Diana hadn't intended to sit with any of her sisters for the match. She wasn't even sure if any of them would be watching it. But since her team was playing, Diana decided to go look. Quidditch wasn't her passion, but she at least cared about Slytherin winning because it would make her able to brag to her sisters and everyone else in another house. But apparently, Phoebe had decided to annoy her. "Ravenclaw is going to lose," she said, giving Phoebe a glare. "They are clearly the better team." In reality, she had no clue about anything. All she knew is that she wanted to be right, and for Phoebe to be wrong. An older girl spoke to them, and Diana raised her eyebrows. "Kind of mean of you to root for Ravenclaw if your own brother is on the Slytherin team, isn't it? Not very loyal to your family." She said, ignoring the irony of this conversation in contrast with her earlier argument with Phoebe. It wasn't like Phoebe was actually on the team, though if she was Diana would probably still root for Slytherin. "Who's your brother?" She asked, peering down at the Slytherin team.