Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y44 S1

Savannah saw nothing.
Rory got closer to the hoops and made an attempt to shoot but it missed the hoops.
Rion followed Rory down the pitch, glad for a chance to hang back. His shot missed, too, but it was still a much better shot than hers. She almost felt guilty as she caught the quaffle - she was taking the opportunity from someone who was actually good at the game - but she tucked it under her arm on her good side and headed back toward the other hoops.
Monday continued to look for another bludger to smack around.
Amauri watched Rory try to score, but it seemed as though only their Captain was capable of that at the moment. Following alongside Rion, she waited for another chance of her own.
Savannah, unsurprisingly, did not catch the snitch.
Reaching the end of the pitch, Rion lobbed the quaffle toward the tallest hoop. And missed. How? Was it the wind? Her aim? Her throw? What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she get it in?
After so much time searching Savannah was finally able to spot the snitch. She chased after it and then finally managed to catch it. She held it aloft with a wide smile.
Amauri was too busy rushing to pick up the Quaffle again to see that the snitch had been caught. She tucked it under her arm and made another lap of the pitch to get a good line up.
Monday flew around the pitch
Xiuying continued to hang back and follow the chasers whenever they had to quaffle, giving them the chance to have a hold and throw of the quaffle.
Michael misjudged a bludger hit and it went way off from anything.
Audrey looked around for a bludger to hit.
Amauri flew up to the hoops, but groaned as she failed once again. No, this would be fine. She could only get better, right?
Michael swatted a bludger away from the seekers and unfortunately it careened into @Rory Styx . Michael gave a sympathetic wince.
Audrey swung deliberately trying not to use any of the techniques drilled into her but it meant she didn't do anything successfully.
Hamish continued his search.
Monday stretched his arms while he flew.
Hamish continued his search.
Michael found himself flying closer to the goals, trying to keep bludgers away from the chasers and the keeper. Crystal taking more hits might have helped the chasers but Michael didn't really want to see her getting hit.
Audrey tried to hit a bludger at the older seeker, but it missed.
Monday managed to find another bludger, and whacked it toward the captain, but it swerved and hit @Rion Pendleton again. He face palmed since that wasn't his original target.
Michael was a bit too slow to try and defend Rion from getting hit and he winced. The poor thing seemed a bit fragile, more than the first years even who seemed totally fine.
Audrey carefully timed a hit that missed its targets but it was closer, she thought.
Hamish continued his search.

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