Slytherin Quidditch Try Outs (Y46)

Lennox Addison

Only Child, Spoiled, Ballet Dancer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care (Unknown)
Sexual Orientation
Lennox had been pleasantly surprised to receive notice that she was the Slytherin Quidditch Captain this year. In hindsight, it wasn't surprising at all. She was honestly the best and have proven it over and over again. Yet still, she couldn't help but wonder why Avery had chosen her. She hadn't shown the most enthusiasm during practices, especially when the weather did not fair well for her hair. But obviously, he had noticed the talent in her. At least, finally, she was getting the recognition that she deserved. She was prepared to kill it this year, having Slytherin come out on top where they deserved.

The Slytherin girl stood in the Quidditch Pitch. She was wearing her Quidditch uniform, her hair done perfectly. She was not flying today. Instead, she would be choosing the new members. She would be tough of course. Lennox only wanted the best. She hoped no one too pathetic turned out to try out. Lennox wouldn't be particularly nice. It was an honor to be on the team. Others had to earn that honor. The Slytherin girl watched as the Quidditch Pitch filled up with previous teammates and new arrivals. Lennox's eyes scanned the crowd, trying to take in everyone and everything.

When the students stopped piling onto the field, Lennox began. "So obviously you are all here for try outs. Not all of you will make it. It's that simple. Each of you will try out, with the help of the team members guaranteed their spot. Alternates have to try out again of course. We are looking for a seeker, beater and of course some alternates. Just let me know what you are trying out for when it's your turn. So you first." Lennox said pointing to a classmate right in front of her. "Let's go people. This isn't going to take all day."

Lennox moved to the side as she motioned for the teammates with a spot already from the previous year to mount their brooms and add a little more excitement to the try outs. Lennox took out her fluffy pink quill and a glitter notebook as she watched each the classmates try out. She took a few notes about those who showed potential.

Keeper@Horror Zhefarovich
BeaterMischa Falter-Butera
Chaser/CaptainLennox Addison
Chaser@Terror Zhefarovich
Chaser@Enoch Goldewyn
Alternates Open (3)
OOCOut of Character:
Returning Team Members, Post to Retain your Spots on the Team
Alternates Must Try Out Again

If you are a first year, please pm me before posting. Older students do have preference to try out
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Enoch really didn't want to play. Quidditch was fun sure, but it was something his parents had encouraged and he just..didn't want to. But he came to the try-outs wanting to not let people down and keen to keep acting like nothing had changed. He got on his broom and shot up into the air.
Vanity had quite enjoyed being on the Quidditch team and was pretty confident she might make a starting position now. She smiled as she started. "Vanity Mettlestone, playing beater, as you know." She said.

She took to the air on her new broom, clutching a beater's bat in her hand. She flew around for a bit, getting into things. She flew after bludger until she got close enough to hit it. She didn't manage to hit it, and kept following it. After a while, she could try again. It didn't hit anyone, which was frustrating. But she would just keep trying. Vanity followed the bludger and hit it again. This time, it went a lot further and managed to hit someone. Vanity kept on trying. She hit a few more bludgers, but only managed to hit one at another player. She hoped that was good enough, but it would have to be as her time was up. She sighed, then flew down to the ground.
Summer had been more than pleased she had made the team as an alternate last year. Especially since adding first years to the team wasn't exactly the norm. She listened to Lennox speak, not too surprised to see the older girl as captain. There was no denying she was a good player. Once the older girl had finished her little speech Summer stepped forward. "Summer Irvine, trying out for chaser again." She said confidently.

Her try out last year hadn't been the best but Summer had paid attention to the other chasers during the season. Observed how they did certain things, where their strengths lay. And she had trained, obviously. If anything, she knew she had improved. She was far more comfortable and stable on her broom this time around and didn't even get close to dropping the quaffle once. A definite improvement from how she had done last year at tryouts. Summer spend her time passing the quaffle around, trying to steal it every now and then and taking a couple of shots at the hoops when the opportunity presented itself. In the end she had managed two succesful steals and had managed to get three of her shots past the keeper which she thought wasn't too bad.
Terror Zhefarovich never expected a badge. Not with how he behaved. Even his Head of House knew it since he managed to get a little bit in trouble from the dueling tournament a few years back. It was worth it though. He could keep his Quidditch spot, on the other hand. He was a proud chaser, and intended to stay that way. He made it to the pitch, and listened to the new captain. Lennox. She was a chaser alongside him. And quite good. He mounted his broom and headed up in the air to see what the new chasers were made of.
Horror Zhefarovich could have thought of many other things to do other than Quidditch, but here he was. He was here out of spite to make Astraea come outside every once and a while. And he felt it was necessary. He walked behind his twin and waited for directions before he went up to the hoops to guard them. Another year, another bit of improvement was made - he was sure of anyway.
Oskar wasn't sure what he was doing here. They didn't even have quidditch at his old school and he had only ever seen a few games the rare occasions his siblings would let him tag along when they went to professional games. But he did love flying. He had always thought his English was good but now surrounded by it all the time he was starting to realize the gaps in his knowleged so he struggled to keep up with what the captian was saying. At least he knew what to say now. "Hello, I'm Oskar and I'll be trying out for...beater." he said stiffly before taking to the air. His older brothers had always talked about how cool the beaters were when they went to games so it felt like the only choice for him. But as he saw the bludgers flying around he found it hard to want to aim for the other team mates flying around. So he started blocking first and did an alright job sparing a few people. At that point it felt like he had earned turning the tables and he swung and landed a hit on one of the chasers. He let go of a breath he didn't realize he had been holding, glad to not be totally terrible. He managed a few more hits before the end of try-outs and had more fun than he though he would.
((posting okayed by Sam!))

Ignatius, of course, knew how to fly, after all what self respecting young wizard didn't? His parents had made sure of it, and sent him to school with a broom so he wouldn't have to use the ratty old disgusting school brooms. The indignity would have been too much to bear.

First years weren't supposed to play on the Quidditch teams, but Ignatius was special, naturally. He hadn't actually played before, but how hard could it be, considering the types of people who played in these teams. He would have almost considered it beneath him, but it was a good way to look impressive. It just sucked having to wait until he actually was allowed to take to the sky. "My name is Ignatius Wolffort," he said, when he finally got the chance. "And I will play seeker." It seemed only fitting after all.

Of course, flying at home and flying here were different things, and although he could keep his balance well, he did have a few shocks when bludgers came into play. He had cheered watching beaters growing up, but being on this side it was simply barbaric. One hit nearly sent him flying - and not the way he was supposed to be. All that made it hard to focus on finding the snitch, but with the beaters being inexperienced he was actually mostly safe. Indeed, he did eventually find the snitch, clutching onto it with a rare smile before it became more of a smug look when he looked to the captain. He could have probably found it faster if it weren't for the beaters, of course, certainly nothing to do with his own skills.
Morrie hated Quidditch, but she did like sports and there wasn't much else going on at Hogwarts. She figured she might as well give it a shot, going up for Seeker where no teamwork was required. "Morrie Ayre, trying out for Seeker," she said, mounting her broom and kicking off.

It was chaos up there, people trying out for all sorts of positions and bludgers flying all over the place. Morrie decided to get higher, all the while looking out for the snitch and avoiding bludgers. "There, there it is!" She said to herself, pushing forward in chase of the snitch. Fixing her eyes on it, she got closer and reached out and snatched the snitch from the air, a triumphant grin spreading across her face. It might be the first time Morrie had ever felt happy at Hogwarts and it was amazing.
(Posting approved by Sam)

Alana was thrilled that she had the chance to try out for the Quidditch team as a first year, she had requested permission in the expectation it would be denied, but there she stood with a group of older students waiting patiently for her turn to shine, and shine she would. She had started to learn to fly as soon as she was old enough to stand and use a toy broom, it was something she was very comfortable doing and was glad her parents had not only allowed, but encouraged her to do so at an early age.

There were a few older students ahead of her trying out for the team so Alana had to wait her turn, but soon enough it was her turn and she stepped forward to present herself to the captain. "My name is Alana Cosgrove and I'm trying out for beater," Alana picked up her broom and mounted it, brushing off a few pre try-out nerves she kicked off the ground and flew a couple of laps of the pitch to warm up before she began to search for bludgers. She found it hard at first, she wasn't used to flying with other people in such close proximity but she soon found her 'feet' and began to weave in and out making a beeline for one of the bludgers and taking a mighty swing and colliding with the ball sending it in the direction of one of the keepers. Alana didn't wait to see if it hit, that wasn't the point. She found the other bludger and sent it after one of the older students trying out for seeker. She continued to do so, there was an unfortunate incident where she nearly fell off her broom after going to hit the bludger and missing spectacularly and sending all her weight hurtling forward. Alana just about stayed on her broom and was able to make contact with the bludgers another two times, going after the same poor seeker again and then accidentally firing in the direction of a chaser when she was aiming for the keeper. Still, a hit was a hit.

When her try out period had come to an end Alana returned to the ground, thanked the captain for allowing her to try out and left the pitch feeling pretty confident in the display she had put on.
Try Out Closed! Practice will be open shortly!
SeekerIgnatius Wolffort
Keeper@Horror Zhefarovich
BeaterAlana Cosgrove
BeaterVanity Mettlestone
Chaser/CaptainLennox Addison
Chaser@Terror Zhefarovich
Chaser@Enoch Goldewyn
AlternatesSummer Irvine (Chaser), Oskar Strom (Beater), and Morrie Ayre (Seeker)
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