Never really watched it.

TBM is getting frustrated with my temperamental internet also.
Trueeee. :o

Theeee poster below me has at least one registered account on this board. :r

The person below me prefers tea over coffee.
so true. Coffee and me don't mix well

TPBM: is eating/drinking something, and will tell us what
:o True! Hot chocolate :wub:
TPBM now wants a hot chocolate too! :o

TPBM has a brother who constantly hogs the TV to play COD. <_<
falce, (I do have a sister who plays zelda though, but she has it set up in her room)
tpbm is happy its the weekend
FALSE - It is Sunday night, which means that I have to go back to school tomorrow.
TPBM would make a sandwich for Tom Felton.​
False! Boys can make their own sandwiches, even if they're famous. :r

TPBM hates hot dogs!
FALSE! What kind of person hates dogs?

TPBM would like to be in a sandwich with Tom Felton. ;) xD
i want popcorn, but not necessarily now

tpbm es anticipating todays opening of pottermore applications.
False. Didn't know it existed until now.

TPBM doesn't drink coffee (like moi. bleh :x )
True, i would much rather have tea or chocolate.
TPBM: wants come of my lamb stew.
False. I just ate.

TPBM is listening to music right now.
False. I'm watching TV.

TPBM has watched a Harry Potter film today,
TPBM will not think chocolate zucchini cake is disgusting.
(Because like me they know it's amazing.)
True/false. I don't thing it's discusting but as I have never had it I dont know its merits
tpbm should be doing something else but is on HNZ playing this game
True. ^_^ I think the show is quite funny.

TPBM likes pancakes.
OMG yes, they reminds me of staying with my grandparents for the night when i was younger.
TPBM is looking forward to next week.

I have too much going on next week to be able to enjoy it. :(

TPBM loves to color in coloring books.

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