Y37 Slytherin Quidditch Tryouts

Blake van Houten

⚡competitive⚡finally free⚡ ⚡macaws seeker⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lars) (Gay
Laurel Wand 12 1/2" with Phoenix Tail Feather
8/2036 (27)
Blake had known it would feel different to be captaining by himself, but he hadn't really been prepared for how different. It reminded him of his old ice hockey team, in a way. He had been captain of that too, and he knew it would feel good to properly dust off his leadership skills. Looking back though, it was easy now to see how much he had been posturing to the other players on his team back then. Blake wasn't that person anymore, and it felt like he was trying on a sweater that had over time become three sizes too small. The more years he spent at Hogwarts away from his dad the more clear it became that he had spent his life posturing to be someone his dad would approve of. Had that version of him ever really existed?

It was hard to focus with so much chaos in his mind, but Blake was determined not to let it show on his face, arms folded sternly as he addressed the team and new hopefuls collected on the grounds of the pitch for the day's tryouts. "Alright, listen up!" He said loudly to get the attention of the throng. "For anyone who doesn't know, I'm Blake, and I'm your captain. Right off the bat, I want to get one thing straight for any new hopefuls. Slytherin are champions, and we don't accept ANYTHING less than a hundred percent of your effort. If you're not totally committed to giving everything to this team, you may as well go back to the castle. We win, and we win because every single member of this team works their arses off at every practice, every game, every time. If you think you have what it takes to be part of the best team at Hogwarts, then get up in the air and show me what you've got!" Blake grabbed the whistle around his neck and gave it a sharp blow, ready for the tryouts to begin.

SeekerBlake Irons (Captain)
KeeperMordred Cavanaugh
BeaterDaintree Vaskevold
ChaserLuna Urquhart-Cade
ChaserJasper Night
OOCOut of Character:
Welcome to tryouts! For those unfamiliar with how this works, please begin by having your character state their name and the position they're trying out for, followed by RPing them trying out in that position.

Returning team members listed above must post attendance at tryouts to retain their positions, returning alternates must try out again.

First years may not try out without first PMing me for permission, no first years will be allowed to try out unless there are not enough older students to fill the team.
Daintree arrived at the pitch as the team captain was getting started. he didn't think he'd ever grow used to the way the guy acted but so long as they won it wouldn't matter. He rolled his eyes at him, and then just got on his broom and shot up into the air.
Liusaidh thought it was a disgrace that she, a great Fergusson with family members in different teams would have to wait like the others to try out. but she'd had other things on her plate too, other things she was doing in the year before, so she could occupy that time, but now she was a second year and she could try out and she was so good, of course she was the best (in her opinion) so of course she would get a place. She thought it would be wild if she didn't get one - though of course if she didn't it would be because the captain was wrong. Liusaidh arrived on the pitch with her brother's old broom, he wasn't using it. She listened to the weird old boy's speech which seemed a little over played and dramatic, but who was she to judge. Liusaidh grinned when she was finally able to step forward. "Aye, Liusaidh Fergusson, ye might recognise the name, ah won the prestigious award of most likely tae be murdered by Professor Styx. Ah've got brothers on teams in two continents wae half ma family playin', ah'm super here as a formality cause ye'd be daft to no let me play. Ah play chaser and only chaser,"
Liusaidh didn't wait another moment, didn't wait for a retort just got on the broom and shot up into the air. As soon as she was airborne Liusaidh started showing off. She was a good flyer, had been taught by multiple good flyers, professional players. She could fly but as soon as she got the ball she held on to it tightly, didn't notice one of the 'teammates' and just flew to put it in. Every time she got the ball she didn't pass, she didn't try and get it to someone else, she would aim to shoot, fly close to the hoops and shoot. She would catch the ball if thrown to her but never return that pass. She kicked out at players that attempted to take the ball from her, snarled at people. She knew she was supposed to demonstrate how she could work as a team, these people weren't really competition but they were to Liusaidh and she did not care for them as players. She yelled some curses at one of the other people who almost crashed into her, it didn't matter that she'd been about to fly into them. Eventually, with a few shots to her name the tryout was over and she flew to the ground and looked very expectantly at the captain.
Ruben arrived at the Quidditch Pitch ready for try outs, he had watched the try outs last year and watched the matches too and he made one of his goals to be part of the Quidditch team. He knew what position he wanted to try for so he had studied Blake, the seeker, to learn the best techniques and tactics to catch the golden snitch.
The boy had a broom in his hand while he listened to Blake, the captain of the team. This year if Ruben made it to the team he would play as an alternate, at least until Blake graduated. He had to agree with him, Slytherins are champions and Ruben couldn't wait to be part of the team that was keeping the win streak for a few years now, maybe being nominated the top house points earner last year would make the Quidditch captain see that he works hard and would be a great addition to the team.

"I'm Ruben Right and I'll be trying for a position as seeker" he stated when his time to try out came. He mounted his broom as the golden snitch was released and Ruben had to admit, from the stands the job of a seeker seemed much easier. Today was sunny so finding the golden snitch wouldn't be too hard as it would reflect the sun rays and catch his attention more easily.
The Slytherin boy took flight and rose in the air. He knew better than to start wasting energy flying until he found it, that would only get him tired. Instead he looked at his surroundings for a brief moment trying to locate the flying golden ball. He was looking around him until he saw a glimpse of gold from the corner of his eye. He had found it. He flew after it, losing it from sight from time to time but finding it again not too long after until the snitch was only inches away from him. With a swift movement of his arm he grabbed the snitch, hopefully this had been enough to impress Blake.
He returned to the ground handing Blake the snitch for him to keep, with a proud smile on his face. He had tried his best, yet he felt nervous like somehow there was a way he could have done better but now the only thing he could do was hope for the best.
Penny arrived for tryouts clutching her broom in her left hand, the other gripped tightly around a beater's bat. By this point, she had become well accustomed to swinging it around, practicing her technique over the holidays. Her family had not expected her to go for beater, beating was scary but that was what she liked about it, she supposed. Penny wanted a challenge and to show people she was tougher than she looked. She liked the bat too, it gave her protection on the pitch and allowed her to protect others. She listened to Blake's speech about winners. She had encountered the Quidditch captain once before in an awkward rose delivery that she put out of her mind to focus on Quidditch. She introduced herself before starting her tryout. "Hey, I'm Penny Wills and I'm trying out for beater today!" Penny announced, she did not need to give her whole life story.

The iron bludgers were released from their restraints. Then she shot up into the air after them, ready to throw the first bludger off course. Neither bludger were headed for teammates, yet Penny couldn't risk looking idle during the tryouts. It was worth trying to take a more aggressive stance, and so she took off after the bludgers, eagerly smashing one as hard as she could into a space not occupied by any players. She scanned the pitch for the second bludger that was on trajectory towards the goal hoops. Penny shot off after it and in a daring bid to get noticed, she whacked the bludger as hard as she could through the left hand golden Quidditch hoop, the bludger flew through in one clean swoop. She would have tried out for chaser if she hadn't had such a lousy throw. Penny was much more confident with a bat in hand and could whack a bludger with some force. She really hoped she'd done enough to make the team this year.
Jasper was eager tof the Quidditch season to start, even if he knew he would miss Sapphire as his captain. He wasn't sure if he trusted Blake in the position, but was hoping that he could lead them to victory once again. Jasper stood with the rest of the team and listened to Blake's speech. It surprised him a bit how serious he was, and it gave him a bit more confidence. Jasper nodded at the other boy, then took off. He decided to help out the other chasers by passing to them, as well as those trying out for keeper by trying to score so they could show they could defend the hoops.
The fact that this would've been Paige's third try-out for the Slytherin Quidditch team annoyed her greatly. She knew that she wasn't that bad at hitting people with bludgers, so why had she not been made part of the team already was beyond her. She had even trained when Sapphire last year to improve her skills on the pitch, which had to count for something. Thankfully, she had proven herself to be at least capable in some capacity last year by winning the team the Quidditch final after Blake had been taken out of the match and she had to be substituted in as seeker. Paige nodded at some of the familiar faces on the pitch and joined the crowd, broomstick in one hand and a bat in the other, eager to get started. Her brother had been kind enough to train with her over the break so that her aim would still be on point after not having been able to play much of her favourite position at all during the previous year. She listened to the speech impatiently, wanting to be up in the air already instead of having to listen to a speech about how they were the champions while it had been her who had made them champions.

''Paige Thompson, trying out for beater. Again,'' the Slytherin told Blake before turning away from him to mount her broomstick and kick off into the air. This was stupid, even as an alternate she did not have to prove himself to him again. She grabbed hold of her bat tightly and swerved around once she was up in the sky, ignoring what the other beaters were doing. It took her a minute or so to find a bludger to pursue but once she was on its tail, she didn't let it get out of her sight. It took the girl another minute to hit her first target, whooping softly when it had made contact. She continued the hunt for the bludgers and managed to hit two more and completely overshoot one once she was back on the ground again. She felt good about herself, now she could only hope that Blake would too.
Tres may have been smaller than most of the students that had taken to the pitch for the annual tryouts, but the fifth year took that as her own advantage. Over the holidays she'd been toying with the idea that she should join the team, despite never having any interest in Quidditch in the past beyond attending the games to support Daintree. She didn't care to get her hair in her face, to ruin her make up or her clothes, and she knew that if she were to get hit by a bludger, that it would probably do more than a small bruise to her tiny frame. But that being said the Slytherin also considered the number of people she knew, and the connections she'd made, all through those she'd met on the Quidditch teams, and if she could play for her house she was more likely to be introduced to the other players; the professional players; international players who might see her for more than just a tiny student, and someone who be both pretty and strong. Tres knew she'd be strong enough to play, and if she could impress the people around her, it would only improve her success at networking.
The fifth year didn't want to even look in Daintree's direction as she waited for her turn, but she knew that "team spirit" was apparently important for things like this, so she shot him the friendliest smile she could muster. Things weren't exactly bad between them after all, but Tres was feeling tense ever since he realised he was dating that Hufflepuff girl now. "I'm Tres," she said to Blake, the Captain she hoped she'd be able to get to know better soon, flashing her pearly whites at him and continuing on before he could question her name, "I'm trying out for Chaser. I'm small. I'm fast. I'm good at avoiding the beaters," she added, glancing back towards Daintree, before mounting her broom and heading up into the skies.
As she flew around the pitch, she quickly darted around the other players, trying to keep them metaphorically on their toes before she could grab the quaffle. After a few minutes the Keeper through it out and she managed to catch it with her tiny hands, tucking it under her arm and whizzing off in the opposite direction. As the fifth year approached the hoops, imagining what it would be like to know Uno or Finn were watching her from the stands during a real game, and coming up to the hoops she threw it neatly through the center one. "And that is how it's done," she smirked, pausing in mid hair to dramatically flip the ponytail off her shoulder, before taking hold of the broom once more to continue on. Tres may have missed a few shots, but she didn't mind as long as she was sure to only make it known when she'd done well, and hoped that Blake would have seen only those that she'd managed to score. As tryouts came to and end, she flew back down to the ground and took at seat on the benches, waiting to hear whether the doors of opportunity had just opened for her.
Emori had been waiting for this day for ages. Like, a whole year. That was a long time. She'd had to wait until she was 'old enough' to try out for the team. She had always liked the sensation of being up on a broom, so this was going to be great. She could feel it. She even knew what position she was going to try out for. At home, her oldest sister Octavia had a mini quidditch supply kit which she used to her advantage over the winter. She had absolutely loved it and decided that it had been way better than flying class. She had tried both chaser and beater, even seeker, and although she loved being the centre of attention whenever she could, being seeker was so much pressure. Plus, she didn't think that she could live up to the Great Slytherin Captain. Em was proud to be a Slytherin, and despite only being a second year the girl was more than ready to show the current members - and eventually the entire school - what she was capable of.
Emori took a deep breath, finding her centre. She closed her eyes briefly, and once she opened them again, began to walk across the pitch, hoping to impress the captain. She expected there to be a lot of competition which was why that same morning she had woken up very early and had lots of protein, and even snuck in a short practice before the tryouts for the other house teams had begun. To her dismay, she saw three of her classmates - two of them being her roommates - which annoyed her, a little. She liked them of course, but today, she had to beat them and be better than all of them. Unless they were trying out for a different position, but in one way or another, the second year was going to stand out and be considered seriously by the captain. His speech sounded hella serious but if Em were to be on the team, she was going to give it everything she had. She waited until it was her turn to introduce herself and the position she was trying out for, so having heard what the previous girl said, she did the same. She had to wrinkle her nose however when she seemed to bat her eyelashes at the captain. Ugh. She rolled her eyes, biting back a snarky comment. "I'm Emori, Em for short, and I'll be trying out for Beater. I'm really energetic and fast, have good aim, and am stronger than I look, but I guess you'll see that for yourself." She grinned before she wasted no time in mounting her broom with a beater's bat, and kicked off the ground.
The brunette had seen her sisters play more times than she could count so this should be a piece o' cake. The first bludger she saw was heading towards another player, so Emori used her speed skills and expertly gripped her broom with one hand while holding the bat in the other. As soon as she was close enough, she swung her bat and hit the bludger with a whack, and her eyes widened as it went in the completely opposite direction. Amazing. She then noticed another one heading right towards her a few seconds later and she used the same technique, this time sending it towards the hoops to the other side of the pitch. Emori would totally aim it at other players, but she didn't want to kill anyone just yet. She missed the third bludger as she hadn't seen it coming at all, but the one after that, she hit, a little less hard, and watched as it went towards one of the chasers. She winced. "Sorry!" she called to them, pursing her lips so she wouldn't laugh. Well, that plan of not hitting anyone completely went out the window. She was disappointed that tryouts were over before she could get in a successful last hit. She shrugged, and flew back down to the ground. She returned the bat, and once she had she waved to Blake, as he'd introduced himself, she said, "Thanks for the tryouts, Cap, it was great!" and started to make her way back inside, itching to tell Octavia how it went.
Now that Sapphire was gone, Mordred dreaded Quidditch. No. He was disappointed Blake was still captain. But, who else would have gotten it? Mo certainly did not want the responsibility, even if it did look good. He had an entire company waiting for him, so he did not need anything to boost his credentials. Mo stood with the team. He chuckled when he heard one of the kids was trying out for seeker. He rolled his eyes before he flew up to the hoops to see what this bunch had to offer.
Eleanor Kingsley was beyond excited for the day. Today was the day of Quidditch tryouts for her house team and she had been dreaming about this day and practicing for this day for the whole last year. Quidditch was in her blood. Her brother and her mother had both been captains for their house quidditch team, and even though Eleanor was much more similar to her father, she hoped to follow in her mother’s footsteps this time.

The brunette scarfed down a quick breakfast before making her way to the pitch. She changed into her quidditch robes and carried her very own broom. Her dad had purchased it at the beginning of the break for her to practice with in hopes she might make the team. She had even talked Lyra into practicing with her over break to teach her some of what she had learned as a professional player. Eleanor listened eagerly as Blake talked about the Slytherin team being a team of champions. She grinned. It was exactly where she wanted to be. “Hi! I’m Eleanor Kingsley, and I’ll be trying out for chaser today.” she said enthusiastically.

As they were released to go to the sky, Eleanor stretched and loosened up before mounting her broom and taking to the sky. She started with a few laps around the pitch for speed drills before making her way to the other chasers. They passed the quaffle back and forth as they moved across the pitch. Eleanor was small and quick, and she was really good at making the keeper think she was going one way before going in the opposite direction.

Overall, Eleanor was pleased with her performance. She managed to score four out of the six attempted shots through the hoops. She didn’t know if it was good enough to make the team, but it had been fun nevertheless. Eleanor thanked Blake before heading to the locker room to wash up.
Tryouts will be closing some time tomorrow, last chance to try out!
James had wanted to try out for the Quidditch since he first arrived at Hogwarts but he couldn't get into the tryouts as first year, coming into his second year he didn't need permission and came prepared having spent the holidays training with his older sister who was a decent chaser but for whatever reason she had never fancied trying out herself, but she'd done a fine job preparing him for his own. James made his way onto the pitch with his new broomstick and joined in with the group waiting to try out. Eventually it was his turn so he approached the team captain. "James Woodlock, trying out for Keeper,"

James had spent hours practicing saving shots, he had learned to read Olivia well and anticipate her moves. It was possible he had just got a deeper understanding of his sister and that it wouldn't help him with any of the chasers taking shots at him today. He was conscious that the chasers trying to score past him were like him and trying to get a spot on the team. He'd be lying if he said he got no satisfaction from potentially preventing someone making the team.

Flying up toward the hoops James took his spot and waited for chasers to begin trying to score past him, the first chaser seemed to be a little nervous so he was easy to predict, James was able to anticipate he'd throw the quaffle at the center hoop which he caught easily as it was a rather pathetic attempt. James only missed one shot ended up going through the hoop just beyond his reach. He was disappointed he hadn't anticipated the chasers in time to reach all the way across the hoops to catch the quaffle but he was still pretty happy with his body of work. He returned to the ground and left the pitch once the tryouts were over.
Tryouts are now closed, thanks everyone for the interest! We unfortunately have a limited number of spots, but I would encourage those who didn't make the team to try again next year! Final team lineup is below, and will also be posted in the common room.

SeekerBlake Irons (Captain)
KeeperMordred Cavanaugh
BeaterDaintree Vaskevold
BeaterPaige Thompson
ChaserJasper Night
ChaserTres Bear II
ChaserEleanor Kingsley
Alt. ChaserLiusaidh Fergusson
Alt. SeekerRuben Right
Alt. BeaterPenny Wills

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