That Awkward Moment When...

OOC: That awkward moment when you're riding a random taxi and you see the taxi's name is "Ryder and Elodie". It's like Melissa is with me :r
OOC- The awkward moment when you see the playby of one of your characters and instead of using their real name, you use your characters name instead :r
OOC: that awkward moment when you forget what account you are logged in as
IC: That awkward moment when you are about to grab your favorite food when someone quickly grabs it away from you.
OOC: That awkward moment when you trip getting out of the car and one of your favorite Professors sees the entire thing.
OOC-The awkward moment when your little sister starts to have a coughing fit, and then your dog gets so worried that she starts having an asthma attack. So instead of everyone worrying about your sister, they're also worrying about the dog dying of worry. :erm: Both sister and dog are now safe and sound.
OOC: that awkward moment when you are having a debate with your family as to if you are really left handed (I have always written with my left hand for as long as i can remember) and you realise that you are loosing the argument.
that awkward moment when you are sitting in the uni library and you swear you can hear someone snoring.
OOC: The awkward moment when you fall asleep during English because your teacher is boring :r

OOC: The awkward moment when you start crying during drama practise*
*Thankfully I was supposed to be upset.

OOC- The awkward moment when people incorrectly spell your name, and constantly pronounce it wrong, and you've known them for over three years :r

IC- The awkward moment when you are innocently walk through the Great Lawn, and then you suddenly get attack by a thousand million pillows and are knocked to the ground. :erm:
Ic: the awkward moment when you are standing out side your friends house because people are bullying you as you pray that he will go to school and beat everyone up
IC: That awkward moment when you deny the accusation of being in a love-hate relationship with a girl your age, Gryffindor and Half Blood. And whilst denying, your cheeks flame like hell.
(Tsk tsk, Benjamin. Being in love with a Half Blood. :r )
OOC: That awkward moment when for the last hour or so you have been trying to write an RP and all you have done is write the characters name.
ooc- the awkward moment when you are on HNZ instead of listening to a uni lecture... :r
OOC- the awkward moment when you pick up a pretty pair of shoes then look at the price and decide they are not that pretty anymore.
ooc- the awkward moment when a baby likes you better then his aunty.
OOC: That awkward moment when you finally manage to fix something on tumblr, you forget to pack.
the awkward moment when you forget your computer is not touch screen
IC- The awkward moment when you walk arm-in-arm with two people to the Yule ball, and the guy you took starts acting all crazy, kisses your cheeks, gives you a big hug, calls you 'darling' and strokes the lapel of your jacket. You now find yourself questioning why you asked him to the Yule Ball in the first place.
IC: The awkward moment when you become SO camp around your best mate that you are sure he is questioning both your sanity and sexuality.
IC: The awkward moment when you are harmlessly kissing a mate on the cheek and he moves his head and you accidently kiss him.

The awkward moment when you fall asleep in Bible Study and your twin has to wake you because you are snoring <_<
OOC: The awkward moment when you keep accidently putting she instead of he when RPing a character and then realise it's Taylor so it doesn't really matter.
Ic: The awkward moment when a hot girl sits next to you and you have to cross your legs to avoid embarrassment xD

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