Temper... Temper...

More tears came out of Dorothy's eyes as the grip got tighten up. But then the beast was awaken, slamming Devlin away from her. She sat on the ground, choking and took a deep breath before being choked by the oldest, her feet were not on the ground and this was worse than before. It felt like he was going to break her neck, she mouthed stop but yet she was still choked. Then the grip got tighter, she couldn't even remember what he said. Her face was so much paler than before. Right before she felt like passing out, she was dropped on the ground, choking and crying.

Dorothy stood up walking toward Dancel and hugged him, crying. Yes, Dancel was obviously her favorite brother beside that he was on her age, he was the one who stopped her from fighting with her sister who was currently not there.
"I'll kill them, I'll kill them" She cried still hugging him. The house elf then came and soon she could hear Donavon telling them to eat. She looked back to her brother Dancel and walk to the dining room, sitting across Donavon with her eyes looking at the ground. She was always like this after getting into a fight but the next day she would be rude to them again.
Just as Devlin was getting into the part at which he would get the most pleasure at hearing his sister beg for her life, the beast, that stupid and obnoxious Donavon had had to interrupt with his fun, he had had to to get on between him and his prey just as he was about to devour it. He glared at his brother as he was slammed unto the wall, he knew that it must not have hurt as much as it must have hurt Dorothy, yet, he was in no mood to feel any compassion for the said girl, in fact, he felt more hatred, it was her fault that he was now being pinned into the wall by none other than his presumably arrogant brother. "Pretend that you're blind then probably I will have my job done." He retorted back, eyes glaring at his brother with equal intensity, if not more.

He brushed his self off as he was dropped unto the ground, honestly, once he had gotten out of school and was allowed to use magic, he'll get even with him, just a few more years and he'll be able to do what he had always wanted to do. He frowned as he heard his brother ordering them around like some marionettes or some slave, he hated him for doing that, acting all kingly and the like. "Why don't you kneel down on the ground and beg even for a scrap of that house elf's killing intent, then perhaps, it would improve even you a little." He said to his sister, sarcasm dripping in his words. Dancel was being unusually quiet though, but for Devlin, it seemed like he was just probably holding himself back and trying to think of ways of how to get back to him after what he had done to Dorothy.
Donavon didn't wait any longer to eat, he wasn't going to wait up for the devil, Devlin to come to the dining room and eat with them. And as for Dancel, he was sure he knew what he was doing. He took the knife and start cutting the steak into pieces. He soon broke the knife because he used it too strong. He was mad, obviously. He threw it to the ground and ordered the house elf to get a new one for him. He stopped and held his temple and started to massage hie head as he shut his eyes feeling the headache. If only the second oldest was there, at least he would be able to control himself. She was the closest to him since they grew up mostly together and went to classes together back then.

The blue eyed boy then started to glare at the youngest, Dorothy. "Tell Devlin to come eat with us" He said flatly and coldly ordering her as if she was his personal slave. "No buts" He said flatly without looking at her and continue eating as he waited for the rest to come and eat. Donavon hate being the older, because his parents were counting on him in taking care of his younger siblings, and everyone on earth knew that they were very hard to be controlled. Why couldn't they control these little devils themselves? Again, his eyes started to turn red as he continued eating.
The little girl started coughing, she covered her mouth with the handkerchief and her throat started to hurt. Her eyes were puffy, and her nose was red because she cried too much. He looked at Donavon in a horror "What the hell Donavon" She looked at the knife that was broken into two and then looked back to her brother Devlin and quickly looked away. Yes, she was scared, she was always scared of her brothers after being in a fight with them and forgot about it in a couple of hours and started messing with them again. She was wondering where Dancel was, why wasn't he there with her? He didn't care to get up and leave at least not until she was ordered to. She stared at her untouched salad not feeling like eating.

But then Donavon told her to go tell Devlin. `What if he hurt me? She thought and got up walking toward her brother.
"You heard him" She glared at him and took ten steps backward so if he was going to hurt her, she could run. "Make my life easier just for once, Devlin" She glared at him coldly still with her puffy eyes as she blew her nose to the handkerchief. Definitely wasn't feeling well. The bruise on her neck, on her eye, the flu, and her sore throat was just too much. She felt like having a fever at the moment but of course her brothers wouldn't care, why should they?
Devlin didn't feel like eating just yet. He had lost his appetite after the fight that he had had with his sister. Surely, some would say that he was being childish, but that's just how he functions. He'd go into a moody frustration once he didn't get what it was that he had wanted the most, and at the moment, he want his sister out of his sight, and of course, that Donavon as well. And so, he decided not to move away from his spot in the ground, who cares if they eat without him, he can always ask the house elves to cook some for him again anyways, but at the moment, no, he refused to get back at them. Even seeing their face makes his blood boil.

Hearing footsteps near him as well as his sister's annoying voice had caused Devlin to snap once more, really, he was just being by himself now, yet, she had had to go and disturb him once more? Deciding not to listen to what it was that she was saying, Devlin ignored her, pretending that she was invisible and that no one else was around except for him. He didn't care if Donavon would come up and drag him to the table just so he will eat with them, in fact, he would be quite happy then, at least, he'll have a reason to fight back with hia older brother.
It had been a while since Heather could spend her days in the manor of hers. Sadly, she was all alone, the holidays were a different between the Hogwarts New Zealand, Scotland, and Beauxbaton. She wasn't even sure where her twin sister was. The manor was quiet as usual, and everything was well organized. She sat in her private library, sitting across her tutor who was teaching her potion. Her father wanted her to be one of the top student in school so in order to achieve that she had to learn as much as she could so she could answer all the questions that was given by the professors in the class room. And hopefully she would be a prefect and get straight O's in school. She would do anything to impress her father, she wanted to prove him that she was better than Caroline. This explained why she had been learning non stop since the morning. But then the house elf informed her that there wont be any class after this, because the tutor got himself fired because he was late by ten minutes during his appointment with Andrew.

After reading in her balcony for a while, Heather could hear shouting from the manor across her manor. Soon, she got irritated that the shouting was louder. She walked down the stairs, exiting the manor of hers and waited for the house elf to open the gate of the Howard manor. With her head held high, she walk toward the manor and waited for the house elf to open the door. She wasn't going to open it, it wasn't her job, at least that was what her father told her. Soon, the door was opened by the house elf and she went in, seeing his cousins weren't in their best mood. "Can anyone tell me what's going on? I was studying and I heard screaming and shouting from this place" She said flatly and glared at them coldly. Not that she hated them, she was just not a big fan of them since they were never behaving while her and her sisters were always in their best behavior.
Devlin's irritation was just about to ease back a little when all of a sudden, the familiar voice of his cousin living across from their house had filled the manor. Honestly, what was it with luck today? Why did he have to be so unlucky that he had to be the one to meet her while Donavon, that punk, was enjoying their meal? Looking at his cousin, he noticed the glare that she was throwing and him, being one to not back down, had returned the glare with equal intensity. After all, she was trespassing in THEIR house, he had all the right to remain silent and ignore her question, or if he was feeling like it, chuck her out of the house.

Scoffing as he ignored her once more, Devlin stood up to go and head to the table where his siblings were eating, he can't wait to see the others' reactions after all, for though they would always fight, they did share one common liking, they despise the way that the Hubertas act. "Hey kid, you friend's here." He said, smirking knowingly at his younger sister. He just knew that she wouldn't react that good by then, of course, who would like to show one's bruised face to someone that you dislike so much, definitely not Dorothy as he knew her.
Dorothy stayed quiet as she glared at her brother was quiet as well. "Are you deaf?" She said in a mocking tone as she looked at him, her eyes showed him that she was mad but she couldn't do anything about it. She hated being ignore, what the hell did he think she was? A dead person? She thought, her eyes were locked up at the devil. She wanted to go back and leave to her room, but she didn't dare to do that. She would be locked up in there if Donavon was mad and she might not eat until the next day and she didn't want that. What if there was a storm later at night? Yes, she was afraid of that.

What was worse was that one of the Huberta princess came. She gave her brother a death glare and ran toward him, pushing him to the ground and sat on him, pulling his hair. She didn't know where such an energy came from but soon he could do worse than what he did, it was a pleasure for him torturing her. Right now, she was having fun sitting on top of her brother trying to show him who's boss.
"Why wont you stop making my life worse!?" She cried as she started to hit him with all her strength.

OOCOut of Character:
sorry for the gm
Dancel watched as his sister tried to stand her ground against Devlin, but from the looks of it, she was failing miserably. It was kind of entertaining to watch though, how Dorothy tried so much in vain to defend herself against their evil brother. Dancel knew better than to get on his brother's side, he knew how uncontrollable he was when angry, but apparently, his sister didn't know that at all. Lying on the sofa, Dancel bolted right up as he saw his brother choke his sister, now, he wouldn't care if Devlin slap or push her around, but to choke her, he's stepping on the line.

Standing up, Dancel was about to stop his brother from what he was doing, but the look in his eyes shows that he won't be stopped. Fortunately, Donavon had decided to act like the big brother that he was and stop Devlin from killing Dorothy through suffocation. Yawning as his source of entertainment disappeared, Dancel patted Dorothy in the back as she hugged him. He knew that seconds or minutes later, she'll be back to her normal self once again, thus, there really is no need to worry.

Not even paying attention to his older brother, Dancel proceeded to eat as well, honestly speaking, he's getting bored of all the fightings inside the manor, it was just the same everyday, the difference only when one of the oldest, Devlin or Donavon, snapped out of their sanity and tried to kill either one of the triplets, or one of the twins.

Dancel smirked as he heard his cousin arrived, he wondered what sort of entertainment would happen now, if Dorothy or Devlin would chuck their cousin out, or would they be behave enough not to pay any attention to her. Dancel laughed cynically as he saw his sister try to get her revenge on Devlin again, "Way to go sis.." He said, smirking as he waited for his older brothers reaction.
Devlin was a bit surprised when his sister tackled him to the ground, he didn't expect such energy from her, yet, that surprise let as quickly as it came, and replaced by a murderous intent. His sister would never learn, would she? She'd never learn not to mess up with him. And what more, she had just decided to pull on his hair, sit on top of him, and hit him as much as she want. Now that had increased Devlin's irritation by thousand times. His hatred was becoming worse and he knew that once she will not move away from him, he'll do something that she would never ever forget.

"Get off me,you punk." He said, taking hold of both of her arms to stop her from hitting him. He had had enough this excuse as a sister, he had had enough of her continuous habit of irritating him, she just won't stop making his day horrible. "Dancel! Get her off me or you'll see bloody murder here." He yelled, his eyes fixed at his sister's face though he was talking to his younger brother. If Dorothy wouldn't listen to him, then he can always do the hard way, be it that she'll get hurt or not. He knew though that their cousin was still watching this episode of them, but he didn't care, all he wanted was to get his devil sister off his sight.
Dorothy groaned, making a loud noise while crying. Making her mad was like teasing a sleeping baby centaur, she may not had the energy but she was trying her best. As Dorothy hit him, her arms were grabbed, she tried to push him away. She manage to get a hand off him, this kind of energy came only when she was very mad. She hated being insulted by her brother, she had enough. Soon, she dug her nails on Devlin's face not caring if it would bleed or not. What she care was to express her anger by fighting him as hard as she could. She didn't even care if Heather was there and if she was going to tell Andrew. It was her who decide to enter the devil's lair anyway and she was uninvited.

The eyes of the brown haired girl were locked up to Devlin's. She was angry, more than usual.
"YOU STOP DEVLIN! STOP MESSING WITH MY LIFE!" She shouted and started hitting him even more, trying to scratch him everywhere and started screaming while crying. She kneel on his stomach and pushed one of her knee to his stomach and one of it was on his neck, she pushed both of her legs even harder not caring if he would kill her or not. She couldn't control her self, she was too mad and she didn't want to let go of him. He choked her and she would do worse, but no matter how hard she tried, she was still way smaller than him and she had no experience in bullying other people except her brother or some kids around the neighborhood. But Devlin was one of the most dangerous student in school and he had million ways to hurt other people.
Devlin had had enough of his sister's insanity, he couldn't take it anymore, and despite of being told to behave and not kill her when Donavon was around, he cannot just hold his temper. He wanted so much to punch her, or if possible hex her with a thousand jinxes just so she will shut up and leave him alone. If only he could use those spells that he had learned at school, then probably, just probably, his life would have been quieter, his life would have been better without this annoying sister bugging him in every second of his life. "I said, GET OFF ME!", He yelled, his eyes bloodshot out of extreme anger, if he could only grab hold of anything near him, then he could have hit his sister, not minding if she will faint or not.

His face was already stinging as his sister attacked him madly, he was probably bleeding by now, but he didn't care, he could do much more damage than that, if only Donavon would just leave him alone. As his sister started to put some pressure on his stomach and his neck, Devlin knew that his patience was already reaching his limit, and right now, he would do anything, anything just to silence his sister, he wouldn't even let Donavon stop him this time.

Raising his hand, he slap his sister hard in the face and pushed her away from him, not minding whether he had pushed him really hard or if she broken any bone, he didn't care at all. "I told you not to mess with me, are you too stupid to understand that?" He said, wiping some blood of his face as he picked his sister up by the collar and once again, cornered her in the wall, he finds it easier when he does that, she can't do anything at all. "Don't dare stop me now Donavon, and even you Dancel." He sneered, his voice sharp and vicious, as if no one would be able to snap him back to his calm self.
Not even a smirk appear on Dorothy's face, she was just so mad and was out of her mind. She didn't even know what she was doing, the goal was to hurt him, that was it, nothing else. "I WANTED YOU TO STOP BUT YOU DIDN'T STOP DEVLIN!" She shouted and started attacking him even more. A knee of her was on top of Devlin's muscular stomach, she pushed it hard, as hard as she could. "You were hurting me!!! HURTING ME DEVLIN!" She grabbed him by the hair and smashed his head to the ground as she started to scream even louder. It seemed that Donavon didn't even care that they were hurting each other because if he did care, he would stop them by now.

Just as Dorothy thought, her brother attacked her back. She was pushed and fell on her back, right before she got up, she was grabbed by the collar. The pain hurt so bad that she could no longer feel it. Her eyes were staring at Devlin coldly and spit on his face once more.
"You started it Devlin and I'm just continuing what you did!" She yelled and tried to shove him away from her. She lost most of her energy trying to keep him on the ground and now was his turn, but Dorothy didn't care. She would make him pay no matter what happen.
No emotion was shown in Devlin's face expect hatred, he hated his sister for being so noisy, he hated her for being too stubborn, and he hated her for ever messing with his life. Really, if looks could only kill, she would be rotting on her grave by now. "You started it, you were the mad girl who kept on shouting, screaming like a banshee without noticing how you were bothering me while I was trying to get a rest." He said, wiping her spit off his face, that's the second time that she had done that, and honestly, he won't let that happen again. So, with his left hand holding her right tightly, he moved his right hand to over her mouth, preventing her from shouting even more and from spiting on him as well.

Towering over her as he closed the gap between them once more, Devlin pushed her further, as if that was even possible for by then, he knew that she must have having trouble breathing again, which he didn't mind, for at least, if she did faint, then the house would be quiet, even for just a few minutes, that would do. "Dorothy, ever heard about premature burial?" He said out of spite, an evil grin crossing his face, he knew what the effect of that was on others, they would often feel inferior of him, yet, he wasn't quite sure about how his sister would react, he wouldn't mind if he killed her by now, in fact, the only ones who would be probably saddened by her death was only Dancel and the other part of the triplets.
What Devlin said was unfair, if it was her who did that he would be so mad but if it was him, he would be mad at whoever tried to stop him. "Guess what Devlin? YOU USED TO SCREAM AROUND AND YOU CHOKED ME FOR WANTING YOU TO STOP! And guess what?" She glared at him after yelling and continued to yelled with a maximum volume "IT WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!" Right after she yelled, Devlin covered her mouth. She could taste the blood that was wiped by him on his palm. He grabbed her right hand which was stronger than her left. She tried to push him away from her, but she couldn't. Again, the girl started crying wanting him to stop but she was too arrogant to beg.

Dorothy started to breathe even deeper and slower, she bit his hand that was covering her mouth as hard as she could and finally let go.
"You wont kill me Devlin, you wont be able to do that. I can scream as hard as I can and uncle will come and you'll be locked up in Azkaban for trying to kill me" She said with an attitude not caring if he would choke her even more until she passed out. "Do you really think that killing someone is that easy?" She said flatly and glanced at Dancel and then back to Devlin. "If you are then you're a moron" She paused "A MORON" She said much louder. She may not be able to attack him physically this time, but she she could verbally.
Devlin just smirked as Dorothy tried to prove her point, tried to justify her actions, but she was obviously failing in doing so. Devlin wouldn't listen to her reasons, he's just too arrogant to care, and she's just too stubborn to admit her mistakes and to ask for forgiveness. "Guess what Dorothy, I don't care, I can shout whenever I want and no one will stop me, unlike you." He said, sarcasm, arrogance, and annoyance mixed in his voice. He had this superiority complex it seems, and he's just too self-important, not that he mind it though, in fact, he prides himself for being like that.

Devlin retracted his hand as he felt Dorothy bit it, nevertheless, without any second to spare, he returned it back with more force than before, that way, he knew that she wouldn't be able to bite him once more, no one seemed to bother them now, and in fact, he was having fun, he was just waiting to hear her beg, wanting to see her on her knees asking for her life, asking for him to stop, just that and he'll leave her alone for now, cause now that he thought about it, he wouldn't have someone to boss and play around if he killed her too early, but he wouldn't say that, he wanted to scare her until she ran off and hide behind their brother, he wanted her to admit that she was nothing compared to him. "Would he? I don't think that he'll do that, he'll just be too ashamed to have a family member locked up in Azkaban. . " He said, twisting her right hand a little to inflict some more pain in her, it's like using a torturing curse then, but this was by physical means, licking his lips like a blood thirsty predator eying his prey, he raised an eyebrow as Dorothy tried to insult him. "A moron eh? That's not gonna help you out now Dorothy."
Dorothy knew exactly what her brother wanted, in fact the whole family were like that. All were arrogant and all wanted to be the boss of everyone else. She knew that her brother wanted her to beg but Dorothy was too arrogant, begging was for weak people and she was definitely not one of them. She was going to fight him until he couldn't take her any longer and leave her alone. She started screaming and crying when he twisted her arms, it hurted her if he was going to twist it any further, he would break it. She shut her eyes feeling the pain and took a deep breath. She had no idea what to do, she was trapped and couldn't do anything unless he release her. As she shut her eyes, she started to think of how get off his grip.

Crying wouldn't sort things out, Dorothy dried her tears and glared at the devil once more before taking an action.The energy came back as she twist her right hand to the other direction, she was trying with all of her energy. The girl wrapped her feet around Devlin tightly like a snake trying to kill it's prey. She kicked him with her right pointy shoe on his stomach while the other one was still wrapped up on him. She pushed both of her legs, hurting him even more. Luckily, she was flexible enough to be in such an uncomfortable position. Her brother tried to make her did the over split when she was little and forced her to stay in an uncomfortable position for hours. And now she was used to it. It was all thanked to the devils in her family. She forced herself to look at the left side of her, which was hard since he got his hand over her mouth and he held it quite hard.
"Get away from me. I swear I'll tell uncle" She said with a medium volume which was surprising. She was concentrating on what to do next instead of screaming at him.
Devlin smirked as Dorothy attempted to get him off her, she had kicked him hard enough for him to step back a little, but that was definitely not enough to make him back down, that was definitely not enough to make her release her, not enough to make leave her alone. No, all that he ever wanted at the moment was an apology and her begging, and he would definitely not stop until he get that. He would not stop until he get what he wanted, no matter what will be the means, he'll do everything necessary just to show her that he was much greater than she is. That he was much stronger and much more superior than her. "Stubborn aren't you." He said mockingly, not minding if she had her feet around him, not caring if she continued to kick him like what she was doing, he's used to it, he had been in a lot of fights before, and his body had grown accustomed to such physical doings. He wouldn't stop torturing and harassing her just because of it.

"You really are a weakling Dorothy, you can't stand on your own, you're despicable, disgusting." He said, smirking still even though his insides were already beginning to hurt. He didn't like how Dorothy was threatening to tell him on their uncle, it's just too pathetic of an excuse for her to have her life and her freedom back. In fact, it had annoyed him more. Dorothy would always try to use the influence of their family to get her job done, but Devlin would not, he prefers the hard way, inflicting physical, psychological, and emotional pain was his forte. That's how he prefers to haunt his preys down, it might seemed really ruthless and cold, but that's just who he is. It's always a pleasure whenever someone would run and cower in fear just because of all his doings.
The word disgusting was what Dorothy really hated. "What did you say?" Her eyes turned red just like the rest of his siblings who were mad. She bit her lower lips and eyed him angrily as the wrapped was tighten, she pushed her pointy shoe a lot more deeper. This would hurt him, she knew but he would be either used to it or too stubborn to confess. The trigger was the insults that was thrown by Devlin, she hated being insulted by other people, not even Devlin or her father. Her lips started to bleed, she release the bite and looked to the side trying to see if she could knock him with something. "I hate you Devlin" She said meaning it, currently she hated him with all her heart but later she would go back and mess with him. The reason why she was always bothering him was that she wanted an attention from him. And they got along by fighting which was quite odd.

As Devlin started attacking her verbally, this was her time to attack him physically. Her left arm wasn't held by him. She placed her finger on his neck, instead of choking him, she dug her nails to his skin. She knew that she wont be able to choke him like what he did to her. But she could hurt him and make him bleed. She squeezed his neck as if it was a toy of hers. She didn't care if he bleed. Dorothy lean toward Devlin, now she was sure that he had to cope with the weight of hers and the balance of his. If he wasn't good at it, he would fall anytime and Dorothy could jumped off him.
"Weak Devlin? WEAK?!" She shouted, she was no longer crying. Now this was what she did if she was really mad, instead of crying she would fight back.
Devlin was amused by how Dorthy had said that she hated him, for in fact, he does feel the same, though the degree of his hatred was probably different than hers. He hated her for being who she was, yet, he enjoys having her as his toy, he enjoyed seeing her suffer, enjoy seeing her cry because of him. Call him sadistic, but that's who he is. Seeing someone be in pain because of him is the greatest pleasure that he had in life. "I know that.." He said, smirking as he knew that he was already influencing all her actions a lot. Even when her shoe had dug deeper into his body, he made no effort to remove it, he made no effort to show that he was hurt. He's used to it, and besides, he had suffered more physical pain than what he was suffering from now, he had had endured more than what he was doing to her. "And I hate you more, I hate you enough for me to send you to your grave." He whispered, eyes narrowed while smiling evilly as he did.

As Dorothy hand move to his neck, Devlin knew instantly what it was that she would be doing, and his suspicions were confirmed when she had instantly began to dug her nails onto his skin. It had hurt of course, but being who he was, he did not show any emotion to what it was that she had done. Her weight was on him now, yet he did not care, but he does feel uncomfortable with her hand on his neck, thus, on impulse, he threw her on the ground and pinned her there, that way she wouldn't be able to cling on him once again, he must be too strong for her, he's quite sure of that. "Who's weak now?"
As soon as Dorothy heard the reply of her brother, she felt like exploding, like punching him on the face and taking out his eye balls, squeezing it. Sadly she couldn't do it, her strength was limited and what was worse was that she wasn't allowed to use magic to attack him. She knew the spells and she knew how to perform it but she wasn't allowed and she had never tried it before. "You shut up Devlin, I don't want to hear more of your nonsense." She dug her nails deeper onto his skin, so much deeper that it might bleed soon. "Filthy devil Devlin" She glared at him coldly and punched his nose.

Right before Dorothy was being thrown to the ground, she clings both of her legs around Devlin so that she wont fall hard. But she fell anyway but not as bad as before. She wanted to cry, but she was holding her tears she wanted to give up but she was too arrogant to do that. Why didn't Donavon cared about them fighting? He was finishing up his food and eating more, not caring if they were killing each other.
"You are, you're picking somebody younger and much smaller then you. You're disgusting Devlin, I'll kill you once I'm allowed to cast spells outside school"
Devlin's smirk dropped from his face as Dorothy punched him. It actually didn't hurt that much, but even so, it makes him angry and irritated. The punch was something that he wouldn't tolerate, the kick and the yelling he could, but not that punch. Feeling his blood boil in anger, Devlin had had this urge to punch his sister back, but he knew that Donavon would then step up if he did so, so instead, he twisted one of her hand while his free hand was on her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I'm a devil, and I shall have you accompany me to hell." He smirked coldly, the kind of smirk that would send shivers into someone else's spine, something that was enough to have someone run in fear of his life.

Devlin knew that Dorothy was just forcing herself not to cry, yet he also knew that sooner or later, she won't be able to hold back, and just the thought of it makes him feel warm and happy inside. He loves seeing his sister cry and suffer, no one was caring about what they were doing now, even Dancel seemed to not move and stop them at all, and at that, he was feeling really alive, probably, this day could turn better, now, if only Dorothy would start to beg, he had no further wish. "Wrong answer Dorothy, and stop making excuses and using your age just to make me feel guilty, age is a relative thing Dorothy.." He said, his smirk growing wider as he pulled her hair, causing more pain, of course, his other hand was still holding her still on the ground by then. "I'll kill you first before you could even say a spell, had the thought of me graduating and leaving school first left your mind? If it does, you're really pathetic."
Dorothy looked away when she was forced by Devlin to look at him, she then looked at him and spit on his face for the third time. She was disgusted in his action, a hand of hers was twisted, she bit her lips trying to hold the pain. Her eyes were shut as her heartbeat raced faster. Soon it slowed down and her breathing was so much longer than before, now she had no idea what to do. "It is not a relative thing, you're weak Devlin, you can only pick me yet you can't fight Donavon or even Dakota" Both Donavon and Dakota were on their legal age and both could perform dark arts. "You're just being illogical, age isn't a relative thing, Devlin." She said coldly still glaring at him, feeling the pain on her hand.

The hand of Devlin's was no longer on her chin but on her hair and he pulled it. Now, she was used to this one, her sister and her pulled each other's hair and had cat fights when they were fighting.
"Get off me before I call for help" Dorothy didn't even know if her eldest brother would even care if she called him for help, after all he had reminded her about Devlin and the same goes to Devlin. But she decided to attack him, it was pretty much her fault too. "You're just saying nonsense" She glared at him daring herself to talk back "YOU... WONT KILL ME" She yelled at him and pushed his face away with a hand of hers and dig her nails on his cheek. "TRY DEVLIN, TRY!" Dorothy obviously didn't care what would happen next.
Danton sighed, he was sitting in his bedroom, reading. From below he could heard arguing. His siblings were at it again. He knew Dorothy was involved, maybe Danielle too? Devlin had to be there, because he could heard Dorothy shouting. He threw his book at the wall, how was someone supposed to concentrate with that racket? He stormed down the stairs, taking out his wand and stepping into the room. "Silence!" he shouted, putting a hand over Dorothy's mouth. "I am trying to read!" he yelled, staring at them all through narrowed eyelids. "Will someone please explain what is going on?" he asked, "Quietly" he added, as he released Dorothy, taking his hand from over her lips.l.

He glanced at Devlin, "Don't threaten her Devlin, she's just a child, a child who can't use magic, anyway-there are better reasons for you to be put in Azkaban." he sneered, Danton already had plans for his future, and being caught in the act wasn't one, Devlin was being stupid, Dorothy, well she was Dorothy, diplomacy and secrecy were lost on her.
Dancel yawned, he had enough of his sister trying to fight against Devlin, for he knew that she wouldn't stand a chance. Devlin wouldn't back down, and so does she, and honestly, it was becoming boring for him right now. He wanted to see something more, more than just those shouting that they were doing, in fact, it would be more interesting if they did try to kill each other, but of course, he wasn't wishing his sister dead. Yawning once more, Dancel can already see that his sister was already on the very verge of crying and giving up, but knowing her, she won't do that, and he, he won't help her by now, it's her own fault, she needed to learn to stand on her own and face the consequences of her action. After all, Dancel was intelligent enough to know that he shouldn't mess with Devlin and Donavon, at least not now when he couldn't even use magic.

He had had to smirk when one of their older brothers came down too, it seemed like the episode would be more interesting by then, after all, Danton was someone who is pretty much hot tempered and ill mannered as all of them. Sitting down on the couch, he overlook at what was happening, he wondered whether Danton would join in the fight as well, if he will, then it would have more action, more entertainment, and Dancel was already looking forward to it.

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