Winter Werewolf

I vote to lynch James Adams because there is something fishy here :shifty:
He was very quick to vote so I vote to lynch James Adams.
Too early to really make decisions. xD
But I guess I vote to lynch Hilton Tiwari. Random number generator.
I vote to lynch James Cade because in IC he never really liked Madeline. I mean, he liked her, but he always tried to get her into some sort of trouble xD Amy would know :r
I also vote to lynch James Adams :correct:
Amy Rosemary said:
I vote to lynch James Cade because in IC he never really liked Madeline. I mean, he liked her, but he always tried to get her into some sort of trouble xD Amy would know :r
Madeline died because she guarded a wolf though, right? Probably :D so who would she likely have chosen to guard?
The village was in uproar by the time the morning frost had melted. The snow had left, leaving behind swaths of mud and revealing heavy pawprints trampled beneath naked human feet, and the watchmen had to clear the streets to stop them from mixing with the villager's boot prints. It was to no avail- the only proof they had of how many werewolves they were dealing with was the evidence last night, long swept away by the parson and the mortician. Madeline Walden was put to rest, but the hunt had just begun.

By noontime, suspicions were running wild, and the watchmen were considering an early curfew just to keep the villagers off the street and gossiping. Rumour had it that James Adams was seen rifling through the mess where Madeline lay slain as the parson consoled them all, but few could corroborate it. He was merely a loner and an eccentric, but that was enough for some of the more suspicious inhabitants. At five o'clock, they'd hounded him out of his house and tied a rope to him, stringing him along behind them as they dragged the poor man to the rudimentary constabulary.

"We've got a wolf," grunted a villager with satisfaction, dragging James forward and prodding him with a stick as the poor man cowered.
"Oh, aye?" squinted a watchman, stepping forward to lean into the bound man's face.
"Ya. Him's all hairy, and Marigold Weathers caught him picking through Madeline's clothes tryna' hide evidence when good parson spoke to us on thar terrible evenin'."
"She owed me money!" cried James, casting his eyes frantically at the hostile onlookers. "You all knew that; had I not drunk with her in the inn every other Sunday? Five games of whist, winner-takes-all, and my silver pocket watch was-"
"Shut up, wolf!" snarled an onlooker, raising his hand and cowing James into silence with the threat. The watchman had to agree that the man was suspicious. He liked is little stuffed squirrels, and kept far too many match boxes, in his opinion, no matter what he said about being a 'collector'. No good, normal citizen of their village was likely to be one of their culprits. In fact, a lost round of whist was a fine reason to kill their Guardian in his terrible other form, and if what the others had said about him picking through her belongings was true...

"Right," said the watchman. "You're for it now, Adams."

Their village eccentric was tried and strung in less than three hours. It was too cold to stay out for long, and besides, there was another wolf to find the next day. Everyone wanted a cup of tea and one less werefolk about treating the village like a pick n' mix. In the cold twilight, the villagers gathered to watch the man die. They waited half an hour for the body to change back to its wolf form, or so the parson assured them would happen. Another half hour, and the villagers drew closer into a huddle, the chill seeping into their bones and the terror returning to their eyes. It was the fear of no change at all; the fear that they'd taken one of their own. Slowly, all citizens returned to their homes feeling hollow and empty. They dragged their feet and drew their coats tight about them. There was one less Villager to band with against the supernatural.

Please PM me if you have a night role.

Snowflakes whispered in the wind and woke the village slowly, exhausted from their night of hugging pillows to their ears to escape the dreadful howling. Many were wracked with guilt over the death of James Adams; the recluse was not sorely missed by personal association, but those that still thought of him had a conscience, and it had steered them ill as they condemned the poor fellow to the noose.

Some few exited their homes with cautious hope- they'd heard no screams save for that of the wolves- but it was all for naught when their own cries took up at the sight of the latest victim. Professor Kalif Styx, another outlier in the village, lay slumped against the fountain in the village center, the werewolves' kill dyeing the ice a horrifying colour. The Professor was not universally disliked, but nor was he favoured; at least he did not collect stuffed squirrels. Any loss was grievous in their small constituent, and the numbers of the Villagers were beginning to dwindle.

A cry of defiance echoed in the square, and one by one, the freezing and terrified inhabitants took it up as the bore the body themselves to the parson. Come one wolf, come two, come Hell or high water, they would best these shapeshifting devils and rid the village of their pestilence ... or so they vowed. They were weary but not beaten, and the hunt began again.

Discussions and voting to lynch suspects begins now. Please vote clearly, e.g. "I vote to lynch X," or "I change my vote to Y."

Well we still can't really go off of much but I used a random generator and happened to get Hilton Tiwari, so I vote to lynch Hilton Tiwari.
i always hate the beginning of these. I don't like to lynch anyone until I have evidence because killing someone innocent or someone that could help the village seriously bums me out XD so I'm reserving my vote for now.
The only lead is really thinking about who Madeline would have guarded the first night. But I don't want to throw names out there because they'll probably be wrong xD
well, since there is no way of knowing I'd like to lynch Claire, Professor Monty Pendleton, for literally no reason. Sorry! xD
I vote to Lynch Ester Lancaster. Her name came up in a random generator.
i don't want it to be a draw so I'm gonna have to put it in a random generator. I'm sorry Lovi it came up. I vote to Lynch Hilton

This may change with new information!
I'm confused, there was no draw o_O

From what I can see, before your vote there was one vote each for Hilton, Monty & Ester - you just made it a vote by voting for Hilton xD

I'm also not voting for anyone right now, not enough suspicion to cast it on anyone.
I'd really prefer not to jump to conclusions but I'm gonna go random. So I vote to lynch Esme Lancaster.
Voting in the early stages is the worst xD I vote to lynch Hilton because her name was the first one I saw when I loaded this page.
I vote to lynch Hilton Tiwari ... Hunch ... Yep, a hunch
I swear i thought someone voted for Claire, Hilton, and Esme... xD In my defense I was at work and in a hurry xD
All of the villagers, young and old, had dedicated themselves to the hunt, but some few appeared to have a personal vendetta. The shepherds had been complaining about vicious wolf attacks for months before the midwinter incident, and only now were their warnings being answered. They sharpened their staves and gathered in the square to bicker furiously about what the next move was. The watchmen, too, grew angry and despondent at the lack of progress. All of their work was driven by fear, and not even the town elders knew where next to turn.

Essentially, no one had any idea what kind of person they were looking for. The hairy, the ugly and the ill-tempered received threats and dirty looks on the third day. It stood to reason that he or she who turned into a murderous beast at midnight would bear resemblance to their affliction during the day. No one liked to think of the werewolves as afflicted, come to think. It leant itself too heavily to the idea that one might be unaware of the ... condition ... in themselves, and that was too terrible to consider. It was too cold for introspection.

Hilton Tiwari had kept very quiet as the village grew louder with arguments and vitriol. She'd rarely paid mind to gossip even before the murders and the lynchings, but now she had a special project to focus on while the others fought amongst themselves. It was a pity she'd not broken her habits just to check up on the frantic lot, because they'd all come to an agreement; their herbalist was often accused of messing with the arcane, and she was more likely than anyone else to have cursed them with the lycanthropic plague. At sundown, Kilton emerged from her cottage with a bottle in hand, waving it to the village who had suspiciously gathered outside to wait.

"My friends!" said the good woman, sloshing the contents of the bottle about in her excitement. "I can finally assist! Here in my hand, I have created a wondrous-" nothing, anymore. The bottle was dashed to the ground as the crowd converged upon her, and Hilton finally realised that it was not in congratulations. It didn't take long for her to start screaming when they tied the ropes and began the death march to the watchmen. With no better hopes for catching the beasts, the village had made a decision; their Witch was to die.

Pity. That Reanimation Potion might have come in handy ...

Please PM me if you have a night role.

The villagers were unsure of whether or not the silence in the evening boded well or ill, but they slept gratefully, exhausted physically and emotionally after yesterday's mistake. When Hilton Tiwari had failed to turn back into her supposed hideous form, some had burst into tears, and many more brought wreaths and gifts to appease her no-doubt vengeful spirit.

They could not keep going like this. Surely someone, anyone had suspicions with a genuine base. Rumours of a seer amongst them had woven through the sleepy town for years, but with no proof either way, their need was greater than ever.
When the innocents woke, groggy as though they'd never slept at all, they filtered out of their homes and businesses one by one with the melancholy of the inevitable, but lo and behold, there was no corpse! It had snowed overnight, and the villagers marked the fresh powder with their frantic footsteps to search for a survivor, but there were no signs of that, either. Had they come away clean?

Chatting animatedly, everyone gathered in the square to celebrate the brief reprieve with renewed vigour, hot drinks in hand. The werewolves had failed to make a kill, and though one young woman insisted they'd scratched at her door all night and morning, they'd not entered her cottage. She had the luck of the devil or was touched by an angel, but either way, everyone thanked their lucky stars that their numbers remained strong. The brutes still lurked among them, however, and the hunt must continue until all the werewolves were dead ... or until there were no more villagers left to feed upon.

Discussions and voting to lynch suspects begins now. Please vote clearly, e.g. "I vote to lynch X," or "I change my vote to Y."

since the werewolves didn't kill we might be looking for someone who hasn't been very active. Did anyone keep any tabs on that? I'm not the most organized xD

Also stop listening to random generators we lost our witch :/ xD
i think Cole is the wolf. I have no reasoning other than a gut, admittedly slightly drunk feeling.

So I vote to lynch Cole.
drunk lunching is bad lynching. I mean I can see that being a bad idea though. Do you see what I mean?
I think I'm gonna back Emzies up on this one, I trust her gut even is she is slightly drunk. So I vote to lynch Khalil Ghannam.

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