What If....?

Cappuccino by Snail's house. It's catchy but never boring on repeat :D

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? and why?
New Zealand, because it's a beautiful place and it's where my best friend is from. I love learning about the culture and places from her.

If you could time-travel, where/when would you go?
Probably to the future so I could skip all the hard work of schooling & be rich and successful already, I'd skip this presidency & hopefully see the world would be more tolerant. Nothing in the past, I only look forward :p

If you could have any super power what would it be and why?
I would want to be able to have whatever amount of money in my pocket I needed at the time - no more no less. that way i could help beggars - and buy a house haha.

If you could be any extinct animal - what would you want to be and why?
A Velociraptor because I am a Dino nerd.

If you could see into the future, but not change it, would you want to?
No, I would just only disappoint myself.

If you could slap one person, HNZ or not, and just walk away, who would it be?
Cersei Lannister

If you could design anything in the world, what would it be?
My house. Especially my bedroom.

If you could keep doing one thing forever, what would it be?
That's easy, I'd want to sleep forever :p

If you could choose to look like any celebrity, who would you choose? and why would you choose them?
Tom Hanks, I think it would be ridiculously fun to look like him.

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life what song would you pick?
Fantasy Impromptu by Tchaikovsky - I feel like you can always kind of find something new with a classical song. Plus imagine listening to it as played by other genres - like metal.

If you had to pick on season for it to be for a full year, what would you pick?
Probably summer, because I mean like if we're talking scottish summer, it would be warm but not roasting, it would still rain about the same as every other season, there would just be longer days and that I love, so that would be the most fun.

What if you could pick up a new talent tomorrow what would it be?
Singing, it would be ridiculously fun to suddenly have an amazing voice I think xD

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Potatoes - plus there's so many ways to prepare them!

What if you could enter into any fictional universe - which would you pick?
Harry Potter, obviously :r

If you could be any animal in the world, which one would it be and why?
hmm..tough one. A cat because I could have nine lives and they really like to cuddle.

If you could meet one of your HNZ characters, who and why?
Silus Hollister. I can relate to him as I came up with him originally to destress during a hard time in my life. I put a lot of my negative traits into him.

If you could look like any person fictional or real, who would they be?
Ariel, i've always wanted red hair!

If you could live underwater, would you?
Nope - I'd be wet and cold all the time. :( It'd be like living in Vancouver! *shudders*

If you could rule one country, which would you lead and why?
Australia, coz our govt is a bit daft

If you could breath fire, would you want to?
If I could turn it on and off then heck yes!

If you could live in world from books/movies/tv ect, what would it be?
Assuming I could leave again, I'd like to give Anne with an E a go, it seems peaceful there despite all Anne's drama :p

What if you could own any one thing in the world, anything at all, what would it be and would you ?

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