Lilith Ilona Ilves

Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)


Lilith ☾ Ilona ☾ Ilves


You taught me the courage of stars before you left
How light carries on endlessly, even after death



Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships

Lyrics from song by artist Sleeping At Last
Dividers and bio coding by Clairey
Last updated date 30/07/24


With shortness of breath
You explained the infinite


Lilith Ilona Ilves
english, finnish
July 21st 2051
Hogwarts NZ
Nurmes, Finland
a mix of Finnish and British
Leo and Leena
Aamos Ilves and Audrey Ilves

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B A S I C ☾ I N F O R M A T I O N


And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist
I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again


Name Details

Full Name
Lilith Ilona Ilves

Name Etymology
Lilith - meaning behind it is "belonging to the night".
Ilona - as a joy; light.
Ilves - Finnish for Lynx

Lili - by family
Lil - by Eoghan
Moon, Luna, Little Luna - by her grandmother

Legal Name Changes
None so far.

Birth & Residence
Date of Birth
21st of July 2051.

Nurmes, Finland.

Lilith has dual citizenship in Finland and the UK.

Blood Status
Half blood. Both parents are magical.

Area of Residence
Hogwarts, New Zealand

Previous Areas of Residence
Valtimo, Finland, she lived her whole life in Valtimo which is a very small town in the North Karelia Region.

English, Finnish, bit of Swedish.

Mix of Finnish and British.

Education & Occupation
Schools Attented
Valtimo Pre-school (age 5-7)
Valtimo primary school (age 7-10)

Hogwarts House


Lilith heard her name called out and tried not to grimace, there was a pool of nerves settled in her stomach. It didn't make a difference that she didn't much care for which house she'd end up in, but she just didn't like the fact she had to walk up there and have the whole school stare at her as she sat on the chair. After maybe 20 seconds of gathering herself and getting over the silly little fears in her head, she raised her chin and walked to the front of the hall, refusing to let anyone else see her inner battles.

As Lilith sat to the stool she could feel the stares of everyone in the great hall burning on her, but she focused on the back wall, determined to get it over with and move on from being the centre of the attention. She let her mind calm with the thoughts of all the amazing things that were awaiting for her after the ceremony and the upcoming school year. All the wonderful new things she could learn, Lilith could not wait to explore the castle and oh gods the library within.

Favourite Class
Transfiguration and Astronomy. Lilith has always had a distinct love for the universe and everything in it so Astronomy plays perfectly into those cards. Although first she didn't know what to expect, Transfiguration has taken Lilith's whole heart with it.

Least Favourite Class

None yet.

Learned Credentials
None yet.

Corporeal Patronus



Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core


Relationship Status
Too young to care.

Lilith has never really sat down and thought about it.

Health & Physical

Physical Condition
Lilith is normal fit to her age, she likes to walk outside and play with her dogs and swim in the summer.



None known.
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Personality & Appearance


I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen
I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time


Appearance Details

Basic Appearance

Resemblance to Parents

Lilith looks like a mix of her parents, without bearing significant resemblance to either or.

Hairstyle and Type
She likes to keep her hair long and it is bordering somewhere between slightly curly and straight, heavily depending on the day. For lessons she likes to usually put it up either on braids, bun(s), ponytail or whatever she pleases in the morning. For her free time she often opts to keeping it free.

She has big green eyes.

Lilith smiles a lot but her genuine smile is one where her teeth are showing, she doesn't like her smile much so it is a rare sight if you get to see her true smile.

Personality Details

Describe your character in five words
caring, empathetic, gentle, knowledgeable, perfectionist

Personality wise, Lilith has always been a kind and loving person. Growing up she spent a lot of time with her grandmother Meeri, those times shaped her character into some what it is today. However even before she could talk she was always described as a smiley child who did anything and everything to make those around her feel at ease and happy. Her grandmother often compared her to the moon, a steady searchlight wandering around in the darkness, bringing light to those lost in there. It has always been an important thing to her to bring light to others lives, she wants to be seen as someone who cares, helps and brings comfort. Often she forgets that she too deserves to be cared for and that her feelings matter as well, it is not only her responsibility to make the world better for others, but to also make sure that she finds it a place worth living in herself.

Interests or Hobbies
Reading and writing
Chilling with her pets


  • strength: text

  • Fatal Flaw: text
  • Major Flaws: text
  • Minor Flaws: text

Values and Driving Force

Deeper into the personality
Zodiac: Cancer
"Nurturing and loyal, Cancers are also protective of their loved ones. While reserved, they stand on a foundation of strength – and aren't afraid to act when they feel it's necessary. Cancers are also known to be an emotional — and moody — sign. Ruled by the moon, Cancer's emotions are as changing as the moon's phases." Lilith is very typical Cancer in her emotional depth and maturity. She is very attuned to not only her own but those around hers emotions and can read them to an extent. She is extremely caring to anyone and everyone she meets, but especially those closest to her will find that there is nothing she would not do for them. Ruled by the Moon, bears another kind of deeper emotional meaning to Lilith as her grandmother used to call her Luna or Moon, she has felt connected to the Moon her whole life and often find comfort in it. Water Sign, much like Moon, she has always felt attuned and connected to the element and it's fluidity.

"As an INFJ (Advocate), you possess a unique combination of idealism and insight that sets you apart in today’s world. Your rich inner life is characterized by complex emotions, vivid imagination, and a deep well of empathy that allows you to connect with others on a profound level. You have an unwavering commitment to your principles and an intense desire to make a positive impact on the world around you.

Your natural ability to understand and interpret the feelings and motivations of others is both a gift and a challenge. While it enables you to form deep, meaningful connections and offer invaluable support to those around you, it can also leave you feeling overwhelmed by the emotions and needs of others. You often find yourself torn between your desire to help and your need for privacy and solitude."
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✧*̥˚ Tracker *̥˚✧

That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes
I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again


"This is where it all began, the adventure of a lifetime..."


Yule Ball
Valentine's Dance

Demi Zephyr, Eoghan Blyth
Eoghan Blyth
Eoghan Blyth
Ondine Physwick
Cal, William, Tori, Eoghan
Eoghan Blyth
Eoghan Blyth
Magne Kleos
Eoghan Blyth
Bunch of first years
Demi Zephyr, Ondine Physwick
Eoghan Blyth
Sybil St.James
Sophie Shepherd, Beatrice Grey
Jasper Beese
Sayuri Edogawa
Elijah Edogawa

History of Magic
Defence Against the Dark Arts

"The adventure continues, but first I must find myself..."
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Character Interview
(January 2064)

What is your name, age, house and year?
Hi, I'm Lilith Ilona Ilves, you wanted my full name or? Oh full name is fine? Okay then yeah what I said, I'm currently Twelve and a second year Ravenclaw!

Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it?
Yes! I actually have a few, there is Lils, Lili, Lil, Luna, Little Luna, Moon and so far I think those are the most common ones. Luna ones and Moon were given by my grandmother, Meeri, and the rest are a mix of family and friend given ones! Lil and Lils were given by my boyfriend!

What do you look like?

I have long brown hair, reaches about the middle area of my chest when open, it is often in it's natural waves. I have big green eyes, think forest green like those evergreen forests, they can be lighter depending on my clothing and the lighting in the room. I am tall for my age, about 5'2 or 157cm, still growing though.

How do you dress most of the time?
Well, when I am not in my school uniform I prefer long and flowy skirts and dresses, then depending on the weather usually either a top or a light turtleneck, if it's very chilly then a nice chunky sweater.

Do you wear any jewelry?
Yes, I always wear my locket that I got from my grandmother as a child. I also like to wear earrings and a bracelet every now and then is a nice touch too.

Who was your father, and what was he like?
My father is Aamos Ilves, he is bold, brave and outgoing. Me and him we aren't as close as I'd like us to be, but we are working on it continuously. It isn't like we have issues, no, I just grew distant from him as a child partly because they kind of just pushed me to stay with my grandmother when my siblings were born. I don't blame them, twins can be a bit of work with full-time jobs and it's not like I didn't love it with my grandma, but just caused me to drift from my father sort of. He is a lot like my grandma though, which makes sense given he is her son, but I see her in him every now and then. It is quite comforting and I hope that we can grow closer again and bring each other some parts of Meeri, I know he misses her too.

Who was your mother, and what was she like?

What was your parents marriage like? Were they married? Did they remain married?

What were your siblings names? What were they like?
Leo and Leena, they are twins. Leo is well he knows exactly what he wants and gets it by any means. He is bold, brave, stubborn but also caring, open and soft, but he only chooses to show that side of himself to a selected few. He is very protective over me and our little sister Leena and I doubt there is anything he wouldn't do for us.
Leena I would say is the calmer one of the two. She is the youngest so in that sense also the family princess. Everyone loves her and treats her like a baby, she hates or loves it depending on the day. She is strong, kind and brave. I love both my siblings and there isn't anything I wouldn't do to protect them, well actually lies. I would never fall into the dark arts but I doubt that'll be needed anyways.

What is your fondest, childhood memory?
Anything with my grandmother, but if I had to choose just one it would be my 6th birthday. It was the end of July which in Finland means the day is long, sun barely sets and it's very very warm. Meeri had made me a cake, my favourite kind Strawberry cream cake. We had had a good day with my parents and siblings visiting, I spent most of my time at my grandma's at that time of my life, after they left she sat me down. We sat by the lake on her backyard and she showed me pictures of my pappa (grandpa in Finnish) and told me stories about him, like she often did. Meeri looked at me for a long while and told me once again, but this time unlike every other time there was something else in her eyes that I couldn't quite grasp. She told me why she called me Luna or Moon. She reminded me that even when I do not see it myself I am worthy and that there will come a time when life will feel dark and directionless, but to look for the light because there always will be one. A light that will guide you through the uncertainty and your own fears, something that will keep you company and show you the way out of the darkness. That same day she gave me this, the locket I wear everywhere at all times. I think that is my fondest childhood memory, as painful as it sometimes is to remember.

Read any good books? What were they?
Yes! I have read loads of good books! It is my favourite hobby, you know to get lost in the pages and stories of worlds beyond this one. I really enjoyed Kalevala by Elias Lönrot, it is based on Finnish-Karelian mythology so it bears meaning to me other than just being the national epic of Finland, it is the folklore of those that came before me and mine too. I also like anything by Jane Austen really and then I love reading fantasy books. While our magic is great and all I love reading about fae's and wyverns, wraiths and all defying love stories with fated mates.

What is something you are obsessed with?

My cat! She is just the cutest and most well behaved little creature I have ever met. I also am quite obsessed with Transfiguration and beginning to fall in love with Quidditch but I wouldn't say obsessed with it. At least not yet? Perhaps even my boyfriend, I mean not unhealthily obsessed you know? Not like my life depends on him and spending time with him, but I do love every second we spend together and the bond we share. There's nobody else I'd rather share these things with or spend my time with. I don't know if it counts to this question because like I said I can definitely manage on my own but like, what do you mean by obsessed?

What three words best describe you?
Umm, well I'd think kind would make that list, did you say three? Okay yeah three sooo kind, studious and perhaps determined? I think? I don't know perhaps you should ask from someone else...

What’s your favorite number? Why?
13, people often see it as a number that is unlucky but to me it is somewhat of a lucky number. Friday the 13th's are usually just if not normal then slightly better than normal days.

What’s the most useful thing you own?
Honestly? You are asking this from a witch? My wand aaaaaaannnddd text books.

Do you have any pets? What are their names?
Yes! Yes I do, I have my very own cat Kuu, she's well you can see her as she is sitting in my lap but oh well. Then back at home in Finland my family has two dogs, Meeri and Mauri and one cat, we used to have two cats as well but you know how life is.

What were you really into when you were a kid?

Have you ever saved an animal’s life? How about a person’s life?

Who in your life brings you the most joy?

Who had the biggest impact on the person you have become?

Where is the most beautiful place near where you live?
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