- Messages
- 2,303
- OOC First Name
- Mia
- Blood Status
- Unknown
- Relationship Status
- It's Complicated
- Sexual Orientation
- Heterosexual
- Wand
- Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
- Age
- 29 (1/8/2034)

Willow Luna Cullen
I, I wanna drip in colour
Baby, don't paint me beige
My heart is a wildfire
The Basics
Character's Name: Willow Luna Cullen
Willow, the name of a tree, as it is a tradition in my mums family for members to be named after trees, (traditionally the tree one is born under)
Luna: as both of my parents are werewolves, so apparently, something moon related was needed
Cullen: my dad's last name, and despite the unfortunate link to a family of vampires in some muggle books years ago it is a good name to have.
Character's Birthdate:
Hometown: Wagga Wagga, Australia
Blood Status:purish/mixed blood, on my mums side both her parents are magic even though she doesn't know, and on my dads side my gran is a witch but my pop was a squib, so I am not sure what that makes me.
And arch my back
I am a lion's power, tonight
Don't try and hold me down
Because my heart is a wildfireDon't try and hold me down
At School
Wand: Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
14.5 inches: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Knotted: The knots of this wand's original wood remains clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Willow: An excellent wand-wood for healing and non-verbal magic, the wielder of a Willow wand more often than not has a something about themselves which makes them insecure unnecessarily.
Belladonna essence: As a wand core, the essence of belladonna is useful in Potions and Herbology work. The poisonous nature of this substance makes the wand more suspicious than most wands are of the wand caster. For this reason, wands with this core take a long time to bond with the wand caster.
Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its wielder.
I like my wand. really what other wood was I meant to have other than Willow, it is my name tree even if it means I am unnecessarily insecure.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
I Like being a lion. but really there was no other house for me.
sorting post said:Willow was so excited she could not stand still as she waited for the procession into the great hall. as she walked in among the other first years she looked around. she saw the four house tables exactly how Chante and her mother had described them. Gryffindor, her favourite house, Ravenclaw, the bookworms, Hufflepuff, Chante's house. Then there was Slytherin, Willow had a feeling she was to be sorted into that house she needn't bother returning home. As she waited for the ceremony to start She tried to make eye contact with her cousin, when she finally did she smiled and waved feeling reassured and proud that her cousin and best friend was there for her. it would be a fun year, they could hang out without their parents hovering over them.
Eventually, the hat had sung its song about the houses and the names were starting to be called. she was practically dancing again with excitement. Thankfully she had her dads name Cullen so she was near the start of the list and didn't have to wait long Cullen, Willow. She walked over to the seat and sat down feeling the hat get placed on her head and the world turn into darkness. please please please say gryffindor she thought.
"Gryffindor, did you say? Let me take a lo- Ok, you've got it...GRYFFINDOR!"
It felt like the hat had hardly settled on her flaming scarlet hair when Willow heard a whisper in her ear challenging her over her thoughts of which house was right for her. it wasn't a long challenge. before it had even finished the threat she heard it resign hits self to the fact that she was destined for the house she had hoped for. as a shout for Gryffindor echoed through the room she got up and made her way excitedly to the red table happily hi-fiving a few people who put out their hands.
And I remember rolling backstreets
Hanging out the window with my hair tied up
Beauty and the freedom
Hair: naturally it is a ginger colour, however, I bought some muggle hair dye one day and dyed it a more vivid colour, and that is the way I like to keep it.Appearance
Before the start of my third year, I decided to go blonde. this was mainly so that it would work for my Halloween costume as Alice from Wonderland. This was a fantastic choice. even if some people didn't like it cough Fleur it gave me the confidence to be myself and not feel like I had to be in my mum's shadow or try not to be in it.
Eyes: blue.
Height: tall my her age, and somewhere between a lanky and an athletic build
Style: muggle clothing, I like bright colours, you will often see me in a band shirt, old jeans and converse shoes. I am a bit of a tomboy and does not like pink or dresses, though I will wear them if needed.
Other Distinguishing Features: most people recognise me from my hair.
We were all so young,
comparing broken hearts
We were all so young, so youngA Little Deeper
Personality: Willow comes across as loud and confident. often acting in the moment, sometimes people call me feisty. however, those who know me know that I do also need my downtime.History: I was born in st mungoes on the night of a full moon. I was going to be adopted but when my mum saw me she decided she couldn't. I grew up on a property outside a city called Wagga Wagga in New South Wales in Australia. it is quite a large property. with paddocks and bushland. when I was younger I used to spend a lot of time outside playing. I also liked spending time with my cousin, I still do.
I went to the Muggle primary school, and whilst I didn't really fit in I did okay, I learned how to play the guitar and that kept me just about cool enough to not be classed as a weirdo.
when I was ten and finished year six all the other kids from school went to high school but mum took me out travelling across Europe for a year. which sounds a lot more fun than it was. we started in Spain and walked, ran, and camped our way up to where dad grew up. which was hard work.
I got to spend the time before school at home which was good and it gave me the chance to get my school things.
when I got to Hogwarts I got sorted into Gryffindor house and I was so happy, I don't know what I would have done if I had been in any other house.
Boggart: Two wolves fighting each other
RP of facing one said:Then it was her turn. she closed her eyes on the flakes of confetti floating down and took a deep breath. what would her greatest fear be? she opened her eyes and saw two wolves, one black and one a red brown with snarling and full of anger they were fighting each other tooth and claw. slobber was flying and blood was being shed on both sides. if one was to look closely at the wolves they would recognise the signs that they were not real wolves but werewolves. but they were moving too fast. scratching and injuring each other. the black one want for the throat of the brown one she raised her wand "ridiculous" she said this did nothing. only distract the wolves. instead of fighting each other they were coming straight at her. she took a deep breath. "Ridikkulus" she said this time the spell worked and instead of large fierce werewolves it was two cute puppies, a Labrador and a German shepherd. pouncing on her for fun. she scratched them both behind the ear before moving over and letting someone else have a go. As she watched the rest of her classmates face the creature she wondered if they would realise what her fear was. it was more specific that wolves or werewolves. in fact she want that scared of the creatures as she knew that being bitten wasn't a life sentence. it was actually that her parents would hurt each other during a full moon. or that one of them would attack someone and end up in Azkaban. once the class was over she left and headed to the kitchens to see if she could find her cousin. there was something about facing your fears that made you want your family to tell you everything would be okay. and even if Chante wasn't there she would find food, and wasn't that the next best thing.
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