Temper... Temper...

Right after Donavon saw the reaction of Dakota's, he scoffed. "How the hell are you making them go to their rooms?" He said with an insulting tone. If she could command them around Donavon would kneel down and kissed her feet. Especially those two devils who would cross the line whenever they weren't in the mood. Someone would be the trigger and one or both of them would explode causing annoying sounds around the house. "Bloody headache" He placed his palm on his temple and start massaging it as he sat on the couch in the living room before sipping on the firewhiskey.

So far, Donavon hadn't heard anything that broke or loud explosion or the most in common was someone being slammed to the wall or falling to the ground. "Why is it not fair?" He asked flatly as he rested his feet on the coffee table in front of him. Soon, Donavon started to lose his patience. He stood up, tossing the glass to the ground and grabbed both Devlin and Dorothy by the hair, pulling it as far as he could. "You two have no idea, how SICK I am listening to you two trying to kill each other." He then glared back to Devlin and pulled the hair so much harder, not just Devlin but Dorothy too. "I've told you, if you want to kill her, don't do it when I'm around. And you Dorothy, if I hear you scream one more time, I'll lock you up outside. And guess what? It's snowing outside" He glared at them and dropped them both and opened the second bottle of firewhiskey, pouring it to the glass and drank the whole glass of it. "D@mn" He slammed the glass to the ground, breaking it. "Why are you home again, Dakota?" Donavon was never home so he didn't really know who was rarely home and who was always home. Donavon decided to ignore both Devlin and Dorothy for a while and he started to talk to Dakota instead. Both Dancel and Danton were welcome if they want. But Dorothy and Devlin? They wouldn't want to join. Or would they?
"To bloody sort you out!" she grabbed the alcohol and threw it outside. "Do you what me to run away again, brother?" She took a deep breath. Donavon wouldn't hurt her. She'd hurt him more. "They fear you, and respect me. They are scared of you. You drink and drink. Your turning into Dad!" she cried at him. "Remember what he did to me before the boys and Dorothy were born?! I was Devlin's Dorothy. Your turning into him and Devlin thinks its ok to hit girls because of you!" she smashed the glass and turned to go see Dorothy.
Donavon was pretty surprised that her sister dare to be mad at him. Perhaps the younger siblings of his driven her crazy as well or was she drunk? He had never seen her drink before or was it because he was never home? He kept quiet and listened to her explanation, seemed logical but he couldn't take such an action. They were only a year apart and both knew how to use their wands so Donavon wasn't afraid of hurting her. She wasn't Dorothy, a kid, a brat who was so unwise and wasn't able to do anything except screaming or yelling or tried to act so tough while what he saw was a fool, an inexperience kid.

It seemed that Dakota and Danton shared the same way of thinking. "Bloody hell Dakota!" He shouted as he walked toward her. "Do you not know that it cost a lot!?" He wasn't drunk, he knew exactly what he was doing. He was just being himself. "Father?" He muttered softly and held Dakota by the shoulder forcing her to look at him. "He is NEVER home, he's ALWAYS busy. And so is mother. Don't even think about comparing him and I. He's mechanical and I am not. Both of them are so selfish, working is all they know. If they are here, these idiots wont be acting like animals!" He pointed at both Dorothy and Devlin. Donavon hated his father and loved him in the same time. He dislike not having him around the house. If he was around, this shouldn't be happening, his siblings would be on their best behavior just like their cousins, the Hubertas. But since their parents were never around, they began to act wildly like this. "Dorothy was bloody screaming around the house waking the entire house, STOP defending her" He pushed her pretty hard away from him not caring if she fell or not. Donavon was very athletic, he trained everyday in the pitch since he was officially a member of puddlemere united, a quidditch team. So he should be much stronger than his younger siblings, especially the girls.
Dakota knew Donavon would push her, bit all the same she fell back against the glass coffee table, smashing it. She stood up, brushing the glass from her. "Dont you dare touch me again. That's it. I'm going to be staying her a while, and I'm going to sort out this bloody family." she looked at the blood pouring from her hands, arms and the glass stuck inside. Dakota had been born with epilepsy and this syndrome which causes her to lose control for at least 15 minutes. "I hate you!" she screeched at him before running up the stairs.
Knowing that Dakota had turned into someone different wasn't what Donavon wanted. Why is she not fighting me back again? He thought as he looked at Dakota now blankly instead of coldly. He had no idea what was in her mind and if she kept continuing like this, he was going to express his anger to his younger siblings. Yes, he was going to hurt them, he didn't care which one but he needed one. Back then he used to be over protective toward Dakota and back then their parents were always home. At least until Devlin was born everything had changed, both Rupert and Rachel were become busier everyday and they rarely had time home. Donavon was once sane like his cousins but not anymore. He had enough and he didn't want more. So the only way to protect himself was to be what he is now.

Since Donavon wasn't in his best mood, he ignored Dakota who turned out to be bleeding because he pushed her too hard and that she broke the glass coffee table. "Drink a bloody potion, what's so hard about that?" He yelled back at her. He couldn't even care about what she said to him, about her hating him. He hadn't had much sleep and he was awaken with his younger siblings fighting and now he had to deal with Dakota!? She was so much different than the rest although she was also once a bully like them and is still one. At least she could control herself, but not Donavon. Especially not when his condition was like this.
Danton was glad at first, when Dakota arrived usually she could be depended upon-to be reliable and reasonable. He smiled at her and said "Hello Dakota." then, as the arguing started he sat back. He glanced at Dorothy and Devlin, who as usual were fighting and behaving like animals-really Devlin should know better. Dorothy was a child and it was wrong to hurt her. He sighed as the older two began arguing too-he had forgotten how tempermental his sister had been. The phrase went "absence makes the heart grow fonder." ,but in Danton's opinion-it just made you forget what the person was really like.

He sat and ate his sandwich and watched the goings-on with less than intrest, but when Dakota ran upstairs he turned to Donavon. "Why-pray tell-did that happen?" he asked, pleasantly-with mild intrest. He continued to eat his sandwich as he waited for an answer, he would go up to Dakota afterward-really though they were older than him-they could really be immature. "I mean, I suppose she was trying to help-in her own...way?" he added, he wasn't exactly sure what the point of her outburst had been, because he hadn't been paying attention, but at the current time he guessed that Donavon would give him the most rational answer.
Dakota locked the bathroom door and sat on the floor. I love my brother dearly, but I can't go through with this. she thought. After cleaning herself up, she went downstairs, hesitating on each step like she used too when her and Donavon used to fight. She would feel bad and would sneak into his room at midnight and they would talk while lying in bed. She was 3 then. "..D-Don?" she sat on the stairs, like she used too.
Donavon watch Dakota who was running upstairs, he didn't hesitate to run to her and apologize. He was way too arrogant to do that. He was no longer seven, since he got into school, his life had to change especially when his parents had to be away from them. "None of your business or my business, she can do whatever she wants" He said flatly before pouring another glass of firewhiskey, finishing the whole bottle. His head started to pound even worse, probably it was the side effect of the alcohol or because he was stressing over his family right now. He ordered the house elf to clean up the mess. Yes, the broken coffee table, glasses, bottles, snow globes, the crumb, everything. The house was a mess but the house elf would make it look better.

As Donavon walked to the living room, she could hear Dakota's voice from behind. He definitely couldn't cuddle up with her like he used to, especially when he was in this kind of condition. "What?" He laid himself on the couch and covered his face with a pillow. He was so tired but he didn't want to be bothered by the sound of his sister screaming around the house because of Devlin. But as soon as they were no longer hanging together, Donavon was going to lock himself in his room and sleep until the next morning. Unless someone bothered him, by then he would probably kill whoever tried to wake the beast from his deep sleep. "Danton don't forget to pick up father's document in the manor across" What he meant was the Hubertas manor. It was actually his job but he couldn't be bothered to get it.
Dakota looked at Danton. "Danton, can you come here for a sec?" (Sorry fir future god-mod) when he approached her, Dakota said: "Me and Don need to talk. Mind going up to your room fir now?" she asked. Dakota needed to talk to Donavon. When Danton went on the first step, Dakota went down on the couch. "I need to tell you something." she said. "When I ran away, I had these guys looking out fir me. And now that I've left...they keel trying to find me and take me back. And to be honest Donavon....I'm scared."
Dakota was not known fir being a softie, but sometimes she was just around Donavonthough.
Danton sighed, no one ever acted civil in this house, they were always shouting and acting like idiots, the sooner he was out of here-the better. "No one can do whatever they want-there are always limits." he stated flatly and walked away, he passed Dakota. "Are you alright, Koko?" he asked, reveverting to the name he used for her asw a child, before he could say her name. He didn't hold much store by niceties or emotional montage, but he knew it would make Dakota feel better, and calming everyone down was a priority at the moment. Donavon was alright, he was incapacitated and couldn't cause too much trouble.

He sighed as Donavon called him. "I'll go and get it, now." he called, back, rolling his eyes-Donavon was lazy, sloppy-Danton was none of these things, and this was why he was superior-he would rise above his siblings, he would be level-headed unlike Dorothy, he would use diplomacy, unlike Daniell, he would be active, Unlike Dancel, he wouldn't let his family tie him down, like Dakota, and he wouldn't become troubled, like Donavon. He knew that he wasn't perfect-it would be ignorant to think otherwise, but he would learn from others mistakes and he would enhance his own abilities and make a better version of himself. This is what was running through Danton's mind as he walked across to his cousins house. He saw Hayley through her bedroom window, but he only planned on staying a few moments, and wouldn't bother her. The door was answered by their house-elf. "Father's document." he demanded curtly and the small, insignificant creature scuttled off and fetched it. He came back to the house, walked into the room, dropped the document on top of Donavon and began to walk upstairs-to his bedroom.
Donavon sat up and lean back to the couch as Dakota started coming down the stairs and sat on the couch. "First of all it was all your fault so what makes you think I care? I don't want to be involved in any of your business, at least not at the moment. I'm too tired, I just cant." He took a deep breath before placing a pillow on the back of his head and looked at the ceiling. "Dorothy was my victim last week" He did choke her until she was about to pass out, the girl was pale at that time and if one of his siblings hadn't stop him, he would probably kill her in accident. Donavon couldn't control himself when he was angry, he was always out of control. "Secondly, why the hell are you scared again? You're a Howard, you can't act like when we were five. The past is our fantasy" It seemed that the youngest of the Howards was so much braver than Dakota. But again it was because back then Dakota and Donavon had their parents and now they were gone, too busy to take care of their own children.

The documents were placed on him, he placed it on the table and lean back not even bothering to thanked his brother. "No, not yet. Stay" He commanded as if he owned them or as if he was the boss in the manor. Danton should be a help for him if the the devil and the brat started to fight again. But he didn't explain why he wanted Danton to stay. "Kill them all Dakota, show them who's boss" He said flatly still shutting his eyes. "Make them shiver, make them kneel down on your knees begging for mercy and last but not least, kill them" He repeat. Donavon meant it, life was pretty hard for him and soon Dakota had to be like the rest of the siblings as well. All of his siblings were bullied, well except for the triplets but he was sure they were going to be the same.
Dakota was getting angry. "Yeah? Well I guess you wouldnt care if I ran away again? If their guys found and did what they said they would and kill me? If I died?! You wouldn't care if you lost your first sister and sibling? The one who stuck by your side at recess when she was 4! You would bl$ody care?!" Dakota stood up. "Fine. Then maybe I will run away again. And I won't come back this time."
Donavon was getting tired of Dakota's game, he could never talk as soft as he used to. What he did was suggesting her, supporting her morally to kill those people but she seemed to misunderstood him. "RUN!" He shouted at her losing his temper. Why is she so unbelievable!? He thought in a sarcastic way. "If you run, they'll find you and you're not even ready to kill them. You're not even that strong to hurt them. And there is no way for you to come back once you're in their hand." He was harsh but what he said was true, none of the kids could run away until they could take care of themselves really well. And as for Donavon, he had to check on his younger siblings, that was the only reason why he went back to the manor. If not then he would probably be away from them for a very long time. But deep inside he loved them all, each of them, he just couldn't tell them by words. He wasn't those kind of brother.

Again, the girl started babbling and Donavon was sick of that. "Stop acting like a kid, Dakota" Acting too nice in front of other people was out of his league. He knew that his sister was too angry to be sane. He knew exactly why she did this, and she would come back. She would always come back, if she ran and didn't come back then all the siblings of Donavon would be dead by then. No one would stop them from literally killing each other either with magic or physical attack. "Don't make a fool out of yourself" He acted as if he didn't care but he obviously cared. He never not care when it came to his family matter. Especially not Dakota, they grew up together and spent time together. But lately, he had been through much more than Dakota. "Give me a break" He muttered, closing his eyes once more.
Danton nodded to Donavon, he knew Don would have his reasons for wanting Danton there. He glanced at him as Dakota exploded. He sighed and gave Don a knowing look. "This one's all yours bro'" he said flatly, he didn't know how to deal with Dakota when she was like this. She was probably lying about these "guys" they probably didn't exist, it wasn't believable and it wounded stupid. He would've expected something more plausible from Dakota.

He shook his head, he was on Donavon side here, anyway-as a child he had like Donavon, as soon as he stopped idolising Devlin, he had realised that Donavon had much more potential, even if he was troubled and was wasting himself as home. He had potential, and as soon as he could-Danton would help him realise it.
Dakota squinted her eyes before the tears came out. This dark girl was breaking down. She took a shaky but firm breath. "Then it's settled." she stated. She went into the kitchen to grab her coat. "If I die, it's your fault." she said to Donavon before leaving, slamming the door after her. She slipped on her jacket and put the hood up against the snowy fall.

As she walked down the dark streets, 2 men followed her.
Danton turned to Donavon when he left. "She is so over-dramatic, her story about the "men" isn't at all plausible." he said flatly, He went to the window and watched his sister walk away. "What do you think?" he asked, turning back toward Donavon. "I don't believe her, why was she so short with us?" he asked, "I mean, she is supposed to be a Howard, she should be able to kill them-she's a witch for God's sake." he said angrily, turning back toward Donavon, wondering what his brother would do next.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the rubbish post.
Dakota was only just past the house window when she noticed they were following her. It was only when one tackled her when she screamed, hoping one if her brothers would notice.

(Oov: Soz for rubbish post. Van maybe someone save het??)
Dancel knew that he was being like a lifeless souls watching his other siblings fight, but he made no move to do anything. In fact, though he looked so apathetic about his surroundings, he was enjoying it. Especially when Devlin started to torture Dorothy once more. Don't get him wrong, Dancel did love his sister, but he did love seeing someone suffer as well, no matter who that someone is. Yet, that interest and happiness had instantly dropped when he looked at his sister's eyes, she was indeed afraid now, and he knew why. Even if he was in her position, he'll be afraid too, there's no one to stop Devlin, and Donavon wasn't doing anything, well, that was until Dakota had arrived and everything began to settle down. But that peace wasn't something that is permanent it seemed, for just after the commotion that Devlin and Dorothy had caused, it was Donavon and Dorothy's turn. He can't quite get their sister, she had changed so much since he had last seen her, she's become weak. Too emotional for his own liking, and he figured that she was nothing more than a forgotten toy of his. He had already lost his interest on her. He didn't like it when someone decides not to fight. "Isn't anyone going to follow her? For I have no interest to do so." He stated, looking through the window to look at where his sister was going. He didn't care about her at all, but he wondered what the others would think.
Donavon didn't care a bit, his sister was being worse than Dorothy, she was showing her weakness and Donavon hated it. She acted like a kid and he couldn't tolerate this. "How on earth can it be my fault!?" He now stood up and yelled at Dakota who was about to leave home. He was angry of course, watching her acting so touchy was worse than watching Dorothy and Devlin fighting. "You go deal with them Dakota" Donavon knew that the girl could deal with those two men, after all she had her wand and she was suppose to use it. If not then he wasn't going to save her. She was being so stubborn, not caring about Donavon's condition. "She wants an attention from either of us" He said flatly as he listened to Dancel. What Dancel said could be wrong and could be right.

For the first time in Donavon's life, he was sane. For the first time in he would leave his comfortable zone in order to help a siblings of his. "F***!" He shouted as loud as he could and kicked whatever was in front of him, leaving the house with a wand of his without coat or jacket. He walked a little further as he saw his sister being tackled down screaming. Why is she not attacking them back!?, before the two men looked at him he pointed his wand and cast a simple spell. "Stupefy" He said clearly seeing the men bounced back. He walked toward his sister who was being over dramatic just like Dancel said and glared at her angrily. "Go home kid" He said coldly and flatly to her, turning himself to the other direction and apparate home. "The men exist but she's afraid of them." He scoffed feeling humiliated that one of them weren't capable of hurting other people.
Dakota looked at Donavon. "What home?" she managed to say before he apparated. The truth was, she had no home now. She tightened the grip on her jacket. She apparated to her friend Dhillian's house and spent the night there if nothing interfered.
Devlin knew that once Donavon had moved, his fun would stop, and he was not mistaken, for right after he stood up from his seat, him and Dorothy was immediately grabbed by their collar, which Devlin didn't particularly like, why was it that Donavon had had to act so kingly all the time? He's not the king of the house even if he was indeed the oldest. Glaring at Donavon as he started pulling his hair, Devlin made no effort to apologize or to show that he understood where his brother stands, he's just thoroughly annoyed, for every time that he would reach the peak of his excitement, Donavon had had to step in.

Cursing under his breath as Donavon released them, Devlin shot Dorothy as murderous look, "This is all you fault, shrimp." He said, his voice sharp and his face void of any emotion except anger. Dakota's coming didn't help improve the situation either, there she was, not knowing what was actually happening yet she was ordering them around like she owns the house? She's too stupid for Devlin to waste any of his precious breath talking to her. She just changed, she's become too weak that she was even more disgusting than Dorothy, it seemed like Dorothy was in a much higher level than her now, Devlin wondered what it was that had happened to her that caused her to be that way, but either way, he didn't care. He just want her to stop managing his life.

Devlin stayed as quite and still as possible when Dakota began to act hysterical as if asking for their attention, and it had annoyed him too much. Dorothy's way of being an attention catcher was better than Dakota's, why did she have to act like her life was being threatened, when in fact, she was a Howard, someone who is perfectly capable of protecting herself, and even more, she can use magic already without worrying about breaking any school rule.

He smirked as he watched her go away, honestly, he had wanted it that way, one less hindrance to him. Tapping his fingers along the floor as he waited for what the others would say, Devlin didn't made any effort to follow her. he didn't even care what would happen then. He frowned when he saw Donavon apparate to follow her, for if he was him, he'll just let her do what she wants and go back home crying because she didn't listen, that would be a huge slap on her face by then. "Why did he have to follow that woman?" He sneered, standing up and purposely ignoring Dorothy, she was going to be invisible from his life at the moment, for he was much more annoyed at Dakota now. "She's being really stupid and weak." He added, plopping himself down in the sofa and lying there, waiting for their older siblings to come, and just like what he thought Donavon wasn't able to bring Dakota with him, or more so, she must have been to stubborn to come back. "Let her be Donavon, she's just being a coward, and a real disgusting one at that... I don't even know who she is now."
After ignoring Devlin for a while, Dakota came down and started to ordered them around as if she was the boss of the house. Dorothy didn't respect such an action, no one than her own parents could order her around. "What is wrong with you guys!?" She yelled and backed off as she was asked if she was alright. What on earth was going on with the family? "Don't order me around woman, I'm not your slave, I can stay here until the end of time and you can't make me move as long as I don't want to move" She yelled back, she was angry, more to Devlin than to Dakota. But since Dakota was the one who was talking to her, she expressed her anger to her. She sounded so much like their mother but since she wasn't Rachel, Dorothy had no interest in listening to her.

What surprised Dorothy was Devlin grabbing both Devlin and her, again. She yelped as he pulled her hair. Thankfully Dorothy landed on the ground on her feet instead of on her back.
"Shut up" She shot back to her brother, imitating the very same look of his. The girl lean back on the wall as she saw Dakota being pushed by Donavon, causing her to bleed. She ran upstair and Donavon acted as if it wasn't anything serious. Well for Dorothy it wasn't that serious, she was in Dakota's position many times. Bleeding or having broken arms or legs wasn't something too serious for her, she was surrounded by devils and she was one.

Not too long, Dakota came downstairs and started to talk softly to Danton. Was he not disgusted by her soft voice? Dorothy did missed that voice, a voice that she hadn't heard for quite a while. The voice of her mother. But seeing one of her siblings acting like her mother was odd for her. The little girl listened to what her older sister had to say, about two men trailing her. "Why is she afraid of those men?" She said softly, she was still standing not too far from Devlin so probably he was the only one who could hear what little Dorothy had to say.

As usual, Donavon responded in a harsh way but what he said was true, if she wasn't able to take care of herself, she would end up worse than Dorothy. She acted so weak, how could she?
"I don't even know her anymore" She responded to Devlin. Yes, she was as annoyed as Devlin. Dakota was surprised that Donavon would want to go after that girl. But in a minute, he was back telling them what happen and he wasn't even interested to know where she was now. Yes, Dakota should be able to take care of herself.

Dakota sat on the ground, crossing her legs as she looked at her older siblings talking, she kept quiet all the time, there were a lot of things that came up in her mind. She wasn't worried about Dakota leaving but she was confused about her being so weak. How could she? After all these years, Dorothy looked up to her and for the very first time in her life she felt like she was above her.
Devlin turned his head to look at Dorothy when she said something, apparently, since he was sitting close to her, he had heard her statement though she had said it in a very soft voice, barely audible for anyone to hear it seemed. "She's just being weak, that's what I said didn't I? D@mn, two is not a great number, and she can use magic, pathetic, even Dorothy is brave enough to take on a fight without a wand with her." He scoffed, rubbing his nose in irritation, really, he didn't like seeing anyone like that. What Dakota had done had reminded him so much of his mother, and he didn't like that at all. Devlin had never really cared about their parents, for they didn't even care about them as well. When he was born, they just have to be so busy that he had rarely spent time taking care of him and his younger siblings, that's probably why he had turned out this way, why he had become the young devil that he was. Dakota and Donavon was lucky enough to experience the love of their parents, so why was Dakota acting so frail right not? Like she was a delicate doll that would be broken once touched, and honestly, it would be his honor if he's the one to do that. He'll happily give her a rest if she want, that is, it might have to be an eternal rest for her.

"She's no one, she's not Dakota, she definitely isn't.." Devlin said, shaking his head, denying the fact that his sister had really changed. Though he wouldn't say it, he rather missed that old b!tchy her, he can tolerate her more if she;s like that rather than being who she is now. "Stop thinking about that woman.." He added, standing up to face the wall to take of his anger. Without caring if he would hurt himself, he punched the wall hard, it would have been more pleasurable if it was Dorothy that he had punched, but he wouldn't cross the line for now, especially since he could see that Donavon was in no mood to see them fighting. It's not that he was afraid, he was just being rational to think that he could do nothing against his older brother that could freely use magic as much as he want to. "Weakness should be a crime."
Dakota was soon enough back in the house, right in the middle of the conversation. "I forgot something. Got a problem with that?" she said in er normal arrogant tone. She hated this condition which turned her weak. "I ain't weak Devlin, you know I got a condition that changes me so shut the hell up." she explained slowly to him. She was annoyed and f***ing furious. How dare they think Dakota, first daughter of The Howards was weak. She sat on the couch and put her feet up on the other side of the couch. She crossed her arms and looked between her siblings, waiting fir one if them to dare upset her, again.
Donavon knew that his sister would come home, if not the they were all going to kill each other. She was the one who could stop them, no one but Dakota. Not even Donavon could stop them because then he would be fighting with them as well, attacking them using magic and since they were underage, they couldn't do anything about it. But Devlin will soon be able to do that. "Shut up" He yelled as he shut his eyes, and started to rest. He didn't want to hear anymore complain from them, he knew what he did wasn't like what he would do if he lost his mind. But since he had hit the sanity point, he couldn't help but to rescue his younger sister.

As Donavon expected, Dakota came back with an excuse or a reason forgetting something. It sounded like an excuse for him but then the boy didn't care. It was her problem after all, she would be attacked verbally by her younger siblings if she made it up, so Donavon didn't even bother to comment on that. "Did you manage to kill them?" He asked flatly with his eyes shut, not looking at her. Now there were a lot of things that came up to Donavon's mind and one of it was about their parents. Today was a special day or an odd one, Donavon had been acting sanely which was very seldom. "Devlin you'll have the honor of making Dorothy drink her potion tonight" It was actually a pleasure for him to make her drink her potion, it tasted really bad and she hated it but Donavon was too tired to do that.

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