Slytherin Quidditch Practice

Seamus was really frustrated with how many times he had missed bludgers during this practice.
It hadn't escaped Celia's notice that Ivelisse had failed to catch the snitch so far during practice. Really, it just gave credence to her "jinxed snitch" theory from last year. Now that Ivelisse had to practice with a normal snitch, she couldn't catch it. Because she sucked.
Ive kept searching.
Celia hit a bludger more out of frustration than anything and watched it soar into @Atlas James-Cade. It barely made her feel better.

Ares x4
Atlas x2
Avery x2
Celia x1
Indira x1
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
Lucie x1
Natalia x1
Seamus x1
Ivelisse was starting to wonder if Liusaidh had somehow forgotten to release the snitch.
Seamus really hated missing the bludgers and when he finally hit another one it went completely wide.
Ive did seeker things but so far not very successfully.
Indi caught the quaffle again after Natalia's score. She did her best focus on her task now instead of the beaters nonsense.
Ares just ignored Celia as best as he could, despite having to continuously duck out of the way of bludgers.
Lucie just sighed as she accidentally let Natalia's shot go through. At least she wasn't the only one sucking right now,
Natalia followed closely behind Indi, looking for a chance to steal.
A second bludger hit Atlas on the arm and she winced in pain, her first practice was not going well so far and she would be lucky if she got out of it without serious injury. She got her head down and continued to follow Indi hoping for a chance at the hoops herself.
When Ares saw a bludger coming his way, he quickly swung his bat back to hit it, but it went off course and no where near where he was aiming.
Indi let out a cheer as she made another goal.
Ivelisse thought she noticed a glimmer of gold but it turned out to be nothing.
After Indira scored again, Liusaidh caught the ball and began heading back towards the hoops
Seamus flew towards a bludger and hit it, aiming for Ivelisse but sending it wide and right into the chaser who had just scored.
@Indira Khatri
Ares x4
Atlas x2
Avery x2
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
Lucie x1
Natalia x1
Seamus x1
Ivelisse was starting to think the snitch was dodging her on purpose just to make up for the fact that she had been so quick to catch it before.
As soon as Liusaidh was close enough, she threw the quaffle, and it sailed in through a hoop.
Seamus managed to hit the next bludger he was going for, but it still went complete wide, hitting nothing.

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