Slytherin Quidditch Practice

Summer took a shot at the hoops but it was blocked.
Oskar swung again but missed.
Enoch wasn't pleased to have had the quaffle stolen so was glad when the chaser who took it didn't score. He then flew forward and grabbed the quaffle when it was tossed back out.
Morrie thought she saw the snitch and leaned forward, then realised it was nothing and leaned back again to resume her search.
When Enoch got close enough, he tried to score and missed.
Vanity tried to hit a bludger but missed, she huffed in annoyance.
Ignatius did not find the snitch, though he was still whimpering a little after being hit, somewhat pathetically.
Oskar swung. And missed.
Ignatius couldn't see the snitch yet.
And he still couldn't see it.
You guessed it, Ignatius did not catch the snitch.
Horror managed to block a couple of shots in a row, and tossed the quaffle back out to play.
Terror saw his twin throw the quaffle back out to play, so he took it and would try to get one past him.
Ignatius blinked as he saw a glint of gold, flew towards it, but the sudden jolt in speed made him almost lose balance and by the time he regained his composure it was gone.
Oskar searched for another bludger to hit.
The Slytherin team were rubbish, especially that seeker boy who couldn't catch a snitch to save his life, thought Morrie, while she circled the pitch looking for the snitch.
Ignatius' writer thought this would be the perfect time for him to catch the snitch, alas the site RNG had other plans.
Terror went up to the goals and attempted a shot, but it was blocked.
Horror tossed the quaffle back out to play.
Morrie was starting to get bored. Quidditch was boring.
Ignatius wasn't having a very great time.
Boredom passed over Morrie like a fog, with every minute without a snitch sighting stretching into what felt like hours.
Summer caught the quaffle and held it tightly.
Morrie sprang back into action when she caught slight of a glimmer of gold, pushing forward in chase of the snitch.
Summer’s shot got blocked.

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