Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Slytherin

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Ravenclaw,SlytherinThe second game of the season was set to begin in just a few moments. It was the middle of the afternoon on a beautiful spring day, and Reeve was happy to have an opportunity to be outdoors and wnjoy the soft breeze and warm sun. He prepped the field with pep in his step, whistling quietly as he worked. He finished just as the players began to step onto the pitch and stepped aside so they could pick up school brooms if they needed them. Waiting for the captains, the man grabbed his water and took a sip.

OOCOut of Character:
Players: Arrivals only please. Captains: Please be sure your lineups are correct in the QCP!
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Vanity headed over to the Quidditch Pitch for the game. The practice had infuriated her, but thankfully Sunny was just an alternate. Vanity got to play, and she would try to take out her frustration on the other team. Ravenclaw wasn't that good, though... they had won last year. She was still sure they could beat them this year. She hoped so, it would be humiliating to lose to a bunch of nerds.
Lucy felt electric. Her first real match. Nobody's alternate, nobody's backup, she was a full fledged member of her team. It came with pressure though - for how well she had done as an alternate, Lucy could now feel all the expectations on her for her career as a full time, official beater. It was all on, and this was her first and most important chance to prove herself. She gripped her bat tight and twirled it as she joined her teammates, eager to take to the sky and snatch another hard-earned victory.
Savannah knew this game was riding on her, and she was very determined to not let her team down. She arrived to the pitch and was looking towards the captain her broom in hand and ready to try her best to bring them victory.
Enoch yawned a little as he got to the pitch. he hadn't slept well, perhaps in anticipation of this game, but he'd played well in the practice and was hoping to do well here. He wanted to do well here. Quidditch was one of the few things that it was easier to care about.
Sayuri knew that it was unlikely that she was going to be playing today, but still, this was her first game. It was weird how different the atmosphere was for an official game like this compared to just playing around with her siblings in the backyard. Not to mention that she wasn't even playing as a chaser if she were ever to be put on the air. Still, she felt a little small as she gripped her broom, dressed in her Slytherin Quidditch robes, and thought that perhaps this was one of the first times she was nervous about anything related to the school.
Lennox made sure she was prepared for today. The past year she certainly had let other things come before Quidditch. It still wasn't the most important thing in her life, but she knew she had to complete her duties. After all, Lennox liked to be the best in everything, even things that didn't compare to her dream. Today, all that was her focus was Quidditch.

The co-captain arrived onto the Quidditch Pitch. She handed her line up to the referee. She hoped the team was ready for this. Lennox did not plan to lose. She joined her team once everything was sorted. She did not let the speeches. She didn't give them often, unless she had to. "We can win this today. Be aggressive." she said meaning it. They could not let the other team walk or well fly all over them. She was going to mention the new co-captain but she didn't think it was a great idea before a game. She didn't want to throw anyone off. They had to play their best, Lennox expected it of them. She would mention it after the game, hopefully if they won. "Let's play the best" she said, definitely intentionally not saying 'their' best. "and show everyone that Slytherin is earning that trophy this year." She finished. This would be the last year that Lennox could win the trophy and of course, she wanted it.

Seeker@Ignatius Wolffort
Keeper/Co-Captain@Horror Zhefarovich
Beater@Alana Cosgrove
Beater@Vanity Mettlestone
Chaser/Co-CaptainLennox Addison
Chaser@Terror Zhefarovich
Chaser@Enoch Goldewyn
AlternatesSummer Irvine (Chaser), Sunny Day (Beater), Sayuri Edogawa (Seeker)
Michael wasn't at his best at the moment, but he knew he had to put his best foot forward for the team as he couldn't let them down. He handed in the lineup to the ref and then turned to the team with a small smile. "Alright, so we know Slytherin's not exactly got the strongest teamwork, but we can't use that as an excuse to slack off, yeah? Lucy, Audrey, rough the seeker up a bit but once again they've benched their better seeker, so we don't want to have her subbed in." He wasn't going to be sympathetic to Slytherin hampering themselves like that, of course. Not if they wanted to retain the cup. "But more to the point, keep Savannah safe so she can freely find the snitch. Chasers, you know what's up." He nodded and gave a thumbs up. "Let's go Ravenclaw!"

SeekerSavannah Walters
BeaterLucy Holland
BeaterAudrey Beauchamp
Chaser@Rory Styx
Chaser@Lucy Montague
Chaser@Ambrose Webb
KeeperMichael Watson (c)
Alternates@Kharon Styx , @Rion Pendleton , @Violet Owens-Rosemary
Rory was pumped for the first game of the season, it was his last year and he wanted to win and he knew if they won their first game they were in the final. He stood with the team and listened to Michael as he gave his rousing speech. Rory did know what to do and the sooner he could start the better.
The previous season had been a bit of a wash but Alana was excited for the new one. She desperately wanted to win and was hoping they could send their captain off with a cup. She smiled at Lennox as she listened to the older girls speech, feeling inspired.
Audrey swung her bat around, tightening the ribbon in her hair as she got ready to take to the skies. She hoped she'd have a bit more luck with hitting bludgers than she had been of late.
Ignatius was about as green as his robes, but he would just have to get out there and do his best and hopefully get the snitch before anyone else did.
Reeve reviewed the line up cards and then moved forward with preparation for the start of the game. "Welcome all. Today, Slytherin will be defending the North hoops and Ravenclaw, the South hoops. Teams, please keep the game fair. Let's get into the air!"

The referee opened the game chest and released the bludgers and snitch. The ref grabbed the quaffle and headed for his broom. A moment later he was in the air, tossing the quaffle up with a "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game Notes- please read

1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer or need additional clarity to support you, they can PM me.

2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.

3. You should refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.

4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.

5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.

6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
Vanity took to the air and chased a bludger.
Lucy's heart thudded with the blow of the whistle and she rocketed into the air, streaking towards a bludger. Now was the time to prove herself. She didn't hesitate for a second as she swung, and a squeal of delight escaped her as she watched the ball fly clear across the pitch and strike the Slytherin seeker, before he had even had a chance to begin the search.
@Ignatius Wolffort
Savannah flew up into the air and began searching for the snitch.
As soon as the quaffle was thrown into the air Rory raced forward to grab it and started his way toward the hoops.
Alana rose into the air once the game began and immediately started looking around for bludgers.
Enoch followed the ravenclaw chaser who grabbed the quaffle.
Horror mounted his broom and went up to the hoops.
Terror soared after the Ravenclaw with the chaser.
Savannah continued to search for the snitch.
Lennox mounted her broom and flew up into the air. She wasn’t fast enough to get the quaffle yet but she followed the Ravenclaw chaser hoping for a chance to steal.
Vanity scowled as the Ravenclaw beater immediately got a hit in. She tried to hit a bludger as well, but it didn't hit anyone.
Quaffle in hand, Rory continued his flight towards the hoops and once he was close enough he took his shot and cheered as it sailed through.

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