Y35 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

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Katherine Alicastell

Former Headmistress
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Divorced (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 ½ Inch Rigid Chestnut Wand with Unicorn Tail Hair Core
October 1988 (67)
OOCOut of Character:
Here is the area for invited guests, staff, professors and prefects to post while at the graduation. Please be reminded that you are also invited to start separate RPs that take place after the graduation.
Noelle was feeling happy and sad at the same time. His two best friends were graduating which meant he would not see them when he came back for his last year. At least he only had a year left before leaving Hogwarts. With Alexis' brothers, Armin and Achim to his left, he was glad @Sapphire Michaels was there with him as well. Undergraduate prefects were also in attendance which also included his ex. As what the Slytherin kept telling him, he just had to be confident. He chuckled as he waved at Alexis when the Ravenclaw went to get her diploma. When it was Joshua's turn, he made a goofy face while waving. His bro did not know he would be there.
Achim sat calmly in his seat as the graduation began. He was proud that his only sister was graduating although there was an underlying reason as for his presence there. He was bound to meet her boyfriend - no fiancé who was also a graduate. Being the oldest, he wanted to make sure that this Xavier could be trusted. Despite Armin's reassurances, the man had to see for himself. His eyes were directed to the front and watched as Lexi went up to the stage to receive her diploma. When her blue eyes searched them in the audience, he gave a small wave although finding it unnecessary as Noelle was waving next to them. Xavier came up almost after her and he had to admit the boy looked decent. He would just have to see later on.​
Arriving in NZ after work, Armin did not have any chance to change clothes and just brushed off the remaining soot that stuck on his jacket. Working with dragons had its ups and downs, one of which smelling like fire from being around them most of the time. At least, he managed to bring the gift Alexis asked him. He knew how his sister was not crazy with dragons but ever the thoughtful one, the Ravenclaw told him of a classmate who was obsessed with dragons. The man was glad to know a student, a girl no less, wanted to work with these magnificent beasts. Sat beside Achim, he chuckled softly as he regarded Achim's stance. Alexis went up the stage to receive her diploma and Armin raised his hand to wave. Soon, it was Xavier's turn and flickering his eyes between Achim and the boy, he nudged his brother playfully. "Smile, bro. He's a good boy, I promise.", teasing him.
Sapphire wasn't looking for attention today. But that didn't mean that she didn't look good. She stayed in the back, where she was best. She had come in with Noelle, but wasn't sure if he still knew where she was. She wasn't sure if anyone really saw her, but that was alright. She smiled as Leda gave her speech, and smiled more when Leda jumped into the crowd to hug Zennon. That was a good thing, then. They needed to make up. Sapphire smiled softly at them, before turning her attention back to the stage. She would see Leda graduate, and Liam, and Mervyn, and slip out with just the whispered goodbyes she was sure no one cared to hear.
Yvette made sure that she was packed. Everything was in her luggage and was ready to go. But of course, she wouldn’t miss the only program she was invited into. The graduation ceremony. Yvette was dress in her simple powder blue dress and fall boots and made her way up to the entrance hall. Half way into the stairs, she could hear names being called out. The dark haired Slytherin was late. Yvette stood by the big oak doors, her eyes looking at the one guy who she came here for.
Clearing her throat, Yvette found him, stunningly handsome. A slight smile molded on her lips, she wanted to go there and hug him and apologize again. But right now is his moment and not hers. She’ll wait until the programme is over.
Her only bro was graduating. Sam almost couldn’t believe it, she was going to be the only one of her family left in school, save for cousins of cousins. Amy and Dan has long graduated, not to mention Alex had a family of her own, and it was a matter of time before Sam was leaving Hogwarts too, and going to find her way in the next chapter of her life, whatever she wanted to pursue. Sam already had some idea, there were several options. But right now it was about Xavier, and Sam exchanged smiles with her sister as they watched him go to up to the stage and receive his diploma once all the speeches were done. In that moment the sixth year couldn’t be any prouder, and once everyone else has received their certificates the slytherin made her way over to her brother to congratulate him.
Diana had taken a seat near her sister, though she waved at Sapphire too. Diana had never been at a graduation before, and she felt oddly nervous about it. She was flattered that Cole had asked her to come, especially when she knew he had a big family. Diana was sad that her boyfriend would graduate now, and that they wouldn't be at Hogwarts together next year. She couldn't help but worry he'd meet someone better than her outside of the castle, but tried not to linger on that. She also kept glancing around in the hopes of picking out his mother. Cole had said he would introduce them today, and Diana was nervous about that too. Elia had told her she wasn't easy to impress, and she worried that she would disapprove of her. She fidgeted uncharacteristically as she waited for Cole's name to be called.
As a prefect, Alice was invited to graduation automatically. She was sitting with Diana, who was here because her boyfriend was graduating. Alice hadn't really met Cole, nor did she know much about him. She hoped that would change today, as she figured she wouldn't have much of a chance to meet him later. Alice listened to both speeches, clapping politely at both of them. She admired the head boy and girl for speaking in front of so many people. It was a little sad, knowing that Diana would graduate next year. And the year after that... it would be her turn. Alice tried not to focus on that thought, instead turning her attention to the ceremony as the seventh years accepted their diplomas from Professor Alicastell.
Noemie was back at Hogwarts, she was looking forward to this though, seeing her brother graduate would be good. She had changed a bit since she’d left school, her own graduation hadn’t been all that long ago, but she knew that things were a little different, for one, being happily married was one of them. She loved being married, she loved Asmodeus. He was perfect to her. Everything they did was always such a good reflection of them. The reporter also loved her job, she loved where life had taken her. She took her seat in the hall, and couldn’t help but spot a few familiar people and faces in the crowd. Students she had once known, teachers she had once been taught by. It was all pretty amazing. Nothing much changed at school. Only the faces. She looked towards the front as the proceedings got started, she listened to her brother’s speech and the part veela had to laugh as she applauded, of course. That had felt like a very Simon thing, to the point, without drawing it out. She listened to the girl, having only vaguely known her thanks to quidditch, but it was a very heartfelt piece. She applauded loudly, making sure to be extra loud for her brother. Though she had always wanted to be the one in that position, as head girl, and had never gotten close she was proud of him for having managed it.
Lars sat between his sisters, Emma and Iris on either side of him. He had spotted Fleur's red hair in the group of seventh year sitting together, and had waved at her earlier. Now the Headmistress was giving a speech, and Lars listened with a heavy heart. He was very aware that the responsibility of oldest sibling at Hogwarts would now be his, and he had no idea if he would do a good job. He listened to the speeches of the head boy and girl, both were nice, though the head girl's speech was a lot more personal. Then the Headmistress started calling out names, Lars clapped politely for every person, though he clapped a little harder for Fleur. He shushed Emma as she started cheering loudly, glancing nervously at the professors.
Misha hadn’t really gone to too many graduations but with time marching on and him getting ever closer to his own daughter’s graduation, he was feeling a little more close to them. A little more that he should go along to them. The charms professor found a seat in the hall, preferring to be near the back of the room, just well within the crowd. He’d turned up precisely late enough to not have to interact with too many people, and so of course he would be able to not dally either in arriving before things got started and leaving. He listened as the headmistress and the head students spoke, nodding along to their words, each giving a speech that since he’d had them in his class were things he’d expect to hear from them. He watched and cheered with the rest of the hall as the students crossed the stage, even if some weren’t in his class any more he had taught most of them. He felt a little sad at knowing this was the last time he’d see most of them, and he felt proud of their achievements. He left the hall as soon as the headmistress brought the graduation to a close.
Mazikeen liked going to graduations, she knew she was one of the lucky few that would be able to go to more graduations than most, she’d gone last year and was here again this and then the next she would be graduating. That didn’t fill her with nerves as much as the thought had in the previous year. She knew it wasn’t because she was getting used to the idea, she knew come the following year she would be nervous again, but it was just that she knew she was close to being able to move on with her life which made her happy. She was here in her role as prefect but she was also here to cheer on some of the people in the year above her - specifically Fleur. She had always appreciated the girl’s company and knew she would deeply miss the girl when she wasn’t at school with her in the next year. But she put aside her own worries as the head mistress got started, bringing the head boy and girl to the stage. Maze was curious about what they would say, she didn’t know either well apart from interacting with them in her role as prefect. She felt like both speeches entire fit into the idea of them that she had in her head. She thought the head boy could’ve put a bit more work in but that it wasn’t a bad speech and the girl, her heart felt all of the words she said. She cheered loudly for them both, and cheered loudly for all the students, making sure to cheer extra for Fleur. It was nice and she found herself looking forward to her own graduation, to what the head boy and girl of her year would say.
Derek sat excited in the hall for graduation, he was looking forward to this event, though of course it was sad to say goodbye to fellow students some of whom he counted as friends, he knew that it was a joyous thing, something to be proud of, a reason to be proud of them. The slytherin settled in a seat near where a lot of the other prefects who’d come along to this had sat. His gaze was settling on the front of the hall as the head mistress got started. He nodded along at her words and then to the head people. Derek had to admit he didn’t really vibe with either speech, he couldn’t with leda since he didn’t know what that was like, he knew he had to go for things and not get hung up on others, but he didn’t have the same contextual weight to it as he knew she had. The head boy’s speech to him was almost too to the point. But he applauded for them anyway - he could tell that some people had liked what they’d said and just because he hadn’t didn’t make him right about it. The slytherin watched as the students of the year walked across the stage, applauding for each one as they made their way across the stage. He cheered for the few slytherins amongst them. It would be fun he thought to be the one graduating in the next year, though it felt still a little surreal too.
Alex was having an emotional day. She felt like the proudest sister in the world. She only had one brother, and it only seemed like yesterday that he was starting his Hogwarts journey. Both him and Sam were growing up so fast, and Alex knew she would continue to be proud of her siblings no matter what they ended up doing. She smiled from where she sat, happy that she was able to make it to Xavier’s graduation because there was no way she would miss it. So she had made sure that Finn was safe and sound, and she had left him with Ryder, the person she trusted the most besides her siblings and father. She clapped when Xavier went to receive his diploma, and when everyone else had gotten theirs, she followed Sam into the crowd to meet the Hufflepuff.
Vader had always been at graduations, never in the ceremony itself, but there after to take pictures and for the yearbook to take the speeches. He was for the first time actually attending. Really even just arriving was making him think about his own future. He was so nervous by it. What it would mean, he was nervous for the next year where he would find himself without Ava. He truly understood why, and supported her in that decision but he knew it would be hard. He’d also begun thinking about the future, about the yearbook, he needed to find an apprentice, an intern that could take him place. He wouldn’t make the same mistake as his predecessor, and he would ensure that who he picked was older and got the same two years to come to grips with what he had to do. He had someone in mind, but it would maybe take a little conversation to really get them on board. He put that out of his mind as he took a seat and as the headmistress got started. Vader just listened as the people spoke. He’d always read the speeches, but it different to hear them in person, there were certain elements of tone that he knew he wouldn’t be able to replicate in written form. But it was interesting. He thought they were pretty good, though he felt decidedly nervous around Leda given Pho. Vader applauded for the students, but did take the opportunity to take a few pictures though the crowd of people as some of the students crossed the stage. It made the future feel very real to him, which he was always keener to ignore.
The last time Isabelle had been in the Great Hall of Hogwarts was during her own Graduation Ceremony. It felt like a life time since Isabelle had finally graduated, and she couldn't help but be so proud of her brother who was doing the exact same thing today. The pair of them had gone through a lot together, including the death of their mother and the move to an entirely new country and an entirely new life, and so seeing Patrick collect his diploma today was very exciting for the woman, hoping that he would be able to achieve what he wanted to when he finally left. As Isabelle saw Patrick sitting down with the other graduates, she beamed at him, giving him a small wave. She watched as he almost ran up to the podium when his name was called. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Her brother had finally done it. He could now go out into the real world and achieve anything he wanted to, and she was sure that if their mother was still here today, she would be very proud of what her children had become.
The Graduation Ceremony was always such a big thing at Hogwarts. Ana didn't know where all of the people came from. The teen had never spoken to any of the Seventh Years, except for her step-brother of course, and so as Ana scanned the graduates as she sat among the crowd, she didn't recognise anyone. She sat back in her seat as the ceremony began, figuring that it was going to be a long one, just like the last one she had attended for Isabelle. She was glad that Patrick was finally leaving school as it meant that she was now going to be a seventh year and the top of the pack. It meant that this time next year it would be her stepping up onto the podium, and the Slytherin couldn't help but be a little excited at that. As Patrick's name was called, Ana watched as he received his diploma, clapping for him unlike she had for the others. When the ceremony finally began, Ana stood up and stretched before making her way over to her step-brother, happy to congratulate him.
Maria would be lying to herself if she pretended she hadn't been dreading today. Though this wasn't the first time she had attended one of her children's graduation ceremony, Charlie and Emily had been her first children. She had watched Charlie grow up every step of the way, and now it was time to watch her step into adulthood. Maria had told herself she wasn't going to cry today, but that promise went out the window as soon as students began stepping up to accept their diplomas. This was really it. She covered her mouth quickly as Charlie took the stage, fierce pride flooding her body. Maria had watched Charlie struggle for years to achieve the grades she needed, and now here she was. She clapped loudly as she watched Charlie accept her diploma, smiling warmly as her first baby returned to the crowd. This was really it.
Kahurangi had always enjoyed graduation, but it had only gotten more personal in the last few years. With an entire House under her wing, Kahurangi wasn't just personally clapping for the few students who took her subject, but every student she had watched grow and learn and achieve. She clapped for both head people, pleased to see Leda looking more like herself than when they had spoken in the previous semester. As each graduate took the stage Kahurangi applauded for them, proud to see yet another class of hardworking graduates ready to begin their own journeys and take their places in the world.
Coming back to Hogwarts felt surreal. Deeply, powerfully strange, in a way Harley hadn't really expected. Deeply familiar, and incredibly strange all at once. Some faces were familiar, (Harley couldn't resist throwing Professor Kingsley a cheeky salute as she went with Jason to take their seats,) and some Harley was sure she had never seen before in her life. She settled in to listen to the speeches, a little disappointed neither were quite as disruptive as Jerara's had been at her own graduation. "No fun without a call to riot." She whispered to Jason in an undertone as the speeches finished up, clapping politely all the same. Harley didn't know many of her sister's classmates other than the weird kid she was dating, and fidgeted through most of the ceremony, doodling surreptitiously on the chair she was sitting on. Finally Zoe's turn came though and Harley hollered loudly in support, clapping loudly as she called out, "YEAH ZOE, CRUSHIN' IT!" It was surreal to see Zoe standing there on that stage. While Harley had been off living her life, her baby sister had grown into a woman, and Harley couldn't have been prouder.
Jason's second visit to Hogwarts felt no less strange than his first had. This place made it difficult to suppress the thoughts Jason usually avoided. Who was the version of him who had come to this school, what would he have been like if he had been just a normal magical kid, like everyone else? Would he have enjoyed it? Would he have been a good student, or slacked off like Harley? Who would have spoken at his graduation? How would it feel? So many things Jason would never know. This place was stunningly, majestically, powerfully magical, everything Jason wasn't and could never be. He would never be a part of the world Hogwarts represented, not really. He was just a tourist in his sisters' lives.

At least he had Harley to distract him from his misery, raising an eyebrow as she saluted one of the teachers. That salute definitely meant something, but Jason had no way of knowing what. He settled for raising a hand to the professor politely, wondering who she was as he did so. It was a relief once they were seated, though that left Jason with nothing but his thoughts and his sister, who was as fidgety as ever. He couldn't hold back a small snort of amusement at Harley's comment about the speeches, glad that at least he didn't have to sit through this ceremony alone. He clapped politely for each of the graduates, wondering which ones were Zoe's friends. He knew she had a boyfriend, one Harley had described as "one of those weird gross twins", but Jason was having a hard time picking who that might be. He was distracted abruptly from his thoughts as Zoe's name was called, clapping politely as Harley raised absolute hell next to him. It was surprising and a little sad to see Zoe on that stage, but Jason was filled with pride all the same. The baby sister he had spent hours playing imagination games with had grown up without him, and now she was an adult. It wrenched Jason's heart, but at the same time he was relieved this was really over. At last he would get to spend time with his littlest sister again.
Emily had already watched one big sister graduate, but today felt very different. Charlie had been Emily's big sister for years before they had even had any parents. Though there was no blood between them, the bond ran much stronger than that, and the idea of returning to Hogwarts next year without Charlie felt almost unthinkable. They were inseparable, always had been. The anger quivering inside Emily wanted to lash out, to punch things, but she was doing better, and she was going to keep doing better. She insisted that to herself as she sat next to Mum, trying to sort through her feelings quietly, barely paying attention to the ceremony going on. It all became too much though, as Charlie's name was called. Emily choked as tears finally burst forth from her eyes, all the emotion stirring inside her finding its only escape through her eyes. This was really it, Charlie was graduating. Emily clapped weakly as Charlie took her diploma, but quickly turned and pressed her face into Mum's shoulder, sobbing loud and desperate. She wasn't ready to be without Charlie.
Grace knew exactly how every person graduating here felt. She was graduating too that year, which had seemed a little daunting at first, but then she slowly got used to the idea. She was going to miss her school and playing with her team, although she was also excited to find out what the future held. She had plans to travel a bit, maybe find an odd job here and there, to gain some experience, and briefly wondered if her cousin wanted to join her. She wasn’t extremely close to the Slytherin, but she still got along well with her and Grace thought maybe it was time to change that, to bond with her more. She was closer to Athena than Antonio but maybe the three of them could explore the world together. Grace felt proud to have been invited to the graduation in the first place, hoping not many people would remember her face from the fiasco that was the most recent Quidditch game. She couldn’t resist the urge to roll her eyes when that slytherin beater made his statement. Well perhaps she would see him again in future if she ever decided to continue playing the sport. Although she hoped she wouldn’t because it would be awkward, him being Athena’s ex and all. She clapped and cheered loudly when both cousins got their diplomas and grinned at them when they made eye contact, really happy for them.
Lavinia felt sad. Her closest friend and cousin - or rather, cousin of cousin - was graduating, which meant she would be left all alone the following year even though she only had next year left at school. She would be the last of her family members to graduate, and she wasn’t quite sure how to feel about that. She was going to miss Athena so much. She hoped she would still be as close to her as ever after she left, because it would be terrible if they weren’t anymore. She needed her partner-in-crime, she always talked to Athena about everything. She was proud of her, of course, and when the blonde stepped on stage she yelled "WOOHOOO! That’s my girl!" really loudly to make sure the slytherin heard her. She clapped for Antonio too, they had really gotten through these seven years of Hogwarts. She knew that it would be her in a year’s time, but she didn’t want to think about that just yet. Once the ceremony was over the Hufflepuff went to find the twins, Grace right behind her.
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