Open Spin the Bottle y47

Vanity Mettlestone

🪞Girly | Middle Child | Thief | Judgmental 👛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
9/2047 (13)
Vanity had been bored lately. Fourth year was dull so far, so she decided to spice it up. She knew from Emery that his boyfriend had organized one of these games a few years ago, though she thought it was kind of gross that her brother had been a part of that. Still, it was a fun idea. Vanity had spread the words among her classmates and asked them to spread it further. As far as she knew, pretty much everyone in fourth or fifth year was aware of the game happening. She just hoped they'd show up.

The Slytherin had prepared the classroom for the game, pushing all the furniture to the sides so there was a lot of space on the floor. She had placed a bunch of pillows around to sit on and had placed a butterbeer bottle in the middle for them to spin. She plopped down on one of the pillows and sat cross legged, waiting for other kids to join. Merlin, she hoped they'd join.

OOCOut of Character:

Woo! Spin the bottle time. I'm doing arrivals at first, but if you join later you're free to just jump into the fun.

Some ground rules:
  • Please only post with 4th-5th year students to avoid any awkward age differences.
  • Please only join if you're sure you can stay active in the thread if you're spun. I also encourage keeping things OSW style to keep things moving and fun for everyone.
  • I'll be using RNG to determine who the bottle lands on for my posts, but feel free to pick your target however you'd like. Just make sure you make it clear who your char is interacting with, even if IC they do not know their name. I recommend @-ing them to make sure they see it!
  • I will make a list for the RNG once the game starts
  • To avoid accidental godmodding, please either leave room for other people's characters to back out of a kiss or discuss the outcome with the RPer OOC if possible. A kiss on the cheek is fine as well.
  • For extra fun or just to get an idea of the flow, check out the previous game I ran or the ones Kris ran in the past
  • If someone takes a long to respond and stalls the game I might interject as Vanity to move things along to someone else, only after sending a PM to remind you.
  • Have fun!
When Ten had heard Vanity was running a game of spin the bottle, she initially had no intention of joining. After some thought, however, especially after their previous interaction in the owlery, perhaps turning up to see how things went wouldn't have been the worst idea she'd ever had. Even her little brother had been involved in more things this year than she had, so maybe it was time to mingle with some of the others even if just to prove a point to herself that had some resemblance of a social circle.

When the fourth year arrived she braced herself upon realising she was the first one here and was now face to face with the Slytherin for the second time in a week. "Room for.. one more?" she asked casually. The room was practically empty at the moment, but she was still leaving the ball in Vanity's court. Just because they'd had one conversation where they hadn't been at one another's throats didn't mean she expected much to have changed, and Ten wasn't in the mood for a fight.
To anyone who asked, Teddy said he was looking forward to the spin the bottle event Vanity had organised. It was a Hogwarts rite of passage after all, something almost everyone did at some point. But inside, he wasn’t entirely sure if it was his thing. It wasn’t fear or nerves that made him hesitate, more of an uncertainty. The idea of kissing a girl seemed strange to him. He hadn’t ever done it before, and his only previous experience had been with a boy, and he'd liked that. But now, there was a small voice in his head wondering about the possibility that kissing a girl could be fun too. The thought lingered, but so did another one which was what if he ended up kissing a boy in front of everyone? What if he enjoyed it too much, and everyone saw? The potential to feel vulnerable in front of most of his year and the year above loomed large in his mind.

Despite the overthinking, he eventually made the decision to go. If nothing else, it would at least be entertaining to see how things unfolded. Worst case scenario, he could laugh it off, just like he always did. Teddy arrived after Ten and laughed at her question, "Well unless Vanity is planning on kissing lots of cushions this evening, I'd say there was room for us." Teddy joked.
Lucy couldn't exactly say why she thought this was a good idea. She didn't exactly like Vanity, she was still somewhat annoyed at Teddy who she had a feeling would be there, and kissing someone sounded actually somewhat terrifying. But her curiosity, as it often did, got the better of her. What if it sparked something in her? What if it sparked something in the others participating? She might see true love blossom right before her eyes and missing that, well, that would be a shame.

She entered the abandoned classroom, spotting Vanity, Teddy and a girl she didn't quite remember the name of but had seen around lately. She half-wanted to make a pointed comment at Vanity, but decided to keep things civil - for now. If she had to kiss her...eurgh! Then maybe she'd kick up a storm. Lucy sat on a cushion a bit apart from the others. "Hi," she said in an uncharacteristically impassive tone before taking a seat on a cushion some distance apart from Vanity. She looked at Vanity for a split second then turned her attention to staring at the bottle.
Holden's heart kept skipping nervous beats as he made his way to the classroom Vanity had told him to go to. He didn't know why he was nervous - there wasn't really anything to be nervous about. Not really. Kissing wasn't really a big deal or whatever, and frankly it was kind of embarrassing he hadn't done it already. Not that anyone needed to know that. And it wasn't going to be the case for long, at any rate. He was gonna get that whole pesky first kiss thing out of the way today. And if it happened to be with Vanity... well that would be pretty cool. And if Milo happened to be here...

Nope, Holden was absolutely not thinking about what would happen if Milo was here. So what if the worst person he had ever met had gotten outrageously hot over the holidays? It didn't matter! It wasn't important, and if you did think it was important you were stupid, and he didn't even care, and it wasn't even a big deal, and Holden liked Vanity anyway. He took a deep breath, relieved to see that Vanity was indeed there, and Milo wasn't. "Hey." He nodded and flopped onto a cushion, looking away and trying very hard to look like he didn't even care. Which he didn't. Really.
Cornelius couldn't really imagine anything more embarrassing than spin the bottle. What, meeting up with a group of people you didn't even like just to really make sure all the colds and flus had plenty of opportunity to make their way right around the school? It was pathetic and shallow, and really, couldn't these people control themselves? Didn't they have standards?

Cornelius was only even going so he could laugh at people, really. It was going to be hilarious watching the pathetic monkeys he called classmates slobber all over each others faces like idiots, and he would just leave if anyone tried to make him do anything disgusting like that. He wasn't so pathetic as to smear his lips all over some troglodyte just because a bottle told him. He had absolutely no interest in kissing anyone at this pathetic school. Except... well, he had heard that Vanity was hosting, and... this sort of thing really ought to be beneath a classy girl like her, but Cornelius supposed that if she did wind up being required to kiss him... he really ought to let her. For her sake, of course.

Of course, attending an embarrassing event meant the humiliation of being seen here, even if he was only here to make fun. Cornelius plastered a thick scowl on his face as he entered the room, directing it pointedly at everyone except Vanity. Impression made, he dropped into a seat and continued to glare at anyone who even looked in his direction, chin held haughtily high.
Santiago would be lying if he said he wasn't a little embarrassed to be here. Like he needed some stupid game to get him a kiss. But considering he didn't have any real romantic prospects, he apparently did need a stupid game. He arrived to the abandoned classroom and was surprised to see there were already a few people there, which he guessed was better than being the only one to show up. Without a word he took a seat and looked at the people gathered. There were people he would rather kiss than other but he wasn't going to bother worrying about that yet.
It was unusual for hugo to be seen outside of the trifactor of the library, hogwarts monthly or ravenclaw house. and even more unusual for him to not to have at least one book on his person. however aside from a small reporter style notebook and pencil that lived permanently in the back pocket of his jeans. he had heard about the spin the bottle game and thought it was interesting. if anyone asked, which he doubted they would, he would say that Miranda had bugged him into going because she wanted the gossip. But while that was certainly the case, he probably would have gone anyway. It sounded interesting, and he knew he needed all the help he could get to find a girlfriend.
he knew he wanted a girlfriend, at least from an academic mindset. He had recently started noticing how pretty they were, though there wasn't anyone in particular who he had developed a crush on. He entered the room and looked around. there were a few people in there, most he recognised even though he hadn't spoken to many of them before. "Hello, um do we just take a seat?" he asked a little aprehensive. about the entire event, but trying not to show it. he looked around the ring of cushions trying to work out if it was best to fill the circle in further, but would it be odd if he chose to sit on the opposite side to everyone else. or should he sit near to someone a sort of safety in numbers thing. in the end he headed to a cushion next but one to corn, with a bit of a gap on the other side. "do you mind if i sit here?" he asked. gesturing to the cushion before sitting down, wondering what was going to happen.

@Corn Seymour VII
Vanity waited, fearing for a moment no one would show up and it would be the most embarrassing moment of her life. She was relieved when Ten walked in, an emotion she didn't previously associate with her. She rolled her eyes at what she assumed was a joke. "Yeah, take your pick." She said, gesturing around. She ignored Teddy's comment but was glad he also joined, they definitely needed boys. She watched in satisfaction as more people came in. She saw Lucy and wondered if she had known Vanity was organizing this. Well, she could be here but not if she was going to be all boring. But Vanity's attention was soon taken up as Holden walked in. She smiled at him and gave him a slight wave. She was going to have to try to aim the bottle in his direction. Thankfully, more boys joined them. Vanity glanced at her watch. "We'll wait a few more minutes, then we'll get started." She announced.

@Holden Marshall
Ten did her best to resist snorting at Teddy’s comment as he joined them, but Vanity’s lack of immediate dismissal was enough for her to enter the room, taking a seat on the cushion next to her friend. There were a lot of people here that she hadn’t spoken to, which only made her think her decision to be here wasn’t made in vain. Those in the year above she didn’t even recognise. The fourth year waited to see how things would kick off and if anyone else she did know would join.
Tempest had been intrigued by the idea of playing kiss the bottle, but as she walked into the abandoned classroom, she wasn't sure if she was really feeling it. She had not really been interested in anyone romantically yet, and the idea of physical attraction was kind of new to her. Growing up around siblings and not being exposed to a lot of popular culture or celebrities, Tempest had never really pondered those thoughts. All she knew was that she was supposed to grow up and marry a good husband who could support a certain lifestyle.

Tempest wandered around and smiled at Vanity before taking a seat next to a familiar face. "This just feels awkward," she said, gesturing to the whole situation they would all soon be in. She wondered if any of her roommates would show up. @Lucy Montague
Amodeus had gotten lost on his way down- a very common occurance, but he'd found a hufflepuff willing to show him the way. He left her side as they came in. "We're heeere," He sing-songed, announcing himself as he skipped over to Teddy and collapsed next to him. "What are we playing?" He asked his best friend in a whisper, having missed most of what was going on outside of 'playing a game'. @Teddy Pirrip
Elodie was nervous about this. She'd never kissed anyone before in her life, but she was hoping this might be a good way to do it in a safe, fun environment. She found a lost Gryffindor on her way down- Amodeus, and it didn't really surprise her. He was an idiot. She led him to the room, letting him leave her side and taking a seat by herself, smiling shyly at everyone around her. "Hello," She greeted shyly, twisting a strand of dark hair around her finger.
Millie didn’t have much of a say when it came to her attendance at spin the bottle, Veronica had decided they were both going to the event. Veronica probably had her own reasons for wanting to be there but she also insisted that Mille ‘needed to get out more’. She didn’t agree but she’d never been able to say no to her sister. She entered the abandoned classroom behind Veronica waiting for her sister to announce their arrival.
Veronica had heard about truth or dare from some of the other fourth years and decided not only would she go as it sounded like fun, she would drag her twin sister along with her. She headed to the abandoned classroom where the game was being held with her sister in tow and pushed open the door to enter. She saw familiar faces, including one she really wished wasn’t there. “Mind if we join?” She asked as she made her way towards the group.
When June heard who was hosting this and what, she had burst out in laughs. It wasn't something for the blonde at all, but she was getting older and never had kissed someone. And in a way she was curious how it felt, in her mind it was hell on earth. But the biggest reason to come was to make sure Vanity saw her and she could judge her. Also a lot of people seemed to come so she could have a laugh and observe.

June arrived in the room and looked around. There were some people inside already and that was good. She gave Vanity an judgefull look and smirked. She saw Tempest, and she didn't even knew her friend would be here. She also noticed Santiago, which was not bad she at least knew him. And decided to sit next to the Gryffindor. '' Look who we have here.'' June said with an big grin and looked around her. Waving to Tempest shortly. And already wanted to get popcorn to enjoy this. Almost if she forgot that she participated in this as well. But she would not kiss someone ugly and stupid, for sure they could kiss their hand or something or their pillow.

@Santiago Torres
Audrey was rather disappointed she hadn't been kissed yet. It wasn't as though she'd actually properly tried to kiss anyone, in all fairness, as most of the boys weren't as gorgeous as the Quidditch players and musicians she had pictures of in her muggle style folders she'd taken to using after Muggle Studies in third year. But she was pretty, and smart, and it was a little disappointing that no boys had seemed to really realise that as yet. Maybe none of them had grown brains. She was aware that boys brains did grow slower, after all - for example, Teddy was simultaneously smart at schoolwork and a complete idiot when it came to girls. Maybe the rest were in that same boat, if not quite as good at schoolwork.

At least this way, Audrey reasoned, she would get the first kiss milestone out of the way and maybe it wouldn't be the romantic first kiss she dreamed of, but it would be a practice run for when she did find a cute boy who could see just how amazing she was. Then she'd be able to enjoy the kiss far more if she had at least a tiny bit of experience. She touched up her lip gloss as she entered the room - slightly disappointed in the lack of boys. They were there, it just seemed like there were more girls. There wasn't anything wrong with girls, of course, she just didn't really feel an attraction to them. She took a seat on a cushion, not exactly sure where to be and feeling strangely nervous and out of place. Of course, she wouldn't ever let that show, making sure to plaster on her best smile and trying to flutter her eyelashes a little, which mostly just looked like she was rapidly blinking.
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Oz felt...extremely stupid being here. In fact, as soon as he saw his cousin entering the room he had half a mind to just turn around and leave, a feeling that was kind of compounded when he did approach the door and saw some of the other faces in there. Like June, though perhaps if he went in there and she started kicking up a fuss being horrible about him, at least everyone would see that she was kind of racist and ideally that wouldn't go down too well. That spite, he supposed, was enough to push him through the door and onto a cushion near Hugo, though he scowled a bit seeing Cornelius on the other side of his friend and chose not to say anything. Instead, he just grunted a kind of hello and nodded in the general direction of the middle of the circle. He didn't know what to expect, exactly, but he was at least curious and spiteful enough to find out.
Oskar wasn't sure how he had even ended up here, or if he was a welcome addition or not. Usually this was the kind of thing he would run and hide from. So many people potentially looking at him, it sounded awful. But he didn't dislike the idea of being kissed so he figured it might just be the price he had to pay. Since he was pretty sure he may never have the chance if he was left to his own questionable charm. He wasn't sure if he was comforted or alarmed by the amount of familiar faces. He didn't really greet anyone as he sat down, instead keeping his eyes on the floor.
Vanity watched and waited as a few more people joined, shaking her head at Veronica's question. She did mind that June joined, but wasn't even going to give her the satisfaction of acknowledging her. The split between boys and girls seemed fairly even, which pleased Vanity. Then she cleared her throat. "Alright, I'll go first." She said importantly, leaning forward to twist and spin the bottle. She watched as it went and went around, hoping it would slow down and point to Holden. Instead, it stopped on Tempest. Vanity was glad it wasn't June, at least. She gave the older girl a challenging look. "You're not backing out right?" She asked as she moved over to her. She leaned in for a kiss, giving Tempest time to move away or turn for a cheek kiss if she wanted.

@Tempest Vero

OOCOut of Character:
Here's the list of people, please repost and add yourself if you join! I personally used a RNG but feel free to play how you want.

  1. Vanity Mettlestone
  2. Ten Layton-King
  3. Teddy Pirrip
  4. Lucy Montague
  5. Holden Marshall
  6. Corn Seymour VII
  7. Santiago Torres
  8. Hugo Stark-West
  9. Tempest Vero
  10. Amodeus Jones
  11. Elodie Wynshaw
  12. Millie Walden-Cade
  13. Veronica Walden-Cade
  14. June Davenport
  15. Audrey Beauchamp
  16. Oswald Brambleheart
  17. Oskar Strom
Tempest saw June enter and suddenly felt a little more anxious. She wasn't sure why - maybe it was because she was worried something embarassing would happen and her roommate would judge her. Or maybe there were other reasons. Either way, the Slytherin tensed in her seat, waiting for the game to start and felt shocked when it had landed on her. She looked up at Vanity, a little wide eyed, before breathing through her nose and letting her traditional smirk hit her face. She thought about coming back with some funny response, but instead, Tempest quickly leaned in and kissed Vanity, lingering for a moment before pulling back. "If people want to back out, maybe they shouldn't be here," she said with some confidence, quickly spinning the bottle and ignoring how hot her cheeks were feeling. It landed on a girl she recognized but didn't really know. Tempest scooted towards the girl and leaned forward, feeling more awkward being the one to initiate this time. @Vanity Mettlestone @Veronica Walden-Cade
Veronica was surprised when the bottle landed on her so quickly. She didn't know the girl who spun it that well, or at all really other than she was in Bailey's year. Her sister might have mentioned her in passing once if it was who she thought it was. She watched as the Slytherin girl started to move towards her and Veronica decided to just go with it, it was why she was there after all. She scooted forward to meet her mid circle and kissed the older girl, letting her lips linger a little because she found she liked it more than she expected, enough that she couldn't look the girl in the eye when she pulled back. Veronica then span the bottle herself only for the bottle to land on Millie. "I'm not kissing my sister," She declared for the group and spun the bottle again, this time landing on Vanity who had organised the whole thing. She hadn't long had a turn but Veronica had already spun twice so she made her way towards the Slytherin girl.

OOCOut of Character:
RNG landed on Millie so rerolled as Veronica wasn't down to kiss her sister.

@Tempest Vero @Vanity Mettlestone

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