Y37 Ravenclaw Practice One

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (24)
Minnie was more determined than ever to win this quidditch cup. She desperately wanted to win it, if she won it it would be another thing in her favour, something she could manage. if they won and she managed her exams it would show the head of house that she could balance things too. She just so desperately wanted to win this quidditch cup and it would all be down to her being able to catch the snitch. She knew that one game wouldn't be enough and she'd have difficulties with bouncing back if hey won nothing. Minnie was pretty tightly wound as she waited for the team to arrive, her heart felt like it was constantly going to fast and she was just struggling to keep it all together and appear calm. Minnie just had to shove it down, she had to just push it all away and focus on the practice. The team would arrive soon enough she was sure.
Lars was aware that Minnie seemed to be less happy than usual, but he wasn't sure if he could ask her about it. He had been surprised she hadn't gotten a prefect badge, but he also didn't ask about that, in case it was a sore subject. He was just trying to be the best co-captain he could be, picking up a bit more of the work when he could. Lars moved over to wait next to Minnie, placing a hand on her shoulder briefly to show her he was on her side. He hoped today's practice would be good for the team. They had a few new people, which meant they all had to get used to the dynamic again.
Ajaccio was pleased to be back on the team, and he was pleased to see that Lily had made it on the team too. He hoped that she would enjoy this first practice, he was certainly intending to have fun. Though. he knew it would be important to practice to win. He wasn't sure he'd continue with it once he was the leader of accio. He had his broom in hand and greeted the two captains as he arrived, ready to get started on this practice.
Sawyer had no idea what to expect today with their first practice, but he was trying not to let it make him feel nervous. Well, that wasn't entirely true. He imagined he could expect some flying. Maybe some team bonding. He'd probably have to at least try to stop a few goals. He could manage that. Feeling a bit more reassured, Sawyer joined the rest of the team out on the pitch, giving them a quick wave hello as he stretched his arms a little. He'd ended up pretty sore from just the try-outs before, and Sawyer figured practice would leave him feeling even worse if he didn't stretch a little.
Juniper had been a little surprised that she had actually seen her name on this year's team line-up as a real player and not an alternate. She supposed her anger issues would come in handy this year when it came to showing the other teams up. In her usual fashion, she brought a tray of quidditch themed snacks with her to their first practice to share. She wanted to make sweets, but she figured these would be a healthier alternative that everyone could enjoy. She was one of the first to arrive at the pitch and immeadiately strolled over to Ajax. "Hey stranger! I guess we'll be teammates this year," she said with a big smile and held her tray towards him, taking off the cover. "Snack?"

@Ajaccio Skey
Hattie was looking forward to quidditch this year. It would be something to get her mind off everything, and perhaps it was like that for everyone else too. The fifth year made her way to the quidditch pitch ready to start her practice with the team. There were a couple of new faces around and Hattie smiled at them all, her broom held tightly in her hand and her hair tied behind her. She was ready, and she was going to try her best.
Lily was extremely happy that she made the team, it had been a dream of her ever since she came to Hogwarts. Feeling a bit nervous she went down to the Quidditch pitch with her broom in her hand to join te team for their first practise. She waved at Ajaccio and approached a boy with whom she had hung out previously since she probablyprobably be friends with her new team mates. " Hi, congrats on making the team " she said with a smile
@Sawyer Carnahan
While Teodora was definitely looking forward to another season of Quidditch, she was still a little unsure about whether she was actually good enough for the team or not. Last season hadn't gone at all like she expected it would go, which was half the reason as to why she was so unsure about being good enough. She needed a lot more practice if she wanted to get the team where they needed to go. She joined her teammates on the pitch and leaned against her broomstick whilst she waited for the practice to start.
Minnie looked at the team who'd turned up. "Welcome guys, let's just get started!" she said, not wasting any time. She got on her broom and set off the balls, throwing the quaffle up for people to catch and then set off in search for the snitch.
Juniper turned her attention to Minnie when she declared practice would begin. She kicked off and took the air, preparing her bat to start hitting bludgers, hoping she didn't end up severely injuring anyone or herself.
Lily immediately kicked off from the ground and flew into the air right after Minnie. She stopped to hover next to her for a second in the air and asked " So are we supposed to compete? " just to make sure she was staying in her place.
Sawyer smiled when Lily joined him, relieved someone else he actually knew was also on the team with him. "Hey, yeah you too," He said, turning as Minnie got thing started. Kicking off into the air, Sawyer made his way a little wobbly over to the hoops opposite Lars. He knew he just needed to get into the same place he had at tryouts where he could relax and focus on where the chasers were going to score instead of over thinking it.
It didn't seem like Minnie felt like talking, so the practice just kind of started. Lars took to the air and flew to the hoops, taking his position. He then waited for a chaser to head his way.
Juniper saw a bludger come towards her and took a swing at it with her bat hard. She tried to aim it towards the seats just to give her something to aim at, but it instead ended up hitting Hattie. She winced and called out to her teammate. "Sorry!"

@Hattie Thorne
OOC: It said I hit "another player" so I hope I did this right.
Sawyer was keeping his eye on the chasers, wincing in sympathy when Juniper managed to nail Hattie with a bludger right out the gate. At least most people generally didn't aim for Keepers in that regard. At least he hoped they didn't.
Minnie realised in her haste she hadn't really told Lily, one of the new players what to do. "Not compete, but just try to catch the snitch, when you do let everyone know then let it go and begin the chase again," she said, she hoped that helped clear it up for Lily.
Ajaccio caught the ball and then headed towards the hoops. He hoped to do well in this season, so he would be need to put in the practice and work for it.​
Ajaccio had the quaffle now and Sawyer stayed on guard, drifting more towards the left hoop as he watched the game. He wasn't sure if Ajaccio was going to fly towards him or Lars, but he wanted to be ready.
Ajaccio pushed forward with the quaffle towards the younger, new alternate keeper. He threw the ball and was disappointed when it went wide and he missed. Hopefully he could get back into the swing of things and score something eventually.
Juniper continued flying around the field and noticed another bludger flying in her direction. She went to hit it and missed. Cursing, she flew after it, trying to stop it from running into another team member.
Minnie went off in search of the snitch, hopeful that she would manage to catch the snitch and improve. The better she was at this the better she would end up doing better, they needed to be good so they'd win and it rested with her.
Chloe had been shocked to say the least, when she'd received her prefect badge. She had expected Minnie to get it, and thought it must've been some sort of mistake when it arrived in the mail. She tried not to flash it around too much, but it was really tempting. It was another thing her father (biological) could be proud of. She arrived to the pitch, breathless, and noticed that the team had already begun. She quickly mounted her broom and was up in the air in seconds, and it wasn't long before she managed to hit a bludger with a whack, meaning to target...well, no one in particular yet actually. Instead, it hit @Hattie Thorne and she winced. "OMG I am SO sorry!" she called to her roommate, hoping to make it up to her later.
Sawyer knew for sure that Ajaccio was heading for him now, squaring his shoulders in preparation for the shot. Unfortunately, he misread the chaser's movements, not reacting fast enough to block the shot, though thankfully it went wide anyway. Sheepishly Sawyer swooped down to catch the quaffle, throwing it back in to a nearby chaser.
Juniper watched as Chloe hit a bludger and it came in contact with Hattie. She winced as the poor girl was hit for a second time. She knew it was the nature of the game, but it still didn't help her from hating hitting bludgers at her teammates. She took a shot at a nearby bludger, trying to aim it towards one of the chasers, but it flew off course and didn't hit anybody.
Hattie went straight up into the air when Minnie told them, a little bit confused that there was not much said beforehand, but happy to start straight away. She watched as Ajaccio caught the quaffle first and pushed towards him until she felt the wrath of a bludger right on her hip. She winced as she looked over to see Juniper who had apologised to her. She waved it off before continuing on, but before she was able to do much else another bludger had been sent her way, this time by Chloe, almost making her fall off her broom. She kept her balance however, holding onto it as tight as she could, and she caught the quaffle once it was thrown back out again.

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