Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff

Marley looked for a bludger to hit
Bailey didn’t catch the snitch.
Rule 2B

Jonah snatched the quaffle from the Ravenclaw team, and set off avoiding their chasers
Audrey got bat on bludger once more, but Bailey was too quick. The bludger cannoned into @Daiki Saito instead.
Bailey didn’t catch the snitch.
Audrey rolled her shoulders and went after another bludger.
Lucy kicked off with the rest of the team, beaming brightly as she took a moment to circle and get a feel for the game. As soon as she saw an opportunity she closed on the bludger and swung, sighing in frustration as it whooshed right past the Hufflepuff seeker.
Maybe he wasn't as ready as he thought since he missed the goals again.
Audrey caught up with a bludger, but sighed as it went wide.
marley kept looking for a bludger to hit
Lucy saw Audrey's bludger coming her way after missing Bailey and intercepted, shooting towards it and trying to fire back at the Hufflepuff seeker. Her own shot missed as well, but she was pleasantly surprised when the ball still landed a hit on @Susie Lagowski
Audrey gave Lucy a thumbs up, as she went off to search for more bludgers.
Bailey didn’t catch the snitch.
Lucy grinned, pleased to have gotten a hit in, flying wide around the pitch hoping to repeat it soon.
Bailey still didn’t catch the snitch.
Audrey looked around for a bludger to hit.
marley felt her luck had ran short, she hadn’t found a bludger to hit…
Pulling round on a bludger Lucy swung hard, groaning as she watched her shot fly right past the Hufflepuff seeker again. So much for her luck.
rule 2B

Oz was a little slow to get going, avoiding bludgers and letting Jonah get involved. But he couldn't hang back forever, and he swooped in to intercept when the quaffle was thrown back in.
Audrey sent a bludger towards the Hufflepuffs but it didn't go near enough to its target.
Bailey couldn't find the snitch.
Oz wasn't able to get the quaffle past the goals either, seemingly.
Audrey scoured the skies for another bludger to hit.
After the Hufflepuff chaser was blocked, Cyrus caught the quaffle as it was thrown back into play.
Savannah was near immediately hit in the game, but continue to search for the snitch.

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