Unofficial Pep Club Interest

Beatrice Grey

"Bea" | Minor Nuisance | American
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
12 (05/2051)
Hi all,

Beatrice was a cheerleader before coming to Hogwarts, and she is interested in starting an unofficial pep club (so think a group that might go to any quidditch game regardless of their house and cheer people on, maybe go to other school events). Would anyone else be interested? It could also be a perfect opportunity for some drama :r
Ruth would totally be down! And I am always down for drama...

(Ignore the fact that I have very little concept of what a pep club is, it sounds up her alley :lol:)
(Ignore the fact that I have very little concept of what a pep club is, it sounds up her alley :lol:)
I could see Bea explaining it in great detail to everyone so no worries there!
wooo cheerleaders!! i’ve always thought they should have a cheer squad
Would Bea take Eury? :r =))

Here's a thread to get us started!
Mania will most definitely take part!

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