Temper... Temper...

Heather was about to insult Devlin when all the sudden Dorothy attacked him. Watching them fighting was a waste of time, Heather had no interest, being involved with them. They looked like two dogs losing their mind. If Hayley was around, she would probably leave in a minute but not Heather, she dislike being ignored especially by the Howards. "Hmph" She crossed her arms as she stared at them with her head held high. She wasn't moving an inch not even her head but her blue eyes were moving, locking up to the insane cousin of hers. First of all, why would Devlin fight a little girl? And secondly why would Dorothy mess with someone who was not in the mood to be nice to her? In conclusion, both were making fool out of themselves. It was such a disgrace for siblings to fight, even Heather pretended as if she was fine with her father's decision who was always approving Caroline.

One of the twins came down and decided to join and back off, telling Devlin what to do.
"I agree with you, Danton" She said flatly, agreeing with Devlin and Azkaban part. She turned herself to the other direction, walking toward the dining room and saw Donavon eating. "Tired of your younger siblings?" She asked in a mocking tone and sat on one of the seat looking to the food that was served. Beside salad, she had no interest in the rest. The blond haired girl left Donavon and walked toward Dancel, sitting beside him quietly as she stared at her cousins who were on the floor. "Tsk tsk" She shook her head and crossed her legs, mocking them. "I was enjoying my day as usual but then you disturb me, if you decide to continue acting like animals, I shall tell my father and you will have to be quiet and as for me" She stood up walking away from them. "I wont have to be bothered by you two" She said, ready to leave the manor and tell her father.
Devlin's temper was reaching its limit, he can't take Dorothy anymore, and honestly, he want her out of his life, he wanted nothing to do with her at the moment, and most of all, he wanted her to keep quiet for at least a moment. "Try me Dorothy.." He sneered, not really liking the fact that his sister had no real intention to back down at all. He wanted her to apologize and beg him, and if she just did that, he'll leave her alone and lock himself up in his room, there's just too many things that he could do by then, but at the moment, his priority is to make his sister shut up.

His attention was suddenly caught by one of the twins going down as well, apparently, he was disturbed by Dorothy's hysterical acts. When Danton told him what he needed to do, Devlin cannot help but to be more irritated, he hated it when someone tells him what to do, not even Danton can do that. "Don't tell me what have to do, understand?" He said, glaring at his younger brother, really, he know what he was doing and though it may seem childish to others, that's just who he is. When he have something that he wanted, he'll do anything to get it, no matter what the mean is.

Nevertheless, seeing that he would still be stopped no matter what, Devlin picked Dorothy by the collar once again and throw him towards Dancel, he had had enough, he could always get his revenge later, once there's no other stupid siblings to stop him, when there's no one around to witness what it was that he was going to do with Dorothy. "Don't ever mess with me again.." He said viciously, glaring at Dorothy in such a way that can make other people cower in fear.
Danton sighed at their reception. As expected Devlin was angry, but he was mildly surprised by Heather's contribution. "Thank you Heather." he smiled, a slight turn of the mouth, but it was the best he could manage at the current time. "Devlin, calm down-I'm not telling you what to do, I'm simply saying, it's not worth it." he sighed, his brother could be so unreasonable.

He watched as Devlin threw Dorothy into her brother. He hissed at Devlin and went over to Dorothy. "Are you alright?" he asked, there had been no reason for Devlin to do that to her-she was just a child. He put his arm in front of her, to make sure Devlin couldn't get at her and also, to ensure she didn't go after Devlin-knowing Dorothy that would be her next move. "Don't react-he just wants attention, don't give him what he wants-ignore him completely." he whispered in her ear, so quietly that no one else could hear. He liked Devlin, but he was above attacking his own family-there was no honour in that. He finally relelnted and let Dorothy go.
Of course Dorothy would get him back, especially when she and Dancel were strong enough to attack him. "Keep on babbling Devlin" She yelled at him and was being thrown to Dancel pretty hard. She got up and pushed Danton away from her "Stop acting so tough Danton!" [She was pretty surprised on him being nice to her, even Dancel didn't care about her being hurt at least not until Devlin crossed the line. Well... Hopefully. "Are you trying to get attention from Heather by trying to protect me?" She shot up rudely, not caring if he was offended or not. She was too mad to act sanely especially when Devlin was around.

The bruises on her face started to hurt, and her back too. In fact, her whole body hurt so bad that she could scream on top of her lungs. Later at night, she knew one of them would barged into her room, making her drink the potion that she dislike and enjoyed seeing her cry over drinking something that tasted bad.
"Why did you stop Devlin? You're afraid of Heather telling her father?!" She glared back to him, pushing Danton's hand and walked toward Devlin, looking up to his devilish face, returning the glare."You can't stop me Devlin" Dorothy was being too arrogant, she was too brave and too unwise. Ignoring Danton was a huge mistake but she didn't care.
Devlin glared at Danton when he heard what it was that he had just said. Devlin had been in close affinity with Danton before, they shared the same interest in Dark arts, yet, as time passed by and they had both grown up, that resemblance in interest was gone, Devlin didn't like how his brother acts like he was much grown up than he is, he hated it in fact. "Shut up your bloody mouth Danton." He said sharply, heading towards the staircase as he did so, he was going to lock himself up in his room, not be disturbed, and if possible, not talk with his siblings for quite sometime, or else, he might really have to kill them, be it that he would be sent to Azkaban, or not, he's not afraid.

Devlin paused in his steps as Dorothy tried to talk to him again, obviously not wanting to let go of the fight that they had just started, if she did want to really be motionless and be broken, then he'll happily do it. "Keep on dreaming Dorothy, I don't care." He said, leaning down so he was on the same height as her, his face a bit too close for comfort, not even bothering whether she'll spit on him again, but if she really did that, then she'll probably be sent to the hospital in just a matter of seconds.
Dancel made no move to help his sister when Devlin threw her unto him, in fact, he had even yawned at how uninteresting the scene was becoming already. Specially since Danton had had to act like an older brother and a hero to save Dorothy from Devlin, why did he had to do that? Lying on the couch once more, he wondered what it was that Devlin would do for knowing Dorothy, she wouldn't stop arguing with her brother even if it takes her life, she was just too stubborn to do that.

"Dorothy, this is becoming really boring." He said, going into a sitting position once again as he ran a hand through his hair, he wanted so much to just go back to his comfy room and sleep, but he knew that Dorothy wouldn't like that, and possibly, she would even barge into his room once again, crying and begging him to help her kill Devlin, which in his opinion, is pretty much far from happening, Devlin was way stronger than them now, but Dancel also knew that they would someday surpass him once they were able to do magic as well. "Are you done?"
Dorothy smirked as he listened to the answer of the devil, she was proud of herself. Now he couldn't argue with her, either he didn't want to or he couldn't, she didn't care. She wasn't moving an inch as she saw him leaning down, she wanted to push him and slap him but after seeing the bruises on her arms she decided not to. If their parents were coming this day, they would probably be lectured by them for days for fighting. None knew what happened and the Hubertas didn't know, not until today. But if that princess told anyone about this, Dorothy was going to kill her.

Right before Dorothy decided to punch on Devlin's face, Dancel started talking as if he was in a movie. She put her fist down, beside her, still glaring at Devlin.
"I'm done" With a angry tone. She didn't take a step back or forward, she was too mad to move. The girl started to breathe deeper and slower as eyes turned red once more. Both of her fist were on her side, she tried to control her self which was very hard for her. She wanted to push him to the fireplace and watch him burn.
"Fine." Danton stated simply, he sat there, but when Dorothy ran out, he went after her. Grabbing her by the arm, he dragged her in front of him. "Dorothy Howard, you are a pureblood, you must set an example for others of our kind-this is not the example we want to set." he growled, he let Dorothy go. "However you are the less of two evils." he added, he then rounded on Dancel. "You-do you not care about anything, your ignorance is irritating." He went out in the hall and looked up at Devlin. "What do you think should be done.?" he asked, he hoped he would be appealing to Devlin's better nature-his ego. He knew Devlin would like to feel important, so he was going to let him think he was in charge, but really-it was Danton who was in control.

He knew his siblings had potential, they could-one day be very valuable to him, but first they would have to be taught. He would have to train them, to join him in his remembrance of the Dark Lord and the destruction of all muggles, so that Wizards could live in peace, with open use of their powers. Danton would be a part of this revolution, but he was the king in this chess-game and he needed pawns. This meant he needed these children on his side, good cop, bad cop and he would pretend to be the good cop
Devlin had had to smirk as he saw the anger burning in his sister's eyes, he knew that she was trying to hold back, but obviously, she was failing miserably at it for her anger was visibly written in her face, he can read him openly like a book it seemed. "Great choice, shrimp" He said triumphantly as he pushed his sister out of his way, heading to the dining area to eat. Actually, he was planning to return to his room, but remembering that he hadn't eaten yet, he decided to do the otherwise. Now if only Dorothy would just shut up for the whole day, he'll surely have a nice time enjoying his meal.

"Just shut up Danton before I force you to, just shut the hell up and I'll be satisfied." He sneered, glaring once again at Danton, he really wanted to wipe that mask off his face, he knew that he was just acting to be the good child which he is obviously not. Their family was just too diverse, there's that Dorothy who wails like a banshee, that Donavon who tries to act all high and mighty, that Dancel who looks like a lifeless soul who thinks that everything is life was too boring, and there's also that Danton who thinks that he could control everyone, which is obviously far from possibly. Devlin had always been termed as a devil by his sister, and there's a real reason behind that, for hell have no fury like his wrath.
With a yawn, Dancel stood up and went to his sister's side, his hand moving to her shoulder as if to inform her that he had moved up to her defense, for her to acknowledge her presence. "Are you sure that you're done?" He asked, still yawning as he did so. He knew that what he was doing was totally irritating yet he didn't care, he was just too bored to do anything else.

He had to smirk when he heard his brother's comment about him not caring about anything, it's rather funny for him to say such thing. "Ignorance is a bliss isn't it?" He stated, still smirking at Danton, "And besides, I don't want to involve my self in matters that I would have no benefit in, if I joined in the fight, I'll just get wounded but it will do me no good, on the other hand, if I didn't, I'll be on perfect health to scheme something. " He said casually, shrugging as he pat Dorothy on the back before proceeding towards the dining hall where their brother, Donavon was eating.
Little Dorothy looked down to the floor as her fist was tighter after being called a shrimp. "DONT you call me a shrimp again, EVER!" She shouted on his face as her breathing got faster an deeper. She couldn't hold back, she was too angry. "You see this fist? It misses your face" She looked at her fist and then glared back to Devlin. But then she was grabbed by Danton by the arm. She refuse to look at him, she was still glaring at Devlin, she was mad at him. But then she glared back to Danton who tried to tell her what to do, who was lecturing her. She dislike being lectured by other people especially by her older siblings. "So what if I'm a pureblood? Doesn't mean that I can hit that disgusting living creature" She said referring to Devlin, offending him.

A smirk appeared as Devlin sneered at Danton.
"Now you see why I hate him?" She glared at Danton coldly and manage to get off his grip and walk to the kitchen, filling a bucket with warm water. She sat down on the ground and grabbed a cloth as she wiped the blood that was on her face, her arms, everywhere. "D@mn you" She cursed under her breath as she closed her eyes, groaning as soon as the water touch the cut on her arm. "BLOODY HELL!" She shouted and kicked the bucket, spilling the water. "Clean up the bloody mess!" She ordered the house elf and sat beside Donavon quietly.
Donavon could hear the riot behind him, but he had no interest to know what was going on. The scoffed as he listened to both of his younger siblings screaming and shouting. He didn't even bother to glance at them even once, and he didn't even care if Dorothy got herself killed or not. He was too tired of them, if only Dakota was here, she would know what to do with them, she would teach them a lesson that they would never forget with her wand. He was sure of that, sadly she wasn't there. The voice behind him was louder this time, he could hear someone being slammed on the wall and to the ground but again, Donavon didn't care. His head started to hurt even more after listening to them.

Worse, one of the Hubertas came and had to watch his foolish siblings fight. He knew exactly who came, she was the third eldest, Heather. Now he didn't care, she was actually one of a kind but she was too arrogant to show the world that she could be violent like them. One of the twins then came down and told the rest what to do. He couldn't help but sneered at him when he tried to tell Dorothy what to do, even Donavon couldn't boss her around. Only their father had such an authority. Sadly, they weren't here and he had to deal with these cr@p.

Since no one was eating the food, Donavon kept eating not caring if the siblings would get any or not. One by one started coming and ate with him or at least hang around the area. "What did you do to her?" He asked Devlin flatly, he was actually quite interested in knowing what he did to her, he wasn't going to attack Devlin. Many times, he ordered Devlin to deal with the brat because he didn't want to kill her. Everyone knew that if Donavon was mad, he could cross the line and he didn't want that to happen. He looked at his left and found Dorothy sitting on it quietly. Bruises were everywhere, he smirked and looked at Devlin giving him a good-job-look.
Danton was glad everything was calming down. News of this was sure to reachtheir cousins, with Heather here. Hayley he knew would see his point, but Casper would look at him with that smug, blood-traitors smile and Danton would have to grin and bear it. "Because he's your brother, we must all respect each other-we are the future of the wizarding race." Danton sighed as Dorothy questioned him. He despaired of Dancel completely and din't even bother answering him. He just walked into the kitchen and sat down across from Donavan. "Hello." he said mildly, sitting back in his seat. He called the house-elf after he'd finished cleaning up Dorothy's mess and told him to prepare a sandwich. "Be quick about it." Danton snapped, he was not in the mood for waiting.

A few moments later his food arrived. He looked up at Donavan and asked "Have Mother and Father considered letting me attend hogwarts New Zealand?" he asked, he had heard about the school from Hayley, and he felt there might be some like-minded people there-people he woud like and get along with. He glanced at Devlin and Drorothy-hoping against hope that Dorothy had calmed down, however that wasn't likely. "How nice it is to engage in some family bonding." he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm-he was mostly speaking to himself anyway.
"I can call you whatever I want to call you, SHRIMP", Devlin said with a smirk, emphasizing the word SHRIMP just so to further annoy hi sister. He could see her seething out of anger and frustration, anger because he won't leave her alone, and frustration because she can't really stand up against him. Her attempts were so futile to even leave a dent to his ego, ever her arrogant remarks had made no success in offending him, he's just think as a wall just like that. "I think that the wall and the ground misses your face too, would you like to reunite with them?" He scoffed, smirking further as he placed his hand on his sister's head once more, sending her a final sarcastic and triumphant smirk before he went on his way towards the dining area.

Sitting next to Donavon, he had to smirk once more when asked about what he had done to Dorothy, really, it makes his feel good just thinking about how much he had physically abused his oh so frail sister. "Nothing serious, nothing worthy of your compliment, just sent her to her face to the beloved wall and ground.." He said flatly, eyes still fixed at Dorothy who was sitting on the other side of Donavon, sitting across from him. "Learned you lesson?" He asked, sarcasm and arrogance clearly visible in his tone.

Turning his attention to Danton as he asked whether he would be allowed to attend Hogwarts, Devlin cannot help but to laugh cynically, "Hogwarts? Pathetic Danton... really pathetic." He commented, gesturing for a house elf to get him some water.
Dancel decided to sit beside Dorothy, finally, the house had been quiet even just for a while, and finally, he could eat in peace, but deep inside, Dancel was hoping for more excitement, why won't Donavon and Danton join in the fight as well? That way, it would have been more entertaining, and that way, he won't get bored once again. "Drink some potion, that will help you up." He said casually to Dorothy as he eyed her bruises. Devlin must have gone too far, but it's fine, so long as he didn't killed Dorothy, Dancel was perfectly fine with it, for at least, he had witnessed an amusing scene, much more like a movie for him.

"Hogwarts is not pathetic Devlin" He said with another yawn, he, along with the other parts of the triplet would be attending Hogwarts next school year, but honestly, he didn't mind wherever it is that he would study, so long as he learned everything that he wanted to know, it's perfectly fine with him.
The more Devlin called Dorothy shrimp, the more mad she was and she knew that was what he wanted. She kept quiet and took whatever was in front of her and put it on her plate. "I don't respect him and I WONT respect him" She spatted as she took a bread and squeeze it on her hand, the crumbs were everywhere. She was making a mess but she didn't care, the house elf could clean it anytime. She dropped the bread to the ground, the house elf came rushing and clean it up for her. "I don't like potions, it taste wierd"

What was disappointing was that Donavon didn't take her side. She grabbed the bread, put jam on it and threw it to Devlin, she couldn't hold her anger any longer. She was just so mad, but a bread wont hurt him but it would annoy him.
"I said I was done and you decide to continue" She said to Devlin not caring if he was about to hit her again or even break the rule by using magic outside school. It was all his problem anyway if he did that. She was just so mad that she couldn't think about anything else except to get rid of Devlin and stop him from insulting her.
"Actually, I don't give a d@mn whether you respect me or not, I don't care, for it seemed to me that a shrimp like you wouldn't ever understand the word, RESPECT." Devlin said, his smirk growing wider as he sensed the tension on his sister, she was becoming aggravated once again, and it's all because of him. He wanted to see what she'll do now, specially now that they were in the presence of Donavon, Dorothy afraid of him it seemed, and so, Devlin wanted to see whether she'll attack him once again, for if she did, he'll happily return the favor.

Devlin's smirk dropped and was replaced by a murderous look once more when Dorothy had just decided to act tough and a br@t once again by throwing the jam bread to him, the gesture was something that he didn't particularly like. "Bloody hell Dorothy, got the guts to mess with me again!" He yelled, making a move to stand up and just drag his sister back to the wall once again, but deciding to do the otherwise, he just knew that Donavon wouldn't tolerate what it was that Dorothy had done, after all, she had just disgraced the food that was served for them.
Dorothy jumped on the table to get away from Devlin and jumped off, running away from him. The bruise hurt so bad even if she touched but then she was slammed to the wall, now this hurt her so bad. "You want me to stop but you're not stopping!" She cried this time. She was hurt, angry, and now she was a little scared but she didn't show this to him. Instead, she showed him her arrogant manner as usual. This was the worse fight she had ever had with Devlin. Next time she would know how to get away from him, his tactic was always the same. It was either the wall or the floor.

Since Dorothy was small, using her strength, she slid down and crawl underneath Devlin and got away from him. She ran to the couch, grabbing the snow globe. She didn't want him to hurt her even more, she had enough and it hurt her badly.
"YOU STOP DEVLIN!" She yelled, throwing it at him not sure if it hit him or not. She took a few steps backward and saw the wall behind her, she ran to the stairs and Devlin was out of her sight. She was a quick runner but she wasn't thorough enough to know what was or who was around her.
Devlin knew that he had broken into Dorothy's tough wall as she started to cry once again, this time was much different than before, he could see the pain and the fear written on her eyes, no matter how she tried to act all arrogant and act like nothing was wrong and that she wasn't scared of him, he just knew that she was. "I want you to stop, but I didn't say that I will, did I?" He said, smirking as he watch his younger sister cry, her crying was like music to his ears, invigorating him, making him want to make her suffer more than what she was getting now. Perhaps that's why she had coined him to be a devil, not just because of the sound of his name, but rather, because he really is one.

Being athletic and such, Devlin had managed to avoid the snow globe that was thrown to him by Dorothy, he wondered who owns that, for whoever it was, he just knew that that person wouldn't be pleased with the sight of the shattered glass lying scattered on the floor. "Beg me to stop and I will, kneel down in front of me and ask for forgiveness, and probably, I'll be kind enough to let you live." He said, following Dorothy even though she was already running away from him, his steps were much bigger that hers seeing that he was much taller and he has longer limbs, it might look like it was a chase between a predator and his prey, a predator hunting his little prey who was running for her life just to get away from him.
Of course Dorothy would never do what Devlin wanted, who did he think she was? His slave? "In your dream Devlin, in your dream" She yelled, taking a few steps backward as she stumbled and quickly got up, trying to keep a distance between her and him. It was pretty unfair that she had to kneel down and begged, she would never do that. She was too arrogant to do that especially not in front of her siblings. "You're nothing but an animal Devlin, I don't kneel down to one of it. Including you" Now she was mad that what he wished was completely impossible for her to do.

The blue eyes of Dorothy's started to roam, she jumped down the stairs from the sidebars and ran back to the living room. Perhaps one of them would care and stop the brother of hers who acted like an animal. Dorothy sat beside Danton now asking for a protection from him, her back hurt so bad and she could barely lean back to the seat. Of course Dorothy didn't beg to Danton but sitting beside him quietly would give him an idea that she wanted him to stop Devlin.
"Stop, stop, stop" She muttered over and over, crying as she held her head. "STOP!" She screamed on top of her lungs not wanting Devlin to come and got her.
"Then there's nothing I have no choice but to make you do it." Devlin said, being really pleased, he was on the upper hand now. He's in control, and Dorothy seemed like nothing but a coward who kept on running away from him. He despised her for doing such thing, for being so weak yet too arrogant to admit her faults, too arrogant to notice her flaws. He hated that. "I thought I'm a devil? Now, I am an animal?" He said, smirking evilly as he followed his sister, his walking pace was slow, as if provoking his sister to do something just to stop him, as if trying her, looking if she, in any way, would find her lost courage and fight back. "You're too weak Dorothy, and that's disgusting."

Devlin can't contain the pleasure that he was feeling when Dorothy ran to take cover beside Danton, did she expect that Danton would be able to protect her from him? Definitely not, it would have been possible if she hid behind Donavon, but no, she had decided to go and ask for Danton's protection, that annoying punk. "You can run Dorothy, but you can never hide." He stated, laughing as he heard her scream, she's being insane it seemed, probably because of too much fear which he was delighted of.
Dorothy wiped her tears and stopped crying as she saw Devlin laughing, it was pretty entertaining for her in an odd way. Watching him feeling as he was above anyone else was hilarious for her. She glared at her brother this time blankly instead of coldly and watch him feel superior. All the sudden the fear of her brother was gone. She looked back to Dancel and then back to Devlin. "You're wierd" She said flatly not trying to offend him like she used to.

The handkerchief in front of Dorothy was taken by her as she blew her nose and wiped her tears. She took the bread and took a bite of it as she tried to ignore Devlin. Those cr@ps were useless, he was telling her nonsense and the tactic was always the same. "Let me guess, you'll be pissed and you'll throw me to either the floor or the wall?" She said flatly without looking at him and took another bite of her bread, finishing it all.
"Now I know why Dancel said that you're boring" She said again flatly without looking at him, drinking her milk shake, ignoring him as if he was invisible.
Dakota had been standing in the doorway since halfway through this idiotic fight. "SHUT UP!" she screeched. She looked at them. "You can bloody hear from China! Sssh!" she took a deep breath. "Devlin, step away from Dorothy or I swear to god I'll murder you. I've done it before, and I will do it again!" she squinted her eyes at er brother. She always had a soft spot fir Dorothy. "You ok?" she asked her younger sister.
Donavon was quite sick seeing his younger siblings fight, he decided to continue eating showing no emotion to the younger siblings of his. He was used to hiding it all, show no emotion to the enemies. This was one of his strength, to hide his feelings. "We were all once in Hogwarts including Devlin, and all were or are sorted into Slytherin and I can't really comment on Hogwarts" He said flatly as he stood up, taking the firewhiskey and poured it to the glass. "I'm in the mood for some fun" He muttered as he drank the whole bottle of it. He was used to it and he could stay sane until he drank the third bottle of firewhiskey.

A familiar voice was heard by Donavon, it was Dakota. She was the closest one to him, he spent his time with her so much more than other siblings. And even though they've been to some combats they still took care of each other but Devlin and Dorothy had crossed the line but Donavon didn't care since he had been in Devlin's position before. "Let her cry and let them fight, Dakota" He said pouring the firewhiskey to a smaller glass and handed it to Dakota. He was quite sick of his younger siblings and he wont stop them from killing each other so that he didn't have to kill them with his own hands.
Dakota took the glass from her brother. "It's not fair though Donavon." she sipped the drink carefully. She released the glass from her slender grip to the side. "Donavon, the place is a tip!" she gestured to the grimy dishes. "Look, I'm staying until you get your life back on track. It's obvious your struggling." Dakota looked through the pockets on her leather jacket. She handed her brother 40 galleons. She turned to Dorothy and Devlin. "Devlin, Dorothy, behave, or go to your rooms." she commanded. She sat down at the table and gave her brothers a disappointed face.

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