Temper... Temper...

Danton was glad, when he saw Danielle look happy-she was his sister after all. He knew she was a bit stressed out at the moment and hoped that he could find a way to lighten the mood. "Yes, but you can't use magic outside school, so it's best to be careful-we wouldn't want you in a uncomprimising situation now would we?" Danton replied, carefully-he knew how testy Danielle could be, so he chose his words carefully. "Me-afraid of danger? Really Danielle, do you not know me at all?" Danton laughed, leaning back in his chair. "Fine, but I think you're wrong." Danton replied, non-chalently. He was angry though, what did Danielle know about Hayley, she wasn't like that-she was Danton's best friend!

"Yes, I just can't stand the idea of resorting to that though, mudbloods! Who would've thought we would every have to wade knee-deep in that filth." Danton spat, his face repulsed and his voice gruff.
(OOC: Haha, i just had a vision of Tom Felton standing there saying those words :p haha made me chuckle :D )

Smirking at Danton doing the clever talking, she rolled her eyes. "Fine, you win. Next time i go, you can tag along if you want. And yes, i do know you - which is why i was surprised when you even mentioned danger. After all, i didn't think it would cross your mind." She said with a sigh, wondering what had happened to her uncaring brother. Danton now was being so very thoughtful about the situation and this, in itself was different. Normally, Danielle would do the thinking, the teasing and leave the physical punches to Danton. But now, it seemed that he wanted a say in the planning. So, happy to give him this opportunity, she sat back in her chair listening to him talk about it. "I know what you mean, the filth. They don't even deserve to go to the school or have the powers. Maybe, we won't have to do the dog work - surely there's someone else who could go and get them on our good side?!" She reasoned, trying to find the way out of spending time with filth and mud-bloods.

(OOC: I was just thinking, perhaps we should end this here so the others can continue the topic in the living room.... what do you think???)
Seeing Casper acting so nice and happy was usual but seeing him with a pack of candy was something new. They didn't get to eat much sweet in the manor, they had this strict diet where they only get to eat organic and healthy food unlike the cousins of theirs who could eat anything they wanted because their parents were never home. But Andrew and Abigail were always home, controlling the kids, making them their puppets. "Save some for Candy" She said referring to Caroline. Hayley liked calling the youngest Caroline, she suited the name after all. She looked down to her sisters and then back to Casper. "I still don't know how you get here in the first place" She said to Casper not knowing what was on his head. Why he was there, in the Howards manor well as for Heather there should be a logical explanation why she was there and as for Caroline or Candy as her nickname, she was just too random and carefree.

Knowing that Danielle didn't argue with Hayley, she held her head high feeling proud of herself. She stood there watching the rest of her siblings and cousins talking. Her eyes were locked on the twins, Danielle and Danton who were talking in the kitchens. She was used to them being rude to her so Hayley didn't mind. If they weren't her cousins, she would've poison them all or at least make them her slave no matter how. "We'd better go" She said muttering to her siblings, glancing to Danton and then back to her siblings. "Don't scream, or yell, or make loud noises" She said flatly looking at the cousins of hers especially Dorothy knowing that that was her trademark of screaming and yelling sometimes Hayley could hear them fighting in the middle of the night which was irritating. "You're bothering other people, so stop acting like a child" She said still staring at the youngest of the Howards, feeling superior.
Danton smiled "I don't care about danger, but you should." Danton spoke carelessy, and glanced around the room. "I know, but someone who would do that for us is probably a blood-traitor, and that's even worse than a mudblood." Danton spat. He rose as he heard Hayley speaking. Hayley was his best friend. He admired how well she could deal with his unruly siblings. "Are you leaving Hayley?" he asked, walking over beside her-him and Danielle could speak later, he was hoping to talk to Hayley. Danielle mighten't like her, but Danton maintained that she was their best chance at doing well in HNZ. "I was wondering if you knew that we are planning to move to Hogwarts New Zealand, as soon as sorting starts again." Danton smiled, he was quite sure he would be in Slytherin. Him and Danielle would have fun. the Howard twins-they had terrified the other students in Scotland, but he was looking forward to seeing Hayley more, he knew how dangerous she could be.

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