That Awkward Moment When...

IC: The awkward moment when you are that hot girl and you are actually a boy who is dressed like a girl, and you are hoping the cute guy you are sitting next to is gay to save him from embarrassment.
IC: That awkward moment when you meet another part giant for the first time and she is in a bad mood, as she think her mom is trying to set her up with you.
IC: that awkward moment when you start crying in the hospital wing when you NEVER cry.
OOC: The awkward moment when you spend half an hour staring at a hard calculus problem and then finally realise all you have to do to get it right is divide by two.

OOC: The awkward moment when you are resisting the urge to fangirl in the middle of English because of a topic.
IC: The awkward moment you realise that everyone in your family is either dating or married, except for you.
OOC: that awkward moment when you realise that you are doing anything but study. and you need to force yourself somewhere out of your house so that you can get some work done.
that awkward moment when you remember that you said that Briar one of your accounts wasn't going to be boy crazy or anything unlike Andromada the last red gryffindor quidditch playing ranga werewolf. but then you plot them having most likely 2 flings in the the ic space of about a week. It must be something in the nature of being in gryffindor, playing quidditch having red hair and being a werewolf.
OOC- the awkward moment when the passport you've been waiting for, for two months says 'Hurray' instead of 'Murray' on the passport so now I have to send t back and wait another two months :r
IC: That awkward moment when your best friends yells something crude at your crush, and she comes over and yells at you. D:
OOC- The awkward moment when you're dressed in the morning, go to leave the house and realise that your shirt is inside-out :r

OOC- The awkward moment when people on HNZed question whether you go outside or not on a regular basis :p

OOC- The awkward moment when you start telling half a million stories in Shouty and Spam and now feel like the site ridiculous story teller, but all of your ridiculous stories (such as friends being yelled at my toilets) are 100% true!
OOC: That awkward moment when you search for something on Tumblr and wind up seeing things you wish you never saw. :correct:
Ic: that awkward moment when you decide to throw a surprise 17th birthday for your sister and then realise you don't know who her friends are.

Ic that awkward moment when you invite andy hydran to said surprise party and don't realise he would probably Jane a mini heart attack just opening the invite, and if he does come he will probably pass out at the site of you/her/the balloons.
IC- The awkward moment you get an invite to a surprise party for someone that nearly caused you to faint twice.
OOC: That awkward moment when you realize that your baby charrie will let her male friend meet her mum. And then you actually wonder if ever the two kiddies will be a couple in the future years.
(Percy and Vicky. :r )
Tamara *flipping through a magazine. Spots a picture and points at it.
Me -What's that bub? Is it One Direction?-
Tamara *shakes her head*-No its Blaine!-
Me *looks at Tenile*-Why does she always think Sammy (Harry Styles) is Blaine?-
Tamara-Coz Sammy's gay!-
Btw Tamara is my youngest sister, but she is mentally disabled, so yeah xD
Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart said:
Tamara *flipping through a magazine. Spots a picture and points at it.
Me -What's that bub? Is it One Direction?-
Tamara *shakes her head*-No its Blaine!-
Me *looks at Tenile*-Why does she always think Sammy (Harry Styles) is Blaine?-
Tamara-Coz Sammy's gay!-
Btw Tamara is my youngest sister, but she is mentally disabled, so yeah xD
That's adorable, just saying.

OOC: The awkward moment when you realise you sent your friend a really awkward picture of a dog on skype for no apparent reason.
Out Of Character: That awkward moment when you tell your mom you want to try making cake balls and she starts laughing at you because you know her minds gone to the gutter.

OOC - That awkward moment when you say I Love You to a guy, because you thought you were on skype with your boyfriend, and realized it was actually the other guy tutoring you... -.-
OOC- The awkward moment when you're super thirsty and go to take a sip of your drink from your glass, but it's empty except for one drop, and now you find yourslef wollowing in self pity because you're now trying to convserve one drop of water until someone comes and helps you. :unsure:
that Awkward moment when skype randomly decides to send a smiley face :) half way through a conversation that you didn't tell it to send (and it says it was sent 10 days ago) well better late than never I suppose.
OOC- The awkward moment when you're trying to do your exams, but everyone keeps on asking what you're doing, how far you've got to go and how you're doing because you've been off for a week and they were worried about you. But they didn't see the problem in interrupting my exam every second. :tut:
OOC-The awkward moment when you get told by a man that you can't enter your Junior Cert disco and he leaves you standing in the rain :glare:
OOC: That awkward moment when you put to even pairs of socks in the dryer and they come out different sizes.

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