That Awkward Moment When...

OOC- The awkward moment when you feel bad for making your super adorable character cry :r

IC- The awkward moment when a complete stranger knows nearly everything about you, and uses it to make you cry, in under five minutes.
OOC- the awkward moment when your sister asks if she can bite your ear, and then you're described as 'nibbable' :tut:
OOC: That awkward moment when you have a dream, and it could never come true.
IC: that awkward moment when there is an engagement ring lying in the middle of the table after you have gust decided to call the engagement off, and you don't know what you are meant to do with it (take it? let her keep it? leave it for a stranger to find?)
^^Grace would be devo :(

IC- The awkward moment when you seek out a complete stranger because your family is evil and you got scared :tut:

IC: that awkward moment when you are in a cubicle in the three broomsticks with your nearly ex fiance and his girlfriend and he is flirting with her, and you feel like a third wheel. even though you know you don't have any romantic feelings for him.
IC: That awkward moment when you feel like you have to text or someone in class, and have no one familiar with muggle technology in your family or friends.
OOC: That awkward moment when you've been staring at the screen for hours, just refreshing the page.
IC: That awkward moment when you're starting to crush on your roommate.
OOC: That awkward moment when you spell your own name wrong in the ooc box.
OOC: that awkward moment when you forget about the plates that have been sitting in the dish washer dirty for 10 days, and they have grown beards
OOC: that awkward moment when you try to wash them
IC: That awkward moment when people keep trying to give you catnip because your Animagus form is cat.
OOC: that awkward moment when shouty decides to censer your bad spelling :doh:
OOC- The awkward moment when your roommate starts speaking chicken :r
OOC- The awkward moment when you start speaking chicken too.
OOC- The awkward moment when you're singing when walking up seemingly millions of stairs, and you feel like you're starting to die and hit none existent notes xD
OOC- The awkward moment when your roommates friend asks you what what brand of clothes you wear.
OOC- The awkward moment when you're on the train with your family and an old lady keeps rolling her eyes and glaring at your little sister, and you feel like throwing her out the window :r
IC: The awkward moment when your cousin opens the front door without a shirt on.
OOC- The awkward moment when you randomly start laughing because of something that happened on HNZ, nearly two weeks ago and you just remembered and it made you laugh. :tut:
OOC: That awkward moment when you buy a kite for the first time in years, and the next day, temperature drops and a winter storm hits.
The awkward moment when you start fancying someone you really shouldn't.
IC- The awkward moment when you call one of your Professors a 'crazy cat-lady', and they heard you.

OOC- The awkward moment when you keep getting your nail caught on stuff and it's slowly being torn off :erm:
OOC: That awkward moment when you go through updating ages on characters due to a new month, you figure out that you have been doing one person's age wrong for who knew how long.
OOC- The awkward moment when your Mum drops your sculpture and it shatters into a bazillion pieces.

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