Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y38/S2

Liusaidh was a little pleased with herself that Indira failed to score and was quick to catch the ball as it was thrown back out. She would circle back to try a third time.
Daintree finally found a bludger and hit it off, pleased when it went right for the seeker.
@Blake Irons
As soon as Liusaidh was close enough she tried to score, but it went completely wide. She swore loudly, annoyed with herself.
Ruben kept searching the pitch for any sign of the snitch.
Blake had just resumed his search for the snitch when he heard the rushing sound of a bludger, turning to look a fraction too late. He gave a soft 'oof' as the ball hit him in the thigh, gritting his teeth against the pain before turning to give Daintree a thumbs up. "Good shot!"
Ruben was too busy focused on his search for the snitch to even notice that Blake had been hit. He only noticed when he heard Blake talking. The young boy then remembered to dodge bludgers, he was so focused on the snitch that he forgot that he was also supposed to dodge bludgers.
Trying to ignore the throbbing in his leg Blake flew on, searching the sky around him for any sign of the snitch.
Indi felt a little better seeing Liusaidh missed her next goal. She raced up to catch the ball as it was thrown back into play. She tucked it under her arm and started to make her lap around the pitch.
Ruben decide to fly a little lower, maybe the snitch could be found closer to the ground.
Liusaidh chased the girl who had the ball, looking for any opportunity to try and take it.
Daintree had barely gone two meters when another bludger was flying towards him, on instinct he swung the beater bat and the ball raced towards the younger of the two seekers, hitting him square on.
@Ruben Right
Indi raced to the goal and threw the quaffle. Only for her to miss completely. She frowned but tried to hide just how disappointed she really felt.
Ruben saw the snitch and started chasing it, ignoring everything else. an incoming bludger that he did not saw coming hit him right in his arm making him stray from his route and losing the snitch of sight. He really should start watching out for bludgers.
After Indira failed to score, Jasper decided he could take a turn again. He caught the quaffle as it was thrown back into play and tucked it under his arm.
Ruben kept searching the snitch, still a bit sore but that would not stop him.
Blake spotted Ruben following a target out of the corner of his eye and shot over, hoping to overtake the younger boy and catch the snitch. He got close just as Ruben was hit though, and the bludger broke Blake's concentration, the snitch slipping away from his gaze.
Indi followed close behind Jasper as he grabbed the quaffle. Maybe he would take pity on her hand pass it so she could have another try.
Looking around, Blake caught sight of the snitch again and shot after it, giving a quick whoop as his fingers curled around the golden ball. He held it up for a moment before releasing it again, giving the snitch a chance to get away before he resumed the hunt.
Jasper flew up to the hoops and managed to score. He grinned and did a little victory lap.
It looked like Blake was getting revenge on Ruben from their first practice, the older boy was catching the snitch all the time. Ruben resumed his search. Was it possible to get worse with practice?
Indi let out an annoyed sigh when Jasper made another goal. We’re they trying to make her look bad on purpose. She quickly raced to grab the quaffle again. Determined to make at least one goal.
Ruben kept searching the pitch looking for any signs of the golden orb.
Indi wasted no time heading towards the hoops. She tired to do a fake out and aimed for the left hoop at the last minute but her shot was still blocked. She let out a frustrated noise before flying away.
Blake was feeling much better about his chances against Ravenclaw now, pressing low to his broom as he resumed searching for the snitch.
Ruben was now more determined than ever to catch the snitch. He had to catch it, at least just once.

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