Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw

Audrey looked around for a bludger to hit, wondering if she'd have to apologise to Teddy later. She probably wouldn't.
Lucy fetched the quaffle as Michael threw it out. She couldn't keep up with everything, but she couldn't say the game seemed to be going badly. The teams were tied, but Lucy was optimistic as she made her way back over to Teddy, pretty sure the same trick wouldn't work twice. She had to come up with something new.
Josh quickly followed the ravenclaw chaser who had possession of the quaffle.
Santiago looked for another bludger to hit.
Lucy sidled up to the hoops, trying to figure out how to throw her shot. She aimed for the left hoop, but her throw missed. She made a face. At least she'd gotten one in the time before.
As he pulled his broom around Rāwhiti caught sight of a flash of gold below him, but in the time it took him to drop into a dive it had moved on, and he couldn't see it anymore as he looked around.
Lucy chased after a bludger as the seeker started to dive, desperately hoping to stop him.
Josh got possession of the quaffle as it was thrown back into play and headed towards the hoops on the other side
Audrey was kind of impressed at how the Gryffindor seeker seemed completely impervious to bludgers. She wondered if he had some kind of secret charm on that meant they avoided him, but more likely it was a combination of his good evasion and her poor aim.
Michael was briefly distracted by movement with the seekers, but quickly refocused on the quaffle. He trusted his team to do their jobs, he had to stay focused on his own.
Rāwhiti levelled out of his dive, below most of the rest of the players now as he tried to see where the snitch had disappeared to.
Lucy caught up on a bludger and swung hard, but the seeker pulled out of his dive and the ball flew uselessly through the air he would have been occupying if he had kept going.
Michael kept a cautious eye on the field, scanning to make sure all his players were holding up okay, before returning his focus to the Gryffindor chasers.
Audrey thought she might have had a clear shot on the chaser at least, and then if she aimed for him it might veer off to the seeker somehow, but neither player was in danger from the bludger.
When Josh was close enough to the hoops, he threw the quaffle towards the right hoop and it managed to sail right through the hoop, Josh cheered as it sailed through!
Above his head Rāwhiti saw Josh score, pleased that his team were doing so well even if the snitch was eluding him.
Lucy kept one eye on the angles between player and ball as she caught up with a bludger, and to her delight this time when she swung the ball went exactly where she wanted it, striking the Gryffindor seeker hard. She cheered, adrenaline flooding her - she had made a real hit in her first cup match!
Audrey beamed, giving Lucy a thumbs up as she saw the bludger connect with the seeker - guess he wasn't impervious after all - and flew after a bludger.
Michael silently cursed himself for losing focus - trying to keep an eye on the players and do his own job at the same time was hard - and threw the quaffle back into play.
Santiago kept up his search for bludgers.
Lucy scowled as the quaffle made it through the hoops - that older chaser wasn't playing around, and neither was she. She fetched the quaffle and turned swiftly to go after the hoops on the other side of the pitch.
Michael cheered Lucy on as she headed down the other end towards the goals.
Audrey hit a bludger directly towards the seeker, but the shot was a little off. Instead, the bludger hurtled towards @Santiago Torres , evidently hitting him before he could react to deflect it with his own bat. Well, stopping the beaters was also good, she figured.
Josh quickly followed the ravenclaw chaser, who had possession of the quaffle
Lucy made her way, grinning at Michael's encouragement. She could do this. Getting closer to the hoops, she went to score - failing to get it in. Drat.

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