Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff
Reeve was happy to be back on the New Zealand campus for another game. He was able to travel the world to referee the various school games, and they all had their unique traits but he thoroughly loved the landscape of the New Zealand campus. As he entered the pitch, the referee got right to work with setting up the pitch as the stands filled around him. The cheers had been particularly loud the last game and whether that was due to the excitement of the start of the season or some other factor remained to be seen though he hoped the energy would be sustained throughout the season.

Reeve took a quick lap around the two before he noticed the teams begin to head out from their respective areas and he settled back down onto the grass as the captains approached.
OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only please.
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Sofi was an alt and while she hoped she wouldn’t need to play since that would mean Bailey was injured somehow, she was ready to step in at a moment’s notice. As she joined her team on the pitch, her gaze wandered to the stands, where the contrast of Ravenclaw blue and Hufflepuff yellow caught her eye. From a distance, it looked surprisingly beautiful, like the meeting of the sand and the ocean. She brought her gaze back to her team and waited for the captains to speak.
Susie couldn't believe how quickly her first game had come around. Broom in hand, she joined her teammates on the pitch. Up in the stands, students and staff were already gathering to watch the match, some waving Hufflepuff flags, others adorned in blue and silver. Susie waved up at the crowd, trying to spot her friends. She was sure one or two would have turned up. Lilith was here, of course, because she was on the other team. Susie privately hoped she stayed benched. Hitting her friends - especially her more sensitive friends - felt a bit wrong. She'd do it, of course. It was the spirit of the game. You couldn't discriminate with your bat. But she would feel guilty about it.

It was almost time to kick off. "I'm ready to kick some a**!" Susie announced to nobody in particular, flexing her weedy biceps. "See that? Pure strength."
Lilith knew she most likely wouldn't get to spend much time in the game, after all she was an alt and wouldn't want the actual seeker to get hurt just for her to get to play. Never the less Lilith was quite excited as she arrived for the game giving everyone in her team a smile and waiting for things to start, she really hoped they'd win this game it'd be cool even if she wouldn't get to play.
Cyrus' hands were shaking. He had been happy to get a starting position, but now he was starting to wonder if it wouldn't have been nicer to be an alternate for a little while first. He gripped his broom tight and looked around at the stands with wide eyes.
Lucy stepped onto the quidditch pitch, a little bit nervous but mostly filled with excitement. It was her first game as co-captain, but she had seen the improvements in practice and she was looking forward to showing Hufflepuff true Ravenclaw might. "All right, Ravenclaw! We've worked hard for this, so let's show Hufflepuff what it truly means to mess with us! Our victory is in our hands, we just have to grasp it! Let's go!" Lucy said passionately, getting into the spirit of things. This was going to be a good match, she was sure of it.

Seeker@Savannah Walters
Beater@Lucy Holland (Co-Captain)
Beater@Audrey Beauchamp
ChaserLucy Montague (Co-Captain)
Chaser@Magne Kleos
Chaser@Cyrus Thorne
Keeper@Violet Owens-Rosemary
Alternate Seeker@Lilith Ilves
Alternate Beater@Magdalene Grey
Alternate Chaser@Theodore Harper
Jonah was ready. Last year, he'd always felt nervous at the start of every game, but today there was just nothing. He'd practiced really hard, and he wanted to think that he was ready for this. He just needed to get the quaffle and pass or score. Nothing he hadn't done a thousand times before. He could do this. His team could do this.
Lucy was buzzing from head to toe as she made her way onto the pitch, looking around at the stands with new eyes. She had loved every second she spent on this pitch since first year, but there was something special about it now. She was a captain, a leader, with so much ahead to look forward to. Her grin was actually hurting her cheeks as she joined her team on the pitch, listening to Lucy as she addressed the team, clapping when her co-captain was done. It was only then that it hit her that she could talk too, she was one of the people the team was looking to. "Everyone do your best, but more than anything have fun! Quidditch is a game, so enjoy it!" She said brightly, bouncing a little on her toes.
Oz still didn't really know why he was here, he obviously wasn't a very good chaser and kind of tended to hang back a bit and let the younger kids go for it. He obviously wasn't going to play Quidditch beyond school, but he supposed at least he was trying something. He held his broom as he waited for the captains to speak.
Audrey would have at least felt slightly bad about hitting Oz, but everyone else was fair game. She idly twirled her bat as the captains spoke, not feeling that nervous in all honesty. She really wanted to win, of course, mostly to play off against Gryffindor. But she was used to this by now. She just had to go up and hit things, and it wasn't really that big of a deal.
Marley was excited about the upcoming game. She had been buzzing the last few days with excitement. The Hufflepuff stood as she waited for the rest of the team to get here so they could have their little huddle before the game. Marley started to notice the stands slowly starting to fill up which was exciting to see if Marley was being honest. It wasn't long before the rest of the team had gotten here. She greeted everyone. "Hey guys! Alright! C'mon, let's huddle up!" Marley says with a smile as she looks around her teammates. "You guys did great with practice and everything so you'll be just as great on the pitch! Do as much as you can, work as hard as you can, when you're up there! But remember to also have fun!" Marley says as she looks around at the team. She had fully believed in her team, but if they didn't win today, Marley knew it was all okay. "We got this!!!"

Seeker@Bailey Walden-Cade (Co-Captain)
Chaser@Jonah Edogawa
Chaser@Oswald Brambleheart
Chaser@Daiki Saito
Beater@Susie Lagowski
BeaterMarley Owens-Lee (Co-Captain)
Keeper@Callie Cardoso
Alternates@Sofi Ayre (Alternate Seeker)
@Dominic Owens-Lee (Alternate Chaser)
@Charlotte Astor Williams (Alternate Beater)
Theo knew there was a high unlikely chance of playing today, which he honestly didn't mind, but he was happy to watch the game from the sidelines, just in case they did need him. The Ravenclaw listened as the captains gave their little spiel of a speech and Theo knew it wasn't long before the game was about to start.
Bailey was excited, and a little nervous for her first game as co-captain. She felt like the pressure was on her more than usual to win the game and get their season off to a good start. (Really they only had one game and if they lost it their season was over because of the stupidly short season). She listened to Marley give her speech to start the game and nodded along with what she said. Before the players dispersed to get into their starting positions she smiled at her players. "Nothing really to add, Marley covered it well, lets go kick some a**!"
Reeve quickly reviewed the lineups, provided some final instructions to the captains and then sent them back to their teams. The referee cast the Sonorous charm on himself before addressing the crowd. "For today's game, Ravenclaw will keep the northern hoops and Hufflepuff, the southern hoops. Let's get ready to watch a great game!"

The referee released the snitch and bludgers which all quickly disappeared into the sky. Reeve grabbed the quaffle, kicked off the ground and in moments was starting the game with a toss of the quaffle and a "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game notes, please read

1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer or need additional clarity to support you, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. You should refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.
6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
Jonah shot up into the air, waiting tensely for the moment the game would begin. As soon as the referee gave the signal, he shot forward, grabbing the quaffle and making his way to the hoops.
Bailey kicked off the ground and rose quickly into the air as the game started, leaving behind the rest of the players and going off to look for the snitch.
Audrey had forgotten that Bailey was the seeker and did actually feel a tiny bit uncomfortable about having to hit her boss at Heta. Though she didn't have to worry yet, as she took to the sky and didn't see any bludgers immediately.
Marley took off to the air as the whistle went off, though the Hufflepuff hadn't seen any bludgers yet - She hoped this would be better than her practice
Jonah tried to score but had to quickly avoid a bludger causing his aim to be severely off.
Audrey continued to look out for bludgers.
samantha somehow ended up in the quidditch pitch, when she was supposed to be up in the stands...
Marley managed to hit a bludger, and aimed it towards the Ravenclaw seeker, managing to hit her. So far, so good...

@Savannah Walters
Audrey frowned slightly as Savannah got hit, but considering the way training had gone, having Lilith on the field instead wouldn't be a bad thing. Regardless, as a bludger came her way she returned the favour, sending it directly to @Bailey Walden-Cade . At least, she figured, Bailey would understand that it was just part of the game and nothing personal.
Bailey hissed when she got hit by a bludger sent at her from Audre. She grit her teeth as she went back to looking for the snitch. It wasn’t personal, but it still hurt.
Audrey set off after another bludger.

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