Why Would You Do That!?

Zennon Baros

Finley's dad; healer
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Zennon pushed his plate away from him and sat back in his chair. Because he'd elected to skip class today he'd been able to get to lunch earlier meaning most of the Slytherins weren't there yet. He secretly enjoyed that because it meant he got all the best food. Zennon eyed the fudge and wondered if he might have room for some extra when he suddenly felt a presence with him. Looking around he saw Analei and couldn't decide if he wanted to smile or cringe. He settled for just looking at her. "Analei?" he wasn't quite sure what she was doing here.
Analei had run all the way to the Great Hall, having come from Professor Pendleton's office, her adrenaline the only thing keeping her going for the two flights. Once she spotted the boy (thankful she didn't have to run down to the dungeons), she raced towards him, pausing for a second behind him to catch her breath. Zennon turned around, and didn't exactly greet her, but she grinned at him anyway. "I'm glad to see you're feeling better! Did you have to go to the Hospital Wing? This means you can definitely help me! Come on!" She encouraged her friend, slightly pulling on his arm.
Zennon raised his eyes at his bestfriend as she asked him if he'd gone to the hospital wing. What in the heck would make her think that? He wasn't sick, he was just fine! She started tugging on him and Zennon pulled himself out of her grip. "What? I'm fine, what are you doing? Why would I go to the hospital wing?" Analei was usually a bit strange, but now she was being stranger than usual and Zennon was determined to find the cause.
Still slightly out of breath, Analei looked at Zennon incredulously. "Because you were sick? That's why you didn't come to Potions right?" Analei asked, confused for a second, before remembering Potions and the deadline she had. "It's fine though, I got homework for us to do! Oh man what a lesson it was, we didn't learn anything but I went to Pendleton after he left and asked for some, now we get to go find some ingredients! Isn't that exciting? Come on!" Analei exclaimed again, tugging on his arm to drag him outside.
As Analei told him why she thought he'd missed potions he felt a little guilty. He wasn't sure he could tell her that he just hadn't wanted to go. Of course the moment she mentioned that she'd gone to Pendleton and actually asked for some work to do, Zennon's mouth dropped open. Was she insane? No-one asks for homework, no-one. Ever. "Analei, why the h3ll would you do that?!" he asked, groaning as he realised his best friend was a fricken nerd.
As Analei continued to pull Zennon (and boy, was she not strong), she laughed at his comment, but luckily he came along. "Because now we get to learn! I hope he gives us extra credit too! Come on this is fun! It's like a treasure hunt! We just have to find some of the ingredients he's been teaching us about - well, you would know about today's ones if you were there. You weren't sick? What were you doing?" She rambled, as they reached the lawn. Her eyes searched around the grounds, she had no idea where to start, but they didn't have much time. Analei wanted to beat the time limit given to them.
Zennon dragged his feet. "You know what, on second thought I have a headache and my tummy hurts." He said, staring at the back of her head, wishing he had mind influencing abilities instead of language speaking ones. He coughed for affect. "See?" Analei was his friend, sure, but she and he had different ideas about what he wanted to be doing in an afternoon and it just wasn't compatible with her current pulling.
Hearing Zennon's complaints made Analei stop looking and turn around to stare her friend down. She put a hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow when he coughed, not believing him. Especially seeing as he said "on second thought", and that he was fine two seconds ago. "I didn't know having a headache made you cough? Come onnnnn Zennon we can get House Points for this! We're on a tight schedule!" Analei exclaimed, before turning around and spotting some Scurvy Grass. "Yes! See!? We can do this!" Analei was super excited to have found the grass, and she rushed forward to take a little bit from the plant.
Zennon groaned every step of the way as he walked was dragged along behind Analei. He supposed he couldn't blame her for being excited about homework. Homework was nice sometimes. He pointed towards the forest when she mentioned she saw scurvy grass. "I know we can find moss here, I heard an older Hufflepuff girl talking about it in the courtyard once." he said, bounding over to puck up the moss he knew would be there.
Analei grinned at her friend as he started helping, thankful that he realized how exciting this actually was, and that he had stopped groaning. She would be sure to let Professor Pendleton know that he helped so that he could get the House points as well. Analei followed him as he found some moss, and spent the next hour or so with him, searching the grounds before they had found four of the ingredients their Professor asked for. Analei squealed excitedly when the found the last one, giving Zennon a quick side hug. "Okay, come on! Let's go show Professor Pendleton how fast we found these!" Analei exclaimed, before rushing towards his office.

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