posted on the bulletin board soon.

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