Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y43 S1

Avery was growing exhausted from these bludger hits. If they didn’t win their next game by catching the snitch, there was a decent chance they’d win through the beaters taking out the opposing team alone.
Indi sore when she got hit again with a bludger. But she pushed through the last bit of distance between her and the hoops. The quaffle went right through the hoops.
Shocking nobody, Celia hit a bludger at @Lucie Vernier after Indi's goal.

Atlas x6
Avery x6
Celia x6
Indira x6
Ivelisse x6
Lennox x6
Lucie x7
Mischa x6
Natalia x6
Seamus x6
So did Celia. She knocked a bludger towards @Avery Lancaster.

Atlas x6
Avery x7
Celia x6
Indira x6
Ivelisse x6
Lennox x6
Lucie x7
Mischa x6
Natalia x6
Seamus x6
Ive got hit by another bludger but tried her best to keep looking for the snitch.
Avery died took yet another bludger hit, and had to redouble his efforts just to keep hold of his broom.
Were practices always this brutal? Mischa was reslly starting to ache as he hit another bludger, watching it miss everyone he has intended to hit.
Mish looked around for another bludger.
Seamus for once, actually managed to hit something and though he was aiming for Celia, he ended up hitting @Atlas James-Cade instead

Atlas x7
Avery x7
Celia x6
Indira x6
Ivelisse x6
Lennox x6
Lucie x7
Mischa x6
Natalia x6
Seamus x6
Mischa looked for a bludger.
Indi wasn't sure what the others were waiting for so she grabbed the quaffle again and started making her way around the pitch.
Celia tried to redirect a bludger towards Ivelisse, but it swung off towards @Mischa Falter-Butera instead. She sighed. Hopefully that helped with his issues finding bludgers.

Atlas x7
Avery x7
Celia x6
Indira x6
Ivelisse x6
Lennox x6
Lucie x7
Mischa x7
Natalia x6
Seamus x6
Once more a bludger came rocketing towards him and once more he didn't have enough time to react to it. This practice was really starting to suck.
Indi did a fake dash to the left before throwing the quaffle though the center hoop. She didn't need to do anything that technical to score but if she was going to practice she might as well show off a bit.
Natalia grabbed the quaffle after Indira scored, still feeling sore and irritated.
ive kept looking for the snitch.
Perhaps it wasn't fair to expect the younger chasers to play as well as Indi and Natalia, but Celia had high expectations for her team. She decided to aim a bludger at @Lennox Addison.

Atlas x7
Avery x7
Celia x6
Indira x6
Ivelisse x6
Lennox x7
Lucie x7
Mischa x7
Natalia x6
Seamus x6

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