James Lock said:
PAHAHA. Not A Chance My Friend. :p

TPBM thinks Mia is mad to suggest such a thing. ;)
false, i am just the right temperature in shorts and a singlet in winter
TPBM thinks it was worth asking
True. Why shouldn't you ask someone to take your lecture.

TPBM Would have taken her lecture :p had to be done.
Nope. Not a chance. :p

TPBM loves watching Phineas and Ferb episodes.
True. Who doesn't.

TPBM is British. (He says hopeful)
Nope. Sorry. Very American right here. :p

TPBM loves to eat fruit.
Only the juicy fruit ;)

TPBM should be getting ready for work/school but keeps getting distracted.
On holiday from uni and don't have a job. That's right I'm an unemployed lay about.

TPBM is neglecting a rp.
Tara Sitara said:
False, i am just the right temperature in shorts and a singlet in winter
TPBM thinks it was worth asking
It was worth asking. I'm just tooo lazy to get out of bed so early. ;) :D :p

False!!! I'd never do such a thing, I just politely bring them to a suitable-ending!!! :p

TPBM is currently reading this sentence. ;)

TPBM is the muggle caretaker standing just outside he door.
TPBM hasn't noticed that this thread had just surpassed 900 posts (in fact theirs will be post 912)
True. I didn't notice until you pointed it out. :D
TPBM is expecting a package in the mail.
True sort of. The doctors think they know how to make me better.

TPBM still has to make there bed.

TPBM is sooo excited for Doctor Who tonight!
currently false. i am yet to receive my pottermore letter :cry:
TPBM really wants to eat a chocolate chip cookie.
Yes! I would want a chocolate chip cookie right now since I'm a sweet tooth. :p

TPBM is listening to songs while browsing the net. ;)

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