Roleplays Please!

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
OOC First Name
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Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hey folks :hug:

I know I rarely post plot developments but I am now mostly ahead of my RPs and I do have a few ideas I'd like to explore with characters and characters who need things so I am wanting more roleplays on my list :devious:

The characters who I would like more plots with are listed below, but if you have ideas about any of my characters feel free to post here as well or message me because I am always happy for more ideas and to develop existing plots :hug:
Miro Morales-Albertson
Age: 11 Occupation: Student​

Miro is my firstie and he is the first of the second gen of my characters to attend Hogwarts! Wow what a mouthful. But anyway I am super hyped to roleplay with him and I would love for him to have all the friends and participate in all the things while he is at school. He is usually very energetic and happy to be here and he is very social and loves to make friends, but since he has spent more time at Hogwarts, has been acting different and is more so melancholy and angry because he feels disappointed that Hogwarts wasn't all he expected it to be. Miro has been raised to believe he can do anything he puts his mind to, and he expected Hogwarts to be an amazing fun experience for him, and one where he would be amazing at magic right away!! but he is instead having trouble adjusting to the classroom environment and finds most of his classes boring to say the least, and this is taking a toll on him. When he tries something and isn't immediately good at it he tends to give up, and this is what has happened in almost all of his subjects and he has basically given up on them. He does have an interest in flying and this is one of the few things that makes it worth it for him to go back to Hogwarts, so he will likely spend a lot of his free time at the quidditch pitch. Miro just hates to sit still and write notes and listen and he would rather be actually using magic and spending his time having fun and flying, so he currently hates all of his classes and is currently in a bad mood most of the time.

In saying this, I do still want Miro to make friends, and maybe see if his friends could help him study or try and improve his grades. They will likely fail at this because of Miro's attitude and habit of giving up, but I think it could be fun to roleplay and try!! He would also of course be friends with anyone interested in flying and quidditch. If this is possible I would love for him to have a flying mentor in one of the years above him, if anyone has a character fitting for this I can see Miro constantly annoying them about flying and I think it could be fun to develop this.

I also think it's realistic for Miro make a few enemies or rivalries, and have a few bad encounters with other students in the current state he is in, as he tends to let his emotions control him. I think if another student happened to be in the wrong place and at the wrong time and somehow manages to interact with Miro when he is in a bad mood it would make total sense for it to be a bad encounter, and if said bad encounter developed into enemies or some kind of rivalry, this would be very fun. Maybe we would play on cliches and this could be someone in Slytherin? I am open to ideas!
Theia Carnahan
Age: 23 Occupation: Musician/Vibez shop assistant​

I have not roleplayed Theia as much as I would have liked to while she was at school, and even now that she has graduated I haven't posted much with her, but I would like to change this because I love her!! Theia is a punk girlie, she is part of a small band and likes to sing and write songs. She is the oldest of four children and has spent most of her life feeling weighed down and burdened by the responsibility of taking care of them, so she is very serious, and a bit distanced and doesn't really open up easily. She can seem cold and even a bit standoffish and rude at first as she doesn't have the patience for small talk and is afraid to open up to someone she does not know very well, and this makes it hard for her to develop new genuine friendships or relationships. She can be very kind and caring and attentive, but this is a side only her family really sees. I would love for her to have a chance to heal and blossom as a person and start a journey of allowing herself to be herself and be open to connecting with others, instead of distanced around people that aren't part of her inner circle, but I am not sure how or when this should take place so I am very open to many ideas!

Theia is very gay, so currently she is open for any flings with girls, and she is also open for friendships of course. Though it would be very difficult for both flings to become more than flings, and for friends to get close to her as a genuine friend. Most friendships for her would be more like acquaintances, and people she hangs around but doesn't really talk to or know very well and vice-versa. At least this will be the case right now, but as she grows and starts her healing journey this would change and she would gradually be able to get closer with others. She also can eventually open up at her current point of her journey but it takes a long time, think many years. I am also very open to Theia having band mates and I like the idea of her band being found family and growing very close eventually, but of course being simply band mates at first.

In regards to long term romance, Theia is open for flings more than anything right now though I am open to something serious. A serious relationship would just need to be a very slow burn because of Theia being quite closed off. I imagine until Theia heals she might be too distanced and toxic at times for relationships to develop very far and it would likely end quickly, so it would be a relationship that constantly needs to be worked on. It would be difficult but worth it in the end, maybe, hopefully. I am open to the idea of course!
Carine Vale
Age: 44 Occupation: Academic​

Carine is really fun to roleplay and I definitely want to roleplay her more. She is a dedicated mother and wife and is an academic, she has spent her entire life learning and she loves to read told books and scrolls, and is an avid collector of ancient magical items. She likes to study dark magic in theory although does not practice it as she wants to keep her reputation, and she loves her family more than anything else and will do whatever she can to protect her family from harm. Carine wants nothing more than to see her family happy and be entirely themselves and she actively encourages her children to grow and blossom in their own unique ways. She is from a family who has money and a bit of prejudice, and though she is warm and kind most of the time, this prejudice does occasionally show and she has realised as she gets older the beliefs she grew up with are quite close minded. Carine therefore encourages anything strange and unique and loves to see others express their individuality, and this shows in her friendships and parenting. She can seem intimidating at first as she is so confident and even blunt at times in her honesty, but she really just wants to maintain her own happiness and do what she can to make sure her family is happy as well.

Firstly, I would like Carine to have roleplays with acquaintances and friends who are also into collecting magical items to develop this side of her. I like to think Carine has contacts in this world and she often meets with people who sell or obtain magical items if there is a new item to purchase. I also imagine she has contacts as well in the academic sphere and occasionally meets with these contacts to discuss what they study. As well as this, I think a little while back I organized a book club rp and ended up being real busy at that time to keep it going so I would be down for resurrecting this as well!! Or really I am happy for any opportunity for Carine to build friendships with women her age so she can build a social circle. I am open to Carine developing many different friendships and contacts so please hit me up if you have someone she could interact with!

I am of course also open for any roleplays with Carine's children while they are at school via owl or when they are at home, or any family roleplay so if anyone in the Vale fam has ideas please let me know!
Sylvie Duval
Age: 29 Occupation: Unemployed​

Sylvie is Carine's youngest sister, and is similar to Carine in many ways from their upbringing although Sylvie is far more extreme in her beliefs and actions and this is where they differ. Sylvie in the last while has gotten divorced from her husband in France and has moved to NZ out of necessity to stay with her sister because her family has cut her off, so she is entirely reliant in Carine for a place to stay and for money. Sylvie's parents have cut her off both because of the divorce and because of Sylvie's less then reputable interests, because while her family are prejudiced and encourage the understanding and study of dark magic and subjects that are considered less than reputable in the magical world, they are also part of the elite social scene in France and expect all members of their family to maintain their reputation and social standing. Sylvie as a result of this definitely grew up spoiled and entitled and prejudiced and acts this way as an adult, and to the detriment of her family's reputation rather than simply studying dark magic and expanding her knowledge of it, she also wants to practice it and this along with her general reputation and history of violence and infidelity to her ex-husband has given her a definite reputation. She is of course very judgemental and is not afraid to show this, and likes the finer things in life. She also thinks of people who do not have money or her same tastes as less than her, and at the same time, she also thinks of someone who only cares about money and expensive things is vain and vapid, as she thinks everyone who has money should use this to pursue higher education and art forms. Basically, Sylvie is kind of awful and there is no winning with her, but that's the fun of role playing with her.

I would like general friends for Sylvie if this is at all possible, people who like her have tastes in expensive things and educate themselves aren't afraid to get their hands dirty if needed, people she can judge others with and gossip with, as long as the gossip is interesting. They can of course be partially vain or even mostly vain and Sylvie can keep them around for appearances or just because she cannot find anyone better and they are 'frenemies', whatever is the most fun and fitting for them. Sylvie is also open for flings and being a bit of a homewrecker if needed, because it is just like her to entertain herself by being the 'other woman' and ruining someone else's relationship because she is bored. I do not have anything in mind for her for a longer term, real romance as she is not currently interested in this due to her divorce, and the fact she has never been in love genuinely or had a real relationship, but I am also not against it either. I just think this may be unlikely given Sylvie's standards and personality but hey, if someone has money and is interested in her and their personality is right, maybe it could happen. I am happy to explore the possibility and see what happens!

One more thing I have thought about for Sylvie is applying for her to be part of the Scitorari. This is because I do think from her own interests in magic and seeking of education and the truth, she would appreciate the group's intentions, and she is definitely the type to be in that kind of crowd. I am unsure if I do want to apply for this, but I do like the idea of her seeking out the group out of interest, and some kind of a longer plot of an already existing member attempting to recruit her or becoming her friend and over time she gets recruited. I think Sylvie would be very open to the idea and whether I end up applying or not, I haven't seen a longer term plot like this and I would just love to develop Sylvie's journey to joining the group, whether she will end up joining or not it could be fun to roleplay and explore this. Anyone who is part of the group is welcome to also message me about general roleplays with Sylvie, I imagine if she does not join she will socially be very adjacent to them, so any plots with the members are welcomed.
Valente Espinosa
Age: 45 Occupation: Archeologist​

Valente is my newest character who I haven't had the chance to RP yet, but I totally want to RP him! He is an archeologist who currently lives in the United States, but travels around the Americas and other parts of the world as part of his career. He is the oldest of his siblings and is generally a very warm and kind person. He is passionate about cultural reparation in archeology and returning historic artifacts to their countries of origin, so he works often with museums and he has a general goal for his career to attempt to right the wrongs of the past in archeology. He is a workaholic and is of course very dedicated to what he does and this is one of his main flaws as he often lets his personal life and relationships suffer because he is so passionate about his work and seeking out the greater good in his field. He thinks that other things aren't as important and that his goal is bigger than he is and his interest in his field basically consumes him, so he definitely allows the rest of his life to fall by the wayside and this is one of his flaws. In personal relationships he is distant and even flaky, and unreliable and this is a habit or trait of his he has yet to break. In spite of this Valente is friendly and warm and truly lights up when he talks about his work, I imagine his kindness does redeem him in some ways from his distance. I would love for him to work towards retiring or switching lanes in his career to one that consumes his life less, but I am unsure of the best way to develop this currently.

Generally, Valente is very friendly and I imagine has a circle of work related friends and acquaintances but no deeper friendships because he travels so often and doesn't make the effort to keep up with any longer term friendships. I would also love to role play Valente in a work setting, so he is open to rp with anyone else who works in his field or with museums and history around the world. I think outside of work it would be great for him to have a group of friends that is very distanced from, maybe they are friends from his youth/school and they have a running joke that Valente is never there, because he isn't. Maybe once in a blue moon he actually manages to show up, or he only shows up for weddings or funerals for his friends. He does care about his friends and the people in his life but likely has a reputation for not showing up to things.

Romance wise, Valente is gay and has recently broken up with his long term partner who he works with, so his relationship status is very complicated. He is still currently working on a project with his ex and even lives with him, and they of course have to keep working together until their project is complete, so this is a bit of a sore subject for him. I would say he is not currently open for new romances, though in this department, prior to his current ex I imagine Valente does have a few failed relationships from when he was younger, so if anyone has a fitting character that could be Valente's ex from maybe a decade ago or something for the drama, and for a maybe awkward rp when they happen to run into each other, I am down!

Edit: added ages and occupations to make this clearer!! oopsie :p
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Hello Anna
I hav a few thoughts for you.

For Valente i have Selene. She studied teaching and archeology in the US and maybe they knew each other from there. seeing as she was discouraged from teaching and moved back to New Zealand. though it would be interesting if she still did some archeology consulting work, or maybe they knew each other when she was on a uni field trip. where even though it was a muggle trip and she was not intentionally using magic she gained the reputation of being very lucky with guessing things. so those who knew about magic he probably would have worked out she was a witch and a seer. maybe they stay in contact and she helps out in some dig sites.

For Carine i have Elvera. i feel like they would get on. I haven't RPed that side of her for ages but she certainly has an academic side. and i see her in her office quite a lot reading old books and parchments. It would be interesting to see how they interact.
Anna!! I'm slowly coming out of hibernation so I'm just going to throw out some names and we can go from there haha.

For Miro I have Elise who is Vera's niece. No idea if they'd get along. She doesn't have much of a temper but I could see him rubbing her the wrong way. Or maybe they'd get along fine. That's the fun part of throwing first years together.

For Theia I have Delilah. They were pretty solid acquaintances once upon a time. I think there's a lot we could do with them as either bandmates since she plays piano and violin, or friends. Delilah has a bit of a romance thing going on right now but we can see???

For Carine I have Jelle, who has interacted with her before and I'd love an excuse to write him more. Then I have Aleena whos a widow and trying to make friends now that her kids are grown up and mostly independent. And I would love for some mom and Ulric time now that his siblings are at school and he can get some one on one time with her.

For Sylvie I have Avery who is a Scitorari and I think about her age. He has No Money but I do think they could be very messy together as friends or more.

For Valente it's a bit of a stretch but I have Ernie who might have been at Ilvermorny at the same time as him but I doubt they would have run in the same crowds since Ernie dropped out of school lol. I have a couple other Americans that I could throw at him but nothing very specific to what you're looking for.

Don't feel like you need to follow through with all of these I'm just throwing spaghetti at the wall!

@Professor Elvera Le Fey :hug:

I love the idea of Valente and Selene roleplaying. I think Valente is likely in both the worlds of archeology for magic and muggles, so it would make sense if he was working with a museum in the US at the time and managed to end up chatting to Selene. I can imagine if he ever ends up in NZ he would for sure contact her about work if she needed assistance. He would also likely invite her to any digs he is working on, but currently his project I think isn't in the dig stage and at a different stage. One idea I do have is maybe Valente thinks about becoming a professor/teacher and he can send Selene a letter/organize coffee or something to ask about this field?

I think he would want to look at becoming a teacher so his life isn't always so consumed by his current work but he also doesn't want to stop working, so this might be a bit later down the track at least for when his current project has finished. Maybe we could note this down and once I develop Valente's situation more we can work on an rp? Or if Selene has any questions for him or needs his assistance she can contact him as well, he would be happy for her to send him an owl if she wanted to ask about work.

I do love love love the idea of Elvera and Carine being friends. I think Carine too would have an interest in divination and they basically have so much to talk about in this regard. Could we say maybe Carine and Elvera have been sending owls back and forth for a little while about their studies, but haven't actually met yet so Carine has invited Elvera over so they can meet? and drink tea and talk about all they have been studying lately? and if Carine has a book she thinks Elvera would love vice/versa they can exchange these?

@Poppy Perkins :wub:

I am totally down to throw Miro and Elise into an RP and see what happens, how, when or where do you think they should meet? Could they maybe interact in one of their classes or just after? I am unsure which classes they share this semester but this might be a good place to start. Another idea, is that Miro is friends with Lucy Holland who is also in ravenclaw and maybe while waiting for Lucy he happens to interact with Elise? Or if Lucy and Elise have interacted before we could include Lucy in this? Obviously we would need to check with Rowan if this is fitting or not @Ainsley Lynch

I would love for Theia and Delilah to roleplay, I loved them when they were in school and I would love for them to reconnect, and be close friends. I am happy for them to be close friends if Delilah has something else going on, but we can just roleplay and see what happens. Could they maybe run into each other at a venue/bar and get talking? Maybe they're both tipsy and like get silly and end up talking the entire night? and the next day they're just default friends of course.

I love these ideas for Carine, I would love for her and Jelle to interact again, she would likely expect and want people who sell dark or old magical items to contact her if they have something new in store, maybe he contacts her and she visits the shop to see if she wants to make a purchase?

I think Carine and Aleena are for sure the type to be good friends, do we think they have known each other for a little while as acquaintances but maybe over time become closer? I think maybe Carine is feeling a little bit of empty nest syndrome as two of her children are now at Hogwarts most of the year, and she might feel a bit sad to see them growing up as proud as she is of them, so I think she might try to lean on Aleena for advice/to also see how Aleena copes with her children being independent and grown up.

Lastly, of course I am happy for Carine and Ulric to roleplay at any point, did you have any ideas of ways they could spend time together? I do think Carine does like to spend time in the garden, and outside at their home to take care of their animals. Maybe Ulric is tagging along as she goes to feed their chickens and what not and they just have some quality time? I assume they would at least have chickens and maybe a fish pond with eels or something.

I am down for Avery and Sylvie to be messy, and I love he is part of the Scits, so she would at least want to befriend him for this. I do also like he is a writer, I think Sylvie would want to debate with him who the best writers are and would love to see what he has written just to critique them and I also think she would judge him harshly for having no money, but this is expected. Maybe they banter over it and its part of them being messy. How do you think they would meet? I imagine Sylvie is very bored in her situation and likes to go to bleak street to people watch and read, so maybe this is the right opportunity for them to meet each other.

I am happy to roleplay Valente with any of your characters who are from the states, would any of them spend time in/work in museums, or maybe even journalism? I imagine Valente might sometimes be asked about in regards to archeology discoveries or refereed to as a source possibly as he has been in the field for so long.

Edit: I forgot to respond to the Theia/delilah suggestion I am so sorry!! have added this now x_x
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Or if Lucy and Elise have interacted before we could include Lucy in this? Obviously we would need to check with Rowan if this is fitting or not @Ainsley Lynch
Lucy & Elise are close friends lol so this works for me!
For Miro and Elise I’m not sure I have much of an idea yet, besides maybe Elise watching the clouds and hanging out with her raven and Miro joins her. But I’d be down for Lucy to be involved if Rowan wants.

That sounds good for Theia and Delilah. But I also remembered I have someone else that I can offer Theia, Daisy Vincent who I haven’t rped yet. She might have some tentative plans for the future but for now she is available for some messy relationship things. She just moved back to NZ after a brief and lackluster acting career to start taking over her family’s theater company. So she’s struggling a lot with family responsibility and the idea of giving up on dreams, which I think gives us a lot to work with lol.

For an actual thread idea for Jelle and Carine, I can see him maybe going to her for a second opinion on an item he’s recently acquired “totally legally” and isn’t sure what to do with it. As for Carine and Aleena I think they’ve technically met already but I’d love to flesh out their dynamic a bit. Then lastly, my idea for Ulric is that he is very interested in plants, especially poisonous and carnivorous ones, so that could definitely be something they bond over. And with his siblings at school I’m sure he’s very pleased to have some time alone with his mom.

Yes, here for messy. Especially since his last relationship was pretty wholesome, if you ignore his motivations. But I think it would be fun to have someone pushing him down a darker path. I think they probably met on Bleak Street at the Poison Alter or maybe just crossing paths??

I might have to think a bit more about who might have run into Valente before. But I think we have enough to work on for now haha.

Are their threads you wanted to start with?
I think what probably makes the most sense is for Miro to meet Elise through Lucy, and we can see how they get along? If they do end up getting along then that is awesome, but if they don't it could be fun drama :p I will see what Rowan thinks and see if we can get an rp started for this!

I am down for Theia rping with Delilah and also with Daisy, could we work on both and just see what happens from there? I like the idea of Theia and Delilah running into each other and catching up, how do you think Theia could meet Daisy? I am happy to start either thread with Theia if needed.

I like the idea for Jelle and Carine, I can start a roleplay of her visiting his shop for this mysterious totally legally obtained item =)) For Carine and Aleena I am happy to say she has invited Aleena over for tea or coffee or something to ask about how to handle children growing up and we can develop the dynamic with this.

I like the idea of Carine and Ulric, could we have them just kind of walking around the property? I like to think they have a fish pond with fish that they could take care of, could we say they worked on the garden and are then later feeding the fish and their various animals? Did you want to start this rp with Ulric?

I imagine Sylvie would be at the Poison Ater often because she is bored, so I can start a roleplay of her there and link it to you?
I was thinking Daisy and Theia could meet after one of her show at a bar or something? Daisy is probably looking for distractions and small breaks here and there, and enjoying a local show would be perfect. I can start that one if you want to take Theia and Delilah? Maybe they just run into each other at the mall or something?

For Carine. I'm good with all that. I can start one with Ulric for sure.

And if you want to start one for Sylvie and Avery that would be great!

Of course always available to chat on discord if we want to flesh out the ideas too.
That works for me! I'll do my best to start the RPs when I can :D
Anna hey!

For Miro I can offer Celeste - she may not be the smartest out there but she's definitely really friendly and we could see how they get along!

For Theia - I can offer either Blair, they were friends back in Hogwarts, they could catch up, meet each other accidentally. Up for anything. And I can offer Annabeth as a fling to Theia, Anna is a model, open, out-going, a mom and altogether, just a person for a fling and random chat!

Let me know what you think :p
Hey :hug:

I love all of these ideas. I am happy to roleplay Miro with Celeste, he definitely is relying on his friends right now and when he's not in a bad mood he would be happy to make a new friend! Do you think they would interact after one of their shared classes?

I would love to roleplay Theia with Blair and Annabeth and just see how they all get along. Theia definitely had a crush on Blair way back when, and was a bit bashful as this was before she had really come out, so I think it could be interesting for them to roleplay now!

How do you think Blair and Annabeth could meet Theia and what kind of settings the roleplays would be in?
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Hey :hug:

I love all of these ideas. I am happy to roleplay Miro with Celeste, he definitely is relying on his friends right now and when he's not in a bad mood he would be happy to make a new friend! Do you think they would interact after one of their shared classes?

I would love to roleplay Theia with Blair and Annabeth and just see how they all get along. Theia definitely had a crush on Blair way back when, and was a bit bashful as this was before she had really come out, so I think it could be interesting for them to roleplay now!

How do you think Blair and Annabeth could meet Theia and what kind of settings the roleplays would be in?
Oh, they definitely could meet after their classes! Or maybe they could meet while going to the classes? Just meeting accidentally on their way and starting a random chat while heading to the lesson? I can start the thread

I was more meaning as two separate roleplays as I can't imagine having Blair and Anna at the same place... But maybe Blair could meet Theia at Vibez? And Anna could meet Theia at any of Theia's little concerts and just coming up to flirt with Theia?

That sounds good for Celeste and Miro!

For Blair and Anna roleplaying with Theia, I did mean for it to be separate roleplays and I expected it to be separate, sorry if my wording wasn't clear! :hug:

I do like the idea of Blair meeting Theia at vibes, and Anna meeting Theia at a show, I can start the roleplay for Theia and Anna if you can start the one for her and Blair? Is there any particular bar/location Anna would visit to see a show?
I am unbelievably late to the party but I'm here!


I have a thought- an accidental rivalry, perhaps, with my boy Zaros. Zaros isn't bad... he's just awkward and comes off as meaner than he really is. Though he is hufflepuff... or he could fight with Penelope, she's much meaner, and a Slytherin. Or if you'd like someone nicer, Cauis is in that year and he's determined to be friends with everyone.


I have Rose, who's a guitarist for Ember Records, they could be music friends? Rose was very punk herself, though she's settled down a bit now that she lives with her girlfriend. And if she wants a fling, I have Emily Hastings, who's a more serious horror enthusiast that runs a book shop?

And finally a small thought for Valente: James is only a few years older than him. And we both know James had a very mixed bag of relationships before Colin came along. It could be an interesting thread to explore?
Ahh Jess so many ideas, i love it :hug:

I think we can start with Miro and Cauis, and also Miro and Penelope? Just so he can make a new friend but also fight with another slytherin. I think he would definitely make a few enemies whether he likes it or not =))

I do also like your ideas for Theia, I think Theia needs more friends than anything, so I am down for Rose being her music friend/aquaintence, do you think they would already know each other from shows or something, and organized a drinks and jam session with each other?

Did you have any others ideas to where we should set these rps/how the characters will meet?
Hey Anna!! As I was reading your post ideas were flying in my head =))

Noah x Miro: I see either a friends or frenemies situation! I haven’t yet had Noah interact with someone he doesn’t get along with but it would be fun if Noah somehow came across Miro and Miro is in a bad mood! I think Noah is a pretty optimistic positive guy and he would probably try to get Miro to cheer up and all that xD Noah’s also an alternate on the team so could see him spending time on the pitch quite a lot, practicing. He’s also quite studious - could be good for Miro. Let me know what you think! :)
Clara :hug:

I love this! I think it could be super fun for them to roleplay, and I think if Miro ends up being in a bad mood and Noah tries to cheer him up it will make him even more annoyed and it could cause a rivalry possibly?

I think if Noah meets Miro on the pitch it could go one of two ways, where Miro is just happy to fly so he's happy to make a friend and talk to someone new, or where Miro is annoyed and trying to be less annoyed by flying and being outside, and if Noah tries to bother him when he's in that mood it's just gonna cause problems (which I love :teehee:)

Did you want to start the roleplay or should I?

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