False :p

TPBM likes to eat pizza.
yes, satay chicken pizza is the best, seriously.

TPBM cant think of what to but about the person below them

TPBM can play an instrument.
Does singing count? :p If so true, otherwise False.
TPBM is waiting eagerly for their Pottermore letter/email.
Hmmm...depends what kind of pizza, but probably true.

TPBM...likes Tamora Pierce :r
Unanswerable. I don't know how you're tired, so I don't know if I'm tired in the same way as you as a result.

The poster below me wears underpants on their head frequently.
:o True! How did you know??
TPBM loves Pokemon!
False. I used to own a couple of the cards and a couple of the Pokemon Gameboy games though.

TPBM enjoys watching the rain.
So true, I love the rain (most of the time)
TPBM will tell me something interesting that they did or found out today.
I'm guessing you are adena. :p but ooc no I don't
Tpbm: will got up at 6 to go to my 8:00 pharmaceutical chemistry lecture for me tomorrow
True. Everyone loves cheese. Except you know people that don't.

TPBM is currently bored.
False. I'm watching The Soup and am actually quite entertained at the moment.

TPBM is in the mood to go shopping.
Teddy Cameron said:
Gotta say, TRUE

TPBM loves Nik Naks (The crisps, not the clothing :p )
Oooh my goodness yes, they are amaaazing! :wub:


False I hate shopping!
TPBM is currently freezing, or boiling.

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