Temper... Temper...

Dakota smirked to herself. "Dorothy hates that potion. Good luck Devlin." she laughed. She uncrossed and arms and bought out her wand so before Devlin or Dorothy could protest she used Silencio on them so they were quiet. "No protests, no arguments, drink it." she made them swear by pulling out the Howard Crest.

OOCOut of Character: Howard Crest

hey Sally can you actually make a Howard crest??
Danton had never heard of any illness that made yo change. Now he was angry-Dakota was blackening their family name. "Shut up-for God's sake." he yelled, storming into the room. "Dakota-you're a liar and a bad one at that, one minute-you're scared, because men are following you, the next it's an "illness." well I don't buy it." he said sternly, staring at her with his angry eyes. "And on top of that-you're a bad liar, and you are not worthy of being a Howard if you are going to talk like this, we need answers, but your giving us, short, brief explanations-now explain yourself!" he added, glaring at her.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry-rubbish post.
Dakota felt anger at her brothers words. She pointed her wand at the boy. "Shut up, you immature little boy. You wouldn't know about it anyway. Only Donavon knows because father told him! So clam down." she hissed in a scary tone. She slipped her wand in her back pocket.

Dakota didn't need to explain herself to anyone. She was a Howard. Howards are strong and dark. Only fools had to explain themselves.
Devlin glared at his sister when she came back. Really, forgetting something was a real lame excuse just so she'll be able to return to the confinements of their house, definitely lame. "Forgot something, shut up. What condition are you even talking about? You're making up lame stories" He muttered, rubbing his sore hand as he sat on the ground once more. He hated how Dakota was acting like there was nothing wrong with what she had done earlier. He was too annoyed that he could just punch her straight in the face, if only she doesn't have that wand with her.

It's good enough that Donavon had assigned him the task of making Dorothy drink her potion, at least, that could somehow ease his annoyance, yes, torture his younger sister would definitely be good. "You heard that Shrimp." He said to her, an evil and knowing smirk appearing on his face as he proceeded towards the kitchen to get the said potion, he didn't even cared if his sister had casted a silencing spell on them, that would wear out soon anyways.

As he came back, he heard Danton and Dakota arguing, well, he was on Danton's side, for in all honesty, he could tell that Dakota was really lying, and it's rather frustrating. "I'm with Danton, you're being an annoying liar Dakota, and it's evident, even the excuse of forgetting something, that must be the most terrible excuse that I had ever heard." He said, smirking at his sister, waiting to see the reaction that that would bring. He's up for another fight if one ensues.
Dorothy ducked in as Dakota cast a spell at her, she definitely didn't want to be hit by that spell. She'd die if she couldn't say a word and her brothers would take an advantage for her. It seemed that Dakota was annoyed as Danton and Devlin accused her for lying. Even Dorothy felt the same way now. "Why did it had to be Donavon all the time? What it is with him and father until he gets to know everything. I repeat, EVERYTHING" She complained. Dorothy didn't care if her sister lied or not, what she want was an attention, she hadn't got any from her parents and she wanted it so bad. She was actually jealous of both Dakota and Donavon for being able to be cuddled up by their father while Dorothy never get to be loved by them. This was the reason why her behavior was worse than them two. And when she grew up, she would be so much worse than them. Jealousy was the trigger of her hating the condition of the family. But she never tell anyone, no one had to know.

As soon as Dorothy heard the word shrimp, she looked up to Devlin and gave him a death glare.
"STOP calling me a shrimp" She said still looking at him. "And I don't want to drink my potion" The brat complained again as she started to look away from Devlin and took a few steps away from him. It seemed that Dancel was the only one enjoying the scene as if he was watching a play. "Why are you so quiet Dancel?" Of course Dancel wouldn't want to involve himself too much, he was the quiet one and the one who observed everything in detail.
"I can call you whatever I want, I did tell you that earlier didn't I?" Devlin said, smirking as he saw the glare thrown to him by his sister, he knew that the word shrimp would annoy her so much, and honestly, he loves seeing her out of her temper, he loves seeing her annoyed, it's quite fun to watch, especially her futile efforts to stop him from doing whatever it is that he wanted.

Devlin just shrugged off Dorothy's statement about her not wanting to drink any potion, as if she had the choice, it was him that was given the honor to do the said job, and when he's tasked to do something, he'll do it no matter what the means is, especially if that task involves harassing someone which he pretty much enjoys to do. "Stop being a brat Dorothy, drink this or I'll make you" He said his voice full of entertainment though his face was threatening as he juggled the potion vial in his hand, approaching Dorothy slowly as if giving her time to do what she wanted, after all, it would be less fun if he could just make her drink the potion easily, it would bring him more pleasure if she'll fight against him. "Dancel won't be able to do anything, so don't try to ask for any help from him, in fact, I think he's enjoying seeing you suffer." He remarked, not even minding whether his older sibling were there to see what it was that he was doing once again.
Dancel watched with interest as Donavon apparated to follow their sister, in all honesty, he thinks that such an act was stupid. Dakota can do what she wanted to do, let her learn her lesson, and besides, he knew that Dakota wouldn't listen to Donavon, she's just too stubborn to do such thing. Yawning to himself as Donavon came back without their older sister, Dancel shuffled in his seat, his chin cupped on his hand, he'll get back to his room if no other interesting thing would happen.

Just as he was about to stand up and head upstairs, Dakota came back, saying that she had forgotten something, he was a bit amused by her excuse, for no matter how he looked at it, it was definitely not plausible, she' s lying. "What Illness?" He said with mild interest, knowing all too well that such a condition is impossible to happen, well, at least not from their family member.

Turning his attention to Dorothy and Devlin, Dancel cannot suppress his smirk, now, those two were much more interesting, their fights and snide remarks to each other are very funny to hear. "Don't listen to Devlin, I'm just observing how the two of you act..." He said, shrugging as he approached the two, he knew that Devlin might involve him in his fight with Dorothy, yet, he didn't mind, a little action wouldn't hurt right?
Again, Dorothy started to be heated up, she dislike being called a shrimp and she knew that Devlin did that so that he could see her reaction. But instead of attacking him back, she decided to ignore him as if he didn't exist, as if he was invisible. But right after she saw him bringing up the potion, it was getting harder for her to ignore him. She dislike the potion with all her heart and she didn't want to drink it. Luckily Dancel came, she walked over Dancel, ignoring Devlin and stood a few steps behind him. "I've no idea what he was talking about, Dancel" She said as she ignored Devlin and just sat there for a while.

Dorothy looked away as her eyes started to roam all over the room, trying to spot something to hit Devlin. It seemed there was nothing left. Most of it were broken, including the expensive vase that her father bought back then. "I'm not drinking it" She said flatly as she crossed her arms, looking at Devlin.
"End of the story" She said stubbornly and walked up to the stairs behind her and stopped in the middle. If Devlin wanted to go get her, he would have to chase her.
Danton stalked out of the room, throwing a book at hi sister-it missed by inches. "Dakota-you're talking sh!t!" he yelled, stalking past his siter and sitting on the top of the stairs, cursing under his breath.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry-absolutely LAME post :(
Danton stormed down the stairs, knocking over a plant on it's way. He walked straight up to his sister, smirked and spat in her face. "You are not worthy of this family, you are a liar, who is afraid and who makes up stories about an "illness" which makes her scared, when really your just weak." he laughed, pushing her, walking away, backwards without turning away he said "Leave, you are not a Howard, you are a coward." he smiled dangerously at his sister.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry-muse is gone, so my posts may be short for a while. :(
Dakota laughed at her brother. "You must have your dates muddled brother. I was a Howard before you and if you don't believe me, I can get my hospital records." she said, gesturing to her records. They had been said by the nurse that she had not seen Te illness before. Until Dakota had turned 7 and they had no need to write it down in her home records but it was in her hospital one.

It seemed that there was a riot going on in the manor, Donavon could hear his younger siblings talking back to each other clearly. Devlin was definitely trying to heat up the brat again. She had enough and Devlin knew it but he wont stop, now Donavon was getting sick and tired of this. Especially the jealousy between his siblings, he had to agree that it wasn't fair for Devlin, Danton, Danielle, Dancel, and Dorothy that they didn't get to spend time with their parents as much as Donavon used to. But complaining all the time was driving Donavon crazy. Especially the violence between the devil and the brat. Not that he didn't mind seeing their dead body lying on the floor but he did mind if his parents asked him what happened. And now Dancel decided to join the group and mess up with Devlin.

Both Dakota and Danton were yelling at each other, they were talking nonsense especially Dakota. From Donavon's point of view, Dakota wanted an attention and she got it by making him save her. Probably she was expecting a hug from him. But Donavon wouldn't give it, why should he? After all he wasn't feeling so well, right? His head started to pound even worse as he listened to everyone yelling. Donavon stood up, grabbing the firewhiskey and started to drink again. His face turned red, showing that he half drunk. "Dorothy drink it" He said flatly as he pointed a wand at her. He walked toward Devlin, throwing the firewhiskey to the ground and grabbed the potion. He then smirked as he looked at Dorothy, grabbing her by the hair and opened her mouth forcefully and poured the liquid to her mouth. "Good" He tossed it to the air right after she drank it all and walked away. "She'll leave when I said so, and you. You just listen to what I say and do the exact same thing as what I want you to do" He said feeling superior as he grabbed both Dakota and Danton by the collar. "You both will listen to every single thing and you will do as I say" He looked at Danton, Dakota and then back to Danton. "GOT IT?" He threw them away to his side and walked away from them, opening a bottle of firewhiskey.
Dakota went into the kitchen. She was craving firewhisky but Donavon probably wouldn't share, so she just got some muggle vodka and took out a wine glass and poured it in. She downed it all in one. She took a deep breath and poured some more. Again she downed it all. Soon enough she lost interest in the glass and started drinking from the bottle.

Soon enough she finished it and went onto the next one. She realized that Donavon hated muggle drinks and she was probably teleporting it from an off license. She walked back into the lounge with the bottle in her hand. She sat down on the chair arm, sipping more and more vodka. "Damn Sh!t that tastes good." she muttered.
Devlin glared at Dancel as he heard him talk, why was it that he needed to involve himself with him and Dorothy? He's being such a bother. "Stay being lifeless Dancel, I don't need you here." He said, his glare still in his face as he scowled at his younger brother. His attention was then turned to Dorothy as she refused to drink the potion. "Much better, I can force you to drink it anyway, it would have been no fun if you had agreed right away." He said, smirking evilly at his sister as he pushed Dancel away from them. Dancel might have been the only calm person around the house now, well, aside from Donavon who had seemed to engrossed himself into drinking. Even Dakota and Danton was in their own world, which was no fun, for for Devlin, it was way better to harass their younger sister, she fights back, and her reactions were way better than their older sister which had seemed to changed a lot. He had never been close to Dakota it seemed, not that he was close to the younger Howards, but, Dakota was someone that he didn't really pay any attention to. He smirked as Danton told her to go away, as if he could make her obey him, if he could, then he would praise him which was very impossible to happen then.

That smirk though was instantly wiped off his face, when Donavon had once again, for the nth time, decided to interfere with his fun. Just as he was about to force Dorothy to drink the said potion, he had had to interfere and take the honor of doing so. "What the hell Donavon? I'm the one who was supposed to do that!" He yelled, giving his older brother a dirty look as he watched him grabbed Danton and Dakota by the collar.. "D@mn, Idiots." He said, still glaring at his brother while occasionally shooting some looks at Dorothy and Dancel too.
Dancel gave his brother a glare as he felt him pushed him. Though he was not as violent as the other Howards, he still didn't like it when someone does such thing to him. No, he cannot forgive that. "Stop being a jerk Devlin." He said sharply, his face blank though his eyes were as cold and as sharp as his voice. He can be downright threatening when provoked, he had always been the silent one of the triplets, but he's been the brains of their plans as well, that was probably why he had always been the overseer of what was happening around him. Some might mistook it as him being apathetic and such, but in reality, he's just being wise to not waste his time in such needless arguments when he can use it for his own benefits. He watched with a frown as his sister was once again grabbed by Donavon who had been rather too impatient to watch Devlin start a fight with Dorothy once again. He could have stopped his older brother, but he knew that his efforts would be futile. No, he'll just wait till he was capable enough to get his revenge. "Stupid brother, be sorry for being stupid and stubborn as well Dorothy", He said, checking to see whether Dorothy was alright, though, he was not as caring as the other brothers might have been, he still cares for her, they're the same age after all, and they were always never seen to be separated.

He watched his annoyance as their sister began to drink some sort of a muggle drink, he didn't even know where she had gotten such a drink, for all he knew, their family despised muggles. "Such a disgrace." He said quite loudly, not minding if his sister's anger would be channeled into him, he was just too annoyed to care.
Dorothy backed up a little when her older siblings decided to make everything worse. Dakota started drinking while Donavon came toward her and this wont be good. Dorothy looked to the other direction when suddenly she was grabbed by the eldest brother of hers and was forced to drink the potion. "Nooo!!" She cried punching him, but then she was forced to drink it. It tasted so awful as it flew down to her throat. Thankfully she could drink it all. She started coughing and felt herself feel better, much better. She stood up, glaring at Donavon and stuck her tongue at him. "I'm gonna make you pay Donavon" She tried her best to threaten him but this was definitely not the best. She wasn't good at it anyway.

Looking back to Dancel and Devlin, Dorothy started to glare at them. She walked and stood beside Dancel, still glaring at Devlin and smirked, she was definitely mocking him. He couldn't stop Donavon and he couldn't enjoy torturing her, Dorothy was quite pleased with that. The fact that he could only attack her but not the eldest of the family.
"Coward" She muttered still looking at the devil. "Dancel, let's get out of this place later at night" She suggested, Dorothy wanted to go out, at least away from her siblings for a while. And at least she could bully lost kids, she had met some kids who roam around at night and she ended up bullying them along with Dancel. It was so much fun, at least than sleeping at home and being awake by her brother who was trying to kill her. The girl then took a few steps away from them two and sat on the counter of the bar. Now she kept quiet, she was observing her siblings, trying to see what was going to happen to them. Especially to Dakota, it seemed that Danton was against her and so was Devlin, so this should be interesting. Probably one of them would end up in St.Mungos? Well that would be great if that happened, at least one of them could play the role of a hero and being complimented by their parents. "Dramas" She muttered and swung her leg aas she sat quietly.
Danielle was in her room, trying to relax. She was reading a new magical book about great dark wizards and now she was being disturbed. Furious that her stupid family was making so much noise, she leapt off her bed as more screams emerged from downstairs. Flinging the book back to the bed, she opened her door and slammed it behind her. Stomping down the stairs, she stood there, her eyes blazing with fury as she surveyed her siblings. Leaning against the door frame, she smirked and looked on at her younger sister who was having medicine forced down her throat. Once the commotion was over, she raised her eyebrows. "Now will you shut the F*ck up!?" She said, her voice cold and quiet, but with an authority that rang through the room. She glared at her older sister and brother, wondering why they weren't calming everyone down. Staying against the doorframe, she waited for a reply, wondering what on earth was actually going on.
Of course Devlin wasn't happy after seeing what Donavon did to Dorothy. He did give the permission to him to make the youngest drink her potion but he couldn't hold it much longer. "You were being slow Devlin" He laughed too much and threatens too much and Donavon hated it. If he really want to see Dorothy suffer, he should have done it right after he was being ordered to. He looked at Devlin and gave him an insulting look, shooking his head slowly and finally smirked. He did felt superior, he felt as if he own everyone and that he could order them around like house elves or in this case slave of his and he didn't even care if they felt the same way too or not, what he wanted was his siblings to obey him and that he got what he wanted.

The family was completed as Danielle came down, swearing, being annoyed as she heard the voice of them trying to kill each other. "You've missed the whole drama, Elle" Donavon was probably the only one who called her Elle instead of Dani although he wasn't sure about this. After all he was never home, he had too much to do out there that he had to leave the manor and stayed away from it for a while. "Give me that" He forcefully grabbed the bottle from Dakota, feeling disgusted "What were you drinking?!" He yelled at her and threw the bottle at her not caring if he missed or she was hurt. What was it that she was drinking? He was pretty sure that it was muggle drink, why on earth would she drink that again? "Blood traitor" He muttered and walked to the other direction. "You shall not touch their things again" He said without looking at Dakota. Where did she get that anyway? Donavon had never had any of those filthy items near him. Now he felt humiliated that a sister of his had that and actually enjoyed it, what the h3ll was she thinking? If she kept doing this, she would ruin the family's reputation in no time.
Devlin wasn't fully satisfied with Dorothy's reaction as she drank the potion, it could have been much better if he did it. It could have been much better if he was the one who had forced her to drink it. Donavon always tool the quick and easy way to do things, he on the other hand prefers the opposite. He likes it when his victim cries out of agony, begging him to stop what he was doing. He had always like doing it in the slow and painful way. "Shut up." he said, both to Dorothy and Dancel, he really hate it when that two were together, Dorothy would somehow find the guts again to fight back, and Dancel, he seemed to not care but he knew that there was something going on with that mind of his. "You're being too irritating Donavon, stop putting your nose in my business." He told his older brother, giving him the same insulting look that he had received. He had had enough of his brother's constant interfering with his fun, and he didn't like it at all.

A smirk formed in his face as he saw Danielle came down as well, apparently, disturbed by the noise just like the rest of them did. "You've been too slow Dani." Devlin didn't really like or dislike Danielle, he had always had this neutral feelings about her. She's not as irritating as Dorothy and the others for him. His smirk turned into a frown as he watched their older sister drink something that was sort of a muggle drink, where did she got that anyways? "D@mn you Dakota, what are you doing? Don't you have enough of being a weakling, now you're being a blood traitor too?" He yelled, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and his face reddening in anger.
Dakota mimcked Devlins last statement. But before she did that she caught the bottle that Donavon had thrown at her. "You aren't my father!" she hissed at Donavon. "You don't tell me what to do!" she threw the bottle to the floor, it spilling vodka and and the glass shattering into a million pieces. She snapped her fingers and a bottle of firewhisky appeared in her hand. She snapped open the bottle top and starting drinking it.
Danielle rolled her eyes at Donavon. She didn't mind him calling her Elle, in fact, she would only let him call her that. She had found a respect for her older brother, one that only he possessed, but that was just him. "Whole drama?" She asked, smirking as she tried to work out what had passed between the shouting and cursing that she had heard from upstairs. She sighed as her other brother spoke to her. Smiling sarcastically at Devlin, she sank down into a free seat next to Dorothy, wondering whether she would ever find out what was going on. Watching as Dakota drank a vile drink that she recognised as muggle, she laughed coldly. Why was the girl drinking muggle drinks? What a disgrace to the family name. They were pure-bloods, the best type of magical beings, the surpreme race and the eldest girl was sinking down far enough to drink a muggle drink? What did she think she was doing? Frowning with disgust, she watched as the alcoholic of the family started guzzling down firewhiskey. Rolling her eyes again at Donavon, she hoped that someone would sort her out.
Donavon couldn't help but laugh at his brother when he told him to mind his own business and of course when Dakota told him not to tell her what to do. "You're in the manor, I'm in charge here" He said flatly as he looked at his wand, touching it. "You're in my territory, and you shall do what I say" He put his wand in his pocket as he glared at them two for a while before continuing talking. "I am sure father wont like it if he finds out about you drinking a muggle drink" He smirked as he stepped on the glass, breaking it. It seemed that Dakota had changed into a different person and Donavon didn't know why. She was always around and she never stayed away from home too long but yet her personality showed him as if she was someone different, someone he hated. Donavon could cope with her sister being an alcoholic but drinking muggle drink? That was just crazy.

The house elf came and started cleaning up the mess, Donavon was sure he was tired, but it was his job and he wont hesitate to stop him because he was sure none of them would want to clean up their own mess. "I second that" Donavon scoffed after hearing Devlin telling Danielle that she was slow. Of course, the whole family were down there, making a mess while Danielle stayed up there as if nothing happen. But how could she not be interested in knowing what was going on down stairs? They made a loud noise until one of the Hubertas princess came and tried to stop them. "What were you doing up there, Elle?" Now he wondered, perhaps she was busy? Or she was secretly learning the theory of dark magic?
Danielle scowled at Devlin and his comment, especially now that it had brought whats she had been doing to the attention of Donavon. "None of your bl00dy business." She said with a moody frown. Why did her family have to get involved in her own affairs? Why did they care now? It was her life and she didn't want them interfering. That was it. The end, finished, the final. She crossed her arms and sent a sarcastic smile towards Donavon. She had heard the banging and yelling yes, but why did they care what she had been doing. Realising that the next time that someone commented or had an argument, she needed to be on the scene straight away to firstly shut them up, and secondly to cancel all suspicion. Anyway, why should her brother care if she was learning more magic. It wasn't her fault that she had a passion for the dark side and wanted to increase her knowledge before returning to Durmstrang. After all, since the lessons were so cr@ppily boring, why not learn the stuff at home and then try it out on the students of her school? It seemed a great idea in her eyes, and she was sure that Danton would agree. Smiling coldly at the idea, she turned to hear what was now being said.
"As if.." Devlin said, glaring at his older brother and giving him some dirty looks. Sure, he was the oldest among the siblings and it did gave him the right to act like a father to them, but even so, there was a limit for being like that. He wasn't a king, and they weren't his slaves. In fact, most of them think that they are either the queen or the king of the manor. None of them would back down, all are too arrogant for their own god it seemed. "I'm sure he wouldn't care either way.. when was the last time that he came home again?" He sneered, talking about their parents makes him really ma, just thinking about them was enough to actually irritate him. He hated them, he hated them so much that he didn't even know how he should express and channel that hatred out.

Looking at Danielle, he cannot help but to smirk, of course, she wouldn't like it if anyone of them would actually interfere with her business. Why can't Donavon understand that? "You heard the punk Donavon, so stop acting like you care." He commented, giving his brother some snide remarks, not really minding what the consequences of that action would be. Surely, if he kept on going, he would end up like Dorothy, but not without a fight of course. He's being bored right now, and any form of entertainment would actually do.

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