
"Yes of course, and it really is just a simple spell to stop the fire." Nina said happily.
'Yea but I'll do it this time brain box,'Alex joked smiling crookedly. It had gotten quite dark already quite quickly. 'Whats your favourite weather?'he asked curious.
Nina smiled warmly and then said, "Hmm, I am not sure, I love the summer rain but I love the winter. It's beautiful. I love this weather as well." Nina smiled and thought, It's also romantic. Nina's eyes danced as the fire crackled. "What about you?" Nina asked.
'Probably summer. I hate the winter. it's freezing outside at night unlike summer. You're guaranteed some warmth in summer,'Alex said truthfully smiling. He stared at the fire something bugging at him. He just couldn't figure it out.
"True, but there really is just something about winter a certain Je Ne Say Qui {sp?}." Nina said happily.
(I can say that?? )

Alex laughed. 'Yeah, the white snow and christmas and all but you obviously haven't tried sleeping rough in the streets when the snow blows into your face and it's raining at the same time.'Alex said leanig onto his hands behind him now.
[I can say it but I cant spell it that is what {sp?} means :p]

Nina looked down, "No I haven't and you shouldn't have to either." Nina looked up at Alex after she said it, she hated not being able to make everything better for him, she wanted Alex to have what she had, a family, a home, loving nauratic parents.
(I know that silly :p no, what does the french mean?? :D )

Alex smiled before realizing what he had just said. Shoot, he had gone and almost given away what kind of life he led. He shot his eyes annoyed. 'It was a dare once. I don't have to sleep rough normally. That would be just ridiculous to sleep rough when theres a house available for you to sleep in,'Alex quickly said to cover it up. He looked at Nina hoping she bought it.
[Oh A certain "I don't know what." :D ]

Nina looked into Alex's eyes and saw that he was lying. Nina sighed, she knew he didn't want her to know, so she pretended that she believed his lie. "Oh okay, did you win the bet?" Nina said avoiding his eyes as she lied.
Alex noticed Nina hadn't bought it and was wondering why on earth she was pretending she did. Alex looked back at the fire confused. 'No, I didn't win but that's how life is, isn't it? We start off the same but lead our different lives in the end but for what is something I can't fathom out. We all end up the same after all. Dead matter that means nothign but another number and name.'Alex said, just gazing at the fire now, seeing the flames lick out everynow and then higher into the air.
Nina frowned slightly as he responded she knew from his tone of voice he didn't buy her lie, but then again who would? "I suppose your right," Nina said a little mystified at his answer, she hadn't exactly expected Alex to say something like that, but then again, he surprised her all the time. Nina glaced into Alex's eyes then gazed happily and sadly into the fire.
Alex picked up a stone in one of his moods and threw it, skimming three times against the water before plunging in. 'Of course, it will be different to you. Don't take this the wrong way but when you have someone who cares about you, enough to die for you, then well, at least theres a memory of some sort as well.'ALex said smiling. 'You are happy at home aren't you Nina?'Alex asked hoping he wasn't misunderstanding things here.
"I don't exactly know what it feels like to have that but I care for someone enough for that." Nina said thinking of everyone she loved and when Alex's face popped into her head it didn't skim through like the others it stayed in her head. Then Nina turned to him and said, "When I am home, things aren't exactly the best but I have a family that cares for me as best they can." Nina sighed sadly, this wasn't exactly true, she was hardly ever home, she lived with her Grandmother most of the time because her parents fought all the time, but they tried to pull a brave face for her and now Darcy but Nina knew that things weren't all they were cracked up to be.
Alex smiled as he looked at her before hearing her sigh sadly. His smile faltered slightly. He had misunderstood a bit. He wondered why it was simple for anyone almost. There always had to be something wrong. 'Tried councesling before?'he asked quietly. He knew loads of people said it was good to talk about but well, it had the opposite effect on him most of the time. 'They say it's good for the soul,'he facted.
Nina laughed slightly and said, "Oh I am probably boring to peices on my sad story of a family, aren't I?" Nina smiled. "I don't think it would be the best for me, I usually bottle things up, so I don't exactly know how you got me to spill it all out but that must mean there is something really special about you." Nina said without thinking of what she was actually saying, Nina blushed harshly then bit her lip anxious to hear what Alex was going to say.
Alex laughed at her first question, smiling. He hadn't meant to give that impression at all. He had found it quite interesting mainly. He listened as she told him there was something special about him. He laughed. 'Sure. Course there would be. It couldn't possibly its a nice dark night by the firelight.'Alex joked sarcastically smiling. He looked at Nina. 'Your cheeks are way too warm'he joked putting his cold hand against her right cheek to show the difference before smiling and taking it away again.
"Of course there is something special about you, I mean there has to be, you are with 'me'." Nina joked, but there was something special about Alex. Nina smiled as he put his hand on her cheek and said, "Wow you hands are cold." Nina took him by the hands to try and warm them up.
ALex laughed and rolle dhis eyes at her joke, thinking it was pretty funny in the end. He felt her warm hands and they were warm to him, almsot too warm. 'Hey, I do take pride in having hands, you know. They don't want to be bruned away here,'he joked grinning. He didn't pull them back thoguh. It felt quite nice
Nina grinned and said, "They are better then your freezing cold hands." Nina stuck her toungue out playfully and then said, "So are you going to the ball with anyone yet?" Nina blushed as she said this.
'Yeah but then you're going to have cold ahnds,'Alex protested playfully before she asked the question about the ball. 'Umm, no. I've not been thinking about it much to be honest'he lied convincincly which was completely not true. He had been practising the late hours into the night on how to dance that way. If there was a ny chance of him going, he was learning how to dance first. 'Any way, I'm not too sure I'm all up for it. Two left feet remeber,'he said smiling. 'You've never seen me dance my way yet, have you?'Alex suddenly thought.
"Oh I doubt that." Nina said playfully. "Oh really, I am a little surprised." Nina joked but there was a small part of her that was extreamly happy he hadn't asked anyone or had been asked already. "And I am sure you aren't that bad of a dancer, and no I haven't but I plan on seeing it either at the Ball or on Halloween." Nina smiled evily then returned to her normal smile.
Alex rolled his eyes at her determination for that was as well. 'First it's my singing and now you're makng it my dancing. Heaven help me. What'll be next?'he said before noticing she was about to answer. 'No don't tell me. I'd rather kepp my nightmares less scary thanks,'he siad putting his hands on his ears., grinning.
Nina rolled her eyes and said, "Oh you are being silly now." Nina grinned happily at this.
ALex chuckled. 'Me? Silly? Never,'he joked sarcastically. 'Aww c'mon. Live a little. This is my holiday as you may as well know. No working hard for a life,'Alex said smiling and pushing her playfully.
"What do you mean? I am a party maniac." Nina said jokingly pushing him playfully back. "Wait I am not all that serious am I?" Nina asked hoping that wasn't what he thought of her. "And I understand Alex, don't worry, your secrets are safe with me." Nina said sweetly.

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